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"SVl-.STKRN GlOTIIING i::tc: DftWn U Tint „f now .md la.h.onable Beady adc Clorbin, Con.i.t.ngoleveryvarie.y.ndiPn rma.tí, tóo numerous w mention. v hicti Üiey re dispoaod to sell at Vg%)Qt#aU ov detail, UROöCLOTiiS, CAS8IMERES, VESTINGS, CASMHARETTS, TWEED S, SUMMER CLO TUS, PIAIN AND PLAID L IN EIS S, &c. &c. &c., their well known "Clothing Einporium" DETROIT. corner of Jeffe.sor. anl Woodward ave,me8 Detroit, May '2!, 1847. N li Two or three first ratc Tnilors may IS NO Rohbe r y! Tprepa ■''}" Farming PorGREAT BARGAINS, vni l Ét CLOTHS, FLANNELS, 8ATJNET3 ÍSÍÍOAD CLOTHS, and n ahort near"dr'y'gOODS $ GROCERIES, DY V.'.VY UI1 i:.!-HASGK FCB ' ;: O O Ii and most kinds of Conr.try Produce. The WOilLEN' FACTORY situated in Öuj viiteBiew nowi theil peaibBsipn, and ia lin sacablo i ' ' M ' WOSL GEOWERS. thnn nr.y her estüblhshment in the county. MOT TO BE F0RG0TTEN cn? r„r their Wel, or produee ..I ,ny_k nd. ! bc surc to eall on the Subairibeta belore purehn'aing else wlicre. WÓ'ÓL CABDING & CLOTll DRESSING dofte to order on the sbörteat posaible notice. C3V8:ífBJÍBECrÍYS& THOMAS. iu Ar6or, !. '.. -jr Town, Mny 20, 47. iptFTÍñrií TROPOíSAL! sSö6O PORWHAT EOST ■OIRU TUOOSAND rWO BÜSDRKD UULI..VU5 ! ! OVE OF THE FINEST FARMS in Washtenaw County for sale at only LüO per acre. Said farm is three miles from Ann Arbor, on the Saline road and consisto of IÍW 'C-is oflhe choicest land in Washtenaw Couniy, 00 ncres ol arhich ore ander go i cultivMion. 'I lie re maindeT is heavily covercd with valuable tirhber, er acre in Cash was paid tor llus propeny only'ashort tiirie ugo, and eince then a large bain hag been erected, wells dug, and addinonal cleanntrs made. Only a part oflhe purebase money will be ieEnquire of D.H. Mills, orofS. Mills on lhe 11SCl'J"mngA'1u'"ArRMEE. Ann Arbor, June 17. 1847. . „. .uiug sitúan' LOG Cable, Trace and Halter CHAINS, Bworth'.s Ved.lcr-s,. and Towe. a IOF9 Hav. Barley, and Manure IOKKb. e 'and Grasa SCYTHE, Lamson's and othet Snaths and Cradlea, rron and .ast hiee! . bovels and Spades, Drag Toeih, Crow Bar, I'eck Axe?, Chopping Axes, Cross Cui 1 ., Hay Rakcs, and all oiiier tools for the Farmer, nn be bou'U low at the Anvil Storfe, Upper ïïLn HENRY VV. WELLES. An Arbor, 23J May, '47. 892.1y -1ASBMARETT ANO TWEiCDS. - A ' KJ beautiful article for Gentlemen's shmmer ,vear, just received and ïfill be rnancfactured in eatstyle and bast possible manoer, ai rhe '■ Western Clothing Emporiam." IIALLOCK &, RAYMOND. DBTBO1T. Cor. Jeff. and Woodward avenue. Sxccl Culxivaxor Tceïh. T. subscriber is aííent for the Palcnt Steel bullivator Toeth. amt has jast received a h ha will sell at ihe manufacturer's price. '1 u anide ia coming into goneerever intruduced, and bas received rprobation of the Hrsl ai?ricultnrists in the id States. Anvil S ,. [RY W. Wí;L!.KS. Anv Arbor, 22d May, '■7. L'9-2.1y ISuilding i ateríais. S.F EVERY KIND. Naila. Glnss. White v Lead, ■■ Oil, Loeks, Lntchm. Win■ bliii'l aiid taah Trimminga, Brade, Butis, PJnils, and all attrMi i otcttat')) cpmptottng a buiLür:. can lie bought at oit priem ai iha nvil Store, Upper Tonn. HENRY V. WELLES. nn Arbor, 22i M ij'. '17. 292 ly "CÖOPER'S TÖÖLST ived at the Anvil StoiP. Upper tl complete ass'irtrnent of the cele made by Weem. and Ie by Wam., which will be ■ led and -ild ai lced prices. HEWRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor, 23d May, l.S.7. Ö8ly A LAUGiB c!alilron kattle for sale by CX LEYS &TJSOMAS. Ann Arbor, Lowr.r 'l'uwn. ÜIH OAK BARK! rjlilE auhaoriber is prepon; ! to pay Three Dold for fellow Oak Jiark. nn(! White lk Bark, dclivcred at tin: Tunirttierly occupied by Henry Mano( in the i.M Albor, iiear lije Red One half Cash and one uali Barter will ' ! for tiie same. - C SH for any quantity of tt-bjtïS delivered t aboe. i,íí&XM3 IIEMÍY KRAUSK. AanAruur, June 1,1847. 3IO-8iv New wQd$ HAVE BEEN BECEIVSD BY Wixn. &. aüUiLmmB9 Proprietnr of ilie MANHATTAN STORE, Cor. ol Jell'eison Avenue; ;iru! BatPi Si. Detroit. LET evcry body cnH ünd look t 'h stock l Ir Goods whioh nü.y bc lound Bi lli V inoua OLD MANHATTAN SI ORE. Tlie q 1 1 i n 1 1 1 y s Inrger, tlie style pre-ttier, and the pucos lüiütT lliti" 'V r I B3KHÜS, bö:ïn:tu A vrry larga nssorltnerit ol all kinds. Tue:in. Sim. Pedal Bruid, Opn Work. FngHíh lira'id, Albenino, &c. &o., hom llie conrstsl io tlie finest. Alsu i great dsêortuient ol ribbons, tuba, i'iJwciT. iN.c. LAWMS, BAKAGES, MUSLIN DELA1NS, Balsorines! and all otlier sorts of D r c s s G o o d s. BEAUTIFUL DRESS S1LKS, PAE.ASOLS SHA7LS, of all k i :i il s ! PAiVTALOOM STUIF, COTI'ON' GOODS. COTTO.N' YAR.V, l,_y t-h-e c-a-r-t l-o-a-d-!