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THEOLDDYE-WOOD WAREHOUSE! TO CLOTI1IERS. Rl INÜFAOTÖRERSj A MEÏICHAKTTS. TITE sub-criber is now receiving a hís Slnte. .('d nnd 19(1 Jeflerson Avenue Detron. the fotiowing c.irehrlv nnd wel! s-leeieil ■c-k ol DYE VVOÖDS, I)Y;'. STÜFFS, nnd Wooï.ky Mam ;ü i::;!:r's Muiii.kry : J5 Iftns FuJtir, Cuba, Tubisco, Tampico, and Cartliagena. 3 0 tons L 'ïwoDf!, Pampeicny, Si. Dmin-i go. nnd Hondm t;s. (i tons Niearaugua, Bonn ir, Caro, Hache mui liiniM. o tons l.'amwond. verv rlifirt1. 10 bbls. Lowuoils, cm uid grnnnd. 131) do Fniin: ' " ■ " Jol) do lied Wootla " ■ J2)do Cnmwood. _"" J1(1 do Qmi'km iinm Hark. '." do Alum. ■2 ilo Cipperfis. Ililil) imol. 7ri ilo Mad 'er. Otnhro, and Du lili Crop. :! dn Cream Tartar. tí do Nulifills. 'i cases Indigo. Bengal!, Manilla, aml G.u tiniu'n. ■J d- FjücUjc. Vil do Kxtrnci Ixigwood, C tii (irnin Tin. íílil poiiivls VenlÍL"l?. 15 Cirhove Oil Viiriol, S ■ i i ! - :-;iS,!:s uñd Níimc Acid. A I.SO, Copppr Keitlesand Cloihier's Scrpw?. 'Vu t'i' llooks. .IücU.--'. aiiil lïicslio, ['ip.jj I', ij. eis. Cnnl Clenners. Woavers' Shina. Nippvr and I UurdiüL' Iions. Cooib Ptnies. l'iciii 's ;n I luns. e. Woiilad :iud Coitimi l!ui.ti, Sieel mJ 'nnc Reeds, liroad Power. I :uid Ioom luiii F I y Sliuüeis. Slaeland Cipcr .'.I.ii's. Km iy. &.c. rarsort s Shearins Macliinrs. 4. H. .ind !) hl.idcs. Ailen's H'Mi!i(! :iik: sinu-'e Caiding Maebinét M.icliine Cards. Leicrwer. '! he ahove goo hn -e joon reeenlfy pnrcliiiB ni, ii:rrci!y Inuii lUfí tinpttrrerB and nifttiiticiuf rrs. kxci 'j-ivii.v nu! cash. nnd il! be sold a' Wow York Jobber' priceï, ndding transportrínin n'ily : and in rori9fíqoened ol lile decline on inany of the American mnnnfnrlured ar'ic-lc. ill in rHiny cnfes Ke solil ai fitien pur cent'mn J'inuur pnces. Th suliscnlicr's experience in ilie Dj U' I uado enalili s iiini m si) tn Iiis ctigthniérs tliit he is prp[nred fit nll iinic to wairani his goode of superior q'iaiiiy. THEO. II EATON, Dy-Wood nrtd Dj'e stulï" Warelinuse. o'2.S. IS-and I !) t .letibrson jivenue Uetioit. THE FARMER'S COOK STOVE! Something PJewTil E subscriber won ld irspecifuüy cali ihe a!iei;'mn i)l ihooi.' aljout puicliar ina Ctiok atuve to au ennreiy new iailoru - :i Buppl) of vhieh is now rêr-pivin. Tin y are AIR TIG UT, ftnd have a Sinnincr Ai r:tnjt nirnt ly wiiicli most ol the oulinary operaiii-tis can he icríorined wiih the smatlesi nniounl offuel, and without the Bflceuity ol heoting ihe room. The fnrnitüre is perfect and complete, ccmprising nearry every kuchen uiensil. The patent was procured tin past winter, and already it lias uceóme ihc rnosi popular Fiove in ilie Eiistern öiatcs. A hill ass.iriin(nt ol ihe Premium Cook, Box. and Air Tight Sioves, kepton sa'e. Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron WOKK, in all its branches, done to oider. anil fupplies oT ware constan ily on hand. HENRY W. WELLS. Anvil Slorp. Upper Town, I - iih Jary, '47. s v,-:e THE subscriber continúes to act ns Agent Ier the Ilait'oid Kire Insuiance Company. of Hanfoni. Conrreeticut. This Compaiy hna been in tmsinesa lor the l,.st THIRTY Í3JX YEAKS. nnd pronipily paid all lossrs during ïhat time, to many Millions ol Dollar. Applications by mail, (post pnid) or lo the subscribeï ai ;he Post Olïiee. i,irinipt!y attendcdto. F. J. B CRANK, Asent. Aun Albor. lal y 30, I .- 17". 331-ly TOWXSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. We have the Wholesale ngeney ol thit juütly celebiated medicine. Two gross inst re. oeived. ,-H MAV.NARDS. TRICK. - We have on hand 300,000 - ft siqnalhy lirick. anil prepared io luuiish any quamily wanted, vory low ior cash. 324 MAYNARDS. 1 fO 0UNCES .QUÏNINE, for sale -1-"U" low. Pbystciana can depend at al! times o finding a supply on hand at ■324 MAYNARDS WINES - And othcr Spirits wairanted pure, a large supply lor medicine (iniyat 3ü4 AIAYNARUS. O LD PORT VVINE- which we recommoiid partieularly to invalida íur iit quality - B goud supplv at 324 MAYNARDS. PAINTS, Oils, Varnwh, Spirits Turpentinc, Ilnishcs. (ilass. l'utiy, Glazieis. lJwmonds, Sic. A large tock lor sale low at 34 MAYNARDS.


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