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STRAYED, ÉjSJfiUMürS? l.Vom die suis riber, in IngJjSy - li Cuunly, about the hrbi ffinffV uf August, a pair ol rel oxen, irr r ■hYtmi fi yedra o!d. good sito, one t ddep ieu, wiiu hoins Úlching lonvard and d wn. with a Lxitl oii, iho uuur a palé red. Wh levei ;11 Pike ujï.ihe ozên Of gíva iniurrifillon wheie ihey tan be found. will be liberally rewarded. Addiess .1ULIUS ( A KUN ER. 3-2-::w Williams I'. O. Injjharh Co., iMich. STATE Ür' MK'1 1 1 1 Ñ .V,,.-hu ii , Coan ty. ss - Nofioo id hcreby p Ven. ïIkK ih uiKlersigiH'd. on llie iilat dny uf Anglist, A. U. 1 1$47, presejirtd :i petition lo iho JuJo of Prohnic of 8!iid coiimy, prayini; to le appoinicd ndminisirniur un ilio esiaie óf Sulomon Iiuck. lale n( siid county. decuased - nnd ili;it ilift cansiUMn lijn of sniri petilion wus poètpfnrted in il(e 4 , duy of Oèlober neil. ui uno u'clock i. M. ol said day, ut the Probate ÜIFr.-e ot said coui!y. t' the end that nll persons itiierest'jd mny h.ett and tnere appeur and show cnise, it .y ihey have, why tlie pr:iyer ol the suiii pofiiiofer yliuult) nul be Ki-miterl. KHX BIJCK, Uaied Aiisnsi SI. A. )). 18,7. ,'Ï33-Iw YOUNGUDIÊS4 SCHOOL THÉ FaLL. TERM of Miss S. J. Kggleatua's Schoul lor Yuurtg Ladifsnnd Mibspp, wíl cmauutacu uo 'ducsdjy Hie lil Sep'ein'jer. S30-4w OUR ADVERTISERS. Under this hend, we pablish, frce of charge the name, réeidence, and business, of ihose who a-Jvenise in theá'í.vAL rF Libkutï. W.M. II. 1'kkrï, üuok Sioie, Ann Aib,t. Maynards. Drugrsis, Ann ArboT. ,'; i ytoi MacWmw, Ann Arbor. Wn.Ki.iso, Tai..r, Ann Arbor. 5. W. Fostkk & Co. Mmuficturrrs. Scio. ,, O". Real Ann Arb..r. w. VVagm-K, Merchant Tiiiiur, Ann Ai out. t. i'iouKirt;. Gold Pens. Detroit. S; 'iNTin:;, Ináurmce, Anti Arbnr. W.W. DbïtbrAC..-, Jew,-ltM-,Dexi.r. I. H. ArmiTRuüo, Uuts, dtc., Detroit. i f Ki.EVB & Thomas, Merehnnta, Ann Arbor. , „; G'iz:"r farm for Sale. Ann Arbor. a. W. FoíTíR. Threabing Machine, Sao. Com.tock & SsTMiiNt, Marehant, Jaak.ra, 1. II. Ai,i -TKONo, Hat Siore. Detroit. J. Cmo.N & Co., Meichints, Ann Arbor, i.vhk. Uw Office. Ann Arbor. W. l. Lkwis. Breker, Detroit. E. G. liuRGïR, Deniist, Ann Arbor. U i.iss. Jeweler. Ann Arhor. m -,■""" '"8"rr"ee Office. Ann Arbor W, I' . Rpaui.di.vo. MarWa Yard, Ann Arbor. Arhor Robinson, Harneaa Makers, Ar,n iV,tA'dRv"oni' Mrohnnt, Detron. J. M. Brow.v, Sioves. Ypsilnnti. il SUI5LL"R %!, Ann Arbor. H. W. WthVU, riardware. Ann Arbor. 6. li. iJtiRSKT. Dentist. Ann Arbor. iv'Vo"n& Ztoj' Uphiilatercrs, Delruil. "V VN' A"wneval ''"- Ann Arbor. 1 it:'íH' Shue St"re' Ann Arbor. J VV. Iii.L,,,N, c hinet Ware, Detroit. Halloc & RiTMoiin, Clothiiig Store, DeT- H' Eaton, Ove-wrods. Deiroit. THE OLD DYE-WÖoTvmEHÖÜSET" TO CLOTHIERS, M kNOFACTÜREfta & TMERCHANTS. HE subscriben is now receivine a h,SS„,,e. lP8 and 1!W Jefferwn Aven.,, üetroit , tlie following cnrefuüv n„d wel! sflected W mVE WOODS' DYÍ 8TÜF?ëBd W001.F.N Manukacturkr's Machi.vfry J5 tona Kustic, Cuba, Tobascu, Ti,mpiCOf and Carthigena. 10 (ons Lngwo'„d, Campeachy. St. Domirigo, and liundurus. f. tona Nicátaugna, Bonair. Caro, Hach and Ijima. 3 tons Camwood, very choice. 18(1 bbls. Logwoods. cut and grnnnd. láDdo Fustic, " i 100 do J(ei Wooda " " J2;)do Camwood. " ' IÜ do Querecitiun Bark. 4o do Alum, 42 do Copiieras. 3(1 do Jüue Vnriul. fi do Madler. Ombro, and Dutch Cron. 3 do Cream Tariar. 2 do NutHa.If. 2 cases Indigo, Bengal!, Manilla, and Sha. Hmnfí. 2 do Lac-Dye. 20 do Extrae) Logwood. 2 do Grom Tin. 300 pounds Verdiir'is. 15 Carboys Oil Vh'riol, Spirits Sea Salía, and JNii.