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JAMES B1RNKV. JUIN W. P1ÍIKI.D?. BIRNEY & SHIELDS, Êlttovncjï .m Coutr.c'iors Slt Hato, AND Soliriloi-s in Chauccrg, CORNER OF MAIS ASI) COUHT STÜKKI9, CINCINiNATI, O. J. B. Qjmmissitmor f Deers and DtposiüOAt for tlie tiltih: i f Michigan. BL.ANKS Warranty Deed, Qüit-Claim Deeds, MoRTGACES, ChATTBL MORTGAGI-.S, SUMMON'SES, SUBPCEXAS, ATTACI1MENT8, E.XECUTIONS, fyKASES, MasTes' Dkeds, fo11eclosjf.s in cliancert, Marhiaob Certikicates. The above ni-e prirtted on good paper, after the most pproved forms, and car be had by the single, dozen, qiiire, 01 hundred, at tlie Sígnal Office, Aon Arbor, Lower 'i'own. November 1, 184 Te mp eran ce lio use! BARNEY'S STEAMBOAT HOTEL. vi:n:oir. m:ch. O flü tn fiO persoifè Crtn í'C aero -nm oda led tciíh beds and Jarr. CHARGES MODERATE! A fiist ralo Covt.KKi Ohuibvs wilh üiggaok Wíooob nlunys un haodra.1 Mbaij -5 cení.--. - Til ' n'linf. nf t'ie kevsí i viukd. nu tlie omnibus in gilt I l'e's. Dov'r mistakjc. TIIE SteAmboat Hotel in Detroit Ir'S been hepi fnorte ihan n yenr uii the . '.' . tcrnveraitge plun, ;m I a Loody nambei t c u::ii i'-'iiic' men hnve patronized H. Bul iré íjiin)t1!!cd id gay t!ru many, very 1 ia] l'ëmperanue men. v!h;ii they h:-e visi:ed Delroii. hnve not oven enll-J so niuih as once. to soe wheihoi nur house wns wortli paironizing. In iiioal cases w me incUr.ed (o Seliove ihis neglect h;is nt been nteiuion:il; bul iliey liavo not tonsidtred ilie iiiipiinnnt be.irin; such a course wou ld have 011 tlie !re;it canse uf Tempernnce. - Dorjs not respoi.aihiiity res( soinewliere? Js il mu ilie duiy of Temporalee men (o pntronize 1'empersince Houses? :ïJ" G 11 Hardware. TH E subscribáis have jiisi rrceiveda Inrge adclition (o (heir stock of Koreign and D.mestic Shell Hardware, which malies tlieir as Eortmem very conipleie. B. B. & W. R. NOYES JrJuly lOih, 1847. 324 TOOLS. - Carpenter's, Cooper's and Juiner's Tools Tor yïile by 3Í4 B. B. & W. R. NOVF.S Jr. NAILS.- 150 kegs Eastern Nails for for sale by 3-24 B. B. & W. R NOYES Jr. SHOVELS, Sjiades, Hoes, Oradles and Scylhes. Raken and Sc-vthc Sumen. lor suleat 324 MÁYNARDS. GROCER1ES. - We cali particular Hitomiuo lo our slock ol Grocenes wliich is the largest anJ best selecied ever bruogfat 'o iliis village, and will be eold at Wholesalu or Re vcry low lor pay. JU4 MAYNARDS. TEAS.- Old Hyson, Young Hyson, Imperial nnd Black Teas, nil line and resb, at 3 4 MAYNARDS. NEW COOKING STOVE, AND STOVES OK ALL KINDS! !!!!! THE Subscriber Would ca!l ihe attention of the public f) WOOLSOÜ'l NIW Hoï 11 COOKING STOVK, which they can confidenlly recommend as beinn 'iecidedly superior to any cooking stote m use. For simpliciiy in operuiion, cconomy in luel.nnd for unequalled biking nnd ronstiag qualilies it is unrivoled. The new and important mprovemeni introducid in its const uction betng giich os (o insiio graat advantages over all oihtr j kinda of cojking stovcs. 'l'iioso drsirous ,)t getiing a good cooking slove for lumily use. or a public house, would do well l'y cnlhng nnil f.x.imining the nbove stove befure purchaeing elsewhere. i. B. &. NOTES, Jr ■'-' 76 Woodward Avenue Western Clothing tAOatlccIt 2) VKwuncno, DSTEOIT, Wr.O espfctiully ijive muire ihat they have iiow reoPKed t ij ei r entire stock oí bpring and Suminer t.oi)ds nnd are lully prcpnred to suppiy iheir old cusloniera n i j .-( ilie public with .:ny anount nf new and laehionable Kcarfy ITIade Cloxhing, Consisting ol evsry varieiy ond descriptinn of narmentj, loo numcrons to mention. All ol liuh they are disposed to sell at mtwUfixU ov ïaetaiï, upon the most rensonable lerms and pices. Also on hand n eplendid nssortment of BR0ADCL0THS, CA SSIMERE8, VES TIN GS, CASMHARETTS, TWEE DS, SUMMER CL O T H 8, PLAIN ANO PLAID LINEAS, &c. &.c. &c, ire fully prepared to niake to order upon tlic tiortcst notice, and most fashionable nianner, at Líiei r wel! knuwn 1 ' Clotli ing Emporium, ' ' 0ETROIT. ;orner of JefTersnn and Woodward avenues. Dehoit, May I, 1847. N. B. Two or tlnuc firsi rato Taüors may f'nifl eni'il yment upon irnmedia:c application lo the suböcribcrs. cor. JeiTerson and Woodward avenues. 