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The Mexican War

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It may not be untitnely, at ih is moment, to take a brief view of the infamous and treasonable'wnr in which the United States are now involved, and for the support ol which we are paying liundreds o] millions of dollars and thousands oflives. 1 peiTeclly understand nnd aparecíate the ground nssumed in asserting that the war is Ireasoaable and infamous. H is infamous because it is an ojfensioe war of conquest, begun and prosecutec avowedly for the unholy, de'.estable, antircpublican, anti-christian purpose, of conquering territory from a free, hut fetble dittranted sister republic, on which to ex tend tlie arca of American Slavery - nnd thereby perpetúate the worse than deppotic powor of an oligarchy, comparec with which the worst days of Nero or Domitian, or the bloodiest scènes of the French Reolution, form scarcely a parnllel. When I say it is an offensive war, I mean what I say, and here throw down the glove to any person who is desirous to enler the lists, in a discussion of that assertion. It is trcasnnahle, because, lst. lts object nnd tendency is to overturn the Conslitution of the United State?, by defetiting the great fundamentnl principie of equality of sufTrago and representation, in adding to lbo area of properly representation in one part. while excludod in others : 2d. lts every step directly verges to the prevalence of despotism, through standing armies and the increase of ignorance ; but above all, by familiarizing the people to tho principies of reckless, uncontrolled licentiousness and lawless power, which, as a patrio! of revolutionary days justly said, is calculated "to deslroy lhat reverence for Liberty, which is the vital principie of a republic." Perhaps some persons will e.xpect, from the commencement of this article, that 1 will give a detail of the progress of the war from its commencemtiiil. Not so - the hear' of benevolence sickens at the thought of the thousand?, not onlv of American citizsns, but also of Mexican men, women and chiklren who have been murderr.d ! bulchcred ! ! by American womék-whippers, cradle-rohbcrs and land ■pirales, for the very benevolent purpose of converting the free soil of Mexico into a vast slave prison - an almost interminable extent of moril desolation, amalgnmntion, vicennd tjrshnjr. Does any one yet doubt, (after the avowals of Tyler, Polk, Calhonn, Walker and ot'nersprior to, and at t'ie time of the consummalion of the Texas annexation villainy and outrage) what was the oliject of that annexntion, and the war which they intended should, and which has grown out of it? If there be one yet so verdanl, let him examine the Wilniot Proviso discussions last winter in Congress, and the gubernatorial letters and documents from Virginia, Mississippi and Georgia, the resolutions of some dozen slaveholding slaie, district and county conventions, and some thirty editon'als from leading papers of the slave states during the last three or four months. He wil thus be convinced, despite all his unvvillingness, that this war, is a scheme expressly concocted and cirried out for the extensión and perpotuation of slavery, and for the purpose of robbing northern hard handed industry of her inillions, to be squandered by southern recklessness and extravagance. He will be convinced of another mosl important fact - viz.: That thera is now no issue bet ween Whigs and Pemocrats in this nation, excepta mere scramble for ihe loaves and fishes of office and place - and that in favor of slavery the southern States, ('that is the power, being the slaveholders) have alrendy rietermined to abandon all other issues, in fnvor of what they rightly assert to be the only important question- Slavery !! Alas! that so many should b found in this land of professed republicanism, North ns well as South, to take the side of dospotism, li. centiousness, ignorance, outroge and wrong ? I may examine this and kindred sub jectb more at large heieafier, if you can allow me a corner in the Signal.


Signal of Liberty
Old News