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Gen. Taylor And The Presidency

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A lato No. ofthe New York Tribune puts the foü'iwing questions to tliose wliigs vho are anxiously looking to Gen. Taylor as the next cnndidale for the Presidency, and rpquests a respectful answer to thetn. Wc see a fv ofour Vermant Whig papers nre trying to scour up tlie Genornl's cliarncter aud vhipgory, and are to go for him nt a!] hazards; hut he is " no gu" in this Stíite. Should he however, be noniiiiatpd as the regular Whig candidato, wiich vve do not believe will ever be the cos?, he vvould receive t'e supporl of most f the Whig--, for it is a fnvorile doctrine 01' theirs, in common wiili the othor pnrty, tha! conscience, duty nnd right have nothing to do witli politics - the regular cnndidites must be snpported, and our dear party sustniried, whatevev s.'icrifif-e of principie and truth it may coat. But to the questions proposed by the Tribune. - We hope the Tnylor Whigs will furnish appropriate answers to them. - Vermoni Paper. 1. Isityour understandino: and purpose that there hall be a Whig National Convention, sometime vitliin the vear ensuing, for the nommation of Whig ' didates lor President and Vico Presiden'! ! Wii you favor or discourage the rnlling ol'such a Convention by the Whig Mdiibers of the Congiess oon lo assemble? 2. Suppose Gen. Tnylor should be inducf-d or constrrüued to declare himself opposed to the principie of the Wilmnt ProViiO, would you continue to support him? Ditto of Protection to Home Industry and a liberal syslem of Nationnl Improvement of Uivers and Harbors ? 3. In cas-e no National Wh?g Convention símil be held, by whnt mnns is it be settled and declared ihatGen. Tavlor is tlie clioice of tlie VVliig partv? VVhat if a résped able portion of our friends shoula nsist tlint he is noí, and ih-it supposing :i new candiilate is to be tnken up, he ouglit to be, must he, n Northern Statesman - what are ne to do ? 4. VVhat will be the probal.le effect of running Gen. Taylor, pell-mell, with al] the bumis of party organizalinn relaxed, or rnlhei cast loihe wi' ós, m the growlh andepan-on of ihe ''L'berly party," so aüejl And wliere will the W h i g pnrly be, not alone n '4S. but afterwards, f that parly shall thus be pnabUd to poli 40,000 votes in ihis Slnte, 30,000 eachin Ohio ai d Mossachusetts, 10,000 in Vermont,&c. &c?


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