318 tf U.ALLOCX & RAYMOND. New Ewtod$ HAVE HEEN RKCEH'ED )!Y LLlm. 8. ï$afimoti&9 PropriMO of the MANHATTAN STORE, Cor. ol Jeflbrson Avenue and B.itrs Si. Detioir. LET eyëry body cali and lookat ihe stock of I ry Gouda wliicli uiay be luun.l at ihu Fuinous O LD MAN II A TTAN SI ORE. The quantity ia larger, the stjle protlier, oadilie prices lotcet tlian v r ! A vcry larga ossorlménl of all kinds. Tusenn. Siraw, i'rdnl Jiiai-i, Ojien Work, Engli.h Bruid, Albertine, &c. &c. Iroin the Cüflrsesl tu tlie liüest. AJso ii great sssbrtiiicni ui libuons, tnbgj flowi s. &.c. GIüirCHIiLllES . LÍLWM3, BAR AS ES, IV1USLIN DELAINS, Malxorines! and all other sorls of D r e s s G o o d s. BEAUTIFUL DRESS SILKS, PAE.AOOLS and SHAWLS, o ƒ all . n í a ! PRIH TS, Dn'Hüífití, PAiTALOO STI'FF, COT TON GOODS COTTON YAR.V, b-y 1- li- e e-a-r-( l-o-a-d-!-! Il' folks fioin the c .utntry will only givn us n cn'l. and iook rounü aniunir our nice giKïds, it s dl we afk. The goods II speak the'r own prdises, au J in nine caaes o.u oí ten secuie a trade. Fiiit late Young Hysón Tea fur four shillings and sizpence per ponnd. Geesa Featliers, l'uper Hanjings &c. 317 W. A. r'AYMOND. Ë. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIKST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. V. ROOT's STORE, JRANE & JE WETT's BLOCK, '261-tf ANN ARBOR. GEUSB FEATHEKS! PAPEK HANGINGS! FIRST RVTE YOUNG HYSON TEA AT O.Ni.V FOUR ANÜ SIXTEiNCE PEK l'OUftü ! By tho wny no one buys this tea once but buys again, and becoines i onsioiner. None beller lur the price can be had in Detroit. W1LL0W W AG GONS, Tra deling Ba skets, and nb wen as Ints of other goode besiries Dry Goods may be liad very cheap at l!ie ' Uld AIiNH.vnA.N Stork,' Detroit. 17 W.A. RAYMOND. ij =-1 JJfjgs "9 g to .s w fe 3 O 53 H ft33Soü-Si = f. ei' = = g .. PJ a o - W 1Í I I i:sl - f?IA Kegs Albany and Troy Cut LlJJ Nnils3dto 6 tri. 20 Kots VVrougM Nails6dto 12d. 5J lióxea " Helievemiu " Giaeá frohi 7X9 10 10 X 1-5. ■0 Kegspure Lead in OU. 501) tbs. " ,jry. 390 GaJIons Linaeetl Oi'l 20,008 ieel Pine Lumbtr. sensnnerl, olenr stuff. Toceiiier wiih a ful! iissnrtnient of Locks, Latches. Bults. Screwt. Window Blind Fasten inga. üc. sale at wttnin a lïaction of üelroii prices. at ihp BIG ANVIL STORE, UPPER TOWN. I1KNRY W. WELLS. Ann Arbor. Marcli 13, Ii47. 308 THE LIBERTY MINSTREL OSE HfJ.VUILKO COPIES oT il, e fifih eái tion of ;his highly popular wórk are lor snlc at the Sisinül office al 50 ct-rls single, or $4.50 nrr liozen. Terms Cash. Xow is che linie lor Liberty elioire to supply ihenis. W7I. 8. BKO1VIV, Attorncy % Counselor al Law, ANN ARBOR, MICII. f FFICE with E. Mdrdt. 10s42!l7-ly TO RENT. THE ROOM over the store of Becklcy's & I bomas. Posscssion given immedia'.ely. May 2. 1847. ükciu.kvs & DK.4SS CLOCKë. A largo lol of iJ :i; hoiir nml H J,.y Brass Clocks for sale. ;it -il-i and $22 by the i;aFe. ■0-"' J. W. TILLMAX Majnards ARE IJV TOWNGAIJV! HAV'ING removed to thcir new store, where tlicy are receiving an extensive assortment Drugs, Medicine,';, Paiiits, Oils and Qroceries, With a smnll, well-eeleeteil nstJortmeiit of ÖRÏ OOD, All of whicli thev offer to tlieir old Irieiida and new customers at umisual low priies. Anyihing sotd at their sroré ia warrnnted to be ol firal qunlrty. They iutenei hercañer to keep almost every artiele warited for faniily use. Ann Albor. June HO. 1847. 32;{-tf TUF. CIRCUIT COURTfcr ihiecountyi? Biljourned to the 25th day of August ïext. alone D'clock in the aflcrnoon, at whicli time the petit jnrors will le required to appear. CASSJÜS SVVIFT. c.'ork. By J M. Wii.i iiixsox. Dujnity. Daied Ann Arber. June Sist, 1847. 32.3w TWO Horse Wngïons nnd a Bitïgy lor saïë by BKCKÍ-.EYS & TflOMAS. LARGE clmldrnr kftile for snle by -fUECKLEYS & THOMAS. Aiui Arbor, Lower Town, 0J0 i THRESHING MACHINES, CXtOVER MACHINES AND SEPAKATOfíS. 'FM1 F. siihspriher wmild inforin the public that JL he cominucí io mnoulocture thO aboye machines it (hfi nld sin id ol Knnpp .V liaviland, ai ilii! Loner ViHiígeo' Áüti Arbor, near ihe Paper Mili. 1 lie Machines nro ol' opproved model-, I luvebaén thoroughty t-s:eil in ihis viciniíy and Worked weU, 'J'hrynrc made o!' ihebest miiviialsand by expériénced workmrn. 'Hiry wil! ■ kept coMtontly on hand, nncl iilso bc Blad Co order al iho shortest no ce. Thcy will be so!d ■ n very rcnsnoable terina tor Caáh, or for notes luimvn to Im alsohiicly good Tha nbovo Machine' can he used by four, sil or Ptghl horaes, and ore not liablu lo be enj-ily briken or dnmaged. Thi'y iro. wcll aiiapted for tin; use of culier f'nrmers or Jobbers, 'l'he Sepiiralois can be aitnchcd to any geared or strapped machine of any other kind. The Bohseribc? WOuld reter lo Ule l'ollowing persona whó llave purebasod and nsed his Machines : Miehsel Thompson, Salem, Alexander Doane, li Jumes I'nrker, " Alva Prait, riufi-1.1, M. A. Crevnth, " Charles Alexander, :í Wm. Poils. Milord, ílinkley & V'inlon, Theif'ord. Martin Doty. Ypsilanii, M. P. & A. t. Hadluy, Saline, Wm. Smith, Clinton. Isaac liurhnns, Northfield. Varlicu'ar atieition will be pau! lo Rüi'Atns. Cash will be paiii lor Oíd Castings. Persons JosiroiiM of purefaasing machines are recji'èsted to cali nnd examine these before purahasing ülsewhere. T. A. IIWILAND. May 17, 1847. 