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JAMES EIRNKÏ. JHN W. WllWBIRNEY & SHIELDS, atttoincjs and Counselor 8t Jlato, A.NÜ Solicitors in Chanccnj, CORNER OF MAIN AMJ LULUT ITRKEÏ, CINC1NNATL O. J, B. OommissioTioT if Oeeils and Depontiem t'or the State of Mtcliígtn. ""blank s Warranty Dekds, Qiut-Ciaim Deeds, MoftTOAOES, Chattbl Mortgaues, SuMMONSES, SUBPOÍNAS, Attaciimknts, ExECLTIONS, Lf.ases, M asters' Deeds, FoRECLOSIRFS IN ChANCEHT, Marriace Certifícate. The above are printed 011 good [aper after the most appi-oved forms, and car be had by the single, dozen, quire, o hundred, at the Signal Office, Ann Arbor Lower Town. November 1,1846 Temper anee IMouse! RAUNEY'S STEAMBOAT HOTEL. DETROIT, MICII. 41 O" 61) to SO persons con be aero mmoda leí uiith clean Iteils and confortable faire, CHARGES MODERATE ! A first rate Coïhhi OmkiboJ wilh BG84O WtOGON always uu band frecí MkalsSS cents Notu. - Thinanu of t'te lievsr ia m-ukul 01 the omnibus tu gilt l:t!e's. Doh't mimike. THE Steamboat Hotel in Detroit has been dept more ilian a year on th slrictnst temu trance plan, and a joodly ntimbe oí Patrio'ic Temreíniice men hnve patrohized it IJut, we aro coinpelled to sny llint monv. érj nrany, Temperance men, ion ihey have visi:c Detroit, have nót even ealld so much r.s onct to soe wheiher our house was worth patronizing. In mosteases we are inclir.ed to beiieve this neglect has not boen intentional; but ihey havo noi considered the importoni benring eucis a cutirse woulil have 011 the great caise of Teinpernnce. - Does noí respoiisibiiity rest sonievvhereí Js ii pol the iliity of Temperaace men to paironize Teinperanco Honses? 3'35 6.n Hardware. THE subscribors liave just reeeivetla lorge ndcütion to their slnck of Foreign and D.mestic Shelf Hfllrdware, wlucli niakes their asBortrneni very eomplfte. B. B. &W. R. NOYES. IrJuly lOih, 1847. 324 npOOLS. - Carpenter's, Cooper's and .1 Joiner's 'l'ools l"nr unie by 3-4 li. B. & V. R. NOYES Jr. NAILS.- 150 kegs Eastern Nails Por lur suie by 324 B. B. & W. R NOYES Jr. SHOVELS, Spades, Hoes, Oradles and Scylhes. Rakes anJ Soylhi Si. mts. lor sale at 324 MAYNARDS. GROCERIES.- We cali particular aitention 10 our stucli ol Grocertes vvhich is the largest and best seltcied ever bruught to Ulij village, and will be eold at Whulesalu or Re tiil very low for pay. 324 MAYNARDS. TEAS. - Old Hyson, Young-Hyson, Imperial and Ülack Teas, all fine and 3-4 MAYNARDS. NEW COOKING STOVE, AND STOVES OF ALL KINDS! !!!!! THE Subscriber would ca!l the attention of the public lo WOOLSOü's KEW HOT llfl COOKING STOVK, which they can colifidently recommend as being deeidedly superior lo ony cooking ttove in use. For simpüciiy in operaiion, econwiny in luel.and for unequallcd bnkirig and roasin g qtmlitics it is iinrivaled. Tlie new and important iinprovement inrrodueed in its coust.uciiuii bftn such as to insure great advaiitages over all oiher kinds of cooking si'tc, Those deirous ol geliing a good cooking stove for faniiJy U6er or a piib'ic bouse, would du well by callina and examining tlic above slove belore purchasing elsewhrtre. B. ]J. & W.lï NOYF?, Jr324 7li Woodward Avenue Westeun Clothing JuaLlccfl 0) alsaiunaib, DETP.OIT, T7 OLLD respecifully give n(ïtice they TT have now received iheir enlire elock of Spring and Summer t,oods nnd are liillv prepored tosupply their old customers and the public wiili any amount of new and laahionabie Keady m.idc Clorhin-, Consisiingot cvory ti;y sn-J drscfiption of garmentd, loo nuuierous to meflliori. All o! bich they are disposed to eell at Wil)0U#aU ov Bctaiï, upon the moet réasonable icrms and prices. Also on hand a spleTSdid assortmenl of BROAI) CL O TIIS, CA SSIME RES, VESTINGS, CASMJIAIÏETTS, T WE E DS, S UMME R CL O TIIS, PLAIN AND PLAID LJN E A S, &c. &c. &.C, are fully preparod to nmkc to order ujumi tlu1 ahoncst notice, and most fashionable liianner, at t'wir wel! known ' ' Clotlt ing Emporium , ' ' DETROIT. corner of Jefferson ond Woodward avenuea. Detroit, May 21, 1847, N. I). Two or three first raie Tailors may find etnpl-tyinent upon intmediaïe applicstion to the Bubscribers, cor. Jefferson and Woodward avenues. 