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Trije. - Thei-e is no such thing as noncducation. Every human being is educated; that is to say every human being derive3 principies of conduct and habita of action from the authority, the conversation and the example ofthose by whom he is surrounded. The thief is educated, and ih pickpocket is most seduously educated. The ie is no scluol in the world where more heed is given of the progressof tlie pupil than that in wWch aFagin acts as a maslcr, and nn artful Dodger as head assistant! Obscenity and Blasphemy have their professors, whose lectures are very effective in :rainirig efficiënt pupiïs. Vice opens schools as wel! ns virtue; crime has rewards for th zoalous, and punishïvioiits for iba rofraciory, quite as efficacious asth'ise al the disnusal of rectitude. Lei iliis gre.u tru-li once bo thoroughly apprehended. The following from ihe Riclunond indicativa of the taunting spirit conünually induiged in by the soütiiern democratie pres;. IIow mean n norlhern democrat must íeel tobo mocked in this way! . "Weshould like to sse how " Wr'g'i nnd the VVilmot proviso" will run at the South. Il never can be. Tlie democracy must take some other líorlhern man, though it will be difllcult to fiad one free from the objection of "Wilinolism," which lies agaiust Wrlgbt. In the meantime, the Whigs, witli a generous disre-, gard of all sectionnl fnfluences. will take upold Rough and Iteady, iyho belongs lo th1? United Stntes in general, nnd in clccling him, enable Mr. Benton to add four more years to the "fifty" in which the democracy of the North bas given but one President to the Union.' " - Lib. Standard. Fr.o.M the Grave Yard.- The Baltiinore correspondent of the Anti-Siaverj' Standard, says, Ofthetrue state of ihing.s in Mexico, "the half has not been told." Our friend Dr. Snodgrass received a letter, the past week, from a sister's son nt V'era Cniz, and the first intimation that he liad, that the nephevv had gone "lo the war.s." Tliis young man says, that at the time of his writing, June lst, 10 o'clock, A. M., that one hundred and cigtl had died since 0 o'clock the evening pr-svious, a period of sixteen hours; and the day pre.vious to writing there were one hundred and fifty Jlve buried. With the wrilor I am acquainicd, nnd have no doubt of ihe trulh of the above. IIow long will it take the vomilo to "conquer a peace" at tliis rale 1 Slavehunteu Dead. - Mr. Kennedy, who was engngcd in apprehendingsiaves at Carlisle, Pa., and who was wounded in the attempt to rescue. lias since died, by an aflection of the heart, caused by the wounds received at that time. It produced great excitement, and his funeral ■was attended by n large congregaiion of people. He will probably be ritten down by !.')c slaveholders as a maríyr. - Chicago Citizen. Important Fact - Apoplexy ci reu without Lancet or a Doctor. - A few days ago a man was taken stiddenly with apoplexy at the post office m Jeííerson market - his face bcing rs blue as indigo from the swelling of the blood vessels. - One of the ofïicersgot sorae cold water and poured cup full by cup full on the patieot's head. In a few minutes the senseless mm camelo, and in a quaiter of an


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