3l7tf " EPISTLEío"."37" THE SUBSCIUBEIt SENDETII (ÏREET1NC. PERÜY'S BÖÖK STORE, Opened anew at No. 2 Hawkins Block, rnext door lo Hil!. Whiie &, Cu.'s Store Aun Albor, Michigan. Let this be a Eullicienl notice to nll persons using Books, Paper, B!ank Books, School Books, Slotea, Quills, Stoel Pens, Pencils and sTArioNEUY, of any kind, lliat at Perry'e Bookstore 16 ihe placa to buy. 1500 PIECES PAPER HANG1NGS, Bordering;, Pire Boards, and Snnd l'aper, which will be sold cheap for casli, Standard and Miscellaneous books, suiuble for District, To#n sliip and Family School Inspectors nnd olhers inieresied, are requeeted to cali and examine his a?sortment. Also, Union Sabbath Sc.iool books, a large varieiy, and far superior lo the $10 Library boih in binding and matter. Also, Bililes, Testainenis. Prayer boolvs and flymn liooks. TOTJTHS BOOKS, Mornl, Religieus, insiniclive and ainusing,9tich as may aaf'ely be put inio the ha.ids of the young. GOLD PE.S, wiih Gold and Silver cnses. a superior article. The subscriher has arrangements in New V'ork which will enable bim at all times to obtain any ihine ín his line direct from Niw York at short notice by BXPRKSS. It will be seen thathisfacilities. or acconiodating hs ciiitomcrs wiih ■ líeles not on hanJ s beyond precedent, and he . is ready and willing to do every tliing , able to make his eitablishment such an one os an enlightened and discerninsj community re quire, and he hopes t nierit a share of patronage. Persona wishing any article in h s line will do welí to cali before puichnsin ■ ivhere. lf you forgel the phee, enquire lor PLRRY'S BOOK STORE, nr, Arbor. Upper Villnge. It is desimble luit il ühoulii be understood tha; porsons in the Country, sending cash orders, rnny depend tipon recciving bonka or stationery on ng favorable terms as tbough present to make tlia purciiase. VV. R. PERRY. June 26, 1847. :ï3 tl'. IS NO ÍÍ i&igg$ ff ƒ THE Subscrihers are sm'! n Markpt. nml are preparad to offur tha ï"arming Poitioil ' tne commiiniiy GREAT BARGAINS, in FULLED CLOTHS, FLANNELS, BATÍNETS. BROAD CLOTHS, and in aliort neary all kind of DRY GOODS Sf GROCERIES, BY WAT OF KZCBitlOt FOR W O O L ind most kinds of Country Produce. The WOOLEN FACTO ft Y aitunted in thi? illnge is iiow in their possession, nnd is in suc cesslul operation, by nieans oí whiclï they are able oflcr beller induceinents to WQOL GROWIRS. thap any other esinblislmient in tlic county. NOT T 0 BE F0RG0TTEN Tl, -,■ who wih Cash. Uhv Goods ur Gsu. (.kriks for their Wool, or produce of nny kind. sliould be aurc to culi on the Subscribera beloie purchnsing else wliere. WOOL CAROING & CLOTI1 DRESSING done to order on theshoncs: possible notice. Cali and s r e ! 3l8:f BECKLEYS A-. THOMAS. Añil Albor, Lower Town, May 20, '47. CASHMARETT AND TWEr'.DS. A l)enutitu! article for Gentlemen's phinmci .veiir. just received and w.ll be rnanuláctured in ilie latesi style and best possible rnanner, al the :i Western Clothing Eniporium." IIALLOCK & RAYMOND. 318-if DETROIT. Cor. Jfff. and Woodward avenues. StccI Cuirivni-or TccTh. THE subecriber is agent for the Patent Steel Cultivator Teeth. and has just received a tieshsupply. whicli he wil] fel I at the manufacturer's price. This article is coininy into general use wherever inirodoced, and has received the approbation of the iirst anrriculturists in the United tíiates. Anvil Swire, Upper Tuwn. IIENRY W. WEL!, ES. Anv Arbor, 22d May, '47. Ï Clieap Jeivelry Store 157 Jeferson Avenue, DETROIT. lVholesale and Rctail. THE subscriber has just returned from New York witli u large assortment ol Gold and Siker Watches, jowelry, tools, mate nals, toys, musical Instruments and fsney good. which he will sell at wholesale or retail as ow as nny establishment west of New York. Country Wiitch Makers and others wantinf; any of the abüve Goods will find it t. their innreist to cali,, as they will find the best assortine:it in the city, and at the lowest prices. GOLD PENS, with eilver holder and pencil $2 ui). Price Reduced. Gold Pens. Watches and Jewelry REI'AIREI) H. B. MARSH. l.")7, JefTerson Avenue, Detroit, ? ciign of the Gold Pen. j 324 NEW GOODS. BYEXPUEfíS I ROM NEW YORK. Spring Fasliious. THE ul'scriber lias jusl received a fresh mFortincnt f Spring ml Suinmer tri ti-J . ii. d offers ihem for Bate chc.ip, stich na Broidclotha of all descriplion ; Satinéis and Cassiviercs, and every tliing in the l'ANTA LOON nnd VESTING line, and every trticle usu.illy liound in a Merclmnt TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. He is now prepared to make and fit all kinds of gentlenu u's garments, nnd would tender his thn.iks to his old ciittomers and the public generally, and solicits their favois. 