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Tarmers!"' ATTSÏJTXOffA BJoodkCradlfc-Soyibes, d3 2J ■ Vai]8ririir ;: i ■ BIn -i's üüiaa :' lö ;i Ji nli' ■ 1 1) s, Kosjers' A 'luifs' Cradlue, HM) 1. 1 iison's i -s Scyihcs, KI .!,. lïwv Br'fi Hors, luw :: i i fioin 1 ü to 5 8 ín. MI I. Hoy Ki i i, B ih I tookg, 1 1 ,v. . i Marjure Korks, nu,] all order Pnrming Uithsikl, dnnd lor aula BI Detroit priceá m the Anvil Blorc, VperTowu, 11KNKÏ W. WllLi.l.S. July Ist, 18 17. 823 5T0NS "Swodes" 1R0N, 10 ' 'Juuinlii" tlo. i! " '■i'i;i' (Ij}. Toüi-ilirr wiih : fiill and compleio oisórtment ol lron, SlceK Carriage Trinuningg, Blatksmilirs aiicl Wnggou Maker'aTiioUi just receiyed t tlw Anvil Store. I ppcr Town IIK.NRY W. WELLES. I. '17. 3-.' Cali and Settlc! TUIS is tonotü'y a!I persous iadftbled Lo ihe Une linii ol [larris, i' n; Co., nn.l II. I!. Hifua&Co., ihat iher nolca nre lefl in ilie liiiiulaol Jnuies I!. Goit. Kq., .lust cc of iho I'cncn. for Cwllecüon As these C me are ñow rü-solej. it is bsolmely ntct.-.iy ilial ilieir oatstandin" mattèfssbould le tilfd na booo aa practicable. II. B. HAR KIS. Aimi Arboi-, July I2th, 1847. :;.'." :!m SUGARS. - Laaf, Lurap, Cnislie.l, Pow'd, rit. 'rnix. nml 'mui Rico Sugat, all of u(j6jiot' quuÜHes, exiisiuely luw il &4 .M.W.VAKDS. AU.illMöTilAIOUS SALE. IX ;lie inniicr of iho sale of lus realrst$Bo( Kdward K. Kvoresl c'ecêrlsed. Noiice is hirehy given ihit in rurauame itl a lieenst! t o m.' graiited hy tire Jiidge ol Proltate of ilie c.nuiiy oí Clítiloii aiul rit iio oí Mfchiaiií in t ho (oïesoioa maner, I hiiH exposé lü -ile nl pulitio veodua ai the Coürl Ho-isc, ín fli viltage ol Ann Ai I or. in tho o imiy of VV ishtena1, au I Stale aforssaid on the IGt'i diynt Si , 1 1 1 ; I . r na.vt al one o'clucli in the alierocn, nll mi'! iilmiI ir. ihe lauda and teneuients si'une i in Bruwn átid Fullérs a'ddiiion lo Lha villaje of Aun Ariior aióreaid, de6cribed as followa to wii : Crtinmencin ai the iiorthenst cornnr ol Bhck five, ruuniiig thence Dorth sèvenieen ttegieee, st on Mie wtst line oí Ponü;ic stieot two rds ; ihence wesieily ttl righl ■nldfl wittl l'i'üüa" streel s"rxteei) roi's ; thence Bout&crly tolhe nra-li wist corner ol' said hlock live rods : tbeilCfl easterly to the place oí heym ning. Üate.l iliis 2oth d;.y of .Tiilr. A. D 1S!7. Mi:MS KÉNNY, 323 - 'w Ad-Hkinistrdlor ni" snii! estáte. Hardware. THE Bubsc ubi. is have juat irciivui! i large ndiliiinii to' Hie'ir'sfúek of Fofcigri and lTTH'stio Shelf Hardware', v!i'c!i tuakes ilieir aasurimcnt very eorpplete'. B. ü. &. W. !l. JíOYF.S JrJuly 10 ],. .-M7. 324 rT"iOO[.S. - Carpgrtfar'í, Cooper's and Joíuér'a ToüIs tor sale by 324 I!. B. & W. tl. NOYKS Jr. NA.1L3. - 150 kegs Eastern Ñáila for lur sale by :í-2 1 J!. R & V. R MOTES Jr. SHOVELS, Spa.ies, Hoes, C radies 'and Seythea. Rakes alicl Scylbe Sn'iies.fuf Buftat 3W4 MÁYXAUDS. GROCER1ES - We cali particular auenlidii lo our sludi ni (Jroceiica. wbicli ie the largcst on! beet selecieJ cver br.mht ". th;s viüage. and irill be suld át VJiole8:ilo or Re t'iil very low or pay. :M MAYARDS. nn KAS.- Oíd [Iyson, Young Hyson, JL Imperial ünd ÜLick Teas, ni Une arul lres'i.t 3-4 MAYNARDS. p. NEW COOKING STOVE, AND STOVES OF ALL KINDS!!!: ' THK Suliporíber would caü ihe aliention if the public 14 WOOtSOIf's NEW 11 iT IR COOKING STOVK, whicli ihey can coníMemly recomniend as beine (lecideclly superior lo any cooking ttove Ín use. For gimpliciiy in operaiioo, ecunoiny in hul. and for unequa]led bakiog and roitetuig rjiiatíiies it ia uinivaled. The new and impórtmj mprovement imroiluced iu its eonát. uctio'n being such 09 lo ins'jro grea! advamages over alt ether kin(U oí cooking .siovcs, Those desiroua ol getiirrgfl good cooking siovp for family use, or a public house, would do wcll by callini; and fxninining the nbovo stove before purchasing eleewhere. li. B. & NOYES, Jr324 7ti Woodwaid Avenue Westicriv Clotiiiag rn , DETEOIT, T'LD rèspecifully giv noiice Ihat tlicy TT have receiverl llieir entire stock óf Spring and Sumtner oods '"id are fully prepnred tosupply thcir oíd eüttameñ n,i trio public willi any a n.iunt of new and lashionable Kendy iTIadc Clailünj?, Cortoistfng ol every vnriety and deabriplien ol g-iniKnu, too nutnerous 10 menüon. All oí 9 hich they are disposed to sul! at pon ihe most ressonable tirms and pnces. Alai) on huid n splendid as9nrtiSent of BROADCLOTHS,CASSIMERES. VES TUVG8, CA 8MÍIA R E TTS, T WEED S, S UMME R C L O T H S, P A 1 I AND PLAID L I N E A fi, &.C&C. &c, are fully prepared to ninke to order upon tln Bhoncsi nuiios, and most fashionable manner, ai tvieir