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YOUNG LADIES' SCHOOLnniiE fall TMRM „f mi,s s. j. fcedWon'a Schuol tor Yoong UHirnnd Misscs, wiü TOiiiiiu-nce uu WedacAl.iy ilie In „f ui rei er. ' :!;i,.,„ Jl R ADVERTISEKS. Vn der lliis head, wo publish. free of charge the narrie, reaidcnee, and btsini:ss, ol ihose who ■dveniae in iti S-'isAt m Liberty. Wm. R. 1'kkkï. Book Slore, Ann Albor. Matimrds. Druïgisls, Ann Ar bar. T. A. Havilanü. MacbiniM, Aiin ArW. W. Vilki.sois Tail-r, Ai,n Arbur. S. W. Fostk.r & Co. Munufactürrrnj Scio. E. II. Gruvk. Real Ann AMir. Wji VVagmb, Mercham TaiJor, Ana Aibui. C. Pi.(!;i.tik. Gold Pena, Detroit. I)1 M'I.VTVKK. Ill8lir:;iu;e. AimAlbnr. VV. V. Dkxtkr&C.i-, Jewelers. Dexici'. 'I'. 11. AjuuTnoiio, Huta, &c., Detroit. Bkcki.eys & Thomas, Merchante, Ann Arhor II. Ji Gh'.ikk. Farm lor tíale. Ann Altor. S. VV. Fostkh, Tbresbing Machine. Siio. CotisTOCK & SsTBKm, Merchams, Jackann. T. I. Ai. ai trono. Hu Sioie, Detroit. J Ciiison & C... Merchints, Ann Arbor, C. Cr.ARK, J.-iw OfBc, Ann Arbor. (í. F. Lkwis. Broker, Detruit. E 6. lii'noKK. Dentist, Ann Arbor. ('. !!, ,-s. .1, weler, Ann Arhor. J'' Cbawb, ínSUranee Office. Ann Arbor W. t. Spaoi.dino. Mor ble Tari, Ann Arbor. Cooi & RoftiNson, Harnees Makeis, Anu Arbor. . VV. A. Ratord, Merclnnt, Detroit. J. M. Brown, Srove, VpsilanH. ,, Sr"1"" iVI'irdl;'n. Ann Arbor. II. W Wtu.Ks. Öardware, Ann Arbur. . l. Jit-RXKT. Deniist, Ann Arbor. BreVL.a & x. o, IVImlsterers. Detroit. vm b. Browh, AttorneyatLaw. Ann Arbor. f ivK'íH' Sh" Ann ArborJ VV. Ivi.hun. lunet Wars, Detroit 0AIXOSK & Ravmjsi,, Clothing Store, Del. M. Eaton, Dve-woods, Detroit. THE OLO DYE-WOOD WAREHOUSE ! " TO CLOTflirRs. M KNDFACTVREBiS & TMEECHANTS. HE subscriber is now receivin a h Store, m and 190 Jeffergon Avnue Detroit, the luilou im ca,eln!lv nnd weli arlecied su;ck of DVE WOODS, DYi STUPFS Jnd oar.Ks Mamkacti-ukk's Maciiinfry ' 15 ton. rawic, Cuba, Tubasco, ïumi.ico, and Carlhngena. lOtons L.pvo,,,!, Campeacl.y. St. Domin;o, and Hondurus. f. t.ins Nieaiaugun, Conair, Cnro, Hache ;iitd Lima. 3 tons Camwocid, very choice. 180 bbls. Lopwobds, ent and grm.rtU. l.iOdo Fustic, " .i 10(1 di lied VVoods " '■ 12;) do Camwood. " IÜ do Querecition Bark. 5 do Aluin. 49 do Copperas. ."1,(1 do Blae Vuriol. . 7 do Madrler O.nbro, and ü ,tch dop. 3 do Cieam (arlar. 2 do Nnt:a!l-. 2 cases Indigo, Bengall, Mamila, and Gaiitímala. 2 do Lac Dyc. 20 do Extract I.ogvvood 9 do Gram Tin. 300 pouiuls Vwdigris, l5.CarbowOitVi.riol, Spirit. Brt-Bala, and tNitnc Acid. ALSO, Topper Ketllea and Clotbief" Scrcws. Tenler Hooks, Jack and ii, „s,,s, irast ,, m Card Clêmier. VV envera' Shearg, NipperaoDd Bordirrtonj. CAb, Fickew and Jjob ' and ,nr Reeds, Broad Power. iJa,,d Loom u..i Ffy Shutters, Steel and Coppe, Mail, Enll'arso.i's Shearina Machines, 4. fi. nnd 9 blades. Allen s do,,ble „d Bmgl Carding Machine Cards, Leieene-. 'I be abova joods have purchated, dirccily from the imp„rtcra and i„.