05= G ARM ENT 8 cut to order al all times. WM. WAGNER, DnAi'ER am Tait.or. Huron íátreut, Souihof the PUBLIC SQUARE. Anti Arbor, April 8, 1847. 3'w CLOTH, CLOTÍII ! npiIE undersigned would iofortn the public X that thev will continue tu manufacture Kulled Cloth, Cassimiere and Flnnnel, at tlicir Facto:), twi afid a h;ilf milcfl west Irom Aun Arbor, on llurau llivcr near tlio Railroad. TERMS i The price of making ciotli will ba for Cnssimere, 44 ets. per yard ; lor Fullcd cloth, Ö7J ets. net ynrd ; for white Flannel. 'Ocls. per yard. - We will also exchangs cluth for woul on rengonïib'e terni8. Wool sent by railroad necoinpaiiied wiih iniructions will be p.omptly attended tn. We have done an ex'ensive business in roanufacinrin; cloth for cusioniers for several years, and holieve we givc as good'.iction as any Establishment in the State. We therefore invite our old cuetomers to coutinue, and new ones to come. Letters sliould be addressed to S. W. Foster & Co., Seio. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, ApnL 1847. :il :t- iT. New Establishmentclocks, WATCHES, AND iS W 4öüJiS5 sa a TÍIE siibscriber would respectl'ully announce to the citizens of Dextcr and vicinity ihat he haa opened a shop in the above plnce, in the corner store, formerly Itnown as Sheperd'a" wliere he is prepared to do ai.l kinds of repair idg in the line of clocks. watches. jeweliy &c. on the notice. Havinghad abouttwelve yenrs experience in sonie of the best Eastern sjiops. he flatters himself that he can give enttra siitiifuctwn to all hose who ma favor hini wilh their work. He has and isconsnanfty receivtng, clocks, watclies. and jewelry ot all descriptbns, which he will sell as uheap as the cheapest. W. W. DEXTER. ALSO GROCERIES of all kinds: s'tch as, Teas, Sugnrs, Molasses, RaUns, (.'offee. Peppers, Spice, Fieh, Candies, Tobacco, Cigars &c.. &c. And in (act usnally keptin such an estabüshmentfLiiiuoit exceptei) oonsiantly on hand and lor sale heao. W. W. DEA'TER & Co. Dr.XTKR, Marcli G, 1817 3R-lf Hat, Cttp, gentlemen'sfurnishing EMPÖRIUM. T. H. ARMSTRONG, HAVINÍ1 taken the Stand No 5-Í, VVoodard Avenue. ',i dnors nnrlh of Doty's Auclion Room. recently occupied by J. G. Crane, as a Hat Siore ; and added the stock l' the Inner u his own, nnd nlso cngaged in manufacturine every deecription of HATS CAPS, He is now prepared to offer lo liie Publir ever article in his line. eitlier of his own or eastern mffliiifnctura, twenty five per cent less ihiin have been offered in tl. is market. In his stock will be fonnd Fine Nutra. Satín Benver, Beaver. Otter. Bush air' Sportin? Bats, Fine Clotli. Slik. l'lnsli, Oil Silk and Vclvet Caps ; n!so. Itioh Sük Cravai, Scarfs, HandkercheiTs ; Kid, Thread, Silk. ami Ouckskin Gloves ; Collars, Bosoms, Walking Canes, Umbrellas, &c. T A 1 L O R I N G . The Subscriher has also secured the services of a (irst rate Practical Cutter, by which lie will be enabled tofurnish garmenis of every styloand (ieücripüon, and in ihe most npproved and faaliionable manner. He is consiantly receiving ihe latcst fashions, and, employing the best of workrnen. he is conlvlent lhat he will ive the le -t of satisfiiction to nll (hot may favor hi in wilh their patronage in this branch of his liusit.ess. 310-tf on Hand Again! THE Subscriber would respeclfullv nolifv the public, ihat he is luc;tted once more in the viflage óf Ann Arbnr. and is prepared 10 acconimudnte the conuuunjiy wuli a chuice and wcll gelecied assortmem of NEW GCOD3, consisiinc of Dry Goous, Grockhiks. Hardware, Boots ani Shoks. Crockmíy. tVc. &c, which he will sell fer JtEADY l'AY as chenp as the same quoliiy of Goods eau bc bod ai ony otlicr store in lown. Persons who wish lo make purehases fur Cash. at Cah l'rices, will do well to cali boibre parchasina t'lsewhere. Bv keeping the first qtiality of articlos. hy 6e!ling nt smnll prifils, and by a fair and honorable course in business, he e.xpects to merit a libera] sliare of public patronan. Most kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE will he taken n payment for Goods. 