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FARMERS! ATTESSíTIONT6f DOZ. Blood'sC radie Scythes, jLJ -i) Wadsworlh" - " 3 " Blnoil's Gr.133 " [5 :' Jcnk's " " 10') Biirin'ii's. üoger' fcCurtiM Cradlcs, UMI L.-inis.m's Grnsa rijyüies, 10 doz. 'l'.nvor's II. its, Jl)!)U II OU Ciiiiii froin 3-l(i to 5 8 ni. 4i) LoCh lins. Hy Knivfs. Husli Ilooks, Hay, iín !■ y. an.l Manare Fork, nml all olhet Furmim ltenstls, jusi receivedanrl for sale at Detroit prices at the Anvil Store, Upper Town. UENRY W. WELLES. July Ist, 1H 17. 3'' 5TONS "Swedes" IRON, II) ■' 'lnnial.i" do. 3 ' 'Tem" do. Togethcr witha f'ull and completo nssortmcnt of Iron, Stuel. Carril i Trimminga, Blacksniith s ond Wiggou Maker'! Tool, just received n tlic AnviISlOreUpperT,ENhYW. WELLES. July I, '47. 325 Cali and Settle ! TUIS is tonolify all persons indebted to the late firma of Harria, l'.irtridg & Co., nivl I!. 15. ll:ir:iaACo., thnt their noice a; left in tlie handsol James B. Goit, Eeq., Justice of the Peace, for cullection As these fi ino are non dbsolvel it is absolulely neceiMury tlint their iints'.anJin tnattersslionlil he setilod ns snon a praciifiible. ' H. B. MARRIS. Ann Arlwr, July 12lh, 1847. 35 3m SUGARS.- Loaf, Lump, Crushed, Povv'd, i roix. and l'u'lo Rico Sugar, all of superior qualities, extremely hw nt ADWtNlSTRATORS SALE. IM ;he rn-üier of the sale of' tlie real estnte ol EHwad R. Evcn-et deceased. No'iue ts hereby given th-it in piirsuance of a license to me granted ly tlie Jud;;e of Prohnte of (heconnty ol Clinton and steile ol Michian, in the foreaoinü niaiicr, I gbi.ll oxpose'ta dle at public vondue m the Court House, in the villige ol Ann Arbor, in the couniy olVVashtenaw. and state aforesaid on the I6iti diyof September H3.t at oih' o'c'ock in the fternoon, all nnd singuUr, the land and lenp nenta situatèd in Brown and FulleraJdition to ïhe village of Ann Arbor a'oresaid, described as followB. to wit : Commencing at tlie northeust corner ol Block five, running thince north seventeen doprees, east on thfc west line of Pontiac street two rods ; thence westerly at righl analpswith Pontiac street sixteen rods ; thence southerly to the north west corner of Eaid block five rods : thence easterly to the place of beginniti". Datsd A. O. 1847. MDNfflS KENNY, 323 - C.w Administrator of said estáte. Hardware. THE subscribers have jtist received a larce addnion to their stock of Forwgp and D.itnestic Shelf Hardware, whicli makes their asjortment ver complete. ' B B. & W. R. NOYES JrJuly I0'h. 147. 324 T00LS. - Carpenter's, Cooper's and Joiner's Toola l"r boIq ly 321 B B. & VV R. NOYES Jr. NAILS. - 150 kegs Eastern Nnils for fur sale bv 324 B. B. fe W. R NOYES Jr. SHOVELS, Spades, Hoes, Cradles and Scythes. Ilakes and Scytlie Smnis.for sale at 3.4 M ÁYNARDS. GROCER1ES.