-,nufacmr. (txci-wivri t tor cE„, and will be sold at .ww ïork Jobhers pnces, adding iransportHUon ünly ; and in consequenee of i.e decline on ■nnnyof tfte American mxnufactured article= illin i.mny cases l,e sold nr fift „ ?ltr rr„, U than forvMt pricet. Tbe eubacriber'a expunenca in the DycVVood trada en;,b!es bim to s,y 0 Ins euaiomers th.-u he is prepared at all lime to warnni bis good.a of superior quality THEO. H. EATON. R9S ■,, "ï o"'1 DJ e stu!r Warehoul . 838. I8S and 19 I Jefforson nvenue Detroit. THE FARMER'S COOK STOVE! Something New. HPHE subecHber wouM respeclfullv cal , 'hl' ll"'1'11"" ol ihose ahum puicii sin.r ■■;l",'!lï tu a" "rely new wtreVna suppl ol wmeü be id hohí recéivina Tncy are AIR TIGHT, n,d have n Strntmer Arrangement by which mot ol ,,e ..-uünary operatinrw can be performed wiüi the smallesl amoani ol luel, and Wuhoul Ihe ", Rating theroam. The rñiiu ia perlect aird coniplete, compriaing nonrlv every kuchen niensii. The patent was procurèd the past wiftter, and already il hs become ihe must ppii,ar stovc in the Eaalern Siatos. Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron l"i '■ :n 'is branches, done to order and kijíi,s of w;lle conatan'lv on ilnd . ,o I1F.NRY W. WELI.9. Anul Store. Upper Town. ( '-4,1, July, '47. Ea FlREÍJiRElí TE1E subscriber continúes to net M Agsni for Ihe Harllord Fire Insni.inrü Company, of Hanlbrd. ( btmectimn. Tlif (':.,inpany hna neen in btiginesa (br the l,..t TI! UT Y SIX YKAHS. and promptly poid nll losses dnruig iliat lime, anviuntintr to many Mithoneof IAllta. Application by mail, (post paid) n i ihe euoseribej ai tlie Poal Office, ron p v „tienl'(l,1"- , , , F l! CRANE, Alan,. Ann Arbor. Inly ::(), ;s7. 331-1 npOf NSEND'S SARSAEARILLA. 1 VW have the V huleóle Mency ui tl, is --I.V c... ebraica medicine. Two r(,M iusi ie ■-■ MAYNARna JD1UCK.- We hsve on hnnrf 3Ui).00O " fi Briek. as I nrépared o furni '"V nuiinmy waultd, vcry luw fat H. '-4 MAYNAJIDS. 1 (0 0ÜNCES QUININE, f..r snle AVf ,,W 1' , -:,,, ;,1S ,..,,, ,,;„.,u „ timia o findiug a s.upply uu linnd i jy MAYNARDS TTINKS- And other Spirits vvnrran ted pure, a lurge supply for medicine '■"y'" ■-'■) MAYNARÖS. QLD PORT WINE-which we re cvimiwiid pirticulBly to invalida lor ms quoiity - a yood supply al :!-4 - MAYNARDS pAINTS, Oü.s, Vaiïfch, Spirits Tur■ pentine, Bruaha, GJa, Putty, G:ier, DiamonJ, &c. A larg stook lor Mlfl low at MAYNARDS. rjUUGS AND MEDICINES.-Tl.o ,Z}, S,""'k ' "o complete, monj wl„ch n.ay - .i.ley.ry ..,., cle w ,„e,i l,y ta.mlles o, pl,v " ".'; "'"1 '" ■"■'l!''-' 'Iju ery artista BOld hy ns ia warran.ed lo be e..„,m,e. '-4 MAYNARDS. COUNTY RDERsT rpHE lii.rlies.pri,., ■.;,i,ii„,-!lfi,i,j. g. F Lew X ,s Kxchange Broker, oppoait. ibe !„.„_ ""■" Bank, Detroit, orders „„ „, ,„ ,hl eoumiiiB (hSfteol Mirhii: fm (r ftre wiint e, ol all kindnand um urrent fonda r„ü il tl 't r. U,-: I-I"Ml-


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