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UK AD VE RT IS E KS. Uutler tliis head, wo publish, free of charge !ic OO036] residunce. and business, of ihose who ndvertise in the S" of Libekty. 1. Iír,.usL, OakBark, Aun Albor. Mayharm, Druggisis, Arin Arbor. T. A. llwii.iMi. Machinist, Ann Arbor. V. WiT.Kt.isoR, Tail'jr, Ano Arbor. W. Pustbr &■ Co. Manufacturera, Scío E. II. Güovk. Real hsia'e. Ann Af!or. Wji. WíOiÍeb, Merchont Tailor, Ann Arbor. C. l'iiii'KTi k. Gold Pens, Dutroit. U' M'IntikRi Ifiaurance, Ann Arbor. VV. W. Dkxter&Co-, Jewelers, Dexter. I'. II. AiiMsrKoNu, Hals, &c, Uctroit. üki'ki.p.ys & Tw!tAa, MerchanM, Ann Arboi 1! . I!. Gi.AZiti!, l''ann lur Sale. Ann Arbor. tf. V. FosTGKf Threshing IMiiohinea. Scio. CoaisTocIt &, Shtüjor, Merchants, Jackson 'I'. II. Ai.ii, liat Store, l),;ir"i!. J. GfBSO vt Co . Mertlnnts, Ann Arbor. C. ('i,ii;i.. i.r.v Office, Ann Arlmr. G. F. r.i:u'is. BroKer, Uuiroit. F.. G. Curof.p, Deniisi, Ann Arbor. C. Bliss, Jeweler, Ann Arbor. f. J. B. Ciune. Insurance Office, Ann Arbor W. F'. S!ni,iifi. Marble Yard, Ann Arbor D. Bahneï, Teniperance House, Urtroit. Cook & RüiiiNso.N, Hartifss Makers, Ann Aibor. VV. A. Ratmond, Merchnnl, Detroit. J. M. Brownj Stores, fpáilauli. M. H'nin.f.i:. Marchant, Ani Arbor. H. V. WïtLKSj llnrdwarc. Ann Arbor. S. I). lii'Kvi p, Danuat, Ann Arhor, & Zorfs, Uphulaterers, Detroit. Wm.S. 1!i:o.v.n, Attornev al Lw. Ann Arbor. S SIioo Slore. Ann Af!or, .1. VV. TtLtVAR, G-hlnel VV.irr. Detroit. Hallock & Iíajii, Clolbing Store, De l roil. FIREÏJFIREÜ TUK Kiibscriber continúes to act ns Agent fui' che llnnloi'l Kin. Ilwiiianct: ( ompany, of HnrtfoM. fortnseiic'v. Th C m ;iniv hns been in busine lor ..■ Ui Tl i l !i I' S1X ï I'.AÜS. nul promp'y poid !l ihat linie, amoiin'.njj lö'marj Millionsoi Dullara. AppMctitioi'j l.y mail, (i-osi pfd) or 10 i'io nubscr&tr BI :1h !'..i Offiee, proniptty nlten,.i to. 1' 3. t OttANB, Airent, Ann Arhor-, )u!y :!(), l S 17. 3!l-ly T( ) W SEN I 'S RARSA PAR 1 LLA. W liivo ihc Vh.ilusili' mi'iiey il' Uuiustly colelwijred médtciuu. Tw c" " '■ .■ ivi-,1. :;-M M v..i::)s. BliICK.- Wo have on hand 900,b00 fiU)ü;iliiy Urici. nn1.prppa ■! o luruiíli ny nuaniiiy vvn!ea, ve y luw lor i-n"h. 5í MAYNÁRDS. lili i (" NCES o' ININE, f-ir tfc tiuiua wil li;irinig a eu ply uu hiUl'l m l V ÍARDS THE OLD DYE-WOOD WAREKOUSE ! TO CLOTHIERS, M VUFACTURERS & T MERCHANTS. lik subicriber s now receivin? nt wStoi, UB and le e6i,.,rt Avino . ' 1'lnf,1""! carefull nnd wel.' aolecled WCk "' ÖYE-WOÖDS. DYc", STOFFS. nnd io toi,e Kuste, Cuba, Tubascj, Tainnlco, and Cardragena. lOtonsLigwuud. Campeoehy, Si. Djiaiögi, and Honi' fi luns Niuaruugua, Cuimir, Caro, Ilaclie 'mil Lima. isn L7Í3 CJ'mW0011. very éhoieft 180 l.ngw.Jul]S! cul „j „roiind# l3Jdo Fusile. h HUI do lied W.xxls '■ )2)lo Ctnnvfdod. " IU do Quereeition Bark. 45 .l'j Aluin, 42 do Ccippnras. rtdo JilucViirioI. W (o Mad.ler Ombro, and Duld, Crop. ■i do 1 team Tariar. 