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The Carlisle Slave Case

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Il seems ihnt nll the ppöci-eding-i by which llio fugilivé lave in Carlis'e, Pa.. was recentl y surrendered to his master, wt-rc illegal, aii'l directly contrary to the stalute ol'thnt St.-iifi passed last winter. - Hul neilher law ver?, jndges, op constables in Carlisle had ever lieard of the enactniont of that law, ulthough Carlislo is less thsn 25 miles froin Ilnrrisburgh. IIowover, tlio rosee utions commenced will tend to refreeh tlio memories of all the pa rties concerned. The Washington l'a1 ïiot nforms us that ihe slavoholdcr was e.onsiderably injnred, his head beingmuch bruiscd, andilie cap of his knee broken. Several of the negroos were als-o injnred. Proseculions ter riot have heen commenced against the nrgroes who participated in the rescue. Prof. McClintöck is chargpd with ineitinglhem to the wOrk, telling tlioin to "go on," "he vpnM sce them throiigh," "they were doing right," (Sic. This his frienrïs deny, nnd the Professor asks a suspension of opinión until a legal investigaron is lind. The magistrate who committed thn negroes for i-iot, has been pvosecuted, fur commitling tliem illegally ; and .ludgf llcpburn has also been prosecuted for tal;ing cognizance of the ca-c, in violation óf the law pased last winter, which for bids judges to entertain any npplication for a warrant remove fugitivo slave?. Such are the natural consequences o attempting to enforciTtlie law of slaverj in a free community. Violence, s'rife law suits, contentions, blood-shed, ant maiining for life, were the results of the accursed institution in this single instancc (ajs A cotemporary informa us thn thcre are 54 newspapers publislied in thi State, of whieli 30 are democralic, 14 Whig, one Liberty party, and the remaining nine are neutra], flie Whig an Liberty men together comprise one hal the votersf the State, and vet they have but one third the nurnber of papers. - The reason of this is found, not in the superior rendii.g propensities of the Democrats, for, in lhat respect, they are bebind both Wliigs and Liberty men: but in the fact that many pubüshers, in establishing newspapers, find it for pecuniary interest to give their poütical support to the Democratie party. CC?3 The Detroit Advertiser has a noiiceof ihe ei-ection n Newburgh, Lnpeer couniy, of nn extonsive starcb factor}', 200 i'eet in length, by a company of gentlemen from Vei-monl. The business was commeneed last fall. The starch is made from potatoes. The rot in the potato erop last season, was a serious detriment, the factory being under the neces&iy of throwingaway some 30,000 bushels. Considerable slarch, however, was mnde and carried to St. Clair through the winter for shipment east. The companv now have conlracts with the farmers in he vicinity, for raising 100,000 bushels at 10 ets a busbel, which thev will turn nto starch as soon a? the cro rlpens. The soil in tiiat vicinity is well cclculated br ihis root.


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