318 tf HALLOCK & RAYMOND. New (wod& UW 'E BEBN RECEIVED BV WLm. Si. ïvaj?monli9 l'ropiïetor of the MANHATTAN STORE, Cor. oí Jeflorson Avenue and Batea St. Detroit. LET evefy body cali and ibè stock ol Dry Goods wiiich msy be iuuuil ai the Famous OLD MANHATTAN SI ORE. The quantity is leraar, the s!)le praltisr, and Uje prices loiccr thttn tv-f ! BONN ETS, BOHÍOS! A very large assortineiH ol all kinds. Ttiserm. Str.iH, Pednl Brnid, Oien Work, Englirii Brnid, Albertino, &c. &o., Irum th coarsetl lu the finesi. A lo a grim asaortiiient of ribbons, tnhs. ilovvcrs. &c. OIWSHASES, LAWNS, SARAGES, MUSLiN DELAINS, Balsorines! and oil otlier sorts of D r o s s Goods. BE A UTIFUL DRESS S1LKS, PARASOLS anp SHAWLS, oy' A i n d s ! PAiTALOI STUFF, COTTON GOODS, COTTON YARN, W S& 32 b-y t-h-c e-a-r-t l_0-a-d-!-! If íolks Trom the country will only give us cali :in;l look round atnong our nice fíoodo, it ,ill we usk. The gouils will speak ilie'r ov [iraisL-s, and in nine cases o.u uí ten Becure trnde. First rnte Young Hyson Tea for four shilling and sizpence per pound. Geese Feulliers, l'aper Ilnngines &c. ."5I7 W. A. ItAYMOND. i?. G. BURGER, Bentisl, FIRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. ROOT' STORE, JRANE & JEWETt's BLOCK, 261-tf ANN ARBOli. GEESE rÊATHËKS ! PAPER HANGINGS FIKST RATE rOUNG IIYSON TEA A OXLY FOUIt AND SIXL'ENCE PE fOUND ! ]{y tho wny no one buys this lea once bul buy a'gaio, and becomes a cus'oiner. Nonc betler ío the pricu can be had in Detroit. W1LL0W WAGGONS, Tra ve ling Baskets, an rifa well as lots of other goods besides Dry Güoí .nay be liad very cheap at the ' Ulij Mínhatta Stouk,' Detroit. 317 W.'A. RAYMOND. N Ü s s. á lía n d 5a i 2 si! - tyfïfl Kegs Albany and Troy Cut dJJ Jiaila3dto CM. 2ti KPga Wrougl! Nailsfidto 12d. 53 Boxes " Bellevemin " Giass from 7X9 t iü X 14. CO Kegspure Leadin Oil. 500 'Ibs. " dry. 30Ü Gallons Linseed OU. 0,000 .'eet Pine Lamber, scnsoned, cloar stuff. Together witli a lul! assortment of Locks, fjatches, Butts, Screws. Wiridow Blind Fasten ings. Sec. foi sulo ut witnin a fraction of Detroit prices, at the BIG' ANVIL STORE, UPPER TOWN. HENltY W. WELLK. Ann Arbor, March 13, 1S47. 308 THE LIBERTY' Ml NSTREL OVi: HU.l)ltKI) COPIES of the fifth ea, tïon of ;his higlily popular wurk are lor sale ut the Sienal oflke at 50 cents single, or $4,6(1 per dozen. Term Cnsh. Jiow is the time for Liberty choirs to supply tliemselves. WItl. S. BROWIV, Allorney Counselor al Law, ANN ARBOR, MICII. (f FICE wiili E. Mijniy, lis.. 297-ly TO RENT. THE ROOM over the store of Becklcy's & Tliomas. Possèssfon jriven iniinedia'ely. May 2á, 1847. BkOKLETs & Thomas. BRASS CLOCKS. A large lot of :{y ond 8 d;iy Bras Clocks for eale. :n S-l and $- by ihe case. 303-tr J. W. TILLMAN iBSaynards ARE IIV TOWIVGAIJi! HA VING removed to thnir ncw store, where tliey are receiving an exiensive assortmeni uf Drugs, Medicines, Paiiils, Oils and Grocerics, With a (mili, well-ielected assortment of Dltï OOD, All of whieh thev oflér to tlieir old friends and nr.w custorners at unusual luw prices. Anything sold ai their store is warranted to be ol ■rat quefity. 'l'liey intend herrador to Keep almost every article wanted (ir family use. Ann Arbor, June 30, 1&47. 32:!.tf TUK CIRCUIT COURTfor this eounly is adjourned to the a.'.ih dny of August next, alone o'cluck in the aflerrroon, at whieh time the petifjnroH will be required to sppear. CASS1US SVV1FT. C'erk, By J. M. WilucoxbO, Üeputy. DatedAnn Arber. Jun Bfêt, 1847. 3'2.3w TWO llorso Wapcons and a Biiegy for sale _ by BECK1.EYS & THOMAS. A JARGE clialdron ket;le for s.-ile by Xl. BCKLEYS & THOMAS. Ann Arbor, Lowcr Town. 3J0 THRESHING MACHINES, CLOVSR MACHINES AND SEP AR ATOES. T!1E eubseriber wmild nform lb public thot lic continúes to manukctura ilic above machines at iho uld sta id ol Knapp & Haviland, BI tbc Lovver Villugeo' Aun Albor, naar ibe Pap Mili. 'I he Machinas are of opproved model?, hare been thoroiighly tes'.ecl in ibis viciniiy and worked well. Tliey are made o!' ilic best mnlc■ mts and by experienced workmen. 'l'hey wil! be kopt conslnntly on band, and also be made to order al the shortcst Thry wijl bc sold on very rensonoMe terina íor Carfh, or lor notes known to beabsolutely good. Tbc nbuve Mocbii.cs can be usnd by four, aix orright horses, and nre not liable to be easily braken or damaged. They ure well tdapted foi ll.e use of enlier Farmers or Jobbers. Tbc Sep aralors can be attachcd to any geared or strnppecl marbine of any othcr kind. The biihecriber would reler to the lollowing persons whb have purclinsed nnd used bis Machine : Mtahnel Thompeon, Salem, Alexamlcr Doana, Jamee Parker, " Alva Prttt, l'itt.