-! If folks Trom the country will only givc lis a cali, and luok round amona our nic uoda, it is U we ask. Tho goodi ïll speak the r own praisesi and in nine cases o.u of ten secure a Kiist rate Young Ilyson Tea for four sliillings nnil sizpence per pcmiid. Gtese Feaiiie.-s, Paper Hnnginga A317 W. A. IIAYMOND. E. G. BURGER,, FIRST ROOM OVEIV C. M. & T. W. ROOT1? STORE, JRANE & JEWF.TT'S BLOCK, 261-tf ANN ARBOR. GBESË FBATHBRS! PAPER HANGIN-GS! POUND ! , , By tho way no one bnys ihia tea once but buys ngain. and Becomea a cssloiner. Nonu liettcr lor ihe prics can he had in Detroit. w1ll0w 1vagg0ns, Trateling Raskets, and wi U :is l"!s ofothcr good besidas Dry Gnod may ba had very cheap at the ' Olh Mbtta Sr'iRK,' Detroit. 317 W. A. RAYJIOND. í"S te a s!lg " ï:!i 2 O s;2 2 O filte-S . g I- 5 i-, S3 : g a .f' & H 3 Ó. J f 53 1 r" c; - o j OAíTj Kegs Albany and Troy Cut 1 JJ Najls 3d to 6.)d. 20 Keg3 Wrought Nails CJ to 1 2.1. 5) Boxea ': Bullevemiu " Giass íVutn 7X9 tolo XII. E0 Kegspure Lenilin Oil. 500 Iba. " dry. 3ú() Gallons Linsced Oil. 20,000 .'cet l'ine Lumbi r, sensoned, clear sluñ". Tttgether with a ful! assortnient oí Locks, Latches. Jiutts. Screws. Winduw Blind Falten ings. &i-. for sale at witnin a liaclion of' Uetroit pnces, at the BIG ANVIL STORE, UPPER TOWN. HKNRY W. WELLS. Ana Arbor. Mnrcli 13, H47. 308 totkeTarmíb í Lbs. Superior VV'oul Twine. JaJiJ i) doz. blieep Slieais. 'ind a full nssortment of Fnnning utcnsila of n!l kinüs, Axes. Slmvels. Rpadea Manar antl Hay Fíirke. Log and Cable Chaina, Drag Teelh, Sirnw Kuives, Crow liars. Peck Axrs. lióos, iVc. lorsile at ilie BIG ANV1L STORE, Ul'l'ER TOWN. IIEN'RY W. WELLS. Ann Arbor, Mnreh 13, 1817. 308 THE LIBERTY MINST REL ONITHüNDRED COPIES oí the Bñh eá tiiin of ihis bighly popular work aro lur sale at thn Signal office at hO cents single, or $4,5(1 per doieh, Terms Cash. Now is i lie time foi Liberty choiri to supply ilieinst Ivés. Wffl. . BKOHIV, Attorney c Counselor at L aw, AiNJSÍ ARBOR, MICII. IFFICE wilh E. Munijy. V.s%. 2!)7-Iy TO RENT. rpHE ROOM over the store of Beckley'g & JL Thomas. Possessinn given imniedia'.ely, May 2á, id47. Becei.ets Je Thomas. BRASS CLOCKS. A largo lol of ;ihourond(j dny Brras Clocks for sale, at $1-1 and jgdá by the anse. 303-tí' J. W. TIL1.MANDlaynards ARE IN TOWNGAIIV! HA VING removed to iheir new store, wherc ihcy ure receivingan extensive assortrneni uí Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oih and Groceries, With a small. well -selected assortment of DKY GOODS, All of hicli thev ofler to their oíd friends and new customers at unusual low prites. Anytliing sold at their store ia warranted to be ol tirst qualiiy. They intend hercafter to keep alcnost eery article wanted for family use. Aun Arbor, June 30, 1847. 323-tf THRESHING MACHINES, CïiOVEK. MACHINES A NI) SEPARATOKS. TÜE . ulil infbrm the public Aai uoñiinucaut ii.niiulnciure lite 'alio va níaoSiititihéolda.d ol Kiwpp & HavilBiifl,_ai the Loww Villaje' Aun Arl..r, netir ine 1 oi' f MUI. 'I he Mochines uro of apprttved model?, hnvetieen ihoroiighly faid in thti vicimty and wnrked wHl. Tlu y are mnde of ihe beal motc.mlsand hy expari'eneed workmrn. They wiJI be kept QOiíítnmly on hand, mul hIbo bc made lo oidef ai Ihe shorlcal no ice. Th. y wnl be o.d un very raaionabla umus for Caslt, ur lor noles knnwn to be ahaoluuly god The iibove Mchine oan le uaed by Tour, sil uroighl h,.rs6s, and are nut liable lo be ensily bruka da.nnged. Tliey are wM adaptad for ihe use ol eiihai Farroen or Jehbara. I lie iepiraton can lie al.uched lu BBy gearad or irapped ,nchir n„y other kind. The .at.cnbei would r.'lr.r 10 ihe :o lowmsr persons wbo have mrclüiHi-d and useil liia Mucliincs: Michael ThompBou, Balem, Aléxnnder Donno, .lililíes Parker, Alva l'rntt, Kllfl W, M. A. Cravoth.'es Aiexander, Vém.Potw, M'1 ")■■' Hmkley &Vinion, y""., rd: MíHin'Doiy, Jpailanti, 1I P. & . I). Uaúky, Saline, Wn. Smiíh, S'CS'u tmne Burrian, Nohhfield. ParKcoVir ;ire ilion II be paid lo UnrAiua. Caeli will lie piiíl Tor Oíd Castings. Persons desiroiis of purchusing mnelunes are reqnesieJ to cali nnd examine tlieso beloie purehasingelsewLere. T A_IIVV1IAND. May 17. 