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-The tearing of fue oíd buildings of the Bank of North America at Philadelphin, has brought to lightseveral relies of the óldsn time. The Evening Bulletin has been fiirnished with a copy of the American Weekly Mercury dated Nov. 23, 1728, found in a corner of the garret, frorri which itextracts the following ndvertiseroent : " Just nrrive 1 from London, in the ship Borden, Wm. Herbert, conimindor, apircelof young likely men servanls, cotwistingof llnsbundmen, Joiners.Shoetnukers, Weavers, Smiths, Brickmakers, Hricklayers, Sa w vers, Tailors, Stavmakers, Btitchers, Chaiinnkers and sevoral othsr traies atid arfe to bé gold vei y rcaionable ther for rendj Money, Wheat, Bread or Hoor, lv Kdw fd Horne.PMlodi (pliia. ïlie Dily Chronicte bos beon s':oim ar. ♦Bciaul Fteach c -.rfrkige m found in the vault wii re the recie was deposilad ihat ft"a sent over to this country from France during our Revolution, and on it is blazoned vory coospicously the French coat of arms, with the 'fleur delis,' &c, in gilded stampeü work. It is an antrquaied cutty affair, but very curious. The Bank of North America was one of the enrliest banks estiblished in the country, anJ at the time of the Declarntion of Indepeudence was the principal monetory nstitution in the cdonies. Shocking Munter. - Mr. Thomas Jefferon Green, an old resident of this oounty, says the Yicksburgh Sentinel f the 3Uth uit., was murdered on Tuesday last by two of liis own negroes. It appears tliat he was held by one, while the olher despatclied him by repeated blows witti an axe. Tliey then took the body to a suita'jle spot, nnd cut a tree so that it feil directly torosa it, arjd came to the house with the report that the tree had so fallen without design. A little examinaron elicited the true facts, and a confession frum both the murderers. No cause is assigned. Mr. Green was a kind niaster nnd a most estimable citizen. The negroes were brought to this place, and lodged in for trial on Wednesdoy. Religión in the South. - Rev. Mr. Backus, a Baptist minister, attempted to slab Rev." M. l)u Bose, at Bradford Springs, S. C, on the lüth uit. with a pocket knife, and nearly succceded. Cost of War in India. - A Bombay correspondent of the London Norming Herald estimates the gross charges of the tliree great Indian wars belween 1827 and 1847, at thirty-nine millions of pounds sterling ; or nearly one hundred and ninely-five millions of dollars. A Faithful Messexger. - Mr. Solomon Hays, who is in the service of Messrs. Livington & Wells,ExprPss forwarders, has travelled on railrnad and river since 1829, without accident, 482,560 miles! He has neyer missed a trip, and has carried safely for his employers, at a moderate calculation, during those 18 years of service, 558 mitlious of dollars without the loss of a single cent. - TV. Y. paper. Roman Catholic Decree. - At the recent Roman Caiholic Council held in Baltimore it was decreed that no member of tho Romish Communion should belong to any secret society whalever,under pain of excommunication. The Romish Council is the highest ecclesiastical tribunal of that church in the United States, and its decrees are of course binding upon all their members.


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