2 du N rtjja'l. 2 euea fndigo, Benll, Manilla, tí Gautirrtula. Í3 dö Lac Dye. 20 do Kjrract i.ogwood. 2 do Grnti Tin. 301) poun s Verdii.r.. 15 C.rboys Oil Viiriol, Spirits SeaS,,], ALSO, Cpper Kulties and Clothier's Scrows. Tenter fooke, Jacli? a„d Br„.l)es, Pre. Vape". Cartf Cleaners, Wcavers' Sliears. Nippers o„d Brding Irons.Comb l]a,e,, Picke. '11 Bobb im, Wie, Wort8d aud Cotlon Karn.s,, Scecl , L?Bi, Reed8' ljroad "nnd Loom and Fly Shutier, Steel and Coppcr Maita, EmParson'g Sheering Machima, 4, 8, nnd 0 blades. Allen s doublj ,,d aingte Carding Machine MiichineCiicds, Leicester. The above goode have been recenily purchase I, direclly froin the iinpuners and manufaemrers. BtcLqaiTXH KOR MSB, .v d wil! be fo'd at New ork Jobbers' p.ires, addiog iransportion only ; and in consequence of ihe decline on many of (ho American mnnnfactured arlinles, will in many casrs he sold at per cent Irss ihim Jormcr pnces. The subacriber's exiier.ence in ihe Dye-Woor! trarle enableg him to aay to hls cuslomers thai he is prepnred at ail lime 10 w. rrani his goods of superior qialiiy. THEO. IJ. KATON, Dy-Wood and Dye stufT Warehouse, 3á8. 185 and 19 1 JeIurson avenue Deiroil. ADMI.VJtJTItAÏORS SALE. IN' the matter of the sale of the real estáte oí Erlward R. Eveiest decreosed. Noliee is hereby given in pursuanoe of a license lo me grunted by tlie Judge of Probate of ihe coumy of Clinton and state ol' Micliiunn. in tlie foregoing maner, I shi.ll exposé to snle at public vendue at the Cuurt House, in the villageol Aun Arlor. in the eounty of Waahtenaw, and state aforeeaid on the Mith duy of September ne.vt at ono o'clock in the afiernoon, all nnd singular, tbe larda and lenemems man led in Brown and Fullera addition 10 tlie village of Ann A.-bor aioresaid, described as follows. to wit : Commencing at the noriheast corner ol Block five. running thrnre north sevenieen degiecs, east on the west line ol Ponliae street two roda ; thence westerly ut riglit ancles wiih Pontiae street sixteen rods : thenee Boutherly tothe nonh wrg: corner of said block five rods : thonce easterly to the place of begin ning. Dated ihis23th dtryof July, A. T. 1847. MUNN1S KF.NNY, 3"28- 'av Administrator of said estáte. THE FARMER'S COOK STOVE! Something New. rTHHE subscriber would respectfully cali the altenüon of lboge about purchaeing copk stovcs wan entirely new pattcro - a eupply 1 hich ho isnow receiving. They are AIR TIGHT, and have a Slimmer Arrangement by whicb niostol tho oulinary operations can be