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Incendiary Publications In Baltimore

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man, has been arresied, snys the Baltimore Pa'.not of the 5lh inspant, "on the chnrge of receiving abolition paper?, knowlng them to be su h. in viol.-ilion of section Is! of the net of 1811, vvhich provides th;it nny Cree negro or mu)a:to who shall kninvinly c-aii for, receive, or dein-md from any Post-Ofïïce in Sutp, ur have in his pos.-e-simi, apy nboÜtii o h ndbill, p.'irnphlet, neuspaper, or oictorial represemalinn of an infiummatorv char.ictfr, l.aving a teudsney to creata discootent among or st ir up to nsarreclion thopeoplc of thisStale,sli]l be deom. ed guihy of felony, and upon conviclion t ereof, shall be sentenced to undego a confinement in the Penitentiíny of this State for a p'nodof nut lesa th:m ten nor more ihan twentv year.-." Tl e speo fic cliarge in this wat he rereiv ng througli tho Post Offie th R-im's Horn. The a-cued uas held to b.iil in the sum of 5500 for lus appear'■nre at thf next term of the Bah moro City Court. He can scarceiy read, it is snid, and the paper wns sent him by a friend in this city. - 2V. Y. Slarulard. The iusill;inimity and subsrviency of the Nnrth are well hit off in the follnving pnragraph from the Wheeling (Va.) Gazen e: "The Noith-rn Sratetwtll ir:.wn,scoM, rfsolve, rorrsoivp, ple'lgf, demnnd,svear thnt this arei of slavcry shall not be extended; vet slnve or free, they hive too good el)?e to leave the good they have, their luoms and tlieir worl;-shops, '.hfir Hirms find their wrm firc-sides, l light lor a principie, two th'OusUtd milei oit'especin'ly when their nntngonists buy t ïeir colton, calicóes, bucket-, c-rts, wng■ 'n--, pins, nails, whetstones, aid pina lumber. 'l'hey wül feel for ïhe slave, c.ill On CoDgrt4 - fume nnd Oei nt ihe ofFice-lio'dii'g South, rhe tyranical South, he n l-gra'!iing South - but o lorg as rtiíy can pocket the .-iffiMnt. Tcxns, Mexico, GurUnmila, Brazl, Pi ru, and all itQrtli of ihe Stralts of Magellan may be t'ken wiih iinpunity by Uucle Sam, and eonverted to fiis own use ntid behoifas ihe South are pleised t. em,.lov i!, with■)Ut any reptHi but the rejioit of :i oom■nitirf-, the dr.iwing of any b'ade larger thun ;j penknifc, or the efl'uaiijn df any ihing more bloody ihan Iloover's best ink."


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