wel! knuwn "Clotrin Emporium" 0ETROIT. comer of .Teflbieoii and VVoodward avenues. Oetrou, IVlfty 21, 1H47. N. B. Two or thrp firM ralo Tailors may find etnpl unei.t upon inimediare'applicaiiriii ti the suba. fs. cor. Jefferson and Woodward Arenust. t : HALIiOCK & RAYMOXD. New Gad9 HAVE BIBtN RECBIVID 11 Y Wím. M. ftagmonB3 Propl iet. ir of llio MANHATTAN STORE, Cor. ot Jeffcrgon Avenue and Bates Su Deiioir. LV. T' every body cal) and luukut i lic stock ut ! r Gjuds whicti muy bc iuund m Iiü KaI1IULI3 O LD MANSA TTAX SI ORE. Tlte qiWBtity i.s Uricr. il;e siyle prettier, aml lh( B3KNIíS, B0NN;.TS! A very Iftrgcassnrlment uf all kinds. Tusii. s ■ i ;iw , 'cdíil rii.iil, Oun Vo:k. Ëngtifl) ÜKiid. Alben ino, ác. c, frum i lic jnreesl Ui i'h' iIiíi -st. AldD a greai asaortmem ol tibbon, taba, lluwcrf. &c. GINOHADCS LAWES, BAKAGES, MUSLIN OELAINS, Balzorines! and ;il ütler sorts of D r o s s O o o d s. 7? EI UT1FUL DREiáS SlLtíti, PAEASOLS SHAWLS, u ƒ (t í n d ,- ! =5i tL Jo 9 J PAiVTALOON STUFF, COTTOX GOODS. COTTON YARiV, W 2E 3? b-y t-li-e o-ii-i-i 1-ü-a-d-!-! II' folks from tlie epantry will only give us :i cali, nnl look round amuni; our nicc goods, it is -di weaslí. Tlui guoda will s; rak the r own )Diíses, and ín iiiiie cases o.u of lea secure i Ulule. I'irst ralo Young Hysun Tea fur four thilliugs ■hh' s2pnce per j.mi níl. 'i ese Ki1 i;!i'-i , Paper Uansfing8'&e. 317 W. A. I! A Y MOND. L. &. BURGER, Denüst, FIltST ROOA1 OX Eli C. M. & T. W. ROOT'v STOR1S, JIIASE (c JBWF.TT'S BLOCK, '201-tf ANN ARBOU. PAPER IIANGINGS FntHT R TK VOI'.VG HVSON TF.A Al O.VLÏ FQVR AND SIXPENCK PEI l'OUN'D ! l!v' tho w:iy no une bu ys this ten once bul buy ignin. and bcconies a cus'omer. jNone beller íü the price con be liucl in Detroit. WILO W WA G G ONS, T K AV E L I N G 13 A S K E T S, AND lo JL lü L y a. vüt iSi s) :ib well as luis of other goocls besicles Dry Good ítíay be had very chenp ai tho Cli AImi vi í v ,' Detroit. 17 W. A.RAYMOND. m e i ie J o - ür g " ? z á.p'i ' S9 L afi 3 S j; ' 9OÍÍ KpSs Alhnny and Troy Cul 20 KeetrWrobaht fídfs:6dto Il'i!. 5) Uoxei - Ucliuvuniin " Gioss frorn 7X9 to 10 X 14. 50 Kegspure Loadin O!I. '0(1 Iba '.' liry. 30Ö Gallons Lineeed pil 20,000 feet Pine Lumbcr. sensnned, clcarstuff. Ti gcther h-mIi a lul! assortmcnt pf acta, Latclies, Bmiis. Sciuwa. Wíiidow Blind Falten inftí, íw. lor s;ilj at witnin a frafction of Uutioii prict'as ;jL lUe BJG ANVIL STORE, UPPER TQWN. HENRY VV. WELLS. Aun Arbor, Mircli 18, H47. 3() 8 THE LIBERTY MINSTREL OVE HÜNDREP COPIES of il,e tífth p.i, tion of ihis hi'ghly popular wirk are Tur eolc ni ihe Siannl (iHice ai 50 tenis einnl.-. or per ciozen. Térros Caah. Now ig (he lime loi Liberiy cboirs lo supply ihemselvca. Wfl. S. BKOWrV, Atlorneij Sf. Counselor at L aw, ANN ARBOR, 4IIC1I. FFtCE wiili E. Mv.tNfY. I3si. 2í)-ly TO RENT. THE ROOM over ihe store of BeelileyVA Thomas, l'usscssidii given iminedia'.ely. Síoy 82, Id47. BecKi.Eva & Tbo m, BRASS CLOCKS. A Inrga lol of uliourandrt áwy Dr.iss Clucks tur eule. at I4 and $22 by ihe case. 3oa-" J. W. 'ÍILLMAN Blaynards ARE IiV TOWW GAIJV! HAVING removerl to ihrir newslore. when ilicyure rocciving un txiensuc asorinujiíi Drugs, Medicines, Pfiinls, Oils and Groceries, With a srnnll. W8lf-stcted wnortment of RY CiOOD, AI! of' whicli thev ollér ib their oíd fiicnils and new cottomers at unusual low prices. Any. tbing s(1r at tbeir store is warrBnied, to be o! tirsi quiiliLy. Thay interrd hereafier lo leepaluiost every arlicle wanietl íor faniily use. Ann Arbor, Juno 30. 1847. 32n-tf THE CIRCUIT COÜRTfor ibis cnumy is ailjouniád to ihe 25lh day of Ánguét íuxt, itoneo'clock in Ihe oflernoon al which time thë peiitjnrors will be required lo ñppenr. CAS8IUS SVVIFT. C!cik. By J. M, W'ii r ux-.-ii-j. Depmy. ; Daied Ann A'rber, June 2Isl, 1Ö47. :!.'■_:; TWO Hurse WntCtoM nml o l!not,y for sale by BKCKLKYS &, THOMAS. ALAROF, cLialdrnn kmtle for snlefc Ii:CKLKYS& THOMAS. Aun Arbor, Lowcr TWn. 310 TKIKSHINO MACHINES, CZiOVER MACHINES AM) SEPAflATOKS. Trir, subseiilicr wuiilil inforrn the publio.ihai he coarínuca lo moriu aci ure the above rriacitnegut tho nlil ) ■! "I KnuppA u' the Löuéi Villujreo' Ann Arbor, near ihe Paper Mili. The Machines nrs of nppfoved inodeK have heen thoroughiy t s:tl in iliia viciniiy and worked well. They.ure iikáde i' the best malcriáis anti by periencefl workmn. 'riiey will be Itapl oonstantly on hand. andalso be made to order ut ilio shortegl no ice. They will be tola on verv réOKOnoble ternis laï Cash, or for notes known to he alsuluu-ly good. The abovu Mochines can be üsed by fonr, six ot eight horsM, and are not liabto to be éntily br.lvun ur damatn.l. 