- We cali particular attentiun lo our stock ot Grocenes. which i.a the largest and best aelecied eer broughf lo this villaee, and will be sold at Wholesale or Retiil very low lor pay. 894 MAVNARDS. TEAS. - Old Ilyson, Young Hyson, Imperial and iiiack Teas, all fine and ficsj, at 3?4 MAYNARÜS. NEW COOKING STOVE, AND STOVES OF ALL KINDS!!!!!! TH F', Subpcriber would cali the attention ol tlie public lo WOOLSOS S NEW H T WR COOKING STOVE, whlcli viiey cnn confidentie reconiniend as beint: decidedly superior to any cuuking 6 tova in use. For simplicüy in operaiion, nconomy in fue!. and for uneqmilled bikiiig and roasting quolHiea it ia unrivnled. The new and important improvemeiit imroduced in u conat uctiun bcing iicli as lo iiis'ire greal advantajjes over all oiher kinds ot cctoking stoven. Those detirous qt getting a goud cooking stove for family me. or o publu: house, would do well by calling and rxamining ihe above Move btfure purchasing elsewhere. B. I!. &, W.R. NOYES, Jr7'i VVoodward Avenue Western Clothing EDIFORIUBrpío w p i íTsa N OiLiüudi U) cAsaumctuJj WOULD respeuiluily give notice ihkl they have now roceived their entire stock ol Spring nnd Sumtner t.oodsand are fully prepureH to suppiy their old cusiomers an the public wilh any a nount of new and lashionable Kcndy ITBadc CloThing-, Consiatiftgol every variety and descriptinn of garnientí, too niimerous lo menliun. All ol wfaich tliey are disposed to sell at up m the mos! reoso:ial)le ternis and prices. Als.) on hand n splendid nsaortment o ROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES VESTINGS, CASMHARETTS, T WE E DS, S UMMER C L O T II S, PLAIN AND PLAID L I iVE A S, &c. Sic. &c, are fully prepsred to niake in onlcr upon thsliont'st nmice, anJ most fasliiunable menner, a their well Imuwn ' ' Cloth ing Emporium , ' ' 0ETROIT. corner of Jefféison ;ind VS'uotlward avenues. Uetroi., ,Kiy 81, 1847, N. B. Two or three first rale Tailors may find enipl. vinenl upon immcdia'e ajjplicaiion to the sul'Hi "'■eis, tor. Jencrson and Woudward V :' HALLOCK A RAYMOND. New íw@d HAVE BEEN RECEIVED BY Wlxa. ft, Biïjjmonög Propriclor of the MANHATTAN STORE, Cor. of Jcflersou Avenue and Bate St. Detroit. LF.T eveiy body cnll and look at the slock of Viy Goods which may bc lound at thu Fani o us OLD MANHATTAN SI ORE. The quantity is lareer. the style prcttior, and the [iriced Lüictr ihan ivir ! B3KNHS, BONNFTS! A very Iarce wrtmant ot all kinds. Tnsem, Straw, Pedal Braiil, Open Work. Engli'li Braid, Albenino, &.c. &c. Irom the conrsest to t!ie iinest. Also a gicat assortnient of ribbons, uiljs. llowcrs. &c. GINGHABES. LAWMS, BARAGES, IV1USLIN DELAINS, Balzorines! and ail other sorts ofDress Goods. BE A UTIFUL DRESS S1LKS, FAE.AS01S " SHAWLS, of all kinds'. ERIITÏS, 23rflltitysï, PAiTALOl STUFF, COTTON GOODS. COTTON YARN, AND w m 3? b-y t-h-e c-a-r-t !-! Il' folks from the country will only give us a cnll. and look round aatong OUT nice goode, it ie ill weafk. The goods will sneak the'r own praiscg, and ín nine cases o.u of ten secure a trade. First rale Young Hyson Tea for four shillings nnd sizppnre per pound. Geee Fenthers, Paper Hangings &c. 317 W. A. KAYMOND. E. G. BURGER, Dentitt, FIRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. V. ROOT's STORE, JRANE & JEWETT's BLOCK, 261-tf ANN ARBOR. "ÖBESEÏ' FEATHEBS ! PAPER HANGINGSf FlitST RATE YOUNG IIYSON TKA AT ONLY FOUR AND SIXPENCE PER POUND! By thowny no one buys this tea once butbuye aeain. and becornes a cas'onier. None better for the price can be had in Datroit. WILL O IV WAGGONS, T R AV E L I N G 15 A S K E T S, AND Ik well as lots of other goods besides Dry Goods nay be had very cheap at the ' Old Minhattan Stork.' Detroit. 