1847. St7if ""l5PIST"LE"Ñor"3. THE SUBSCKIBER SENDETU GREET1NC. PEllítY'S BÖÖK STORE, Onened ancw nt No. 2 llawkins Block, 'nexi door 10 llill, Wliite Se, Co.'s Store Ann Arbor, Michigan. Let ihis be a suílicient notico to n!l pereons isin Books, Paper, B'ank Boofca, School Hooka. Slates, Quiüs. Steel Pem, Penen mil statiosebt, of any kind, thatatPerrys Bookstore is the placa to buy. 1500 PIECES PAPER HANG1NG3, Bordering, Fire Boards, and Sand Paper, which will le sold cheap f-ir c;ish, Standard and Miscellüiieous houks,8Utal)le fur District, Town ship and Family ZIB'R&'RIES. School Inspectora and otliera imeresied, are requested !o cali and examine h-is atsortment. - Also, Ui: on S.ibba'h Be.iool books; a largo varety, anJ fat superior to the $1(1 Lürary both in binding and matter. Also. Biblea, Testamenta, Proyer booka and Hymn bouks. TOUTHS' BOOZS, Moral. Keligious, instructiva anÜ stnueing,ueh as tnny sa fel y be put into the banda ot Lire voung. GOLD PENS, wiili Gold and Sdver cases, a superior article. ïhe aubscriber bas made nrrangements in New York which will enable him ut all lo obtain ony tbing in his line direct from New York at short notice hy EXPRESS. It will bo seen th-H aiafe cilities. or accomndating h s customers with.arlíeles not on hand is bi-yond precedent, and he is teady nnd willing to do every thmg teason able to malie h:s establishment such an one as an enlightened and discerning eommunityre quire, and he hopea t marit a sliare ol pit iciiiiiju. Persona witning any articlo in h . 'in will do well to cali before putcliasing else where. II you forget the place, enquire (or PLRPtY'S BOOK STORIi m; Arbor. Upper Villnge. It ia deiraW tliat imhauld be updersiood thai persons ir tiie Country, eend n cash orders, nmy de pend tipon icceivinti books or atatiunery OB I favorable terina as though present lo make ihe purchase. W. R. PERRY. Jne2fl. 1847. a.'3 'f. vaITuable ïmproved farms For Sale on Term EXCEEDINGLY FAVORABLE! Three Hundred and Twenty ncres in one body, or will be ajld sepurattly il de sired. ii:jfj: il -eTia 3 nonh range 4 w in Benion, Eaton County, nexi town bul one to the sent oí Government. The farm comains mendow, wheat nnd corr land of the best quality: is well waierud. tin 'l'horn Apple funning llirougli it, and was of eatly selection. Tiniber heavy. Abom 0( acres are well cleared, íenced and under cultiva tion. in I (I acre lots.witli 1 irge doublu log house and frame of fïrst rate burn erected. '.lleun exceptionable and in fro ALSO: 12!) ACRES in Onoidh, same Co., 10 mües froni seal of Governmunt, viz: W. 1-2 ol S. E. 1 4 of Sbc. 3 . W. ir. ol N. E. .4 of " 3.4,n. R. 4w Ilaving Grand Iliver on nne side, nnd a State road from Batile Cieek lor one unie on thi uther. Tl e land is of the richest quality, - Mm bei heavy. Three (treami and two springs rui through it euinmer and winter. The surface is Icvel exeept where it ílopeí gradvutlly and beautilully to the River. (luu i tbc atreani8 gies a fnll nl' 16 feet, tin which is i firat rate slone dam, and ncw Sav nnll ii complete running order. Close by is a Miler's l-.'.n - built of logs, new and of' the' beet kind. Twelve ncres ore well cleared, fenced, cul tivated 6nd subdivided. On them nfe a ftanu dweiling, t-tory and a hall high, l(i by 80. A large and excellent loj; iioitse.log Moble Sic. - On the premises are aJso quarries of first ratf ioal. appearing in two places on ihe side al I ravine, in sfata aboiit ivvo feet dei-p, nnd lei long. Extentnot knuwn. Several lona hnví been used, and found to ba first rate Bulfhurii coal. Th improvementa on the propei ty cosí aTou' 1.70) in cash. A lombcring buainee of the best kind can be done o.'i this pioptny, it beinr in the niiifsl of ttie most varuable timber ; and pos dissing, in Grand Uiver, a ready way of enn veying lumber, coal or produce to a prolitablc market. TERM8. The lerms ofthealove larms will depend on on the Kind of pay. For cash they will be sold so reoa nable as to aflord a bargiin rarely met wnh. Without cash and nn a long credit well secured, tbe first larm will be sold for wha it cost the owner, thus givin ibe pur(Kliase a Oirtn leady to bis hand, without ihe advance ofa shilllllg. For part cash and part credit satiefactory terina will be made. Fo" the second farm a payment in advnnce will bereqnired. lis terms depend on the a mount of this payment. But it cm be cold a great bsrgain. An cqual undividid Imlf. oi thewhole canhesrdd. Apply to CHARLES II STEWAR'l ,Dtrmt. Or, LEV1TOWNSON Doolt, Clinton Co. I23-3rn. riHHE CIRCUIT COURTlor thi county ia X adjourned to the 55th day ot August dexi, it one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the lelit jnrois will be requircd to nppear. CASS1US SWIFT, Clerk. By J. M, Willcoxon. Depiny. Datad Ann Arber. June 2Ist, 1847. 