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The Signal Of Liberty

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Is publishcil cvery Satunlay morning by THEODORE FOSTERTerms of the Paper Two Uoi.i.aks n yeiir. payattle ;8 nenrly in ïulv.-ini'e as may be. All subscriptions musí be paid wrriiiN the yeur. Paper) will nol I; ton liiuied 10 lhoe who oAe lir one yearor more. Payincnts in bank bilis niay bc tcniitled by Mail at om risk nml expensu ; bul in casu ui loss, proot' musí bu ind Uiui lbo inoney was ;icl uali)and prupcrly niuiled. Ratcs of AdvertisingKir encli line ofbrevier, (llie smallestiype.) die tirst inseriion, 3 cents. Forfi.icliMibscvieiiiinsoriion, 2 cenis. For tlircc inontha, 7 centt, For six momhs, 10 cents. For onc year, 15 canta. Orders by niiiil wil lic prompily attcnded to. Legal Ailrertiaing by the lolio. AU adveriisemenis mnsl bo aicompanied by vutten direclionsfor ihetinicol 'iuscitiun; ollierwis they will bo cliargcd for tilt ordered out. Ij" AH Rcmiitunces and Coinniunicalions g'ould beaddresscd, Post paid, JETSicnalof Libkiuï: Ann Arbor,Mich. j LOCAL AGENTS. The following persons are nuihoiised .iihI ir queeted to net ns agente lor the Signal in their fspective vicini'iea. S. D. Muro, F.aton Unpidf. T. T. Stkbbi.19. C.irlislc. A. Akmstkong. Verinomville. Joel Buryrn. J.ymis. Fkjivcií Way. Porlbnd. K. S. l(WBStHX, Uilia. Robekt l'oisïKK, Eagle.


Signal of Liberty
Old News