033 Don' t f of git the place, - on the Eat Sidr of Mriin strekt, a few cloors soiuh of the Pulilic Square, in the same store with C Kliss. Jeweler. M. WHEELER. Anu Arbor. Nov. 24, 1846. 292-tf NOTICE. nnilE co-partnerthip herctoinre cxisn'nc beJL tween Gari,ani & LiE Tv, kk, is Ihisday desolved by mutuül consent. Either partner is aulhorized to use the name oi' the fiim in setilinti up the otitstiinding bueines?. AI! personindebted lo said firm are expected to malte m. mediale payment, as by so doing tbey will sav CO8C. C. J. GA R LAND, B. U. Li: TKVRE. Ann Arbor, May 1, 18-17. 315-8v NEW TIN SHOP. TUK Nhtcriber bas commenced tho manufac ture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper. In all its various brunches, in oonnecuen with the "Anvil Store." and is prepared 10 furnish Country Merchants and Farmers with every ihing in that lirre. JOB WORK AND REPAIRING Neully and expeditiously done. HENRY W. WELLES. Upper Town, ) Ann Arbor, Isl June, '47. J 2P2 ly ,tttn tÊrbor fff Tai: öubaünLi'tti liuving puichuseu llie interests ol J. M. Rockwell n iho Marhle Business, would infonn 'hu inhabitnnts of tlne aml ndjoiniiiL couniies. iha". lie will con Vin líe the busine s m ihe ol'] stand, in ttte Upper Town. ne;ir the Presbyterian Chuich, and nuinulacture lo order : Monumenls, Grive 8 1 ones Paint Slone, Tabcis, Sc. $c. Those wjeliinjj In obtain nny :niclo in hisline of busi nese wiil nnd !)■ cal line that hr hns nn nssortment uf While mul Vftrieated Mirblf from ilie Eastern Marble Quarrie. which will be ivroughi in Modorn si y le. nnd so Id nt ensicrn pri ces. ftdding tianéporiaiion only. C:ill fnd yoi ihc proof. W. F. SPAUI.DI.NT,. Aiui rbor. Jan. 30. 1847. 'i7J Iy_ NEW GOODST Chcap for Cash!! TUK SulucriberB beg Icnve lo inform llieii old, and the public asnenilly. 1 i;i t ihfly are now roceivinga large and splendid asöorlnient oí Knglish, American and JVest hui.u. Goons, Crockery, Shelf Hardware, Paints, Oils, Dyestuffs, Drugs and Medicines. Also ti general ansurunent oí IKON. suitablc for [roning VaL'ons and liuggies. Nnillloils. Moise Shocs. and Ilorse Niiile. Slieel Iron, Tin Ware and Tin Piale - aleo a general assortment of boots snor.s, tliick and tliin sale work, and cu6tom work to snit purchasera. All af which ibey will sell on ;lie [owest possible toimsfor Cash or Baktf.r. Fecling contident ns we do, Ihat we c:in malie it for the interest of all those wishing to purchase any of the above mentioncd Goodp. we do inost e.irnestly soliuit nt least &n invesiigation ofour Goods and prices before purchasine elseJAMRS GIRSON & CO. .TVO. 3. Exehange ISlock. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Sept. 14, 1.-46. 282-if clóckïTandwa tches.' ! J&'K5it fTUI E Subscribe) has jus! 6 sw fL -- received, (and is conér #J srallI'y receiviug) from Í[í9 New York in elegant ard Y ir "wcfe woll selected asïortmcni Jcwcls'y, ClocKs, Wntchcs, Alo. &,c. which ho intends lo sul! a oio as al any other establUbinem iliis side ol Bufl'alo forrearfj i"; onbj atnonf; wl.icli mav b found i'ieollow in1;: n cood aseortmem c: Gold Finger Rings. Goldlíreasl pins.Wi istlets Guard Chains and Keys. Silver Spoons. Germán Silver Tea and Table Spoona (first quality.) Silver and Germán do Sug;ir Tongs: Silver Salt.Mustard and Crenrñ spoons.. Butler Knives, Guldand Silver I'encil Cases Gold Pens. " ' Poncüs, Silver nnd Germán Silver Thinilili s. Silver Spectacles, Germán and Steel do. Goggles, Clothes. Uair and Tooth Urushes, Laiher Brushes. Rozorsand Pooket Knives. Fine Shears and Scissors, Knivcpand Porka, Brittannia T'ea Pots and Casiors. Plnted, Brass. nnd Briitnnin Candlestickt, Snuffers & Trays. Shaving boxosand So'ips, Chapman'g Best Razor Strop, Calfnnd Moroeco Vllet8. Silk aml Cotlon purses. Violins and ■, Violin and Mass Viol Strinüs, Ffutes, Clarionet. Accordeons - ftkisic lionk . same, Motto Ser!a. Steel Pens T re, Pen cases. Smifi'and Tobacco boxes. : essing Combs. SuJe and Bnck and I'oeklt inbs. Ncrdlrcnses, Stelettoes, WalerPaints anH ., olies. Toy Watcties. a crcat variety of K short the crentest variety of loys ever ir.v p d,is mnrket, Fnncy vvork boxes, chüIren's ten ae.tts. Colocne Kair Oils. Smellinp Salts. Court Plas'er. Tea Bells. Tbermonieters. Germán Pipes. VVood Pcneüa. BRASS AND VVOOD CLOCKS. &c. in ftrei almost every hing to piense the fnney. Ladics and Gentlenen, cali and examine fpr yourselvrs. CiocUs. Watches nnd .icwelry repaired and varranted on sliort nol ice. Shop at hia old tand. opposite Tí. Rer.ker'p brick Store, in tbr Store occupied by AT. VVbeeler. CALVTN BFJSS. N. B.