382.3w TWO Ilurso Waggons and a Buggy Tor sale by BECKLEYS & THOMAS. NEW GOODS. BV rcxi'RESü n:oM KEW york. Spring "Fñshioiig. TUT. Mil'scnber lias jiifl rcreived a fresh asforiuient if Sprins; and Slimmer Goodi. iiid offers ihcm l.;r u.-ile chcop, smli as Broadchths of all dcscription ; Satinéis and Cassimeres, and every thing in thPANTALOON nnd VKST1AG lina, and evcry article usuully Ibund n a Msrchant TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. Ho is now prcjiarpd te n"ke nnd '■' all kinds of genilomen'8 garmenti, nnd wonld tendsr his lo liis o ld cutiomra and Uie pul. lic pcnernlly. and solioits iheir favor. (TT3 G ARMENT S cul t o order at all titnes. WM. WAGNER, Dbatbr am. Taiior, Hurón Sueet, Souih ol ilie PUBLIC SQIiARK. Ann Arbor, April 8, 1847. 3'w CLOTII, CLOTIIl ! TTUIF undersigned would infonii the puhHc thot thev will continue to monufaoiure M.llel Clólh, Ci.siimiere nn.l Ftnnnel, al llidr Faatory, two nd n hnlf miles wesi Irom Ann Arbur, on üuron River near ihe Railroad. T E R M S = The piice ot' making pioih wil! bt far Cn-simere. 44 cis. per yard ; lor Fulled cloth, 3' t et. Der yard ; for while Flnnnel. '(I ets. per yard.- We will als BXchanga cloili for wool oh n ia m able irrms. Wnul sent by railroad accomponied wiih initructiona will be promptly mtended tn. We have done on exujnsive bueinesa in manuficturin-r doth lor wtelomers ior several years, a ml liel.eve we give aff S" eansMclion as .inEstablishment in the Stfcte. We invite our olj cuslumers to foutinue, and new ones 10 C0Leiiers ihould le ailJrcssed to S. VV. Fosteh & Co., Scio. g w KOSTER & CO. Scio, April, LÍ7. 'V-'1 Kew Establishment. clocks, WATCHS3, AHD THEsubscriberwould respectl'ully announce (o ihe cilizens of Dexter and vicini'y ihai l,e hns opened a shop in the aboveploce, in lh corner store, fornierly knoivn as Snupera s , wliere he 3 preparad to do Ai.f. BW of repair idg n thé üno of elock, jewetry &A-, on .he shoncs. Havinghad abonttwjdw vears Mperience in some o! the best taawrn hops. he flatters himself that he can give ntare suli-factwn to all ihose who may favor hun with thèii work. He has nnd iscon.=wntly reeening, cloeks, and jeweliy ot all desonpü jns. which he will scll as cheap as the efW"' V. V. D Ea 1 tlv. A LS O GROCERIES „f all kinds: weh as. Tens, S.mnrs. Molasaes, Rai-inu, CofTee, Peppers. Spice. Fish. Candies. Tpeaeeo, Cigarg &c,. &c And in lai-t evfrvthing usnally keptin sncli an estahlishmenif l.ia oor ExctPTED) constontly on hand and lor sak cheil!' vv. W. DEXTER & Co. Dexte, Match 6, 1847 tf Hat, Cap, - A N D GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING EMPORÏÜM. T. H. ARMSTRONG, HAVING i.-iken ihe Stapd No. 53, Woodard Avenue. 3 doors noirtta of Doty's Auclion Koom. recently occupied by J. G. Crane, as a Hat Store ; and added the stock ol the lalter t his own, and also cngaged in manufacturina every dtscription ol HATS CAPS, He is now prepared lo offer to the Public even anide in his line, either of his own oteaste manufacture, twenty five per cent less (han have been i'flared n this market. In his stock will be íbund Fine Nutra, Satín Iieaver, Beaver, Otter. Bush nn Sportine Hals, Fine Clpth. Siik. Plus!,. Oil Silk and VelvetCaps ; aiso. Riuh Silk Cravaw, Scarfs. Hnmlkercheifs : Kidí Thread, Siik. ani Buckskin Gloves; (Jol lar, Bosoms, VValking Canes, Umbrellas, &c. T A 1 L O R I N G . The Subscribir has a!so tetaréá the services of a first inte Practical C'utter. by wliich he will be. enabled to furnish gnr mentí of every style and description, and in ihe most approved nnd fanhionable nmnner. lie is constantly rccevinx the latestfashions, anrl, employing the best of wolk men. he ia confirtent lliat he will yive the beM ol satisfiiction to all that inay favor him with their patronage in this branch of Lis busir.ess. on Hand Again ! THE Subscriber would respeclfully notify the public, that he is louated onct more in the village il Ann Arbor, and is preparcd lo Bccommodnie the community wuli 8 choice and wcll scieciecl aasorlment ol NEW GOODS, cetiaistinig of Dry Goodb, Ghockriks. IIardwviík. líoois Mi Shoks, Crockkky. &c. &c. which he will el) for READY l'AY as clienp na the same quality ol' Gooda can be liad atan) other store in lown. Persons vvho wish to niake purcnascsfnr Cash. al Cash l'ricrs, will du well tu cali before purchning olsewjiere. J!y keeping iho fir.