'l'luy are weU ajiapied, for the use ofeilher irn-.ors or Jobbers. Tho Sepaiiilois can lie altached to any geared or Biropped machina ui any other kind. The s iliscriber would reler lo ihe Ibllowing (icrsins wlib have purcl ased nnd nseil his Machine! : Michael Thompson, Suleni, Aléxonder Doane, .liiniep I'aTlier, Alva l'r.ut. Pitltfi;ld, M. A. Cravatft, " CUirlea lcaiidor. " Win. Polls. Mil.dn!. HrViklèy it Vinion, Thetford. Martin Doly. Ypsilanli, M. P. & A. D. Uadley, Saline. Wm. Smitli, Cantor). 4 haac Hurhuis. NorthfieW. Particular atfention wilï be iaid to Hki'aiks. Cabh will be paiil lor Old Castings. Persons desirous ot" urchL8Íng mnchines aro reilléSled to cali nnd examine these before piirehasing elsewhere. T. A. fJAVtLAND. Mny 17, 1817. 31 tf THE SUBSCRIBER SENDETH GREET1NC. PERUY'S BÖÖK STORE, Opened anew at No. 2 liawluns Block, nex door to Hill, White &. Co.'s Store Aun Arbor, Michigan. I, et iliis be a sullicient notice to all person using BooUs, Paper, Blank Books, Sehoo liooks, Simes, Quilla. Steel Pens, Pencile and stationkry, of aiiy kind, tilat at Perry's üuuksiore is the placo to bu y. 1500 PIECES PAFER IIANG1NG3, Border i mj, Fire Boards, and Sand Paper, whiel will be sold cheap for caeíi. Standard im Mi.-iccllaneous 'iouks,suitable for District, Toivn ship and Family School Inspectora nnd olhers imercsied. are requemad io cali aml c.xnmine Iiis aesortment. - Aleo, Union Srtbbnih School books, a íftrge varí eiy. and hr superior to the $10 Librar y both i: (vinding and maner. Alao; líibles, Teetairtéma Prajer liooks nnd Kymn tooks. ?OTJÏHS BOOZS, Moral, KeligiuiM, msiruclive and ajuus1flg,6UC fio 'nay saTeíy be put into the hads ot tlt voung. GÜLO PENS, unh Gold ,ind Silve cases, a superior anide. The subscribir ha made arraogements in New York which wíj enable him at all limes (o obtain any fliiiu in his line direct from Vew York ni short notice by EXPRESS. It will be séen his facilitios, or accomodating h:s customera with articleá not on hand is beyonj precedent, and he is ready and willing to do every thmg reasonible to make hts establishment sucli an one as fin enlightenerl and discerning comniunity reijtiire, aml he hopes to merit a share óf patronage. Persona wilhing any ai tic la in ha line will do well to cali before purchasn; elsewhere. íí yon forge; the pl.'tce, enrjuire íor PERRY'S BOOK STORE, ni; Arbor. Upper Village. It is deairable that il shoulil be understood 1 1 1 a : persons in tile Country, sending cash orders, may de■jend upan raesrving books or stationery on ns favorable terina as tbougii present to makc th( purchase. VV. R. PERRY. June 26, 1817. :J3 tf. IS NO TflP. Subscribers are sti) n Markpt. nnd are pcspared to odor ihe Fariïlillg JPOï" tion ' ''le commiiniiy GREAT BARGAINS, n FUfcUSÜ CLOTIJiS. FLANN'EI.S, 8ATJ NËTS; BROAD CLOTHS, and in short neary ill kin-U of DRY GOODS $- GROCERIES, BY WAY OF EXCHANOK KOR W O O L nJ most kinds of Country Produce. The WOOLEN FACTOR. Y sitna'te.d in this illnge is now in their possession, nnd s in iiic esshil i'ifT:i[Dii. by nieans of whiol; ihcy die ble u oli'cr bctier iuducements to WOGL GROWIRS. than any otlier establishment in the coiinty. NOT TO BE F0RG0TTEN Tliose who wish CVfW. Dhy Goods or Gm . cr.RiK.s for tlieir Wool, or produce ol' any kind. sriould liu surc to cali on tlie Subscnbers bclore purchaiing clju where. WOOL CARDING & CLOTI! DRESSING done to order on theshortest possible tiotice. Cali a n tl s c e ! 3lc?:f ÜF.CKI.KYS & TÍIOMAS. Ann Arbor, Lowcr ïoira, May 00, '47. CASIIMARKTT AND TWEÊDS. A beauuTul article for Gentlemen's slimmei .vear, just reccived and w.ll be rnanulnoturetl in ihe 1 iic:U siylu und l'p-t possible manner, at the " Western Cinthing Etnnorïum." IIALLOCK & RAYMOND. ■ DKTROIT. Cor. JcíT. and Woodward avenues. StccI CulrivaTor TcctIi. T"iriE subscriber is ayent for the Pntent Steel X Cultivator Teeth. añil has just rêceived i tresli8U))Iy, whirli ho willsell at ihe rrwnufllturer's price. Thi article s cuininit inio general use wherever tnirodneed, and bas rêceived rhe approbation of the iirst afrricuhuii.sis iu ihc United Siates. Anvil S'oro. Upper 'l'i.wii HENR.Y W. WELLKS Anv Arbor, 22d May, '47. 