-ic Aciri. ALSO, Copper Kettlesand Cloihier1 Screwa, Tmter Hook, inekt and Brasil l'rew Papera, Card (Jeanera. Wonvers' Sl.enrs. .Nippers and Uurdinir Irons. Cmnb-Plnres, Pickets and Cubhms. V. I-e, Worsie.l aud Poiton flamea, 8iet , '"i, Reeds' Ilroad HH Loow ind f ly Shutiejs, Steel and Cuppor .Mails Emery. &c. ParaoH'aSíiearing Maclimes, 4. 6. nnd !) hladea. Alien s doublé and single Carding Macbiaw Machine Carda, Leieester. 'I lie ubove gooJs have been recenily purcliased, direcily fnmi ibe impciners nnd .nahiifaelyr!!■ ""-''siví.i.v for , ., nnd htiII te oíd al ew ïork Jobbers' prices, nddins trangportnliun only ; and ín consequence of ibe decline on manyo! ihe American imnnfiictiired anieles will ín ma'ny cases be sold ni fift-en. per cent lat Ihan fermer prices. Tlie ubscriber'a experience in the Dye-Wood trade cnablcs hiitl 10 sy to bis eostontera tlim he is prepaied at all times to warrant Iris goods of superior tjnalitr THEO. H. KATON, Dye-Wood ind Dye-stulI' WsrehnuK-, 328. JSíand 19 .) Jefferson nvenue Detroit. THE FARMER'S COOK STOVÉ! Somcthing New'THE subscriber would respeclfullv cal -- the men'.ioii of ihose about pirrchuainf cok oves to an eniirely ne pnttcrn- a eupply oí whieli he is now receivini;. They are AIR TIGHT, and Iiave a Summer Árnagmlehi by whieh mottol tlio ; n 1 1 1 1 y opern liona can be performed wiih the sinallest amount ol íut-l. and witlwm ftie nuceesity 01' heatiug the room. The furoiiur is perfect and complete, cempriainj ncirly evcry Kuchen utcnsil. The patent was procured tha .■■si winter, and 'ajrndy it haa becoins ihe most popular ove in the EnStern States. A fu II asBorlmerit ol ihe Premium Cok, Box, and Air'I'iglu Stovfes, kept un aa c. Coppèr, Tin and Sheet Iron WORK, m all ka branche:, done tu oider, Midi lapp'lirj of ware consi-nnlv on hand. HENRY V. WELLS. Anvil Store. Upper Town. I -4ih July, '47. 3Í6 THE sübscnber continúes la act ns Agent lor the Hnri'onl Fire Insm.ince Companv, of Hartford. Connerticut. TIhs Compon y hos heen n basineia for the l,.st THIR'I'Y SIX YEARS. and promplly paid nll Insees during iliat tima, anx'unting tn many Millions of Donara. Applicarions By mail, (post paid) or to the iïubsciiiiur ut íhe Post Ollicc. jiriiittptly attendcd to. F. J. B CRANK, A sent. Aun Árbor, July 30, 1847. ly TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. We have the Wholtsile neency ol thia justly celebrated medicine. Two gros iiift re. ceived. 324 MAYNARDS. DRICK.- Wehave on hnnd 300,000 -■-' ii 1' qusli y lirick. and prepaied o lurnish any quamiiy wuntea, very low or nsb. 324 MAYNAÜDS. 1 HO UÍÍCES QÜ1NINE, for sale -"- Vf" Inw. Physicium can delend at uil linies lindiiig a suuply un h 11 d at 324 MAYNARDS. WINES- And other Spirits w-arraiK led puit', a ktrge supiily lor medicina "nyat 324 JUAYX.UIDS. fLl) PORT WjNE-whioh we re cuniinaud (vuticukniy t.i uiv.rli.l lor il quahty - a gooj üu;pply at, 3- ' IMAY.ARD9 PAINTS, Oüs Yarninh, Spirits Turpentine, Biu.ihes, Glaa&, Pmtv. Gl.-nieis, Diamonda, &.c. A lttrge swek fir snle low at ■■t MAYfíARDá. DRUGS AND MEDICINES.- Th ook ib now complete, unning which may Ue loiHid very. ifrticie wame.t by finullipaor phylitinna. l'feise ut rnllct iht evry ariicla luid hy ns ts wartan;il to be gt-mime. 324 ,] A Y N A It DS. COUNTY ORDERS. TflE liiijbeslpricr pnidin cnfhhy G. F. Lew. is, Cxebatiifo Broker, ppoaiie the Insurance U;mli, Deirmt. for orders on any ol thu coiinliesin tlic Sta'cof Mich gun: iils lór Sta ijcuritit-i of all kindbuud uiuiii iqni liinifs ''"' and se9. Uw 1. lKtö Ï41-SV


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