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Illinois Convention. - The Homeslead exemplion bas been farought before tliis Convention. A wriier n ihe Chester Reville says the "Homostead Exemplion is mnking considerable exciternent in the Convention, a:.d has tnany warm friends. Many are, however disposed !o oppose it, who admil of ils right and practical utility, but ihink it is laking too long a democratie slep at once, to incorpórate it in the Conttution. Someof the best membersjaf the Convention, are in favor of the Homesicnd Exemption, and say f the Contitution does not exempt a hornestead, the next Legislature wil]." We;il-o learn from ihe Waraaw Signa!, that tire dmvention wil], probnbly. adopt nn ejective Judiciary by the popular vote. A proposition to engraft in tbeConslitution n provisión prohibitirig negioc eiriigrating to,or settlir.g in ihe siatevas bid on the table by a srna'l mnjority. - Oh0 State Tribune. Telegraph Communications are now made and answered between New-York and Montreilin thf short sp-ice of thirty minutes, by ths way of Búrlalo and Toronto. What won't they do nexti A now and elegant Opera House is in progress of weel on in New York. A Modern Bablyo.v. - The fortifiwtiohs of Paris, which have been building or some yeara pas:, are now nearly completed. Tiie wall around the city - enclosing a population of more tlmn a inillion souls - ;s twenty miles in length, and cost twenty eight million dollars. - It is thirty foet high, and tlio sanie in widlb: on the outsicle is a ditch twenty feet dopp, which can be filled with water. Ouisideofthe wall are íifteen forts for its defencë. Thé armnment for the wall nnd forts is to consist öf 2200 cannon and mortara, 200,000 muskets, 1500 fusees, 1700 gun carriáges, employing a tnillions of balls-, shfll,&c, 1,000,000 Ibs, olMend, 4,000,000 pounds of powder, and 10.000,000 cartridges - the whole expense of which is estimated at $4,000,000. The wall twice crosses the river Seine, Which is navigable fur small steamers. - Paris is probably tho strongest fortified city at present in existente. A Lor.don paper says, bat the Regis, tration Returns prove that 120,000 peoplein England a:id Wa'.ei ekrealwnya slowly dying of consumpüon; thtit tlwre is doublé the amount (iftlii-idisense among in-door that there is among out door laborers ; t'int this disease is more frequent amnng women tirin nmong men ; and that in 1839, out of thirtv-three milliners who died in Londqn,28 died efo.nsumption. The Dkad Men's Road'. A Massachusetta volunteer writing lo bis friends in Newburvporl, gives the following il, lust rat ion óf the horrors of warr "One of the most honv] sights I ever saw, was when we passed tbrongh the dcad men 's road, ns it Is called, where the train was ent oiTiast spring, a few days before the lntle of Buena Vista. There were racn's bones, roiting carcasses of men, cattle and hore1-', strewedj thicklv niToiinr), with here aml there nn arm, skull,fec., wlih nothing to protect them but the deadly síench arising from them.'' Tkade with Cirr.vA. - A house in Xew Yorlt hasjust purchased èïÖO.OOO wort!) of cotton flrills frorn the manufacturers in Massfichuselts, to scml out by thn Sea Vv'itc'n, which is tn ssil ag-nn in ,i few days for ( hirra. Practising. - Thelieutenant of neo ni pnny ot volunteers grnssly insulled a ladv jat Alton, nnd was fl"gged lor it ly fier broilier. Tbe gradúate of the Mp.vcan wnr then raised a body of dis companions in arma, and tlireaiened to Utr man vvho hndcha.sfispd him, and the latter was o'uiig-d to fice to Sr. Louis for liis i e. Sunnorting. tbe war under protest is pre:ty wel] llugtrated in ilie cïisè' of C. M. Chy. ITeprotesied aga'inst the' war ysl v.ent to figiit ii ; and now hè is ntver hea-d of. By common consent, he hm beenleft to pass into obscuntv, as tfie consequencn of not having the firmncss to do right m wcll as to confess u.-Rossvitte Neus. üovKRXMENT Slavês,- Key West, July 20th 1347.- G.vernment h slaves in ornploy nn the public works a! ToitUgas. A few clas siuc? six of tliern fook nsmal] schooner lender nnd a bont ffhd starled, as wassupposod, f,„ t,e Bthama Wiipr, about 9u miles from here lo the Eastward, ihey beiog sliort of wnier, Inndedon Malacamba, and were cnptured by nne ofour wrecijrng vessel's crews, a:iH broughi to tliia port. Have been libelled íbr sal vage- Cor. Com. Adv. COXSL-MT-TION OP WoOD BT StKAMers. - The Empire burnfl on some trips I)c:con Ihia port and Bnffalo, seven hundred cords of wooi, nnd it is stated nver nges six hundred cc d. C.i'cilating that she performed thirleen trips, the usua' number during the season, she i]l consume hvo hundred and thirfy four acres of timber, and employ foy -ood choppers at an expense of over ten thonsand dollar. Thii is but an itsm ofthe expen-es ofthis mammoth bont. And nol. withstanding the largeness of Iit expe;iditure,she clearrd, the second season she ian. twenty-five thoiianr] dollars, and the thiid year, over 830.500. Somo idea may be forn:od from this, of tbc profits of vos-eU engaged in transportation on the Lflkes. 'J'here are sixteen first sisas Meamboats eng-ged in the Upper


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