2iW.]y Cheap Jewelry ifore 157 Jrferson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and Retail. rriflE subscriberhas just returned frota -■- Niw York wnh a large assortmem ol O.jld nnd Silver Watchcs. jewelry, tool.x, mate nato, toys, musical instrumenis and fanoy good. whtch ho will sell at wbolnsale or rrtail as !ow as iiuy estaLlishinint west ol New York. Country Watch Mak. rs nu.l otliera wanting any of rhe above Goods will find il tii their int. rest to cajl, as Ihey will find ihe best nssoriuieiil in the tily. inn ot the lowest prices. C(),l) 1'K.ns. wi,h silver holder and pencil $2 Oft I'iice Reduced. Gold I'ens.Watches and Jewelry RF.PATItED ,., , B. B. MARSU. Io7, Jetierson Avenuo. Detroit, öign of the Gold Pen. s 324 NEW GOODS. BY'EXPRES8 FKOM KEW VORK. Spring Fastiionso TIIF. sul'scriber lina jus! reeeivèd n ircsh nspomnent ctl S . r i n t; nml Somnier Gouds, ar,d offers i hem lur aale cbosp, sucli ns Broadcloths of all descriplion ; Salinels and Cassimeres, and every tliing in thePANTALOON and VESTING lim-, and every amele usually foinul in a ftlerchant TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. Ho is now prepared to malie mul fit nll kinds of gentlenien's yarments, and yrauUl tender nis thaAs to hid old cueiomers and the public punerally. aml olifcitstfitriï favora. ff?" G ARMENT S cut o order at all limes. WM. WAGNER, Drii-eu am) Tailor, tfuron Streut, Souilioi the PUBLIC SQUAIiK. Aun Arbor, April 5:8, 1847. 3Jw , CLOTII, CLOTHl ! fTMIF. undersigned wou ld inforni ilie public J_ ih;U thev vviil cununiie h ntriiiiiiacinic Ficlloil Cloth, Cussiiniere and Flannel, al thcir Factoiy. Iwo mul a half milos west Ironi Anti Arbor, on liuron Rivor uear tlic Jtuilruad. TERMS i The price of tnnking c!oih wiU bc Tor Cassimeio, 44 ets. per yard ; ior [''ulied cluüi, 3TJ ets. [ut yard ; Tor white Flánnel; Octs. per yard. - We will also excitante ploth for wool on n aeon able lertns. WüoI sent by railruad accompanied wiih iii-iructions will be p.ompily at tended ti. We have done nn exiensive business in manuftcttiring cloth lof ousiüiners for several years, and believe we givo as yooil Batisfaction as any Kstablbhment in the State. We iheref.ire invite our ld cu8iom.f5 to coutinue, and new ones to come. Letters should be addressed to S. W. Fosteb & Cü., Scio. S. W. FOSTKR & CO. Scio, April, 1847. 3I3-ti New Establishment clocks, WATCHES, AND TH E stibscriber would resjectfu!ly nnnounce to the citizens o( Dexter and vicinity tha he hns oponed a ehp in the aliove place, in tht corner store, formerly knovvn as " Sheperd's" where he is prepared to do .u.l kinds of repair idg in the line of clocks, wntches, jeweliy c. on the shortes! notice. Uavinhadabouttwelvt years experionce in some of the best Easterr shops, he fljtteis hiuiseli that he can yive eiuirc satifaciioit to all those who may favor hira wnf their woik. He hos and Í6eonítantly recoivitiu clocks, watcliea. and jewelry ot all descripiijiis which he will scll as cheap as the cheapest. W. W. DIÏXTER. A L S O GROCERIES nf all kt .i'!s: suchas. Teas, Sutrars, Mohisses. Rüi?ins, Coffae, Peppers. Spice, Fish, Camües, Tobáceo. Cignrs &e.i &c. And in iact evf.hvthing usnally kept in stieh an establishment l.i.ii-oii kxcki'ted) constantly on hand and for sale cheap. W. W. DEXTER & Co. Dexter, March 6, 1847 tf IIat9 Cap, GENTLEMEN' S FURNISHING EMPORIUM, T. H. ARMSTRONG, HAVINCr taken the Staad No. 5S, Woodard Avenue. 3 doors nortli of Doty's Aucii&i Room, recently occupied by J. G. Crane, as a Hat Siore ; and added the stock of the laiter to hts own. nnd also engaged n manufacturina every descriptü'it .t ii.irs $ caps, líe is now prepared to offer to the Public everv article in his line, either of his own or eastern manufacture, twuiity live per cent lesfIhan have been cffercl in this tnarket. In bis stock will be fonnd Fine Nutra, Satín fieaver, lieaver, Otier, lii .ish an' Sportin! Hats, Fine Cloih. SiiU. Plus!.. Oil Silk and Velvet Capa : liso, Itii.'b Silk flravais, Sehpftf, I Inndkercheifs : Kid. Thre::d, Silk. amï Buckskin Gloves ; ('ui !ars, Bosoins, Walking Canes, Umbrellas, &c. T A I L O R I N G . Thfi Subscriber has nlso secured the servicff )f a Ihst rale Praelieal (Jutter, hy which he will e enablerl to furnish gafments of every styleand escription, and in ihe most npproved and faahonahle marinar. lie is conslnntly recciving the atest fashions, and, einployiua the best of work men. he is confulent that he will ''we the best of sntisfncticrri to all that may favor him with theii patronage in this branch of his business. 