-t qunRty of anieles, by sellng at smoll profits, mul hy a fair nnd honorable courae in businosa. he expoets to nierit a liberal sliiire of public patronage. Mom kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE will be tiken in paviiiuut for Gooüs. Ö" üon't furge.t llie, place, - on the Ka-il Side of Main strekt, a Irw dons ■outh of tin Public Bquorej in the same store vvith C. Bli8, Jeweler. M. W II E ELE R. Anu Arbor. Nov. 24, 1Í46. 892-tf COTICE. THE co-partneifjliip heretofore existins betwpon GarlanD & Lk Fkvuk. isllusilay desolved by mutual consent. Either partner is aiuhorized to uso the name of the firm in setiling up the oulstanding business. Al! person.indebted to Mid firtB are epecied !o nnike iin. mediale payment, as by so doing they will sav cost. C. .1. GARLAND. B. D. LE FIOVRE. Ann Arbor, May 1, 1847. Sw NEW TIN SHOP. Till'l sulisoiibcr has commenced tlie manufacTin, Sheet ïron and Coppcr, In all lts various branches, in conneciuin will the -'Anvil Store," and is prepared lo furnisli Country Merchanls and Farmers with every ihlllï III line. JOB WORK AND REPAIRING Neatly and expetlitiously done. HÈNRY VV. WELLES. Upper Town, Ann Arbor, lstJunc, '17. 921y Aun .trbor i rr,ii tiubcnber hsving purchaeeü un MiierX esis ol }. M. Rockwell u ilin Mafbje Busiaera, would inform 'he inhabitant ol (hi and adjoinins ooiltnie. th' hewill continuetne busine s ai i lie oíd stand, in ti. e Upper Town, nenr ibe Presbylerian Church, and manufacture lo onder : _ Monuments, Grave atonas Paint alone, Tablets, #c. #c Thnse wishing lo ubtain any nicle in Malino ifbuíinesf will findby calling'thai he lias nnnsrtmenl ni" White and Variegated Marble frotn the Eaítern Marlile Quirrios. wlnch wili be wrouglit in Modern siyle. and iold al 8atprn pnoe, sdding transporltion only. Cnl] ""'L,e=' ü roof. W. F. BPAÜÏ.DING. Ann Arbor, Jan: SO. 1647. 7X!-Iy_ NËW15Ö()DS! Cheap for Cashü THE Subscribersbeg íeave lo mlonn ilieír oíd eOStómew, ar.d the puMic ganeralfy. ihat ihey are now reeeivinga large and aplendid Mortmenl ol English, American and West india. GOOOf. Crockery, SheJf Hardicare,Puinls, Oüs, Dyeslufs, Drugs and Medicines. Also a general a8Ortment ol I RON, guitable for Ironing Waggons and Buggiesi Níil Roda. Iloise Slioes. and ilorse Nails, Slicei Iron, I m Ware and Tin JPlate- a)so a general assortmelU f BOOTS ZHOÏS, ih:ck and iliin sale woik, ond ciistom worfc to smtpurchasers. All of wbich thoy will teil on the lowest poBsible lermsi'or Ca?h or Bartsk. Feeling conlidcnt as we do, that we eau mafei it for ihe interest of all thnse wiehing to purchase nny of the above menlioned Good, wi do most earnestly solicit at liasl nu invetigatiön ofoiir Goodsand prices belore purchasine elseJAMES GIBSON & CO. JYo. 3. Exchmige ISlock. Ann Aibor, Lower 'J'own, Bept. 14, lL46. CLOCKS AND WATCHES! JS5S3 rflïIE Subseribejhas jusi Si5L _ X received, (and is cony?C "KjJ9Iainy receiving) fioii, K 3Ki New Yofk au elegant ar. d 1 3m wu" se'tclc'' asiOrtmeni Jewelry? Clocks, Walchcs, &.C. which hü intendu to sell as lw as ai any cithei establishment ibia side ol lïuliilo torread. pay only aniong whicli may b found tlielollow iii: a üood assortment oí Gold Finger Rings. GoldBrcostnins.Wristlei.'GuardCliains and Keys. Silvei SpeoflS, Germán Silver Tea and Tnble Spoons (first quality.) Silver and Gfirnan do Bugal Tongs Silver 9alt,Muetardand Crpsm apaobr, Batter Knives, Gold and SiKtrlcncil Cases Gold Pens, " ' Pencil, Silver and Germán Silver Thtmbles. Silver Speciaclee, Genran and Stet-I do. Goggles, Clothes. Hair and Tooili Jirushes, Lal her IJrushcs. Rnzors and PoOkei Knives, Fine Sliears and Sciasors, Knives and Forks, BrittnnniaTea Potsand Cas'.ors. Platerl, Hrass. and Brittania Candlcsticks, Snufltis & Trays, Shaving boxes and Soaps, Chapmau's Beet Rnzor Strop, Calland Moroccc Wal let, Stik and Cotion purses, Violins and Bowa, Violin and Bass Viot Strin:;s, Fiulcs, files. Clarionetp. Accordeons - Music Booke for the same, Motto Sen'.s, Steel Pens and Tweezors, Pen cases. Snuffand Tobacco boxes. [vtry Dressing Cotnbï, Side and Back and Pocket Cotiibs, Needlccnsee. Steletloes, Wnu rPüints nnd Biushes. Toy Watches. a great variety of Dolle, in short the sreatest vnriety of loys ever brouglit to tliis market, Fancy work boxes, chüdren's tea setts. Coloone Unir Oils. Pniellin;! Snlts, Court Piasier. Tea Bells. Thermometers. Germán Pipes. VVood Pencils. BRASS AND WOOD CLOCKS. &c. in fact nlmost every thing to piense the fancy. Ladies and Gentlemen, cnll and examine for yoursclvrs. Ciocks. Watches ami Jewelry repnired and warranted on short notice. Shop at his olrl stand, opposite H. Retker'sbrick Store, in iht Store oceupied Ijy M. Wheelpr. CALVIN BLISS. N. B. - Cash paid for olrl Gold & BUver. Ann Arhor. July Ist, 1840. 