-fHd, M, A. Cravnth, Charles ,Iexander. Win. Pölts, Milord Hinkley & Vinton. Theiford. Martin" Doty, Ypsihnui, M. I'. & A. 1). üadlcy, Saline, Win. Sniith, Cantón. Isaac Iiurlmns, NorthBeld. Particular atiention will be paid to Repair. Casb will be pni.l lor Old Castings. Persons desirous of purcbasins; machines are reqnested to cali and examine tliese befoie pnrehasinï; elsewhere. T. A. H-WÍLAND. May 17, 1S47. 3f7tf EPISTLE Ko. 3. THE SUl!ï?CniBER SENDETH CHEET1NG. PERUY'S BÖÖK STORE, Üpened anew at No. 2 Flawkins Block, 'next door lo Hill, White & Cu.'a Store Aun Albor, Michigan. Let ibis be a sufliciont notico to all persona nsins Cooks, Paper, B'nrik Booka, School Bookg, Slates, Quills. StPel Pena, J'enci itand stationkkv, of aiiy lund, al Perry's Ilüukstore is tbc placo lo buy. 1500 PIECES PAPER HANG1NGS, Bordering, Fire Btart]s. and Snnd Paper, whicli w,!l bo sold cheap for caeh, Standard anc Miscellaneoua houks,smiub[e for District, Town ship íind Family School Inspectors and utilera inlcresied, are requested !o cali and examine bis asortment. - Also, Union Sabbath Sc'iool hooks, a large varieiy, and far superior lo the $10 Library boih in binding and matter. Also, Cibica, Testamenta, Prayer books and líymn boolls. TOTTHS'BOOZS, Moral, Religious. instruclive and amutíiní,such as may safeiy be pnt imo the hands of the young. GOLD PENS, whh Gold imd Silvei ensps, a superior anide. The subscriber bas mads arrangements in New York wliich will enabie him al all linies to obtain any (hing ia bis line direct trom New York at short nolice, by KXritKSS. It will be seen that his facilities. or accomodating h:s enstotners wiih nrlíeles not on hand is bevond precedent, and he is ready and willing to do every thing rcasonable to rrnke h:s estnblishiiient such an one as an enliahtened and discerning community re quire, and he hopes t merit a share ol pat ronage. Persons wishins any article in b s line will do well to eall before purchasing elsewhere. Jl you forget the place, enquirc lor PLRRY'S BOOK STORE, m; Arbor. Upper Village. It is desirablc that itshould be umJersiood tbat persons in the Country, eending casiï orders, may de jcnd upon receiving books or stationery on as avorable tenns as though present to malte the purchase. VV. R. PERRY. JuncVG, 18-17. :.';i tf. . _ _. - - _ J. y tL$l l ,1 ti K .-ft V ATHti t IS NO Mhhery! THE Subscribe!? are sti'l n Mnrkrf. nn-1 are preparad to offijr iím Farming PortiOll ' 'I'0 cominiiniiy GREAT BARGAINS, n FULLEIJ CLOTIIS, FLANNELS, BATÍNF.TS, BROAÜ CLOTIIS, and in sliurt neary all kindd of DRY GOODS &r GROCERIES, BY WAY OF EXCHAKGK FOR W O O L ind most kinds of Country Produce. The WOOLEN FACTORY situatcd in tiik illage is now in tlieir possession, nnd is in euc csslnl operation, by mcans of wliich ihey are Die ulier beuer inducements to WOOL GBOWiRS, ton nny otlier establishment in the cotinly. NOT TO BE F0RG0TTEN 'hose who wish Cash. ))kv Goods or Gro'. erif-s for tbeir Wottl, or produce ot any kind. ïould bo surc to cali on the Subscribers belore urcliusing t-lie wherc. VOcfl, CARDING &. CLOTH DRESSING one to order on the shorlest possiblo noticc. Cali and s e e ! 318;f BECKLETS Se. THOMAS. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, May 20, '47. "lASHMARETT AND TWKiiDS. - A _y beaulil'ul article fot Gentiemen's i-lirninei uur, jn3t received and w.ll bn rnanufactured in 10 Milest style and lie-t possiblc rnanncr, al the Western Clolbin Kinporium." HALLOCK & RAYMOND. tf DTUOIT. Cor. Jeff. and Woodward avenues. StccI Culrivaror ïcctIi. THE sulscriber is agent Tor the Patent Plcel Cultivator Toetb, and hnsjust rsceivud a Slbsiipply, whicb he will iell at the inanufaeurer's price. 'J'his article is coinins,' into gerie11 use wherever iniroduced, and haa rceeived ie approbation of the first ajriculturista in the nited States. Anvil S.ore, Upper Town. HENRY W. WELLES. Aiw Arbor, 22d May, '47. 292.1 y Cheap Jewelry Store 157 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and Retail. THE subscribo r lias just relurned from New York wnli u large assortment ol rok! and Silver Wntches, jewelry, tools, mate oli toys, mufcical inatiumems nnd liincy goodi, liich ho will sell Dt wbolesale or retail as fow ii iy establishment west of New York. Couniry Vateh Makers nnd others wanting ony of ihe bove Goods will find it tu their inlirest lo cali,, s they will find ihe best assortine:u in the city. nd at the lowest pricea. GOLD PENS. with silver liolder and pencil 2 00. Price Reduced. Gold Pens.Wutches and Jewelry REPA1RED II. II. MARSH. 