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UUR AOVERTISUllS. Uncler tliis head, wo publish, free of charge tlie name, rcsidence, and business, of üiuse who ■idvcriiec in the S"7. Ar. &M Liukkty. H. Krause, Ok Bark, Ann Arbor. Maynakos. Drugistp, Ann Aibor. T. A. JIwir.AM). Macbintft, Ann Arbor. W. W'ilkI.iso, Tailor, Ann Arbor. K. W. FoaTjtB Si Co, Manufacturera, Scio. E. II. Grovk. Real l.s'.rr. Ann Arbor. Wsi. Waoreb, Merchnnt Tailor, Ann Arbor. C 1'iciUKTiK. Gold Pens, Detroit. !) M'Inthik. Insurance, Ann Arbor. W. W, Dkxteb&Co', Jeweler, Dexter. '1'. II. Akmstrokg, Uats, Ac, Üetruit. ükcki.evs & Thomas, Meichants. Ann Arl)or R. B. Ghzikk, Farm lor Sale. Ann Arbor. S. W. Fostkk. Threshing Machines. Scio. Comstock & Sktmiur, Merchant, Jackson. 'I'. II. Ai-M TROH6, Hat Store, Detroit. J. Gibson & Co., Merchint, Ann Arbor. C Clark, Law Óflice, Ann Arbor. .'■ V. J.ewis. Urokcr. Detroit. K. G. Borger, üentisi, Ann Arbor. C. Jïi.tes, Jewelor, Ann Arbor. i J. Iï. Crank,. Insurance OlTice.Ann Arbor W. F. Si'U' Marble Yard, Arm Arbor. I). I'aknev, Temperanee lluuse, Detroit. Cook & RoBIB8OS, flarncss Makers, Ann Arbor. W. A. Rithond, Merchant, Detroit. J. M. Browh, Stoves, Visil;inti. M. Wuiiti.Eii. Mrcli8nt, nnn Arbor. M. W. Wn.i.K-i. Hardware, Ann Arbor. S. I). JïuitSKT. Dennst, Ann Arbor. STBTtlia iV. Zvoi, UplinUterers, Detroit. W'm. tí. lïitov.v, Attornev at Law( Ann Arbor. S, Shoe Store, Ann Arbor. .1. W. Tu. Mus. C.binet Ware, Detroit. Hallock & RatKcmto, Cloibing Store, De troit. In-g.u.l1!,, & FtsiiEK, Sieani Mili, Ann Arbor. i}{ DOZ. Blood's C radie Scyihes, ádXJ SO " Wadsworth's ' ' " 30 " Blood's Grass " 15 ' Jenk's " " Kl'J Burnett's. Hogers' &Curtiss' Crndles, 100 Lameon's Grass Scylhes, 10 doz. Tower's Hoes, 1000 Ibs. Coil Chain from 3-16 to 5 S in. 4(1 Log Chain, Hay Kniveg, Uush Hooks. Ilay, Bftlioy, and Manure Fork?, and uil otlier fartning Utensils, just leceivednnd lor sale at Detroit prices at the Anvit Store. Upper Torn. HfcNRY VV. WELLES. July Ist. 184?. 325 5TOiNS "Swedes" IRON, 10 ' '"Jsiiiatft" do. :! " "Peru" do. Togellier wiiha full and complete sssortment of [ron, 'Steel, Carriae Trimmings. iilacksmith's and VVnzgon Mnker'a T00I3, just received at the Anvil Siore, Upper Town. HKiNRY W. WELLES. July I. '47. 3-25 Cali and Settle ! TH1S is to notify all persons indebled to rhe late tirms of llallis, P.irtridge &: Co., and II. I!. Marris & Co., lint their notes r lelt in the hands of .lames 15. Gort, Ksq., Jusice of ihe Peace, for CuUectiOQ As ihese ñ ma re now diísiilved. it is absoluiely tuccsscry ihai heir uutstanding matters sliould be setiled ris soon a practicable. 11. B. Il ARK ld. Ann Arbor, July 12th, 1S47. 3J5 3m Tc nip er an cc Ho u se! BARNEY'S STEAMBOAT HOTEL. DETROIT, MICH. Dj Gü to PO ptrsóns enn he ac.conmodatcd willi (.vn aiul n infurta, ' In fnre. CHARGES MODERATE! A first rnte Covkhki Omnibcs wirh Rggaok V-,(í(,ün alwnys on liami y'rci ÍV1kals1:5 cents. Notk - Th' namti of t'ie hom e i-t mnkcd on ific omnibus in ui'.t l tters. Don't mlstAJES. rïlIIE Steamboat Hotel in Detroit bas boen Kepi rnorc ihan a year on the strictstt f-ii)jerntcp, ]lan. and a gooJly number ut I'utriotic Temperance men hfive patrón iïed it. lïut, w(! nre cjinpe !