271-lv njHE SUBSCHIBER has icceived his JL winter stock, which huofl'tis lor Cath, at yreatly reduced prices. 'l'liu Public are invilud to cali, examine, and judge for ihemselte. Now onjian J, and daily adding. SCFA.S ol every variety mul pattern, and the laiesi l'nshion. pneea Irorn $30 nnd upwurds. DIVANS. ÓTTOMANS, LOUNGKS, Ul.'REAUS. of all kinds, dom $1 and up. Centre. Card, Tea, Dicss, Pier, Ditüng, and Nest Tables. VVasli. Candle, and Toilet Slands. Bedsteads- Mihognny, Maple, and Wilnut, Irom $8 md ii]i. Piano Fortes Piano Covers; Piano Stools. Doublé and single Matresses oi hair, hack, palm leaf, or suaw. Doublé and single Cot Bedsteads. do do Writing Desks. CI1A1RS. - The best assoitment ihat can be found west of New York and the cheupest in this city. Windsar Chairs, a good anide, at $2 50 the sett. Mahogany Frcneh (hairs. liairseat, n first rate article, and well finiehed for :! 50. Cash only. Mahogany Rocking Chairs, baimeat nnd back. rarnnted good, at the low price of $12, for the cash only. Flag anS Cne Seat from Cs. and up. liird Cages, plain and ga'lery : 3ird Glasses, Hobby-Hornes, and Toy Wheelbarrowa, forchilhen; Patent Shower and H ii linths ; Boston li.iih PUI, Camp Siools. Umbrella nnd I!ai Stands. Fancj Bellows, Foot Scrapert, Cane Seal Mimter and Bont Stool?. Curtnin matarlnl, Tabli covers, Pntem Post-OHicn Balances, Pie ture Frames. Willow Wasons, Crndles, Chaira. Clock. and Baskets ; Brittannia Table Castors, very cheap. Mnhogany nnd Rosowood" Veneera ; Varnisli and Japon Umuze, Mühofany Kntijjs, Locks. Glu", Curled Unir, and Cane Srats. Also. a large assortmenl nf American Cas'ors. exprc.Tslv 'or Cabinct Makers, very cheap. Cash and the hiiihest mnrket p:iee pnid for any quantity of Walnut and Cherry Lumber. 1 wtll also coniract for any quantity of iiret rate Walnut Lumber, to be sawed to order, and dolivered by the I st of Juno nexr. 3. W. TILLMAN, Nn. 87. Jeflj' on A venus. Detroit, Jamiary 1, 1F17. C!)7-]y FIRX2! FIREü F. I. B. GRANÉ wuuld respectfully notify tlie citizens of Anu Arbor, and ihe suroundin country, tbut lie continúes lo actas Agent o( tho HMITFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, nnd wil] insurc Propcriy agalnst 'osgcs hy Fire, at Ihe '.owesi rates, and willi despatch and acctinicy. The Hartford Lnsurniwe CowpaDjr is om il [he ulilost and inosi stalile n the country, and ill losscssuslained l.y thein will r - na they ever lavu been- rROMPTLï paib.I Fite i fc dangerous element and nol to be iriflod wi:h: ;herelore, 11 ike up your mind lo nuar igainM. it and ook't uut I A iew houisdelay may le your ruin. Mr. Ckanx'i OITÍcp is in Crane's new B1ock: corner ül tlie Public Square, Ann Albor. 280-if TE E TH! TE E TH!.' TEETHÜ! MASTICATION and Articulation warrsntsd by tiieir being properly re placed. S. D. B'JRKFT?, wil! continue thfi prnctice of DENT1STRY in ;i!l iis vnrious brattahe, viz : Soalmg. FilüiiR and [n?ci tinií un galil pbites or pivotp. Irom on to nn entire sen. Ubi ilutes or tuibiiis remod led. and inmle cqual lo new. OFFICEVover C. I!. Tho.npson & Co.'s Bho Store. Lndies wlio requesl it, can be vvailed u l ilieir dwnlüngs. N. Charge unusually low, and all lun: ofPRODUCE taken. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5, 1846. 293- tl THE PHOTECTÍON INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONK, CONTINÚES to instare upon the most favorable terin, dwellingt, burns. nierchnndise, milis, Kloek in milis, anii o:her kindf ui insnruhlc properiy. Applytothe office of their Agfnoy at Ann Arhor. inihe post office building, oppoMM tli e Bank ui Wasluenaw. D. M'INTIRE, Aeent. Ap.-Ü, 21, 1847. 312-tf PeacG Declared, AND A 1REATY FORMED. WHEREBY S. FELCH hold Vui:i; '1'k.ipk a-u CoMy.ERCK in BOOTS, SIIOMIS, IjEATISer, and Findiisgs 'f nl] kinJs. wilh n 1 1 persons. ISauvc-s or ; lignere, on the following jnsi and equal terras, v% : Qood Artictts - Luw Priccs - Rtatly l'uij - 7 Xo T' wtl. The stibscriber haring ful !y tester! the Credit S .-! in to h:s great losa, buth of k-nce and cus!-,, and hoving niSeied much lot Uy fire. nccessitf compela Iiim to cuilcct liis pmj '; b-Jaie harvest,'' as ''aftkk snd m.xt fa li.. ' veiy often come up ;' hissino,' leaving Hun sadlij in tlie BofH-hvle. He has comí lo tlie s.