157, Jellerson Avenue, Detroit, ) . öifjn of the Gold Pen. 894 NEW GOODS. BV EXPRESS FROM JSJCW YORK. Spring Fashions. THE euliecriber bas just receiveJ Q fresh asportmaat of Spring and Summer Goodi, and offers lliem lor sale chcap, such as Broadcloths of all description ; Satinéis and Cassivieres, and cuenj thing in tliePANTALOON mid VESTING line, and every article UBUally found in a Merchniil TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. [Ie is now prepared to mnke and fit nll kinds of gentlcmen's garments, and would tender his thaiiks to bis o ld customers and tlie public gcnerally. nnd solicita ihcir favors. 05= GARMENTS eut to order at all limes. WM. WAGNER, Dkapzr and Taii.or, lluron Street, Suuihof the PUBLIC SQUARE. Ann Arbor, April 28, 1847. 8?W CLOTII, CLOTIIl ! TH E unde.rsigncd would inform the public that tliev will continue to manufacture FulleJ C'l'Hh, Cassiinicre and Flannel, al thcir Faclory, two and a half miles west Iroin Ann Arbor, on Muron River naar the Railroad. TERIHS : The pricc of' making c!oih will be for Cnssimere. 44 ets. per Qurd j lor Fulled clolh, :iJ Cl. net yard ; for white Flannel, 20 ets. per yard.- We will nlso exchanoe cloth for wool on reasonnhlo lerins. Wool sent by railroad aceonipanied wii!i inilructiona wül bc p.-ornptly altenden" tr. We have done nn exlensive business in wnnufacturing cloth for customers ior aeveral yeara, and believe we givc ns good Baiisliiclion na nny Establishment in the State. We therefore invitt our old customers to couliliue, and new ones lo come." Letters ihould be addresied to S. W. Fosteh & Co., Seio. S. W. FOSTICR & CO. Scio, April, 1847. &I3-IÍ New Establishment clocks, WATCHES, AND TIIE subsciiber would respectfully nnnounce to ihe citizens of Dexter and vicinity that he has oponed a shop in the above place, ni liie corner store, formerly known as :' Slicperd's" ; where he is prepared to do all kinds of repairidg in the line of clocks, watohes, jeweliy &c., on the shortes' notiee. Hoving had about tui lu yeirs expenence in some of the best Eattern shops, he rluterB himself that be can give t.uün siiti-fttcttun to till tliosc wlio moy íavor 1iíi with their worli. He has and iaconstantly receiying, clocks, wntches. nnd jewelry ot all descripti jns, which he will sell as cbeap as the cheanest. W. W. DEX'IER. A L S O GROCER1ES of all kinds: suchas, Teas, Bugnrs, Molasses, Kaiüini, CofTee, I'e)pers, Spice, Fish. Candies, Tobacco, Cigars &c. &c. And in fact kvikvTHIHO usnally keptin such an estab!ishmeni( Licuor ezceptkd) coii8tantly on hand and lor sale eheap. W. W. DEXTER Co. Dextf.r, March G, 1817 312-lf Hat, Cap, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING EMPORIÜM. T. H. ARMSTRONG, H AVINO tnkon the Staud No. 5S, Wootlard Avenue, : Soora north of Doty's Auction Room. recently oceupied by J. G. Cranu, as a Hat Store ; and added the stock of the latter to his own, and also engaged in manufacturóle every des(,ription ot HATS CAPS, Me is now prepared to offer to the Public even article in his line, either of his own or eastern manufacture, twenty five per cent less thsn bflve been offcred in market. In his stock will be found Fine Nutra, Satín Benver, Reaver, Otter. Bi ,ish an' SportiiiR Hals, Fine Cloth. Siik. l'lush, Oil Silk and Velvet Caps ; also, Rich Silk Cravais, Scarfs, Handkercheifs : Kid, Thrcad, Silk, ami Buckskin Gloves ; Col lars, Bosoins, Wnlking Canes, Unibrellas, &c. TAILORiNG. The Pubscriber has also secured the services of a first rato Practical Cutter. by which he will be enabled to furnish garments of eveiy styloami description, and in the most approved and faahionable manner. He is constantly recciving the latest fashions, and, employing the best of workmen. he is confident that he will íive the bet of aatisfaction to all that may favor hiin with their patronage in this branch of his busit ess. 310-tf on Hand Again ! THE Subscriber would respectfuüy nolify the public, ihat ie is locuted OQCt more in the villaje of Ann Arbor, and is prepared to nccomniodiiie the comniunity with 8 choice and well selected assoriiiieiu ol' NSW GOODS ennsistinj.' oí Dky Gooiis, GrócxríxSi ííahiwark, Booïs amj Shoks. Crockmiy, Ac. &C-i which he will sell for READY l'AY as eheap as the same quality oí Goods can be had al any other store in lown. Persons who wUfa to make parchases for Cash. at Cfiüh PricOflj will do well ta cali beforepurcha8ng olsewhere. liy keeping the first qunlity of articles, hy selling at 8inall proiits, and by a fair and honorable course in business, he expecls to tnerit a liberal share oí public palronage. Mostkindeof COUNTRY PRODUCE will bc tnken in pnyinent for Goods. KJ Don't furgr.t the place, - on the East Side of Main stret, a lew dours south of the Public Square, in the sanie store with C. Jïlisa. Jeweler. M. VVHEELER. Anu Arhor, Nov. 24, 1846. 