performed wi tli the smallest ■nioum offuel, and without the necessity ol' heating the room. The furniture is perfect and complete, cemprising nearly every cuchen utensil. The patent was procured the past winter, and alrendy it has beuome the muat lopular stove in the Eastern States. A f uil assorimem ol the Premium Cook, Box ind Air Tight Stoves, Ktpton sa'e. Copper, Tin and Sheet tron WORK, in all its braiu-hrs, ilmie lo order, and supplie of' ware consbmtty on iiand. HENRY W. WELLS. Anvil Store. Upper Town. t - Ilh July, '.17. ' ( 3S6 npTRMlË R S ! ATTENTIOZ? L}fk DOZ. Blood'sCradleScvthes, miJ ',) Wadsworih'g ' '" 3ü " Bhiod's Grass " 15 " Ji'nk'a " " )0'J Burneti's, Rogers' & C'urtiss' Ciadles( 100 Lamson'a Grn?s Scythes, 10 Tower'c Hope, 1000 Ibs. Coil Chain fiom 3-10 to S 8 in. 40 Log Chain. Hny Knives, Bush Hookg. Il:iy, ii.-irlcy, and Mnnure Forks ind ;il! i)thrr Karniin Lriensilf=, just rcceivednnd or sale at Detroit prices at the Anvil Store. ÜpiciTovvn. HEflRÏ W. WüLLKS. July Ist, 1847. 325 5TONS "Swndes" IRON 10 " '-.luninta" do. :! ' "Peru" do, Togeilier wfth a fiill anti complete nssortment of Iron, Steel, Oarrinje Trimmings, filackamïtb'a ind VVaggon Maker's TooU, just received ut the Anvil Siore, Upper Töwn. HENRY XV. WELLES. July 1,'47. 32f Cal! and Settle ! TI1IS is to notify al] persons indebled to the hne rirms ol Marris, Portridge fc Co., and H. li. IJarris & Coj. that t hei r notes ■m; lefi in ilit' hands ol James ff Gm. Esq., Justice o!' iho Pi-nce. (or Oulleclion As these fi mi :'.n' non dusolvl. ii is l solutejy necesssjj ihat ihcir ouustandinj tnatteragbould he Hrnlena soon. au praciicable. . I!. UAKRLH. Ann Arbor, July 12th, 1847. S5 tú SÜGARS.- Loaf, Lamp, Crushedt Pow'il, Bi. l roi.x, nnd Porto Rioo Su;arK illnl superior quahsies, cxtienioly low at Üt MAYNARDS. "ITT'INRS - And othor Spirits warranV T led pure, a lurye Suuply for medicina .inlya.1 "! MAYNARDS. O LD PORT VV1NK- which we rs comtiieiid partiuularly tu invahds lor its [uaüty - .'. goud BUpnly at 3i'4 MAYNARDS DRUGS AND MEDICINES.- Tlio piock i now complete, itmung which inny c li-uo every ürncle wnted by láfliiiittor phy■iciiins. Piense ip [eoHct ih.i', vrj atúela old ly ii ia wairiiuted to bu germine. :i4' MAYARDS. PAINTS, Oüs, Varu'b, Spirits Tur. ))Milillf. Jii iiIihm. (II :. Pllllv. (iblzerB l)i. mi. )i' Is, iVc'. A laiyc Ulc■k lur wie luw m :!.M MAYNARDS. COf.X'l'Y OUDERS. rPllK In 'j lu'si ru'f i'jiii i n h O V. ,rwJL i-, Excliauyt er. o.ij)omi) lite Ji ux- mr Jí niK , DJroit. fci' tHÜOB u Jij? ot iliy ouotiaa Q sil1 SüHr .w Mï#-ti gnn: nlii fwr Stm%m '■II it f O ol .1 1 I Ivl.UlU u.jU UIK'UI HU' l'Jlit i tjuik Ltlli .-(. . l. lh4Ö ZÜ'Ú


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