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The Voters Of Massachusetts

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We have received from VVasln'ngtoii the füllowing startling intelligence. - We hope that the subject will le fully invesligaled at the uext session of' Congres.s. Washington, D. C, July 13, 1847 Mr. Editor, - I received a short nole tiiis morning, without sigiiature,ii)fonning me that two females, (who liavc begu Cor tome time confined in the United States Sluvc Warehouse in this cit_y, and n whose wretched eondition I liad pecviously taken some interest, ) would be sold at 10 o'cloclc, íbr the benefit of tlie United States. I mmediately procured iho "Union," ind found in it, the following advertisement. "Makshal's Salk. - In virtue of five several writs of fier i furias, issued frotn Clerk's office of the circuit courtofthe Diátiict of Columbia for tlie county of Washington, & U me directed,I shall e.posc to public sale for cash, on Tuesday, the 13th inst., at the souili iVont door of the jai] ofsaid county, at the hour of 10 o'cloek, A. M., the fullowing prop-, erty, viz: - One iiPgro woman nnmed, Elizabeth, about the age of sixty years; and one negro girl, nained Caroline, about the nge of twenty years ; seized and levied liponas the proporty of [Icnry Miller, and sold to satisfy jinlicials No. 22, for October term, 1847, in favor of the Post Master Genera!; also judicial Nos. 1, 2 !! and 4, to Juno term, 1817, in favor of the U. S., ond ugninst said Henrv Miller. A1FA"ANDKR HUNTER, Marshal of the District of Columbia." I nsiantly repairedto theGovernmenl M;ui Auelion, but found mysnlf a írw minutes loo late to witness llie sale. 1 was, however, informíd t luit the re was ;i gooJ deal of compptition amotig " ihc Irada" nni'. quite a number ere present. A noted dealer, known lq ihe coloredpeople liere as "ihe Rcv. Mr. Williams," was one of'.he most spirileJ bidders. [ was glad lo leirn, however, that. bencvolcncc outbid sclfishness. Sonic kind henrted gentlemen beca me llic puichasers of these tvvo females - professors of religión - and the Uniled Slalcs receives into its tronsury $530! What has t be Nonh to do witli slavery ? ís tlie geizure and sale of these women provided for in t lie Constitution ? Tho "grent defender" and expounder" of that instrument knows - so does "lionestJuhn!" I f ït wasn't all righl and wcll approved by the volers, thd voice of oíd Massachusetls wou ld !iavo bepn heard long ago. The casa of I he poor 3lave woman who was so inhumanl y whipped, last Congrrss, was well known to the Honorable and Reverend member frotn Worcesler county, yet he oflered no resolulion against tlie use of the U. S. Prison to confine her without ihe slightesl charge of crime. He knew his constituents - the voterá were sa'isfied thal it kus all right. The voters of tha free States have long held the key tJ the slaves' prisonhouse in Washington, hut they have nc.ver told thcir Rcpresenlalices to tmrn back the bolt Jt is the voters of the Norlh who have made this fair city the man-market of the nat hm. It is the Norlh that furnishos Si'.tan wi'h his sentinels, to guard ai:d defend these dceds. Your good city, I undersland, is aboul to furnivh one ofoOr churches with a pastor; I confess I have no little curiosity to see whelher he will come and Büdowfi quietly among menibers who huy and sell one auolher, and nmong Elders who defend ihe deed as a Jiible-sanclioned prac.lice. - Boston Daily Wtig. J.B.VV. C The Albany Evening Journal remarks on the recent case of slave selling in Washington for the benefit of the l.'nited States' Treasury, - "Tliis Government Auction of Slaves. re3ulted we are happy to learn froni the Naliona! Era, in the Freedom of a Molher and Daughter. But that does noi wipe out the disgrace ojsuch a l'ublicalion, nor atone for the infamy of such a sale. Wehaveseen nothing, in the annalsof Slavery, more abhorrent than the fact, proclaimedin the Government Journal, that two human beings with immor tal souls, were to be sent into perpetual Slavery for the benefit of the Government' of the Uniled States! - Yes, we blush to know that a Court Journal g.nve public nolice that on a given day '-one Negro woman, nained Klizabeth, about the at.e ofsixty years; and one Npgro Girl, named Caroline, nbout the age of twenty years, having been seized and levieii upon, would be sokl to salisfy Judgments in favor of ihe United State!' Tho Sale took place. The 'Negro W'oman' and the 'Neg.-o Girl!' wcre slruck off, by the Marshal, to the high est bidder. The parchase money - 'life, liberty and ihe pursuit of hnppiness' bcing the 'challéis' (hus sold - was paid into the U. S Treasury to be ued in the proseculion of a War ds;gned to e.tend the blessings of a 'Domestic Inslitution' the workings of vvhich occasioned ibis 'Sale' wilhin gun-shotof the Hall wlïere Senators and Representatives assemble to talk of Equal Rights,Civil Liberty ,Civilization and Philanthropy !" fXT5" The Raleigh Slandard tclls a story about John Tylcr and the Whig Juslices of his county, who apponited Mr. Tylcr overseer of highways. Tliey enjoyed tho joke greatly when ihcy saw him riding around to warn out the hands. Bt a the law of Virginia specifies no limited time for workingon the roads,but merely requires ihem to be put in order, John Tyler kept the wholo county at work for nearly two inonths, to the entire neglecl of all farm'ng operations. The peoplc held a public meeting, and urged him eilher to stop working on the road, or resign. Rut he would do neither, being deterrnined the Whigs should find he was not to be "headed" soeasily. (U5 Ilon. Edward H rad ley, roemberof Congrcss clect from the Second district in this Stat?, (lied at Crotón Hotel in New York, a few days since. His body was taken to Marshall fnr intemient. His death will leave a vucancy to be filiad by another election in that district. 