292-11' COTICE. THE co-partnership hereloinre exisling between Gaüland &. Lx Fkvhk, isthisday desolved by mutual consent. Kitlier partner ie authorized lo use "the nniiie of the firrn in settlinti ujj tfae otitstftnding business. Ali personindebted to snid firni are expected to nuike imtnediate paynienl, as by so doing they will eav cost. C, J. GARLAM). T?. D. LE FEVRE. Ann Arbor, May 1, 1817. ;il.r-ów NEW TIN SHOP. TUK subscriber has commenced the uianuiac tuie of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper, In all tta various branches, in connecimn with the "Anvil Store." and is prepared tn furnish Country Morchants and Farmers with every thing in thni line. JOB WORK AND REPAIRING Ncatly and expeditionsly done. HÉNRY W. WF.LLl.ï. tipperTown, ) Ann Arbor, lst June, '-17. -OSJy ,'lim ,Ërbor rTHK Subtcriber having purehased the imerJL csis of .T, M. Ruckwell in llie Marhle I5iisines, would inforni 'he inhábil anti of ibis n 11 d adjoininiï couniies. i ha t lie wijl continue the businc. s Dl ilie nld stand, in the Upper Town, neur ihc Presbyleriun Chuich, and manufacture 10 order : Monumenls, Grnre Stones Paint Slone, Tablet, tyc. $c. ' Thnsc wishing tu obtain any nrticlc in hisline of business will lind by calling tbflt he hos an astortniem of White and Vaiicgated Marble fiom the Eastern Marble Quarricu. wbtch will be wroughl in Modern siyle, and sold al eastern pnces, adiíing transportation only. Cali nn ge' the proof. VV. F. SPAULDING. Ann Arhnr. Jan. 30. 1847. - 272 ly NEW GOODS! Chcap for Cash!! THE Subseribers beg leave to inf'orm their old cualomers, and the public gsnerally, tbal they are now receivingu largo and splendid assortment of English, Ama icau and West India, GOODS, Crockery, Shclf Hardware, Paints, Oils, Dyestuffs, ürtigs and Medicines. Also a general ausortmetH of 1RON. euilable for Iroiiinit Wagons nid Buggiea, NatlRodg. Iloise, Shoes, and lioiöo A'ails, Sheet Iron, Tin Ware and Tin l'late - also a general assortment of BOOTS ff, thick and tliin sale work. ond custom work to ■uit purchnsers. All of w.hich Ihey wil! sell po the lowest possiblc lerms tor Cash or Iïaktkr. Feeling contident os we do, that we can make U for the niereslof all tboee wishing to purchase any of the above menlioned (Joods, we do most earneslly lolicil at k-ast an invetiigaiion of our Goode ani) prices befóre puichasini; eLscJAMES OIBSON & CO. Jo. 3. Exciumge isiock. Ann Arbor, Lowec Town, Sepf. )4, I f46. 282 -t f CLÖCK8 AND WATCEES.'l faoi FTTIIE Subscribcil'.as jnp S-'-w - J_ ruceived. (and is contfr" "SsLOs"ml''r rece'v'ng) 'r0M fl{9 Èên New York an elegant art "Miïèi wo" sü'ecU;L' aseortnien Jewclï'y, Clocïis, "Watches, i.Vc. wlneli hv intendw to eoll as loio as t aftj other eslablisliment this side ol Búllalo for readi pay oalij aniong whicb may bo foúnd i liefollow ing: a aood assortinent oí Gold Fin gei Rings. GoldlJreas'.pms.Wristlet Gujird Chaina ana Keys. Silver Spoons. Germán Sílver Tea and Tablí Spoons (firs quiiliij'.) Silverand Gertnan do Sugar Tongs Silver Sah.Mustardand Crenni spoons, Í 5 u t ter Knives, Gold and Silver Pencil Cases Gold l'ens, " ' Pen.ciU, Silver nná Germán Stlver Thtmbles. Silver Spectaelcs, Germán and tíuildo. Goggles, Clothes, Hair and Tooth Urushes, Lather Iïrushes. Rttzors atul PoCïkei Knives, Fine Shears and Seissors, Knivipniul Forks Brittannia Tea Pot? and Caslovp. Vinteil, lirass nnd Brittania Candleslicks, b'nnfTers &Trays, Shaving boxeBand Sonps. C ii ipman'e Best Razor Strop, Calfand Morocco Wallets. Sill; and Cotton pulses, Violins ani Tiows, Violin and Bass Viol Sirings, Flutes, Fifes. Clarionets, Accordeons- Music Books for the same, Motto Senls, Steel Pens anc Tweezers, Pen cases. &nuffand Tobacco boxes, [vory Dressing Combs, Side and Bock and Pocket Oomlis, Necdlecases, Stetétloes, WalerPaints uní Bruhee, Toy Watches. a great variety oi Dolls, in short ihe grêatest variety of toya evei Ijroughi to market, Phcy work boxes, nliilrlrcn's ten selts. Colonne H)I O;L-. Smelling Salts. Court Piaster. Tea Bella, Thermometers. Cernían Pipes. VVo'od Pencils. BRABS A.D WOOD CLOCKS, &e. in fact almoet every thing to piense ihe faney. Ladies and Gentlemen, cali and examine for yoiin !vrs. Clocks. Walohes and Jewelry i'epnired anfl warranted on short notice. Pho) nt bis old stirid, opposfte H. Becker'sbricli Store, in tlu Store occupicd by M. 