-jd lo soy thm many. ver many, Tem pera nee men. wheti tlicy lm ve visi:ec Detroit, have nol even eell;d n iniuh aa once o se whethor onr bottae wa worth paironizing In itioftl case wc ate inclired 10 believe tliis ne gleci Ei ns nul Itcen intcimoivil; liut itiey Iinve no con-sii'creiJ ihe Important trearhtg such a cour&e wuuld have on tl, e great c;mse of Tcnipernnce. - I)o8 not respoiisibiiiiy rest ainnewhcre? Is i nut the diity of Tem pero ace men to patrnnize Tontpennca ) louwa? 345 6 w vi J' i '' u sfiV ""NEW COOKINO S'l'Ö VE] AND BTOVES OF ALL KINDS !!!!!! THE Sulisccibcr would ca!l tho aliention of the public lo WOOI.SOn's rKV HOT Mñ C00K1NG STOVK, wliich ihey can oonfidently reoommend as Lwinf ílecidedly superior lo any cooking etove m iM For limpliciiy n uperntida, econotny ín lúe!. and for iincquulled biking nnd ronstnifi qunliiief ii is uurivaled. Tlie ncw and mporufll iin provement introduoed in its oomi uction being biicIi as to ins'jrc greal advani.iuta over all oiher kinds of couking KOTfl. Thoaedeeiroiis ot getiina; a good cookinc Itow for faniily use. or a piíbiú' li.nise. would do well lv calling and cxnmining tlif almve Fiove belorf niirc!iaBÍns íhewherei J. B. A W.R. NOTES, Jf 324 vi; Woodward Ana JAÍILS BIRNKV. JOHN W. 8HIEI.DS. BIRNEY & SHIELDS, ííttonieBS aitit Touiwe'.lors &t Hato, ANU Solicito in Chaneery, CORNER OF MAIN AND COURT STREKT, CINCINNATÍ, O. J 11. Ctimmissioner tf Dceds and Depomtions for íie íítate of Michigan. Hardware. THE sub. cribéis have jusí receiveda lnrge nd. iliti.u) to ilieír stock of Foreign and Duinestic Hhelf Hardware, which makea iheir os8'rtmont very complete. B B. & W. R. NOYES JrJuly Iflih, 1847. 324 TOOLS. - Carpenter's, Cooper's and Juiner's Tools fur sale by 4 B. B. & W. R. NOYES Jr. NAILS.- 150 kegs Eastern Nails for lur s:il by ■4 B. B. &. W. R NOYES Jr. Clieap Jewclry Store 157 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and Rctail. Til Lí subscriber has just returned from New York wiih a largo astortment ol' Gol! and Silver Watchos, jeweliy, tnols, materiiil.s, toyy, musical instrumenta and íaney good, whieh he will sell ai wholesale or retnil as ow as any esiahlishment wesi of New York. Couniry VVatcli Makers and others wanting any of iho above Godswill find ii ti iheir inti rest to cali,, us thi'y will find i be bebt assortment in llie city, ind al lite lowest prices. GOLD PENS, wiib silver holder and pencil $2 00. Piice Reduced. Gold and Jewelry REPAIRED H. B. MARSH. 157, JcfTerson Avenue, Detroit, ? ciign of the Go Pen. J 324 STÍOVELS, Snades, Hoes,Cradlës and Scythea. Rakea and Scythe Stones.for sale at 324 MAYNARDS. ROCER1ES.- We cali particular vJT auention lo our stock of Grocenes.whicU ís tile Inige8t an i best selected ever brought 'o th? village, and will be sold at Wholesale or Ret lil very Iow lor pay. 324 MAYNARDS. TEAS. - Oíd Hyson, Young Hyson, Imperial and Black Teas, ail tíne and fresh. at 324 MAYNARDS. SUGARS.- Loaf, JLump, Crushed", I'ow'd, St. ('roix. nnd Porto Rico Sugar, all nf superior qualities, extremely Iow at L21 MAYNARDS. WINKS - And other Spirits warranted pure. a large stipply for medicine nlyat :i'J4 MAYNARÜS. OLD PORT VVINE- which we recommend paiticularly to invalids for ita quality - z good supplv at 34 MAYNARDS DRUGS AND MEDICINES.