05 Amos Tuck, the newly elècted Representutive to Congress from New IIampsliiie,is liighlv siuken of by llie Liberty paper ofttaat Stalo. IIo was electcd by Wliigs, Democrats, and Lü)ortv men. Wc trust he will nut prove' another Col. Cilley. gtja The netts from Mexico nppeais to bc confirmed. 07 Ilon. E. S. Ilamlin, of Ohio.Iatcly visitPcl Jol.n Q. Adimis at home. In conversa! on, the ohj gentleman expressö(i hifhnblf ffeelingty on ilic present poltical cotiditinii of ihc eountpy. Iu referenr-e ta the Mexican war, Mr. 11. ■aya : Mr. Adorne think fhat n treerty of gome kind wijl lic "'patched up" (Xo use his 01 wordsj wiili Mexico. Mr. Polk promises every one who visits him, that the war wil! soon be cobcluded. It is now supposed that the plan is, lor Gen. Scott, when lie reaches Mexico, to organiza n goverrynent rhere, and tlien form a triíity with tliis gnvernment of' his own making, ceding to ns to the Rio Grande, and tlience, up that river, to PasoO Del Norte, and from tlienrc to the P;icific. - Out anny will the be withdrawn will in this new boundary, exce[it a suflicient ninnber to proiect the government fbnned by Scott; ana thus, tlie war be npparenlhj enJpd. 1 say apparently, Cr there can be no doubt, thal the perpetration of sucli an outrngp, wouM canse frequent outbrcaks of Mexicana, and then, when the proper time slw-ild arrivp,would form a suífícienl pretext for our taking posseasion of the whole country. In the mean time, the troops we should ]p;ve in Mexico and those which wojld be nccessary to miiiitain this boundary, and kerp the Indians in subjection, wouM at all timos i be rpady preparad lo complete tlipconquest j of Mexico, whenevcr slaveholrlers should be prepared to tnke possession of the country and popúlale it wilh slavef." XJ" A second Tnylor meeting has been held in Detroit ut whicb Wm. Woodbridge was nominatfd for Vice President. The Free P'-ess snys that seven members-, including the ofllcers, compoi-ed ihe meeting, and fifteen spectators were present. Mr. Ellis, Editor of the Vineyard, seems to hfive been the presiding genius of the meeting. The, principal Taylor Whigs, it appeárs, for soine reason strne 1 away, except Mr. Ruimons, whodeclined votingon the : olutions presented. The two Tnylor meetings in Detroit do nut seern to have iiplayed mm-h ('orce in favor of the old Gcneial thus lar. They raiher remind 08 Of Tyler meetings. lfGen. T. is to carry the state next year, his fiiends should mnke a botter bcginning than they háve done. $7 Diiring a discussion on the Wilmot Proviso in the Mhiue Iegisla'ure, Mr. Sp.verance, VVbig, introduced a resoI ut ion ag-iinst the adinission of anij slave territ irv. This was opposed by several VVhig membors, nïld was voted down by more than two to one, bo!h Whigs and DeinoCfatS voting ogainst it. {L7= Rev. Amos A. Phelps died a few davs since, in Uoxburv, Mass. He had ut returncd froin a voyge to the West Indie.--, for ihe mprbvefflent of hUhetillh. He was au er. Hv and efficiënt laborer in the antislavery cause, and ha-s been nominally a eorresponding Editor of the National Era. (U Rev. Oiange Scotl died at Newark, N. J. Aug. 1. His heallh had been declining for sume tine. lic was a man of great pPi'seveiance and energy of character, and lias acconiplishcd raucli for the antislavery cause, lis characier will be held in iiigh esteem by pi'S'erüy. as an able and earne! advocate l'ur universal justice and freedoni. Oy The Cincinnati IJ era! J snys thal the inhabitants of Monlerey eelebrated the fourlb of July by a public dinuer at which Gen. Toylor was present. The old gentleman was upon for a speecht in response to a tóat, connecting his name wilh the Presidency. I Je ireported to have said "that if ho consented to the use of his name, it was at the cali of the peoplfi of his country, and ihat ifeíec'.ed he should serve to tlie best of his nbility, for the benefit of the vshèle country, nol af a pur y." VCf The following from the Cleveland True Democrat, is emphalically true of several Whig papers in this State: "A man cannot denounce slavery and advoofite the election of Ta}ior at the same time. Tliere is too niuch of the "good Loi'd and good Devil" in doing it. And thus wc find, that all thoie Whig papers, that six nwnths ago opposed sla. very so strong, bnt now support Gen. Taylor, are hail fcllows well met with the inslitution of slavery. They never were in lieart baptised with the love of liberty, and therefore easily and naturally 'return like the dog io his vomit, and the sow that wns wasiied, to her wallowing in the mire.' "


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