'iim ' CALVIN BT.TSS. N. B. - Casli pairl for old Gold & Kilver. Ann Arbor, July Ist, J84C. . 271-ly THE SUBSCRIBEU has received his winter stock, whieb heollcis lor Cath, al grenily reducet! prices. The Public are invited to cali, examine, and judge for tbemselves. Now on hand, ;md daüy adding. SC FAS of every vnrirty nnd pattern, and the laiesi fnshinn. pnces (rom jf;O nnd upward. DIVANS, OTTOMAN8. LOUNGES, BUREAUS, of all kinds, hom $1 nnd up. Centre, Oard, Tea, üress, Pier, Dming, nnd Nest Tables. Wash, Canille, and Toile! Stands. Bsdtteads- Mubogany, Maplt., and Wilnut, í rom fíí and up. Piano Folien ; Piano Covers ; Piano Stools. Doublé and single MltresaM ol hair, shuck, palm leilf, or stiaw. Doulile and sitíale Co( Beilsleads. do do Wriiing Dcske. CHAIRS. - The best assoitment llint. eau be found west of New York and the cbeapest in tiiis city. Windsor Chairs, a good article, rt f '2 50 the sett. Mahogany French Chairs, hair sent, e first rate article, and well rinislied for $3 51), Cash only. Mahogany Rocking Chairs, bair seat .ind back, worrmted good, at the low price of $12, for tbc cash only. Flg and Cane Seat from Cs. and lip. Bird Cages, plain and gaüery: .15 i r J Classes. Homes, and Toy Wheclbnnows, !oi ehildren ; l'atent Shower und 11 ip llallis ; Bueton Batli Paus. Camp S;ools. Umhrella and Mat Stands. Fancy Be'.lows. Fooi Serapers, Cani Seat Counler and Boat Slools, Curtain material, Table covers, Patcni Post-Ofiice B:iltinccs. Picture Frainrs. Willow Waaons, Oradles, Chaira, Cloeks. and Baskets ; Brittannia Tablc C'asiors, very chcap. J. W. TH. 1. MAN, No. 87. .1ÍFY onAvenue. Detroit, .Tanuary 1, 1847. 2!)7-ly STEEL G O0D S! JJ tt r s e S f l ft s n n tl Z v f m m I n a s SPLEND1D FANS, inil any quantily of othur good? of thie sorl al bc OLD MANHATTAN STORE, 317 Detroit. FinE! FIRSÜ Ijl .1. B. CRANL would respeclfully notify the cilizcns of Ann Arbor, and ihe suroundina country, tbat lio continúes lo ac'. ns Ageni ol the HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, nul will naüre I'roperiy against losses by Fire, dl iheiowesr rates, and vvitli dcspaioh and accurucy. The Harlford Insurance Cotnpuny is one f the oldest and mosi atable in the country, nnd ill losses sustained by them will be - as they ever ïave been - PBOMPTLT paid I Fire il . dangerns element and nol to lie trilied vi:h: ;lierelorc, nike np your mind to guard ngainst, it and don't dki.aï ! A few houisdelay may be your ruin. Mr. Ciusu's Office ip in Crane's new Block, corner of the Public Square. Ann Arbor. 280-tf TEETU! TEETHH TEETH! MASTICATION and Articulation, warranted by their bei Dg properly replaced. S. D. BURINIFTT, will continue the practice of Dp:NTISTRY in all iis various branches, viz : Scalmg. F'illing, nnd Insertinccin gold pintes or pivotn. from one to an entirc snit. Olrl 'platea or misfits remodled. and made cqual to new. OFFICEover C. B. Thompson & Co.'s Shoe Store, Ladics who rtquesi it, can be waited on at their dvvclüngs. N. T!. Charges unusually low, and all kind. ofPRODÜCE taken. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5, 1846. 293 tl THE PROTECTÍON INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN., CONTINÚES to nsui-e upon the most favorable Herma, dwellings, barns, nierchandise, milis, otock in milis, and o'.her kindt of insural)!e properly. Applytóthe office of their Agency at Ann Arbor, in the post office building, opposite the Bank of Washtenaw. D. WINTI RFAeent. April, 21, 1847. 312-tf Peacc Declared, A.'U A TRBATY FORMES, WHEREBY S. FELCH can hold Pree Trabe ami Combi erck in BOOTS, SHOES, LEATII ar, a tul Flndings of all kin Is. wiih all persons, Natives or T'oreigner, on tlie followinfi jiwl and equnl lerms, vi. : riooil Ailicl.cs - ]mio l'riccs - Uaihj l'uij - mul Aro Trust. Tlie subscriber hoving fully testcd the Credit Syatem tn his great loss, boih of confiience and cnsli, and having sud'tied much losa ly liie. necessily compels hini to col loc t his puy ■ btjort liarrest," as "afikk HARvlst ond h,ji fai.i.." very oltcn come up "missing," leaving bien sadly in the Uooi-hvle. He lias come to the saine conclusión thol certain sensible giils ilid on n late occasion, (lecfo-tal or nt kutbanú, ready iiiii nr no Slwemaking ) All persons that can conform jo the abovc treaty will do well to cali on S. Felch. Ann Arhor, Lowei