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The Georgia Whigs

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Mr. Calhoun, in a le'.ter, reh ing to n complimeníaiy resolution pasíd hy n Whig meeting in Putna u counly, Georgia, says : "I am hnppy ihat iny resolutions nm! stand havR niet with the a)probation of vour meeting ; not so mui-h nn my account, as ncceptnble as is the approbntion of my fellow citizens to me, but Ér t reason far more imjorlntit. Coming from a qu.irter of tlie Siaie so respeclablr and influen'ial, I hail it a-; an ornen IhM the Wh'gs of Georgia are p repared to do tlicir duty in reference to the viial questions invo'ved in the resoluiion I introdnccd. " I hope it is llie prscursor to tlio unión nf a+i parties with us to repel an ou'rngeousnnd unprovolted assanll on us - one ihat involves our safety and that of the Union. We have the ('onstitution clear]y with us. My resolutions have bsen nssailed aid denounced, but the truth of the principies :hey ossert remains uncontevtrd and incomestible. In def'ending thcm, we not only defend ourselves, but theConsti'.ution ; and in defending it, the Union itself, of which it is the bnsis. '; We must not be deceived. The lime lias come uhen the queslinn musí be niel. It can no Jonger be avoided - ?or, f it couhl, is it dc.sirable. The longer ü is, ihc more invetérate (ivd ihingeroiis téill becoine the instile fcelings beíieeen ikeslavehnlding and non-slaveholding States. With unión among ourselves, we have nolláitg to f car - bul without it, eeerythmg. The quesHon is far aboce the pary ques liona of the d.-iy. lie who is nofjr us, is against ns."


Signal of Liberty
Old News