30-tf on Hand Again ! THE Subscriber would respectfulljnolify the public, lluil he ia localed onctmore in the villageof Arm Arbor, and is prepared to accnmmodate the eommunity with a choice and well selecled ORSortinent of NSW GOCDS consistinsr of Dry Goous, Gkockhiks, Haiiuwirk, Booti ano Shoks, Crm ki kt. e. &c. whicli he will 411 for HEADY l'AY as cheap as the same qualiiy of Goods can be had at ny other store in town. Persons wlio wisli to make purrliasesfor Cash. al Casli l'rices, will do well to cali bel'urepurcliaslng rlscn liUie. By keopin the first quality ofarticles, by sellng at smnll profits, and by a fair and honorable course in business, he expeets to merit a liberal share of public puiron;iie. Hint kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE will je taken in pnyment lor Goods. O3 Don't furget tlu place, - on the Ea-it Side ifMain sirect, il few doora snuih of the Public Square, in the same store wilh C. lïliss, Jeweler. M. W HE KL Kil. Anu Arbor. Nov. 24, 1846. 292-tf COTICE. TUK co-pnrtnership heretofore exlsiinp; beiween Garlanü & La FV.vnr., islhi.silay lesolvrd by mutiinl consent. Kither partner is luthorized to Dés the name of the firm in setling up the (nitatanding business. Ali persons nd(.'I)ted lo snid finn are expected to niake in. nediate i)ayment, as by so domg they will eav- coat. C. J. GA II LAND, B. D. LE FKVJIE. Ann Arbor, May 1, '8-17. 310-Üw NEW TIN SHOPrllK subsoriber has commenced the manufacture of Tin, Shoct Iron and Copper, n uil iïH vantiua branches, in connoeimn with ho "Anvil Store," and is prepared lo funiish Country Merchanls and Farmers witli every hing in that line. JOB WORK AND REPAIRING eatly and expedilioiisly done. HENRY W. WELLES. Upper Toivn, Ann A bor, lat June, '47. ) i-"J2.Iy fim Jlrbor TiJh 8ui)=(-i liw.T liavinii purehased ttte intefesis o( J. M. Rockwell in the Mnrhle Uosine'S, woultl inform he inhal.itants of thie nnj uri jol iiintr counties, t h;i ' hewill continue the lusne. s ai tho o.'d stond, in liie Upper Town. nenr ihc Presbyteriau Church, and manufacture lo order : Monuments, Grave Sloncs Puiut Slone, Tablets, $c. #c. Those wishinL' (o ohiaiu any article in Iiisline of business will lind liy callinj.' that ho lias an assortiment of White and Voriegated Mirble from the Bastero Marble Quanics. whicli will br wrouglit in Aiodein siyle. and sold at enstern priecs, adding transportation only. Cill nnd gei the proof. VV. F. SPAUI.DIN'G. - Ann Arhor. Jnn. 30. 1817. 272-1 y NEW GOODS!" Chcap for Cash!! T[]K Siibscribers beg leave te inforni their oíd custon.üré, and llio public gsnerally. tliiit ney are now receivingu large and aplendid nssortmcnl ol EngUsli, American and Wcsl India. GOODS, Crockery, Shcf Hardware, Painls, Oils, Dycutvjfs, Drugs and Medicines. Also a general assuilimnt of IKON, su. Hable for Ironing Wageoiis and Uuggiea. NailRods. Horra Slioes. and [lorse iN'ails, Sheet Iron, 'l'in Ware and Tin jl'lato - aleo a general assortineiit ol" BOOTS SU O ES, thicjt and tjiin sale work, nd puatom work to sutt purchasers. All of wln h :hey will sell on ilie luwest possible terni6 lur Cash or B artes. Feeling oonlident as we do, tliat we cou Dioke it for the interest of all tlmse wishing to purchase any ol the al) ove nientíoned Good, wc do most earnestly solit at least an itivegtigaMoii ofour Goods and pricis befóte purthasinu tlscJAMRS GIHSON & CO. Ao. 3. JExchtrnge ISlork. Ann Albor, 1-ower Towti, Öept. 14, 146. 2fe2-tf CLOCKSAÑD WATCIIES.' ! % .j rjHK Siihscrilierhas jus Èi''-X -. J_ received, (ontl is conJf% 'iwfMjJstanily receiving) Iron fl#N_ W?K New York an elegant ar.c Vir ] "Jlw we" selected aasortmen Jcwelry, Cloclis, Watclics, &c. &c. wlach hú intends to sell as Itiio as at anj ollier establishment tbis side of Buflalo for reudy pmj onlij omong wiiicli niay be found thelollow ;;i;: ,i nood a=sortment of Gold Finger Rings. Gold Urenat pins.Wi stielGuard Cbains and Keys. Silvei Spoons, Gornifin Silver Tea and Table Spoons (firs quality.) Silver and Germán do Sugar Tvngs Silver Sal t.Mu stal (! and Crefim s poon f-, Butler Kniveg, Gold and Silver Pencil Cases Gold Pens, '; '■ Penuüs, Silver and Germán Silver Thtinliles. Silver SpectaeleB, Gorman nml Steel do. Goggïes, Ootncs. Unir pnd.Tootb Brushes, Lailier lirushes, Razorsand Pookei Kniveg, Fine Shears and Scissors. Knivesand Forks Brittannia Tea Pota and Castora. Plated, Rrnss and Brittnnia Oandlesticlis, ÍSnull'ers & Trays Sbaving boxea and Sonps, Chapman'a IJest Raxor Strop. Calfand Morocci VVallcis. Silk and ('otton puFBBS, Violine an Bows, Viólin and Base Viol Strings, Flutes Files. Clarioneis. Accordeons - Music Jiooks for the saine, Motto Senls. Steel Pens onc Tweezere, Pen CRees, Sntifï 'and Tobaccooooa [vnry Dieating Combe, Sü}6d lisi-k and Puck etCo.mbs, Needlccases, Stejetlpea, WaicrPaints nnd Brushes, Tby Watchrs, a gfeat variety o Dolls. in short ;he t-nai -t varii iv o( toys eve brotght '.o market, Faocy work boxes, chilrtren's ten serts, Colocne Mair Oils. Smèlling Salts. Court Piasier. Tea Bells. Thermometers Germán Pipes, Wood lVncil. BRASS AND WOOD CI.