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UUR AOVERTISERS. Under this'hend, we publish, free of cl),irie th na. 'ie, residunce, and b.inH(ls, „ƒ ü.üít wru utivuriiae in llie S'-jval of Libkbt. H. Krnusü, OükBaik, Ann Arbor.. MTKAM. Dru?gism, Ann Arbor. w Moohinirt, Ann Albor. Wii.kivsov. Tnil-T. Ann Art„,r. S VV. FdrKR Sc, (;,,, Munufeeiurw. Sc,o. t. O. Own al f.S:,.e. Ann Arb,r. VVm. Wag.vk, Merclaw Tfciiw, Ann Arbor. -. Iituktik. Oold Pon, Detrui. M Intvri:, [n.ï Ann Arhn,. V. W.Dh r. & Os J.weW D,„ef. . l. n. AEmTnawo, mik, itc., Detroit. kcki.kvs vt Thomas, fifereliau, Aiwi ArliW. o , ; V'VZIK"' F"n" iur A"" Arb,r. 8. W. ForrnB. l'h-eshinK Haahnwt. Scio. ('OWraea &. Skvm .uit, Mcr.ihan.i8. J!lcksün, i. It. An TiioG, f fat Siaro, üciroi.1 J -tnso.v Jfc Co.. Merchints. Ann Arboi;. - C-i.u.K. LIUV oiTlce. Ann Arbor. '■ K Ljwi, Braker. Dsirtxt. ';■ Q. Borocr. 0,'iiiist, Ann Arbor. C. ii ijs. Jewelr, Ann Arbor. w p ["sllri"ice Onice.Ann Arbor r , M.irble Yard, Ann ArUor. Woq & Rai.Lvsü.v, Harness Mfkn, Anu ií n Mwohwit, Detroit. M ,v l}lunvv' '"ves. Ypsilnnn. Ti w'"iÍ;-':"' Mb""". Apn Arlmr. I). Dvrhkt. J)en-isi. Ann Arbor. iv'VT& ZlG;' fph..Iterer, Deiroil. M S. Bow, At,,,rnev ,-,t Lflw. Aun Arbw. 7 ,tK'íH' Shoe Ann Arlmr. J W. lm,„. c l.inet VV.-ne, Detroit. HU.L.)CK & FUlM.M), ClolhlUg SlUItí, OeT. H. Eaton, Dyewooda, Detroif. THE OLD DyE-WOoTvVAREHOUSET TO CLOTHIKRS, M VNUFACTOJIERS & rfcmp WERCHANTS. rpil subscnber is now receivin" at I) tr '"SP";'n :L? a"d I9Ü Jerso„ Avenue Oetroit, iho Wlowing cnrefully nnd w,ü splecie.l w ' ' ')YK"WODS, tm: 8TUFKS, .ÏÏ 15 tonsFiwtic, Cuba, Tubasoo, Tampieo, arnJ Cqrthagena. lOtonsLogwoüd, Campeacby, Si. Ooinini.". iind Hondurus. fi tong Nioufttugua, Boiwir, Caro, Uach nd Lima. ü luns Cnnnvood, very ohoice. 180 (ibis, l.uüwuods, cut and grnnnd. 130 do Fiísiio, " .i IU0 do lied Woods f IQ.Ido Camwood. " ( 10 d, Qucreciuon Bark. 49 do Alum, '19 do Cupperne, Sfl do Blue Vnrml. 7 do Mad.ler, Ombro, and Dutch Cran .! do Cream Turtur. 2 do Nuto.-ills, 1 cases indiyo, Bengall, Mamila, and GaullüKtli), 8 do Lac-Dye, 211 do Extract Logwoodf 2 do Grain Tin. 30fl pomiils 'rrdiars, láCurbQy.Oil ViiiW, Spirits Sea-Sífea, and .itric Acid. ' ALSO, Copper Kei lies and Cloibier'a gcrewt, T.nter Hooks, Jmkj, and Brushc, l'ress I'spers Curd Cleanurs, Weavers' ghear, Nippen 'and l.ins U,.e WUr,e,l.ud r„![OM HnrneSs. Stpel a ií""a, lleeils' 1{roud Hi Loom Bnd Lly Shuueü, Stee! and Coj-per Malls, Emery, fee Parson-i Shearing. Mncl.infs, 4, fi. nn.l 9 hlrwlea. Alten dm.hle R„H single Carding Machifc Machine Csrdt, Leicesier. 'I he ubovc gooJs have Ijeen recrmly purchased, direcily frum the imp.,ners nnd iimnufacliirers. v.xc. -J3IVKI.Y fok cash, and will be snld at Wew ïork Jobbers prices. oddin only : nnd in consequence of ihe decline on mnny o( the American rannufactured anieles will in rnany cases he sold ai fiftitn per ant l.s's Ihan J„rmr.r prins. The subscríbeos expenence in ilie Dye-VVood trade ennblrs him lo sny to his.cusiomers tli.