- Casli paid for old Gold & Silver. Ánn Arbor, Jqljr Ist, 1846. 271-Iy L THE SUBSCRIBER has received his winter stuck. whieti heoüeis lor Cush. t greatly reduocil prices. The Public are invited to cali, examine, aml udgu for iliemselves. IS'ow on hand, und daüy dilirg. Si.v'AS ot' every voriclvond pattetn. lid ilie hiiesi l'ishion. prires Iröm $30nd upvatáñ. DIVANS, OTTOMANS. LOUNGKS. BUREAUS, of all kinds, frofn $1 and up. Centre. Oard, Tea, Dress, l'ier, Uining, and cít 'J'uhlrs. Wash. Candle, and Toilet Stands. Bedsieads - Mnhogany, Maple, and VVilnut. rom ü and up. Piano fortes ; Piano Covers ; Piano Stools. Doublé and single M:uresses oi hair. shuck, alm lea f, or stravv. Doublé and single Cot Bedstends. do do Writing Desks. CHAIRS.- The le?t assorlment ihnt can be ound west of New York and the clieopcsl in iiis city. Wiadsjr Chairs, a good artiele, at $2 50 the ett. Mahogony French (chairs. hair sent, a first rate rlicle, and well fïnished for $3 51), Cash only. Mahogany Rooking Chairs. fiair coat and back, worrnnted good, at iliu low price of $12, for Uu1 aeh only. Fin nnd Cane Seat from Ca. and up. lïird Cagea, plain nnd gallery : 3ird Glnsses, íobby-llorfícs. nnd 'l'oy WheelbaVrows, !br cnilren ; Patent Shovvei and Hip liaths ; K.isiuii iath Pans, Camp Stools. Uinbrella and Hat Itands, Fahc) licllows. Foot Scrnpers, Cane ■íeat Counter aml lioat Stoolx. Curtain material, ible covers, Patenc Post-Office. Balances, Picure Frames. Willow Wagons. Cradles, Ciairs. locks. and Baskets ; lirittanuia Table Castors, ery cheap. J. W. TiLLMAN, No. 87. JellV onAvenue. Detroit. .lanuary 1. IS 17. 297-ly STEEL GO 0 DS? ) ii r s e S Í 1 1 s a n rt ar f f m m Í n fl s SPLENMD FANS, nd any quant jty of oih.T goods of tlus aort at lm OLD MANHATTAN STORE, 'J17 Detroit. - ■ - - - - - - . - -- FIRZ3! FIRZ3Ü F. I. B. CRANÊ would regpectfully nolify the clÍ7.cn9 of Ann Arbor, and ihe surroundin;! conniry, tbat 10 cuiiiinucs to actas Agent oftho HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, nnd will insure Property against 'ossee by Kire, at Ihelowesi rale, nnd uiili dcspaich nnd occurncy. The Hart ford Insurance Compnny is one j the ol.lest nnd most stnble 111 the country, and ill los-csnusi.iincd liy ilicm will be - as they ever ImVe been - piíomptt.t cmd I Fireist. danger"' et l aad nol to be trilied withi herelorc, ranke up yo'iir mfnd to guard agninsi. it ami ■i in't hkmï ! A few hoursdelny mny he your ruin . Mr. Ckant's Oiïiro is m Crane's new BIücU. corner ol the Public Square. Ann Aibor. 280-tf TEETIl! TEETII'! TEETHJ.' M-ASTJCATION and Arüculalipnj warrantod by ih'eir being properly replaced. "ii i S. 25. BUHRÏFTT, will continue tho practice of JKNTIfiTRY in all iis yarious branches, viz: Sealing, Filling. and Insertiiiï.m gold phitesori.ivoti.7iom We toan cntnc sent. Oíd piales ojr iniaSts remodled. and made equal 10 new. OFFICEWr O. IJ. Thompson & Co.' Shop Store. Lndios who request it, can be waited cm al their dweüings. rnn5-.,L!'2r?ef "n"9ual'y Io'. and all kinds of PRODUCE laken. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5, ï 846. 293 tl THE PROTECTÍON INSURANCE COMPANY HARTFORD, L'ONN., CONTINÚES to nsure upon the most favorable term, welling, bami, nierchandise, milis, qiock in milis, aml other kind? of insnrablc property. Applytothe office of their Agincy al Ann Arbor. in (he post office building, omjosue the Bank oí Washtenaw. A , ,i i'Üi D" M'INTRE. Agent. April, 21, 1847. 312-tf Peace Declared, AND A TRBATY FORSSHD, WHEREBY S. FELCII can hold VHKK TltAIIK AMJ C'OMVKRCK IK BOOTS, SFIOF.S, LEATMM er, and Jfindhigs of all kinJs. wiih all persons. Salives or Foreigners, on the followins Jtist and equal terms viz : Gnnd ■Arieles- Lom Prïces-lteodu Pav - n ml Xo Trial. The subscribe having ful ly teeled the Crrdit Byéletai Iji hls great loss. buil, ,, confidence and cash, and haring sull'cinl mach losa by tire necegsity compels hirn to colltct hie vay," tttutt karvest, as "aftf Harvest and nextfali " very olten come up "wissiwo," leaving him tod1,1 Ln the Boatlwl He h.