ÜCKS. &a. in ftet alinost everj thing to piense fancy. Lndies and GentleiDen, cali and examine for yourselves. Ciocks. Watchcs ani) Jéwelry rupnirpd nn wa)ranted on short noüce. Shop at h is ok tand, opposite H. Becker'ibfick Store, in the Store occupi'ed by M. Wlu-rlor CALVIN BMSS. N. B.- Cash pnid for old Gold fe Silver. Anti Arbor. July Ist, 1340. 271-1 y rjMIE SUBSCRIBER lias received his JL winter stock, wbich he offers lor Cash. u üieaily reducsd prices. The Public are invited to cali, examine, and íudgs fo ihcinsclveg. JSow on hand, und daüy iddirg. SOFAS of every v.-in'ety and paiiern, ind the l.iiosi flabiol), pnces In m $80 and upvurda, DIVANS, OTTOMANS, LOUNGES. BUREAUS, óf all kinds, from $1 and up. Centre, Card, Tea, Dress, I'icr, Dining, and Ni'st Trtblrs. Wasli. ('nnlli'. mul Piiilct Slantls. Bdsteatls - Muhogatiy, Mup!e, and Wilnut. from $2 and up. Piano Fortes ; Piano Covere ; Piano Stoola. Doublé and single Mauesses oi hair, shuck, alm leaf, or slrnw. Doublé and single Cot Bedsteads. do do 'rriting Desks. CH AlPtS. - The be-t assortjnsnl ihnt can be found west of Nuw York and the cheupest in ! h is uity. Windsor Cliairs, a good artiele, at 2 50 the sett. Mnhognny French (Chaira, huir sent, o first rate irticls, and (H finiahed lor ffi'i 60, Cash only. Mabogsny Rocklog ('hairs, hair fpnt and back, warrnoted good, at the low price of $12, for the cash only. Kln; and Cane Seat from Os. and up. IJird Cages, plnin and gnllery : 3ird Classes. Flobby-Horses. and ']'oy VV'hcelbairows, furchiliren ; Patent Shower and Hip Baths ; linsion Bflth Pans, Camp S;ools. Unibrella and Hat Stands. Kancj Bcliows, Fooi Berapen, Cane eat Counter and Boal Stonls. Curtain material, Tablr covers, Patent Post-Office Balances, Picure Frames. WUlow Waoona, Cradles, Chaira. Clocks, and Baskets ; Brittannia Table Cagtors, very cheap. .7. W. TiLLMAN, No. 87, Jeffj' onAvenue. Detroit. January 1. 1847. !)7-ly STEEL GO 0 DS! fttt.ieSU iv s n ti f ar y t m m f n a s SPLENDID FANS, ind any qnantiiy of othcr goods of tlus soit at h OLD MANHATTAN STORE, 317 Detroit. Tin: IVInrricri Wouiaii' Private iTlt'dii'al Couipaiiioii. I' ij l)r. A. M. Manricetm. rSOVESflOa Oí'' D1SEASKS O WOMION. [7i rl llililioa, I9ma. ii. St') l'i'in: fcfj ()().] 2,00í) CO1MKS SOI.D IN 3 MONTHS. The great demand lorlhis most important work of wliich thousands are sult!) hafl compelled ihe S3uc of anothcr edition. Il ia intendcd ?peeially 'o ihe manied, ns t discloses importoDS secrcts ; wliic'i should bo known lo ilrein parlicularly.- fiera everf femal cm discover the causis. symploms, tfnd thc ilióst elíuient lemedics nnd mos' eeitain tnode of curc,in every complaint to liici' ,ier sex is subject. Married fcinulcs will here lcarn the ari wheieby ilicy woutd retain jheir youih. vigor, beauty, elnslicity ui body, and buoyancy of spirits lo an advancud ajc, ins'.eud of being afflicted, as hun d cta and thouMnd are, iiro whate hands ibis book has not yet fallen. Itis an important queauon 10 the married why it is that ive behold so many married íemales sickly, dcbilitatid, and pioslraieil í us also iliccauses; and wliether thoy dre susco,lible o! r.-m edy. Tl.ey útil lieru l'ind those important mat ters, connecto.l wiili difcoveriee iq mediual and phjcioloical scicnce, which meet ihis question. Tiis work is deslinrd lo be in ihe hands ol every wife and mother wlw has a regard for hur mwu health and welfare, ai well as iliat of he husband. '1 iiu revolalions contained in lts pages have already proved a bltesin;; la ilioitómd?. To those yet uninamed, but contemplalitiL' mnrriage, or. perhops, heíitaiing tile pto prietyol' incurring the responsibilities áltemlam upon it, t he tnportance of beiog possetsud of thtrevtlations eoijjained in thete mtiiüaiu-ly nvolving their future happineas, cannot be appie ciated. Itis of course impossible to convoy more fnlly. in a public journul. ilie varioussuhjtcts tremed of, ns they aie of a nature slticily intendtd !r ihe married or those conteniplating mairiae; net ther is it necesbary, since t 13 ev;ry ont's dun to becoine possessed of knowledge, whereby tlje sufi; rings to which a wife. a niother, or a eister may be subject, can b nbviated. Copies teill be sent hy mail f ree of poslege. Over ten thousmd copies have been seni b) ia 1 within thrte mohths, ivith perfect safety and certainty. In no case has a remittance failed to reach the publislier. or the book tliosc tu wliom it lina been diiecled. On the reccipt of One Dollar, tlie "Married VVoman'a