-u he is prèfwred al all limes lo warrant his goods of superior qiialiiy THEO. H. EATON, Dyc-Wood nnd Dye stuif Wnrehouw, JïS. 18-iand 19 (Jeflersfn avenue Detroit. THE FARMER'S C0 0K ST0VE! Something New. HPIIE subscriber would respect fuflv cnll JL tha artenüun of ihllse ab.mi purchnsiitg cook Btoveo iq au entireiy new pnticrn- a guuuly ui v liieli lu: is nu receiviñg. Tliéy are AIR TIGI1T, and huye a Stuanür ArrangémnU liy w!ii-h mo.-i ol iho :ulinary operniione can lie perforrorii wiih ihe smullesl amouni uffuel, and wnliout the necesnity of haaling ihe room. Tlie furnimic s perfect and cumplcie, civmpriain; Bearly cvrry kuchen uiensü. The patent ws procared ih past winter, and already t has become ihe must pupular siove in ihc Kastcrn Siatps. A lull nssorrmeni ol ihe Preniiuin Cook, Cox inH Air Tighl Stoves, kcpi on sa e. Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron VOKK, in all its branches, done lo order, uud upplies of waie constan ily on banj. , ., HENRY W. WKLLS. Anvil Store. Upper Tuwn. Sitfc July, '47. ' { ;;:( FIRE! FIREU rTTIE subscriber continúes to net ns -l Agent for the IlarUord Kire Insuranee Compnny, of Hanforri. Conneciinut. Tliie Compnny hnfi lei-n in business for the I..SI THIRTY S1X TEARSi nd prumpily paid ill losses diiruig iliat linie. smntih(i to niany .Millionsuf Dollars, Application by nioil, (post puní) or 10 the subscribcr al :hc Pos! Ofiicp. prontptly mtendcril- fl.B CAANE, Afcnt. Aun Arbor, July Ü0, 1847. 331-ly TOWNSKND'S SARSAPARILLA. We have the Wholesale ugenoy ol thig justlv celcbiated medicine. Two yross lift re ctived. 304 MAïNARDS. ÜRICK. - We have on band 300,000 "- fisi qiMtiiy IJiick. umi prppared o lumid) any quantily wtuited, very luw for cn-li 324 MAYNÁftDS. 1 HO 0UNCES QÜININE, for sale J-'' low. l'hysici.ins enn tJepend al ;ill iiirit-s o finding a suj'ply on hnnri u 34 MAYNARDS WIN ES - And other Spirits warranled iure. ii large suuply 'ur mcilicine oily M4 AIÁYNARDS. O LD PORT WIN E- wliieh we recniuiiiaiiil (inriicul.iriy ui ï tur lis qillllity ;. uUU, BU))lv al :!-'l MAYNAHDS DRUGS AND MEniCIXliS- Tho 8i"ck is, èiow completa, rnnony wlncli nmy lie l'ounil evory unioJu ma tod by fnniilipsor phvsi'-iiins. PIcmsc ui lecoilroi ibal evury unida soUi by us ja IV'arfMItbd lu be genuino. M MAYNAflDS. PAINTS, Oils, Vurni.-h, Spirits TurIwuiniK, liiiiilies. 6lni, Pui ly. Gl-J7.;eis, Diamonda, &e. A lurye stoch lor s.ilc low m 3- MAYNAROS. COLrAï'y ORDERS. friHK higUetpriceiaidincflily (. F Li w, X it-, Kxclniuye Brtkr, upponn lite Iui.rjnce Jiiiuk, Detroit, fuj otdi-ra uu nnv ui iliu ounties in ihe Stic ui Mtch gun; ulsn lol Siaia emiriticb uf il I knido u ud utILUtlclII ui dl ('vil and sec.


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