-,s conje lo the umi conclusión t lia t cenain sensible airs ,I(J On n late ocension, (to to lat or n, ItnshaniL feady pay or n fshoemaking ) All persons hat cuii conform to the abovf trcaiy will do well i„ Call on S. Fetcb, Ann Arbor, Lowei ïown. No. 4 Hurón Block, wleie thcy will not be Wied for others' Work who nevar i"y. N. lï. All persons indebted in any wav lo the, hid betier cali and pay if ihey are boneel an' mean to keepso '97 G'" . S. FKf.rH. AnnArbor, J.oWer Town. Jan. i, 1847 comstock & svmn;K, Dea'crs in ï'tuici and Slaple Dry Goods, Boots AND SIÏOES, HARDWARE, Crockcry S Groceries, at No. 3, Porter's Block, South sitie of the PiMic Square, 308 JACK SON, M1CH. KctnrnedTAILORI2VG. TUF, Sibscril)or is desiiouso!' infuni'ing hif etd customers and thé public enerally, tlia' IhJ bas loested him elf on Mojn st.,near Wildli Grocery Store, on ihe corner of Main and liuron slieets, wheie all kinds of T A I L O R I N G in the j r e s e n l f a s Ji i o n can be done in a espectable and prompt manner. P. S. CUTTING done on the ahorteM no;ice and warranted to fit if prnperly mude up. W. VVlf.klNSON. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 317 HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE. TMF, subscriber ollers to sell her Dwellinp rTónsé nnd l,ot in the Lower Villnge o Ann Arbir, situated bul a few rods from tiiecen tre of business, and fran tin g on Iiroadway. I; will be (ound a conveaient tesidence for a family. Alsi. on the sanie lol, a dwelling house well adftnted tt a s'iiaü family. The prnperty will be sold on very reasonnMt term?. Pessaion can be given by the lirst ui .September, if desiied. EUZA II. GR0VF My29. I8T. 3l7.3m Gold Pens, P R I C E R E D U C E D . IT is adminc! bv all who use ilum. thal Piqucttes (r.ild Pens are èqual il not superior to any ever orl'ercil in this ni.ukd. priee $2,.r0. For sa'.e wliulesale. and n the manu'.'Clo ry. Corner oí Jefferson Avenue & Griswold öt.. Detroit. 314-lyr Also for snle by C. BL1PS, Ann Arbor. C0UNTY ORDERS. rjniIE hiirhest price paid in caêh hy G. F. LewX ie, Exchange Broker, opposite the Insurance linili, Detroit, for orders on nny ol the countias in the State of Miclrgan; nleo for State ecurities of all kindsund uncurrent funds Call and sce. Dar, 1. IS-15 241-lf FnrmiiiK Urcnsils. LOG. Cable, Trae and Halter CHA1NS. ValíWorll::. Vedder's. nnd Tomim's MOES, Hay. üaríev, and Maniire FOUKS. Oradlo and Grass SCYTHES, Lamson'e and other Snaths and Oradles. Imn and Onst Steel Shovels and Spades, Drag Teeth, Crow Hars. Ptck Axe, Chopping Axes, Cross Out Saws, Hay Rakias, and all other tools for the Farmer, con be bought low nt the Anvrl Store. Upper Town. HENRYW. WELLES. Ann Arbor, 22J May, "47. 92. J y OAK BARK ! TUK subserilier is prepered to pav ThreeDol lus per cord lor Vellow Oa'k Hurk. and f2,50 lor White Oak Bork, delivered at the Tnnnery formerly occupiod by Henry Mann. in thr Upper Village of Ann Arbor, near the Red Brewery. One half Cash and one hall liarter will be p'iid for iiie same. [Ie will also pay CASH for any quantity ot ZIIDXtS delivered u sbove. HKNRV KKAISE. AnnArbor, June 1, 1817. 3l9-?w Til 11 E 8 HING Machines. rlli. undersigntd uould nfurni ihe public -L Ihnt be manufactures Jlorse Power and rjireshing Machines ai fáeio, ol a tuperior kind invenid] hy himaeff. TIipsj Powen and Machines nre pnrticulnrly idnpicd lo ihe lsc o Fiírmer lio it-h lo ue thcm lor threshing llitir own gr; in. TI. e power, threshernnd fxniri-s con nll he lóorird mío a cornmon sized wagon box ond drnwn wiih oco uoirnf horses. Tlcynie tfesignrd lo le ustd wnh four horses. nnd are nbundnnily strong íor ihol, and mny liu snfely uecd wiih six or sigftl liorscs wjth proper mm. Tlicy ork with lessstrenglhol horses according .f business done than nny otlier power, ond wíll llircfeli generally nhout 00 Uusliela whfnt per day with four done. ín or.c ioftanca 158 bushels wlient ere llircslied n llirce liovrs wiiii lour horses. This Power and Machine contain all ilic ndvantages nece6sary to niake them profiloble to ihe pnrch.iser. They are sirong nnd durable.