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War Expenses in a year op Peace and Famjne. - The estiinutes for the cost of the warcstabüshmcntsof England, 'or 1847 are ns fullows : About one hun J red millions of dollars! of no carthly use, but to afTurd tho Govsrnment a vást patronage to corrupt thn eople, and support a noblesse of ten thousand ofFicers who live tax free. A Tioro burden to twenty-thres millions of leople, who payto cost and recoive no jenefit in relurn. - Emancipalor. The secorid son of the Emperor Niciiolas, of Russia, Constantine, by name, is at present playing Peter the Great, by tnaking very particular examinations of the Dockyards in Euglnn'i, and also of the Iloyal Munufuctories, prepnratory to nssjrning tho direct ion uf' similar works in Russia. lt is bocoming quite customary among ihe Royalties, to set their cliildren ttt some work tliat will enable thotn tooirn their bread, if, at any lim", they shall be in the sitaation in which Louis I'uil LIPFI found hiniself. Birth Extraordinary. - The lady of Mr. Ilenry Gosling. restaurateur, of Nas sau st., last Sunday morbing became theinoilicr of lier ttcenly-fourth child. In consequeiicc of tho inciense of his family. Mr. (. boa bren eompelled to move up town, wliere the city is at pi'i senl let dcMisely populalcd. The legi.laluro o! Malne, it will be leollecled, roceiiilv a;.ivo 300 acres of land lo a Mr. Dfake lor his public services in liaving auginonted the ïuiinlier of inhabitants in lliat ststato by ninctefii. Mr. and Mts. Gasling ure cerlainlv eotilled toa larger doiuiium tv ilieir largor contributloQ to ti census liit. - -Tribune. Vermomt on the Wilmot Proviso. - The YVliig Conventiün passed a serie nf rosolutions, among vvhich are the fol lowing : ResulcedfThai it ia with nntions as witl ndividualSjbetterftufTtr todo wrong than todo wrong; tliat tlie irue Policy of the Amei-ican Repuhlic is pence, anti tliat war should never bo res'rled to except as a menns of Resolved, Tliat we regard ilaveryas the most dangerous eletnent exisling in llia natiun, vvhich it wou ld be unwise to .strengllieu or e.xtend; and ihrrefore that our alternativo os to rtny territory to be acquired frotii Mexico must be - fkee TERRITOitY OR NONE. Liff, of Ammals. - Scala of the a1erage duratlon of animal life. collected f'rom Linnceu, Buffjn, and other celebrcted writera on nuural hisiory: A hare wil! live 10 years; n cat 10; a gont 8; an ass 30; a sheep 10; a ram 10, a dog f rom 14 to 20, and som e times more, a buil 15, an ox, a curious Tact, 20, swine 45, a peaoock 20, a horse from 20 to 30, a pigeon 8, a turtle-dove 2ó, a partridge 25, a raven 100, an eagle 100.


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