- The etock ííj now complete, among wluch may e found every article wanted by families or physicians. Pleaee to recollect that every article sold by us is warranted lo be genuine. H24 MAYNARD3. 1 Í1O 0UNCES QUININE, for sale T.l-' Iow. Physicians can depend at alt mea on finding a supply on hand at 334 MAYNARDS. PAINTS, Oils, Varniih, Spirits Turpntine, Brushes, Glass, Putty, (ílaziera, Jiainonds, &c. A large stock for sale Iow at 34 MAYNARDS. TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. We luve the Wholesale ageney of this usily celebrated medicine. Two groas jut re. ceived. 334 MAYNARDS. SOAP, Sperm and Tallow CANDÏIs alvvoyson harul very cieap at 3-4 MAYNARDS. BRICK. - We have on hand 300,000 fistqualiiy Brick. and prepared io furniah iny quaniity wunted, very Iow for cash. 324 MAYNARDS. IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORK. N THE PRES?, A NKW AND F.N r.ARCF.D KDITIOrf OK Pi'esident's IVIcssagcs. Iu tiro handsomc volumes, 8ro - íhewhole colecled from official documents, by Er WILLIAMS, Esq. COJYTEWTS. 1. The AddrepsnsTind Messoges of the Preoilenis of the Uniteil St.ites, (rom Washington to l'olk ; with a copiows analytical index to the snuif, oí eubjuets. tiatnes utid dates. ■J. n nwiUNt of íhe inaugurntion of each ['resident, and r brief notice of the principal political evcniso! hisndminislration. 3. A Hiographical sketch of each Presiden!. 4. Dcciaraíion of Indepenrience. 5. Árdeles of Cunlcdcroiiuri, with a brief history of the events aed circumstances which led ii ihe Union of the Blata, and the formatiun ol lh Consiiiution. 6. Cohstiiution of thc United States, with nolef and referenecs. 7. A synopsis oí the constitutions of the several Simes. 8. (hninological tahle of historica) eventa in ihe United Stntes. 'J. Tables of llie Members of the Cabinels o{ the variou8 administrations, MinÍRierit to f'r eign comunes, and other ptincipal public otiicers. II). BtstUtical tables of commerce and population II. With portraits of the Presidenta, and the seids of tlie SU States. This vork J9 indispensable lo the Americon Statesmon. and cvery lover of hts country, formng ns it dors nn unbroken link of ilie hietory uf ihie grein llepublie. WANTKD, in e"ery town and villaga in ihe United Siaies, responsible men to procura siibsciilicrs, tod onngt' in the salea f tbr abovo worka, to wlioin a very liberal per centage will be allowed. Counlry Newspiperg. cnpying ilie wliole of ibis adveriifíiftt ent, and yiving il six inside inscrlioiif, sliüll lie enlitlei) lo n copy of ilie abovo workfi - til wbo may coniply with Mie abova terna, will pitase aend a copy "I ilie paper, ach time ol insertion, to the ptiHishfir. Addiess, K. WALKER, 221. fiw 114, Fulton St. New York BLANKS" Warrantv Deeds, Quit-Claim Deeds, mortgagks, Chattbl Mortoageb, SuMMONRES, subpcenas, Attachments, ExKCITIONB, Leases, M asters' Deeds, For.ErLO8ÜHE8 IN ClIANtERY, Marriace Certificates. The above ure printed on good paper, ufler tho most approved forms, and can be liad by the single, dozen, qtiire, r hundred, at tlie Signal Office, Ann Arbor, Liower 'l'own. November 1,1,16


Signal of Liberty
Old News