- They nre moved from one plnre lo nrioiher. The work of (lie aiW js easy on ihtse power in con parison lo o;,eis. and il:e prirc i LOWKR ilinn nny ollier powcr nnd machinr, have ever been sold in ihe Slaie. necording 10 il.r real valué. Th terrns of pnyment will íe lerol fur noies ihai yre known to LcaLtolunly good. I liave n niimber of Power nnd Meehlnrt now ready for sile nnd persons wiehing lo buy are inviied lo cnll soon. SKPARATOR3. I am prepnred lo niake Seporn'or for iliose who inny wnnt (hem. The uiiliiy and üdvanlnge. of i!,if Power ai d Machine will nppeor evidepi lo all on t-ínniinii g 'he recommundaiions helow. All persons nre caulioned ngainsl makiig ihese Powcrs and Machints: ilie undr-fipnr d hnving ndopicd the nceess.iry mensures (or fícu ring letters pnlent for ihe saine witliin ihc time required by luw. S. V. FOSTEH. Scio, Waahlcnaw Co., Mich.. June 18, 134C RKCOMMEKDATIOKS. Diiring ihe year IS45, each o( he undertigned imrcliiised and used eiilnr inriividunlly or joinily with oihers, ore of S. VV. Foster's ncwlyinvented llors-e Powen nnd ihrcehing siácbinri, md liclieve lliey are tirticr odnpicd 10 tlie use of Farmers who wanl j'owers and Machines íor tlieirown ueethannny oiher power nnd iliieflior within our knowiedgn. Tlny are cilculatcd 10 be used wilh Cour hoiaes and are of ampie strcngih lor ihat nuniber. They appear lo m eoDMrticted in such a m.inner as to render thein very dur.ible with linie liabiliiy of gtlling out ol order. Theynre eisily moved from one piare to anolher. They can íe worked wilh nny ninnbnro! banda from four lo cighi, nr.d will lliretb nbori yOO bushels whent per day. J. A. POUfrJMUS, Scio, Wnfhnnaw co. G. B.LOOU, T. RICHAKDSON, " ' SAMUEL IMCAl.Y, " ■ . P. FÜSTKH, " " N. A. PIIF.I.PS, ' " ADAM SMITII, " " J M BOWEN. I, ir. n " WM. WALKF.R. Wtbrter " THOS VV'AI!Ri;.. " 1). SMÁLLET. J,od. I threshed lasl fall! nier, one of P. VV. Foïier's luirse potrera, more ihan lilirtn honsiind bushels gra;n. 'Jhe repairs bism i d ipon ifie p'uver nmoiimed to i, I y í;j ,.iis. and i was in go.] oriler wben ] liad done ihreshing. 1 inyuríubly us-ed .-i tinrwa. AÁftON VOUAGLOVE. Marión. June C, 1SKJ. I pnchascH , n, of S. W. Fosier's horre lowera lasi fall and have used it for j-ibbing. I mve used mnny diflerei t ki'ids of powen nuil lelieve ihis is ihe besi running P"er I I, ave verseeii. L). S. BENNET. Hiiinburg. Jone, 18 IT. We piíreh-.f.d onr of 8. JV-. FusK r's flor.-e Puwers lam Ihll, and have used itaud ihink ii is i first rate Power. JK.SSF. HALL. DANIEL S. HALL, T?r:t bf.n s. hall. Hamburg, Jure. 184C. SCU if COK IV, RYE & WHEAT. WANTED by tlic subsciibers, 10.000 bushels oí o n- II). (M 0 bushels of Kvi-, md 1(1.(0) bushels ot lirni. ilelivrred at the ■ileam Mili, for wbich Cash will be pnid LVGALLS. LAMB, & FJSHTR. Ann Arbor, Jan. 4. 1817. 2!)-:!. FOR SALE CIIFAP for CASH, or ewiy kind of coue Iry l'ioclnce. SaddesBrides,Harncss, Trunk.t, VtiJises, Trunk Vais-fs, L'arpct liags.c. Aleo a fiooü tiswrunenl of V.iif Al L.jiii:s, -vhich will be sold very low, nnd no mittfrke, nt (OOK & HOlliNSON'S. Ann Arbor, Augusí 12. IÈ46. W?7-tf CHZ3AP STOVES AT YPSILANTi! " justreceived. by ihe Subfciiher, ( n oelv from Albnny) making a good nfsortnieni of be Intesi and best pntterns. whicí will Ih fold it Lmc Piircs! not to be undersold ibis sid Lnke Erie! Also, Topper Furniluip. Cnoldron Kcítlrs, IIollow Ware of all sizès. Slove Pipe, Sl.cct I ron. Zink, &c. TIN WARE! Monufncluecd, nnd consmiüly kept on lmnd which will ,ilso b soTd very lov. S- Purchaseit, .:.;: o well lo cali snd examine lor their own satibfncli n. J. M. BROWN. Ypsilanii. J;ne20, lfeMfi. gTJt FURNITÜRE & ÜPHOLSTERING WAREJROOMS. STETEWS & ZUG, r. thelowrr end of the White ISIock. dirfctly opposile ihe Michigan Exc-hAhgk. liav on liand a large aesortmeni of ( RNJTURE, of iheirown mnnu'actur, which ihcy will tell verv 'o1 for Cnsh They also keep experiencod 1'pholsterers. and nre prepared to do all kinds of Upliolstering at ihe shoriest nolice. Fnrniture of all kinds mnde to order of ihe besi material, and warranled. STEVENS & 7AJQ. Deiroit, January, J, 1847. 2í)7-ly - CCLARK,Attorney and Counsellor, nnd Justice oft he Peno"1. Orl're. Oourt House Ann rbo' o 1()tf BAOZSMITHS' TOOLS. " 4 RM1TAGK Mou.e Ilole" Anvüa. -V ■ Wright's" Jo, Cotterel Keyed Vices. VVesi'sbest Rellowa, 30 io "(i inclipss. SledgeA lland Hnmmers. Files and Rnsps of eve.y kjnd, can be found al the Iion Store, vicn of the Big Anvil. " fa HENRY W. WF.LLF.S. nn r,)r. Jan 10, 1847. 298-ly ORIGHT and Black Log Chains, 5-16, 6 16, TIC, & 8-J6 wrannina do. Snrght and twisted nnk Trice do (Inltpr (0' vnfVptTorwnC!'e0Pat'lies!gnoflI'eBiÁnHKNRY W. WKLLF.S. Ann Arbor. Jnn. 10. 1847. 2:i8-ly ROWLAND'S best Mili B, 8él aiul 7 feet. towlnml-s bes. X Cut Sawp, 6,(51. nnd 7 ftei. Knclish C. S. Pit Snws. nj „nd 7 feet. Superior American Mili Saw F,lcs. 10 io U, m upc;;.ríou caiihe8isnof iiieiA-'. HKMtY W. UF.LLF.S. Ann Albor. Jan. 1(1, 117. :.'U-Jy


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