Toivn, No. i Hurón líl.jck . where they will not be taxod for otliors' work who never psy. N, B. All persons i nriehfrd in any way to ihe s'ibscribcr, had beiier calj and pay if they are hnnëst an'! muan to keeji so. 297 -fim s. KELGHj AnnArbor, Lo wcr T„w„, jan. j( 847 COMSTOCK & SEYMOUK, Dealers in Favcy and Stapte Dry Goods, Boots AND SHOES, HARDWARE, Croclcery Jf Groeerieê, at No. 3, Porler's Bleek, South side of the Public Square, 308 JACKSON, M1CH. KeturnedTAniORINO. THE Subscriher is desirous of infbrnñflg hi old customers and the public enerally, Ihn lid bas located hinwelf on Main st.,near Wildt.Grocery Store, on the corner of Main and Iluron streets, where all kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the present fas h ion can be done in a lespectable and prompt man ner. P. S. CUTTING done on the ghortesf noice and warranied 10 lit if pmpcrly made up. W. Wlf.KIN'SON. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 317" HOUSE & LOT POR SALE. THE siibserilxT offers to scll her Dwelling Ffou9e nnd I-ot in the Lower Vilhige o: Ann Arbor, situnted bilt a few rods from tliecen ire of businr-83, and front Jlg on Broadway. Ii will he lound a convenient residence for a family. Also, on the saine lol, a drelling house well adapled tu a smalt family. The propsrty will be sold on very reasonablc herin. PoMetaion cmu be given by the lirst ol September, if dcsi.'ed. ELIZA 11. GROVR. May 22, 1847. 317.8ni Gold Pens, P R I C E R E 1) U C E D . IT is admiin'd bv uil wlio uso them, ih.n Piquette'a Gold Pena ara! if not superior toany everoffered in ihis market, price $2,50. For eïli wholeaole. and retail at tlie tnanumeto ry. Corner of Jell'erson Avenue & Griawold Si.. Detroit. 314-lyr leo lor sale by C. ÜLIf S, Ann Arbor. COUNTY ORDERS. TUF. hi.jhestpiicepaid in caehby G. V. Lewis, Excliange Broker, opposite the Insurance Jiank, Dnioit. for orders on any ol thu couittios in the State of Miobigun; also lor State ecurities ofall kinds and uiicurrent funds Culi and sfx. Dec I. 1S15 241 -tf ÜTeusils. LOG. Cable, Trace and Halter CI1AINS. Wailswuiih',:, Vedder'a, and Tower's HOES, Hay, Baile?, aml Mqiinre FOKKS. Crndlo and Grasa SCYT.HES, l(Omson'e and oihcr Sn;itlis and oradles, Iron and Cast Steel Shovels and Spades, Drug Toeth, Crow Bars. l'nk Axis. Choppiug Asea, Cross Cut Saws, Hiiy Rakps, and all other tools for the Fnrmer, can be bou glit low at tho Anvil Store. Upper Town. II KM! Y vV. WELU08. Ann Arbor, 22 1 May, '47. 2!)2. ly O4KJBARK1 THE snliscriber is prepered to pay lars pur oord for V'oliow Onk Bark. and $2,."l lor White Oak Bark. delivered at the Tanicry formerly occupied hy Flenry Mann. in the Upper Villagc of' Ann Arbor, near thn Red Brewery. One half Cash and one half Barter will e paid for ihe sanie, ll' will nlso pay CASH for any quantity ol HIDXjS di livored as above. - HKNRY KRAPSE. Ann Arbor, June 1, IS 17. 3iy-t!v Til It ESHING Machines. f!JJK underpigned would infunn tlie public X I Mat lie m.niiilaeiures Jlorse Power and Threshing Mncliines al Scio, ol a m ijior kind nveriied by himself. Thes3 Powers ond M.irhinrs ore pnrticularly dnpted lo ilie tt-e of Fnrmers lio wish to uie hem lor threshing tlicir own grrin. The powr, ihresher and fixlurcs can 11 be locded inlo n "ïiimun sized wagon box and drawn with orie mir ol horses. Tlieyaie designcd !o be uscd viih four horses. nnd are abundamly strong for hal ntiniber, and niny be safely used with six or glit norse viili proper care. Tbey work with essstrenglh ol liuraea according lo theamount of iiisiness done tbnn any oilier power, nnd will bresli generally abnui '60 bushels whcat per ioy witli four liones. ]n one instancc ]58 nixhrls whent were threshed in ihree lioura with four borses. Tliis Power and Machine contaln all the advantnges necessary to niake tliein profiiable to the nurcbjser. They tire Birong nnd durable. - They are eiisily moved fiom one place lo anotlier. Thé work of ihe rroises ís easy on tlifse powers in con parieon (o o'liprs. nnd the pi ice is LOWKR thnn nny othcr power and machine, háve ever been sold in ihe State, according to tlie real volue. The terms of payment will bc liberal for notes t lia t y re koewn to be absoluicly good. 1 have a mimber of Powera ond Maclilnrs now ready for sale nnd persons wisiiing to bny are invited to cali soon. SEPARATORS. I am pre pared to muke Separatori for Ihoso who may want them. The utility and advanlngcs of tïiig Power ar d Machine will appear evident to all on ejiiminii g 'he