-mir conclusión tliat ccrtain sciit-ible ;iils did on r late OCCíisioR. (íee to tai or ni hvsband. ready jia'i "r 7i7 Shocmqking ) All persons thai ojn conform 'o the r.bovc treaiy will 'lo well tu cal! on S. Fstch, Ann Arbor, Lowei Town, No. 4 Hurón liloch, bere lliey will not be taxei! for oiIicís' woik who never pay. N, I. All pnrsons inclebted in any way lo tlie S'ibscriber, httd be;ier catl and pay f ihey are lumesi anc4 mean to kecp so. S97fiin S. FELCH. Ann Albor, Lower Town. Jan. i, 18-Í7. Temper atice lío use! 1S47. 1817. STEAMBOAT HOTEL. DETROIT, MWB. DATVBEÏ, BARAEY, having laken ibis weil know.'i Stíind. and Üioroughf)' ropnircd it throughout. is now extensive ly prepared to r.ccommodale his fríenda and the Travelling Public wilh all 'hose conveniences'aleulaled to maíe lliern comfortable, and with prices to suit the limes ! Meáis, 2." Ccnls. Easlcrn and Southern Stage Office kepl al this Hctise. ÏÏT Omnibus and Boggage Wagon alv;iys on and lo convoy Passengers to and Prooi the House frte uf charle. 296-6 m COMSTOCK & SEYfflLOUK, Dealers in Fancy and Staplc Dry Goods, Boots AND SHOES, HARDWARE, Crociicry & Grncerics, at No. 3, Porer's Black, South side of the Public Square, 308 JACKSON, M1CH. KettaFiietl . TAELQRINO. THE Subscriber is desirous of inforrning hif old customers nnd the pubtio genendly. th;ii !id hns located him'elt on M;iin st.,near VVildiiGrocery Slore, in the cnintr of Main and IIuiüii s'.reets, where all kinds of T A I L 0 R ! N G in the frescntfashion can be done in a rcspectable and prompt mannvr. P. S. CUTTING donn on the sliortcst notice and warranted to fit if propt ly made up, W. WILKINSOÑ. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 317 HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE. t I Til F. subscriber oll'ers to sll her Dwellinu JL [Iiinse and Iot in the Lower Vüli'ge o: Ann Arhor. si t u d hut fi few rods frotn tiie een tre of liusim.'ss, and frontíDg on Broadway . Ii will lit' (ound a convenient residence fora faniüvAlsi. cm the snine lot. a dwelling house wcll 'il to a s'Tiall ín mily. 'l'lio proparty will be sold on very reasonable terms. Poaaession can be given by the first of September, if desiied. ELIZA II. GROVE. May O. 1847. 317.3m STEEL GOODS! 33urscSflfts aiirt Cvfntmfnfls SPLENDID FANS, and any quaniity of oth.-r goods of this sort at the OLD MANHATTAN STORE, :!17 netroit. Gold Pens, P R l C E R E D U C E D . IT ia ndmitted bv all wlio nse the m. thai Piquetie's Gold Pens me equal if not supe;ioi m nny ■Veroffél'ed in this marku, price $2,50. For sale Wholesale, and refaij al the ïnnmi ;c;o ry. Corner oi Jeflerson Avenue & Gnswold St., Denoit. :14-1yr Also f or snle by C. BLISS, Ann Arlmr. COUNTY ORDERS. THE higlieat price paid in cathby G. F. Lew. is, Kxchange Broker, opposite the Insurance Bank, Detroit, for orders on any of the eountiosin the State of Michigan; also for State eenritiea of all liiudaand uneurrent fundí Cali anii sce. Dec 1, 1815 211-t( T FIRE SHIJVG machines. flljHK undtíisigned would inturni the public X mat he tnunulactuies Horee Power and 'hieshing Machines at Scio, ol a superior kind nvenied liy himetll'. I'owers nnd Machines are pariiculorly dnpled 10 the üse of Farmers lio with to uee !ieii lur threshing thtir own grn. The powr, ilneslicr and fixlurcs can nll be lonritd into a onimon naad wngonbui and drnwn wiih 01 e iair (il liorsts. Tliey aie de6f;nrd to te usod viili four horses. aixi ave abutiditnily strong for hal nuniber, uncí may be safely uted wiih six or pight norsfs vith piopercare. Thry work with essstiengih ol horscs iGcording to the amomt cf lusinessdone than atiy otlicr pocr, and wül li reSi generally aliout SÍ60 bushels w heat per day with four liorscs. Jn onc inslonce 158 bualiels whent were thieshed in thiee hours wiih lour horses. This Power and Machine contain all tbc ndvantages necessnry to nuikc ibem proflialilc 10 ihti purch.iser. They are stron and - The'y are easilf inoveil fiom one plnce to anoiher. The work of the .