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The Guadehjiiicrr arrivfd on the 28th With dates to the 14th being 10 days later l'.vm brought hy the CamSrm. Tn a commercial point her news is of importuic, ti'id will atl';ct the interest of the produce dcilers and wlient raisers throug'iont the countrv. The cause of the decline in BoraJMCM lie attributed to lb gir)rl prosjiecta of a erop, and the exlremely large receiptsof fjreign grain. The flour shipprd from :he üiiflpd Siatcs in June lias all nrrived and wa thrown on to ihe markft togpt' e". There was a great panic in the moncy mfirke', cnusing general d.ress:on. Muy Jarfie bouÉa have faih-d. Tliey were mostly rom desleís wlioe nggregnie indebtclness is one m:llion ibreo Juindiel thousand p"unds ste ling - Among thern are C. Donghss & Co., Leslie, Alexander&, Co-, Sh-nti Ki. "l1 Miüville, Perin& Co. Tho we ulier cominued f. ir tp to her sniling and the erop luoked exceüently walt. Tl. e Ponic in ;he money markel ra'sed interest from 5è 10OÍ, and faüures stil! continuing. Trade In manufacturers is represented ns Cutton isoneeighili of a penny lower than by the Canibria, The breadníT ira Ie is unsctllc 1 1_V th crisis ii ihe money murket. Tae receipts of bread.s:u!ts wei'e enormous. The monetaiy martl'ai so r.omplelely ocoupied the public sttention that no miscellnneous i.ews of importance was brouv ht out. The Britiania nrrived cit on ihe 17th. Wheat falüng 3.1 per 70 lhs ; Indian Corn 2s per qnarter. Prolested drnTts to the amolint of nearly one milion af dollars, have been rcturnei from Great IVitain. They were mostly dnuvn by New York nnd Southern houses, in return for breadstuffs shippcd. The Journal of Commerce mentions nbout .'800,000 as returned, a part of thern belonging to


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