recommendations below. All persons are cauiioncd against iiinkii g these Powers and Machines: ilie undc-figni d having adoptcd the necessiiry iiioasurcs for eeci ring lelters pntent for the sume wilhin the timo required by law. S. W. KOSTER. Scio, Wasbtcnaw Co., Mich.. June J8, 134C RECOMMENDATIONS. During the yenr JS45, cach of ;be undersigncd purchased and used either ndividunlly or jointly with others, one of S. W. Foster's ncwly inventod Horse Power8 and threehing machiner, and helieve thev are beller adapled to the ue of Farmers wbo want l'owers and JMachincs for their own rse thnn any other power snd thrfiher within our knewledgo, They me calculoted to be used wih four horsps nnd are of nmple strengih (or ifaet ntiniber. They appear lo bo constructed in such a manner as to render thein very dur.ible wiih linie liobiliiy of getling out ol order. They are eisily moved frnni one plnee to anoiher. Thcv can lic wnrked will) any nuniber of hands froni four lo light, ar.d will ihret-li aborl 280 busheh) whem pir day. J. A. l'OUIEiMUS, Scio, Vnflit:naw co. G. BLO'OD, " " T. RICHARDSON, " SAMUEL HK.AI.y, " " S. I'. FOSTER, " N. A. PIIF.I.PS, " " ADAM SM1TH, " '; .1 M. BOWEN, l.ii.n. " VVM. WALKER, Webler. " THOS WARREN, 1). SMALLRY, J,odi. " I threshed last fall snd winier one of S. V. Fotier'á horse power, more thaa riiiepn ihonsnnd bushels grnin. The repairs bestowrd npon ilic pnwer nmounterl to onlv C cents, nnd it was ii) ;und otder when I had done ihre&hing. I invaliably ufced i. horpes. AARON yoüNGLOVE. Marión, June 6. 1316. I purt-hifeI i-n.' of 8. W. Foster's horse eis last (hl! and have used it for jobbinf. I ;iave used many difiere], t kinds of oers and ielieve ihis 'is the besi running power 1 have. ever teen. Ü. S. BENNET. Hamburg. June, I8JT. We purchaspd one of S. W. Foster's Ifor.'O Power iasi rail, and have uscd it and think it is I firsi rate Power. JFSSF HAJ.L. n n:i, s. halt., REUBCN S. HALL. Hamburg. June. I84(i. 2C9 tf CORIV, RYE & WBEiT WANTED hylhc subscribers, 10.000 hnshfls ol ( 'o n - 10,01 0 busheliol Uve, md 10. COI bushels of Wbeai. delivered at llie Sieani Mili, for wlnoli Cash will be poid. INGALLS. LAMB. & FJSHFR. Ann Arbor, Jan. 4, 1847. 298-sf. FOR SALE CHEAP ion CASH, or evory kind of cour try Produce. Saddles, BridlesJIarness, Trvnks, Valises, Trunk Valhes, Carpe Bugs, c. Also aooti csüortment ol hips & Lashes, whieb will be sold veiy low, ond uo niiaüikc. t ('OOK & 1!OJ31NSOK'S. Ann Arbor. Aiif;usil2. I tí-í (i. '?7-tf CEEAP STOVES AT YTSlLANTl! QK COOK1NG & PAR LOR STOVFS, -"-' just receivcd, by the Suósci iber, (n'oM■ y f rom Alhnny) making a good assoriineni of ihe latest and best paiterns. which will lie sold it Lmc Plica! not to be undersold this f idc Lcke Sj-iel A'ao, Copper FurnilutP, Cnulilron Ke::lcs, Hollow Ware of all sizes, Slove Pipe, Sheet Iron, Zink, &c. TIN WARE.' Manufncturcd, and constanily kcpi on hand which will also bA sold very lov-'. S. - l'urchasem - :'.] úo well to cali anti examine for their own sati&!nctiui. .1. M. BROWN. Ypsilanii, J:me 20, 1S4G. L71) FURNITÜRE & UPHOLSTERJNG WAREJROOMS. STETEIYS & Zl, ÍN thelower end of the White Block. directly opposite ihe Michigan Exchangk. have on hand a laree ass.'rtmrut of FüliNlTURE, of Iheirown niauu'aeture. which they will feil very 'ow for Cash They also keep fisperiencod Upholstcrers. and are prepnrTd to do all kinds of Upholstering at the shortcst notice. Fnrniture of all kinds made to order of the best material, and warrnnted. STEVENS & ZUG. Detroit, Jnnuary, 1, 1847. 297-1 y CCLARK,Attorney and Counsellor, andJuKice oft hc Peace. Court House Ann rbo' 9 10tf baözsmïthY? tooiís. " 4 RMITAGE Mouee Hole" Anvils. J_ " Wriglit's" do. Cotterel Keyed Vices. TVesl's best licllows. 'M to Hti inchpes. Sledges, Hand Hommers, Files and Rasps of eve'y kind. can bc found at the Iron Store, .'ign of the Big Anvil. HENRY W. WELLES. nn Aroor, Jan 10, IH47 t'98-ly BRIGHT and Black Log Chnins, r.-IO. 16, 7-16, vV Ui w rapping do. (Sin1 trli t nnd twisted.liok Troce do. Hnlter' do. For sale very chcap at the sign of tlie Big Anvil, Uppor Tou n. HK.VRY VV. WELLES". Aun Albor. 10. l.47. 2!.8-ly ROWLAND'S best Mül Sawy, 6, 6J, and 7 feet. towhind's best X C'ut Sa we, (, (IJ, and 7 fcei. l'nslish ('. S. Pil Sawp. lif, and 7 lent. Superior Amencori Mili S.ïw Files. 10 to 10 in. For sale at the sign of ibe Big AirVil, Uppor Town. UENHY W. WELLES. Anti Arbor.. Jan. 10: 1847. ly


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