ïoites is aflty on these powpts in con pnrison to oibeis. anrl ti e price ia LOWKIt ilmn nny other poivrr and machine, have ever been &old in the Sla ie. accoiding to the real valué. The terms of payment will bc liberal for notea that ijre known to Ie abaolulily good. I have n number of Powers nnd Mnchlncs now rettdy fer sile nnd persons wisbing to bny are invited to cali soos. 8EPARATORS. lam pre pared lo make Scpoiaior for thota who may want ihcm. The uülily ind advaninsea of lilis Power nnd Machine will appear evident tu all on emniining 'lie récpmmendntionfl helow. All pereons are cnutiotied againsl mailing llicse Powers nnd Machines: il.e undcpignrü havintr adoplcd llie necnesary mensures for fcecunniil"er8 pment for llie saine wilhin the time required by Uw. S. W. FOPTF.K. Scio, Washtennw Co , Miel... June 16, I34C KECOMJIENDATIONS. Duriiig the yaor 145, each of ;he undersigncd purchaEed and ustd either inrlividun'ly or juintiy with others, op.e i{' S. W. Foster's ncwly mvented Hurse Poweri and thitshing uinchint-i, .ind hcl;eve they are botter adaptcd to the uee of Farmers who want Powers and Machinf-e for iheir own i'sc than any other power and ihrttlicv wiihin our kncwledgp. Tliïy nre calcuUied 10 be used with iour hojees nnd ate o) ampie tt eiiLrth (or tijat !iUiiiler. Thcy nj pear to lio consuucied in such a manner os to render lliem very c!ur;ib!e wilh li't'e liabitity of gt-tting uut of order. Tlieyare eisily moved from one place o anotlier. Thcy can be wuiked whh itv ber o! hands fimn fonr to i'glif. 0 i (J will ihret-li a'uM'i 200 buahi Is whcm pei 1 ] J. A. FOI.HKMUS, Uño, VVashtcr.aÁv co, G. BtnOD, " " t. rk;har;dson, samuel healy, " ?. I'. FOSÍER, ' - N. A. PMEtPS, ADAM SMITH, " " .! M KOWIW. J..r n. " WM. WALKKR, VWier, " THOS WARREN, " " I). SMALLEY, L.-di. I ilire&!ied !;isl fall ?nd winter w.'ih onc (tí S. W. Fosier'e htr?o powers. more thnn fii'irru hons 1.' l.usliela gra:n The repairs Ix-ficwi rt ipoii :le 'wef anouftied to 'iilj l! ccni . 1 d t waaingond oiiler tvhen ] liad done ihreshing. ! invoriab!y üfced AARON YOÜi'GLOVÊ. Marión, .lime 6, 1 S J " - I purchnsed of S. W. Foifcr's hnrpn noweis lose füil un..' liavc useci it lor joblii 11 ƒ- i have used mouy diflerei I kinds of powflm and helieve 1 hie is ilie best running power I have sversien. D. S. BKN.NLT. Hamburg. June, 18: ". We purobnsod nne of S. W. Fostrr's Fïor Poweri Inal AH, and iu e utd land t L i : 1 k il is i firs! late Power. JFPSF TIM.I.. ]) KNIEL S. il AL!.. REUBEN S. HALI . Hamburg. June. 1846. 2Cü if COR, 11 YE & WHEAT. WANTED by the subscriLers, 10.000 biiFhels ol ( o n - 10.01 Ü bushelf c f U-i-, ind 10,00) bushcls uf Whcni. dclivtrt-d nt ihe .Sieüm Mili, fnr which Cash wiil ue pniil. IN'GALI.S. LAMB, & FJSrlTR. Ann Arbor, Jan. 4, 1847. 2lti-:!. FOR SALE CM F. AT for CASHj or iviry kind ufroiiR iry i'roJüce, Saddles, BTdlcs,IIarness, Trvnts, Valises, Tntnk Vulisrs, Carpcl Bugs, &c. Aleo a yoju assonmeni ol V. hips .V L.'shi?, whiuh will be sold vriy low, and do mittake, ut COOK A ROIÜNSON'S. Ann Albor. Autn.-: 12. l--l(. ï.'77-if CHEAP STOVES AT YF-ölLANTl! 1 L) C.OOKING A PAR1.OR ST&VE!?, mt) justreceived. I y the Suopciiber. (n cmy finm Allmiiy) makiirg o good assorinitnt of ihe lalest nnd besl patlerna, whicli i!i br sold I Low P, ircs! not to bc undcreold iliis sidi Lal.o Bril Also, Topper Furnilure, Cauli'ron Kef.lfp, flüll'ow W'.ire ol' all SÍZC8, PloicFipc, Sl.ctt iron, Zink. Ai'. TAV IVA RE! Mantinicttircd, nntl consTantfy Kcpt on hand which wil] dlo I"1 boUI vi iv lur'. P. S. - Purchaseie v.ii; Jo well lo o] mul examine for tlieir own BatUfnction. J. M. BROWN. Ypsilnmi. Jvne 20, 18-iO. i.7 J t FURNITUKE & UPHOLSTEK1NG WAREROOMS. STEYENS Sc Zf, ÍN thelowpr end of tlic Wnlte Block. dirroily opposite ihe Michigan Exchako. have on linnd n large assortment ol I '1 iXill' .' .', of iheir own mnnu actnre. which ihcy will ecll vory ■ fb? Onsh They also keep expcriencod lTp!olstfrers, and ire prepnred to i!o all kinds of Upholalwing at the shorlcst nonVe. Fnrnitore of all kinds mad to order of the best rnatennl. and warramed. STFVF.XS ZUG. Detroit, January, 1, 18-17. 297-1 y C CLARK, Attorney and Counsellor, and Jus-ico ut: he Peaci'. (íli re, Court Mouse Ann rbor ' tt " A RMITAGf: Mouse Hole" Anvils. J " Wricht's" do. Cotterel Keysd Vices. Wcst'sbest liellüwg, 30 io "(i incaïM. Sledges, Hnni! llammers, Files and Rapps of evey kind, c;in be found nt the Iron Storo. s-ign of the Big Anvil. IIENRY W. WF.Lr.F.S. nn Jan. 10, 1847. 298-ly BRIOITT and Black Log Chains, 5-16, 616. 716. & 8-16 wrapping do. [Sar'ght and uvistcd link Trace do. Halter án. For snle very clieap at the sign of tho Big Anvil, Uppor Town. I1FXRY W. WKI.I.KS. Ann Aibnr, Jan. 10, 1F47. 2j8-ly RWLAND'S bestMill Saws, 6, 6J, and 7 feet. Rowlnnd's best X Cut Saws, 6, 6i, and 7 feet. Englieh C. S. Pit Saw?. (!J and 7 feet. Superior American Mili Saw Files, 10 to 16 inches- For sale at ihe sign of the Big Anvil, Upper Town. HF.NHY W, WF.U,ES. Ann Arbor, Jan. 10, IH1T. 298-1 y


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