I'nvaie Medical CoinPPrtion" wili b. sent free of poatnga to any part of ihe United Starr; All letters rnust be addressed (post paid) 10 Ur. A. M. Maunceau, Box 4. New York C'iiv. Ftiibmg QrT}ce 189 Libeny street. N ïork. For saleby all ihe principal B.ioksellets in the L'nited States. Ayonts n Detroit. C. iJORSK & SO.N' ; Ypsilami, E. SA.MSON ; A1111 rbr' S-' IERIlY' Peiry'3 Booksrore. TE E Til! TEETHH TEETIIH! %rAST!CATION and Articülarion, 1TX warranted l,y ihetr buefl pTOperty reS. D. BURWFTT, wil! continue ihe practice óf HENÏ'ISTRY in all iis various lv„„h,s. vix : Sd.rig, Fi'llinf;. :ind insort.ngnn gold plleB or p,vois. from one toan em, rr s,-t. OId piales or nisSw remodled. and made equal to new. 0 OFFICE'over C. B, Thompson & Co.'s Bboe Store, badtoa -lm re.inest it. can be waited 011 at thcir dwelliugs. PPD'-Mrgf "nsually low, and all kmdi 01 PROOIK'J inken. Ann Arhor, Dec. 5, IK!(5. 29.'!- tl Peace Declared, AND A TEilïAT'H' rORBSBD, 7 H 15 [i EB Y S. FELCH can hold b"rï Tradi aii Cumukrce in BOOTS, SHOÍ1S, LEJÍTUer, and Fitiditigs of all kinds, wiih all persons. Naiives or For eignere, on the followin. j,,,, a„, e11., ,erms : Good ArtícUs-Lom Priaa-Jieady Pa - ana Ne l', ust. The subfcriber haying A,l,'y (estaH iheCredii System t. his great toss, bolh of qo,.fidcnce and cash, aiul haïing suffend much loss bv tiie ne cessiiy compelshira to evlleci lus -,,„",, ■ „ ITt '■""'. ' as "mi9 arvest and s,.xlfi,, yery olten come op "msswo," laaving bim saihj in the Beel-hol, He has eme to the cuint conclusión 1h.11 certain sensible irla dtd on n late occaaioi, (tpt-ta-tal or n, liunhaud. rcadu iny or ni ritiocrtldhmg ) All persons that Can conform to the above treaty will do well 10 cali on S. F.leh, Ann Ar. bor, triwei Town, No. ■! Huron Hlock. where they will nol bu tumi lor oihers' work wiro never pay. N, H. All persons indebted n any -ny to the SMbscnbcr, better cali and pay if ihey are honest urn! mean to keep so S.97-'nk , S. FELCH. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Jan. i, 1847. COÜISTOCK & SEYittOlJjl Dealers in Fancy and Staple Ory Goods, Boots AND SHOES, HARDWARE, Crockery & iïrocerics, al No. 3, Porer's Block, South of the Public Square, 308 JACKSON, M1CH. r Ketunied TAILORIZTG. ettSÈOÊMm TUK Subscriber is desirous of informing his ohl customers od the pubjio jeneraliy Ihal hd bas located himfelf Ou Main U'ildis Grocery Store, on the corner of Main and Huron streets, where all kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the present fas h ion can be done in a respectable and prompt man. ner. P. S. CUTTING done on the shortest nottco and wananted to (it f properly made up W. WILKINRON. Ann Arbor, Ma; 20, 1847. 317 Gold Pens, P R I C E R E F) U C E D . TT is admitted Uv all who use' ihem, that J. PjquBUe'a (,il.l Pens ara c(]tml ifnot mperior o any ever offered in ihis rnarket, prige $2,50. For sn!e who teso Ie. and remi I nt the innnutnoto ry. Corner of Jeilersou Avenue & Grlswold Bt., Detroit. lill-ly,Also for sale by C. BLiSS, Ann Arbor. SO V 1', Spemi and Tallow CANDLES hvayson hand vcry cheap at '-i MATNARDS T iïUE SHJNG XtXaohines. 2 Ml E undcrsigntd would iiilunn llie publ.c ili:ti hé manufacturen lioise Puweis .nnd L'hrcshlrig Machines ai Scio, ol u ;U] cuur kind .iivtrinil liy himeelf. Tlii'Sj Power and Machines nre pnititularly idfipied lo the ute ui i'iirn.eis ulio uish to tt-c ihem lor ilneshing iheir uwn gn in. 3't.e ptwir. and fixiuus cnn nll be looc'id ihio n "i un .sized wagon box and dniwn wiih or.e pair dl holtes. Tlcyaie drsisned lo le umiI wiih füur hurses. nnd me abundantly sliong lor t hal number. and nioy Le snfely Uied wiih six or eiglii norars viih proper carp, Thry Work with less strcngih ol horaea according 10 the amomi of business done ihan any oilier power, and will ihresh general,' y abom WlO Lübliels whtat per l.iy witli Four hor;es. In one orlante 158 !iisl:els whent vvcre thrcihed in (Inte liours wiih ion r hei m s. 'J'his Power and Mncliine coninin nll llie ndvaninges necessary to inuKe il.em prolilablc to ilic purchaaer. They are strong and durable. - Tlicy nre easily moved f rom one place to aniiiber. The woik of the loises is easy on tin f e iinweis in con pnrifcon to O'liera. and the price is L.OWEII than any olher power and machine, hnve evtr been sold in llie Siaie, occordine to the real valué. The tering of p.-ument wil! be liberal Tur notes ihat Bre known to leabsolutely good. I hava a numher of Powers and Machine now rendv for sale and persons Vfiehing lo buy n re invited to cal] boun. ÖEPARAT'ORS. I nin prnpredto nuike Scpnra'ors for ihosi who inay want ihein. Thfl uuliiy :ind advaniaaes or ihis Power and Machine will appear evideni to all on eAominin 'he recoiiimendations belnw. All persons are eauiioned aijainst m.