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The South And The Presidency

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Dut the queslion now comes, Would the Nortb give na Mr. Woodbary as a candidnu-'í We are (tearftil ihat itnevcr vvould consent 'o tb arrangement. Mr. Van Buren, tl-rough Mr. U'right, has shown pretty clearlv uhat is to bé liin future po.licy ufllic Noi-lli. We .louM whether they vvould ever pennit a Northern cundida te favoied by the South to comr) bcfore the peoplc. But the suggeslion luis bpen mude, and v have every reason to helieve thut the youth wil! abide by it. It is now lor tï,o North to show iis eolurs. We will concede evervthing that is consislont withour righls, usguarantied by the Consiilulion. WeahoDld be biso and undeserving the name of American citizens f we went furtlici. Thf, howcver, is cerlnin Rat we shull never consent to lh e nominntion of en y ona wbo i noi o'eadly lile totlie spirit ol'lhe Wilmot Proviso. Jt is a siitc inu non, and a position thal theSoulh will never depart from. It is one Ihat has been forced upon the South. She luis dooiuiicled to be let alone, mil to enjoy lier rights as a section o." the Re[)ublc. She lias never proposed seelionol mensures uiitil direct atUcks were made upon her rigiits and politieal exislence. Upon the 'Norih re.' ts the odium of belraying the country, upon the suggesl'un of miserable fanatice and vvou!d-be traitors. We Imve but defended our own, and th is we trust lo be able to defend forever, ngninst any assaulis and agninst any enemies that have or mav arise in hostillity to us. Tlie resol ut lona of tho Legilatuie of the 'Old Dominion' are inscribed upon our bannnr. Benring 'his steadily before us, wo are ready to be friends to vvho are our friends, but enemies to those who would beour tnemies.


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