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Liberty National Convention

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The last Enrvtncipator tws n furlhnr corresponderice of menibers of the Niion.1 Co'inni.lee on this sub eet. Ahan Stewarl, erf N. V., is for holding thn meeling al BuiFulo, this fal!, b}' all means. S. P. Chnsé, of Ohio, replies in a different nntine.' fVoin tho other members ; : ■ he seeins lo speak for the Liberty noen of hi-fStale, we subjúin tlio inalerial portion of his letter, 1! atour renders miy have an iilna of llie courso they are contemplaling. " Sü f Vi as I havo been able to ascerta;n, the scnse of ihe Liberiy men in . it is in favor of deferring the noraiination nntil May or June, 1843, and Buch also s the inclination of my ow 'judginpnt. Upon a compnrison of advontsges, and disadvanhiges - and the qnestion is one of expediency only - tlic balance seeins to me to ue in favor of th;;t conrse. Were it olhèrvvise, how r, in .: fudgment, I could nol witli propriety, without different inf' rmaiion as to the slata of opinión among our frionds in t h i =■ Stnle, concur in calling a Convention at nn earliér period. 'Iuould, however, cheerfully unite I in a cali for a eonvention to be held this fall, to take uto considerntion i he presenl aapecí of thc Anti-Slavery cause,and to adupt such measures. eilher by the nominal ion of candidatos for the Presidency and Vice Presidency, or otliewise, as shall.upon full cousideration and comparison of views, be deemed bcst adapted 10 adv.atíce thc causo of Frcedom. Such a Convention asembled f rom all paris of ih'e country, would best denote the truo sentimen'.s of the Auli-Slavery masses, and its decisions would, nossibly, be received with confidence, and acied on wilh vigor. " Such a Convotri r, in my jodgnien!, shoirid be composed of all lione.-t opponenis of Slavery, willing to exert ihe power of tlio billot for the overllirow of tho great evil. The place for its assfiinbling, reco nmended by honsiderations wliich seem lo me woigbtier, is l'it'sburgh, where no great general convenli'in has j-et been held, nnd whei-e thfi most numerous delegations may bs exprcte.i from Wesiern Virginia, Keutuckv, Mïd 01 her Stales in simiinr circuiDslance?. The time should not be later than the first week in October. Qupstions of grnat imporlance, and all if ihoughl best, niight be dete'rtnined by the majorily of rötca, the delegntes from cacli State, or a mij ii'ity of thevn, casling its votes éqtlál in numbfer (o the nutnber of iis electors, 0r tliereiu as the conveniion itself should determine." Gen. Iloit, of New Hampsh irc, is for i Conyantion ei'ly next May, a liitle previous to tho other National Conventions. at Búllala. lie savs, in favor of ; Lis, - " The is!ie of ihe present war, and the olicy of the né.xi Congress will be I" ■ 1 1 1 ■ knuwn, and ivr shall be pfepared to act more undersinnrlingly, and parhaps in ir ■ in barmony iban we could in the coming autiiran. " Thré was the unnnimous opinión of a couvcntioii holden at Concorci, in this State, Inst '.vic!;. or wesk befóre, ns I am advised. lürieed, 1 mn unwilling my iian:e slxiuld bo aflixcd tb i cali at au earier time." The following letter f'-om Charle II. Stewart nppears in iha correnpoiidencr, in üch'álf of Miubig m. "Detroit, June '22, 1847. Mi Dnir Sir : - Our friend, Judge Stevens is dead some years. 1 haveseni your Leiter lo CheMer Gurney, Hsq , C'entrevillo, hUldw pai'tnei', nn active and devoto. I Liberty muí, now Chairman of llie Central Cómrnitlee. and liítely to be our condidíüe fur (overnor. Kh lor mysell', I was lasi ypar Charmrm oí' tho Comfhittéè, nnd g'ot sucli a lYmney, nudoílier pealing, that liko n snail I mu ];il to drnw into niy shell. For mytrlf, I s:iv no.t tring tlie lime, and liuíl'ilo tío placs. A Mass Convention Por delibemtion liut tl;e States to vote by delegwlion, rqual to Congre-sional repre"Nct piring i.s caily etougb". we want the enlightenment ofihree things -ni' i lis la'l e'e-tioiis - of the next Congiess - and, (to ue a buil) of the sliadenes ( ) oí coming cvoiiis - i. e., some iiitiniation uliat tío otlier partios inay do, Wo v:.nt also to wiluess what may oceur in t!is cventfid period - what Br. Iel] muy do, &e. 1 Teei that the s ri ig is ful! eaily. ■ Buttulo is alioul central in fact. - The bul; of Ant-Slavery men are nnst. 'l' can easily gct to BuOMo. Ohio, Michigan, Indiano, Wiscont-in and Illinois, have ensy access to it, and che:'. In spring thy wil! all be going to it on Iheir wav east. " Novei' was o time we so nmcli neoclcd dclüior ilion - .1 fu!l and frank intcrrn;iiiM of opinión : and a secmg of ODfi and ;;no:lier, a taUing by the hand, &c. For thjs, a MassConvenlion is neces-arv. Vct it may b8 t lia t, tú satisfy all, especiully tlio young West, slie would be belter plened lo volé on t!ie democratie principie ufan equal ivprescníalion, especinlly as al Bullido, llin New York nienibers alone would swallow up lbo o'.ber members. For in}:sclf, I lo ve order and good ileinr.crncy, nnd deein it csscntinl lo n fait' gaíliering of the i'fal sentiment of iarly, tnat tl ie vote should bc On the delegation principie - otherwise the acts of ilie b'dv wou'J be the acls of a section, and woul I fail n llieir due ueigh:. I gay thei), invite m all to delibérate and lo consult, and lo sny iheir saVi ar)d then let the delpgalkm, or other proper bod}', oí' the meiobers from each State designóle ibe vntiug delégales. Bul in thi,as in all else, I cordiaüy say, niv voice is but one - and omen to the decisión ofihe mnjority. ' Us? Ihc name of Chfsler Gurney, of Centreville, Si. Josepb's Co., Michignn, in place o( Stevens, and for so doing (his bs youi' Yours, &c, CHAS. [I. STEWART. Rsy. J. Lkavitt." Owen Lovfjoy, of Illinois, is for a Convention al Cleveland, next September or October. He does not desire ti wait for any party " developemenls", and axpeets r.o candidates will be nominated unless they bfi persons now in the party. No oílicial cali for a Convention has vet Bppeared. We presume it wil] be shorlly for;iicoming,as eight of the twelve members of the Committee are in favor of an early nominal on.


Signal of Liberty
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