-iliiiy iheee Powers and Machines: ihe unde-si"nid hoving idoptcil ihc necessnry mensures lor lècti rinj! letters palent lor the saine wiiljin the unie required by law. s. w. fostp:r. Scio, Washlcnaw Co., ftlich.. June IC, I34G RECOMMENDATIONH. During the ear 1843, each of ;he unclersigncd purcbiised and used eiiher individually orjointly wiih othors. one of S. W. Fosier's nowly invenied Morse Powera srid ihieshmg lachincs. ind believe they are betier odiipied to the use of Farmers who want Powers and Machines for iheir own use than any other power and Ibrnher wiihin our knowledgo. Thcy nre calculated 10 be used wnh four hoiees nnd are of ampie stiengih (or that number. Tluy nppear to bo consirucied in such n nianner ne lo render thein veiy durable wiih linie liabiliiy of gelting out ot ■rder. Tlieyare eisily moved (urna one placo to another. 't'bey can be worked wiih nny ntimber of lüfncls from four lo eight, atad will ïhrekli .iboi't 200 bnshcls wbeat per dny. J. A. POIJIKMUS, Scio. Washtcnaw co. (Í. ÜLOOI), ' '■ T. RÏCHARDSOJS, " SAIrlUCL HEALY, " 3. P. FOSTER, ' h N. A. PUKI.PS, " Al) M BMJTH, " o J M. J;OVF.:V. J.,„a WM. Websier, " "PHOS WARREN, 1). SMALLEY, J.odi. 1 thrcslied bst fall and winter w.'ifi one of f. W. Foter's horse powers. more filtent thoumnd buahe) grnin. 'Ihe tepairi bmoired 'ipon ilie power ninoiinied lo only i!;J cent, mui t was in good ui.l.-r when I had done threehing. I invariiibly used sil horres. A.V)S YOU.NGLOVE. Marión. June 6, ISKi. I puich.-ised one of S. W. Foster'i hore powers last fall end have used it for jobbini{. f have used innny difieren! knd of powers nnd Selieve ibis is the best runnipg poer I hae '■vlr ■"■ 1. S.JBEJSKET. Hamburg. June, I8if. We purclK.sed ose of S. W. Fostcr'? IJor.-o Powers lam Inll, and have used il and ihiuk il i. ï íiral late Iowe. JFSSR UAi.L 1) .Mi:, S. HALT,, REU3EN S. IlAi.f . flamlrnrg. June. 18-ICi. i"(il tf COKIV, BYE & IV HEAT. WANTED bytlio suBscíibers, 10.0OO' himhels ifl o n - IO.üi 0 Ims-hi Is of Hve, i.nd iü.(U) btrehels I W !;■:,'. ilelivcjed at theSteam Mili, fór Inch Cash will be paid. l.NGAI.LS. LAMB, & FJSHFR. Ann Arbor, Jan. 4, 1347. 2!)S-:f. FOR SALE GMF.AP kok CASÜ. or every kind oí cour. try l'ioiince, Saddles, Bridies,Hnrness, Truvk.t, Vuisesr Truiik Yalivs, Carpet Bags,8-c. Also a nood assoriii'.ent of Wjuipi iV L,ishks, which wiU be sold vcry low, and no, at (OOK & RÜBI.NSOiN'S. Ann Arbor, A-Hgasl 12. IK-Kl. '77-if CHSAF STOVES AT YP?lLANTl! 1 9 A COOK1.NO & PAP.I.OR STOVEg, " '- justreceived. b.y the Stioreiiber, (miriy trom Aibnnv) makipg a good assortment of the lntesr and best patterns. which will be sold nt LnwPiiccs! not lo be undersold this 6dc Lake Erie! Also. Topper Furniture. Cauldron Kctile?,. Hollow Ware of all a zes, Stove Cipe,! Iron, Zink, &c. 77.V WARE! Manufcred. anrl consiamly kept on hand wliich will ,ilao bi sold very lov. S.- Purcliaseio ;;,::' do well to cali and examfnfl !or thsir own satisfnciinn. J. M. BROWN. Ypsilanti, J:me 20, 1846. tflt FURNITURE & UPH0LSTER1NG WAREROOMS. STEVEIVS & ZV.G, r thelower end ol the White P.lock. dirertly opposite the Michigan Ekhakgk. have on hand a large oss,rtment of' FVRN1TURE, of theirown manulaciure, which they will sell verv '.' for Cash They also keep experiencod Upholsterers. and are prepare.l to do all kinds of Upholstering at llie shortcst notieei Ftirniture o!' all kinds made 0 order of thebest material, nnd warranied. STEVENS & ZVG. Detroit. January, 1, 1847. 2i)7-ly CLARK, Attorney and Counsellor andJu:ica oft he Peacc. Oflire, Court House Ann rlii.' 9 tlltf B4,OXSMITBS' TOQLS. " 4 ItMIl'ACi: Mouse Hole'1 Anvils. j. V ' Wright'" ,i0, Coiterel Keyed Vices. West'sbest Bellows, 30 to HC inchess. Sledgee, Ham! Hammers. Files and Rasps of cyey kind, tan be found at the Iron Store, sien of the Big Anvil. ' b HF.NRY W. WF.U.ES. nn Ar,.,,,-. Jan. 10, 1?47. -JitH-ly ORUUIT and Rlack Log Chn MJ D-IÜ. (Hl. 7-IG, & 8-Ifi wrapping do. Straight and twiated link. Trce d,. Maner i For .ale very cheap at ihe sign of the Big Anvil, Uppxr 1 own. HENRY W. -VVEI.I.KS. Ann Arbor, Jan. 10. lfc'47. 2;,8-ly ROWLAND'Sbe8t MürsüeTer, and 7 feet. Rowlnd'a besi ('„, Saws. (, i;i. „n,l 7 fec, I n-h-hC. S. PiiS.,w, fil nmltlee. Superior Amertciin Mili Saw File. 10 10 16 iarTown ïl.'heSlgnUl "l0 Bi An". BENRY W. WEI,[,f:s Anti Arbor, JaO. 10, lL17 i.'J(?-ly


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Old News