17 W. A.RAYMOND. = Si = s „ öil i Sfjilf8 o-J h ai w xr B o Iliil lij 5 ■ gfó J 5! s : 1 9AA Kegs Albany and Troy Cui UU NaH3dto 6M. 20 EeggWrotight NmlsGdto 12d. 5Í) Boxes ' Bellevemiu " Giasa from 7X9 to 10 X 14. 50 Kegspure Leadin Oil. 500 Ib. " dry. 300 Gallons Linseed 0'l 0,000 Teel Pine Xjiimbtr, seasoned, clear stufT. Togeiher widi a ful! nssortment of I,ncks, Latchcs. Buita. Screws. Windcnv Blind Fa6ten inga, &c. fur sale at witnin a fraction of Detroit price8, at ihe DÍG ANVIL STORE, UPPER TOWN. HENRY W. WELLS. Ann Arbor, March 18, H47. 30 f) THE LIBERTY MINSTREL. O !ÏE HUNDRED COPIES of ihe fifth ei tion of hs highly popular work are for snle at the Signnl oflice at 50 cents single, or $1,50 per dozen. Ternis Cah. Now is the time for Liberiy choirs to supply theniselvea. WM 6. Bitownr, Attorney % Counselor at Lato, ANN ARBOR, MICII. CFFICE with E. Mundt, Eso.. 2!)7-ly TO RENT. TIIE ROOM over (he store of Beckley's & Thuma8. Possession given miuedia'ely. May Si, 1847. Bkcki.kïs & Thomas. BRASS CLOCKS. A large lot of 3l hour nnd 8 dny Brasa Clucks íor sale, it #14 and fSS by ihe case. 8 tlf J. W. TILLMA.N. Maysiards ARE IJV TOWJÍAGAIIí! HAVING removed to their new store, where ihey are receiving an extensive asEortmcn; Oí Drugs, Medicines, Paiiiís, Oils and Groceries, With a 8moll, woll-selecled assortment of I)KV GOOD, All of which ihev offer lo their oíd friends nud new custumers at unusual low prices. Anyihing eold at their store is warranted to he ol íirst qualily. They intend herc-after to lieep alniO8t cvery article wnmed for fainily use. Ann Arbor, June 30, 1847. 323-tf THE CIRCUIT COURTfor this couniy ií ndjounied to the WSili day of Auust .icxt, utoneo'duck in the afierniion, at whicii time thc peni jnrois will be required to nppenr CA8SIU8 SW1FT. Clerk, Iiy J M. Wilt.coxíon. IJepuly. Da:ed Ann Arber. June 2[st, l17. 3'.3W TWO Horse Wnguons nnd a Buegy lor sale by BECKLKYS &. THOMAS. A LAKGE clialdron keule fur sale by -CX UFX'KLEYS &. THOMAS. Aun Arbor, Lowcr Town. 3J0 THRESH1HG MACHINAS, CLOVER MACHINES AND SEPAKATOKS. THE subseriber would inform the pu'ilic ihai lie cominees to niunuiucture liic ab ve mnc:ines.t ibe old sta..d ol Knapp et liavi lid, ai the Lowei Villageo1 Aiin Arbor, naai ihe Papel Mili. The Miicliines aio of npproved model?, have been thorouahly temed in ihis viciniiv umi worked well. They are made af ihe best malcriáis and by experienceri workmen. 'Hiey will be kept consuintly on hand, and also be made tü order at the shorint no ice. Thry will be soM on vcry reaaonnlile terms tor Cash, ur tor nutca known to be alisuluuly good. The ahove Machines can he used by four, six or eighi horses, and are not liuble tu be cnsily bruken or dámaged. Tliry aro well adapted for the use ofeiiher Karmersor Jobbers. The Scp araiois can be altiiched W any gearcd or slrapped machine of any other kind. The eihscriber would reter lo the IbMowing iiersons wli have purchascd and usud his Machines : Miehael Thompwn, Balem, Alexamler Donne, Jamef Parker, :' AlvaTrait, Pitisfi ild, M. A. Cravath, " Chirles !exander, " Wm. Poits. Mil.ord. Hinkley & Vinton, Tlifillord. Martin Duty. Ypsilanti, M. P. &. A. D. Iladky, Saline, Wm. Sniith, Cantnn. Haiic liurhans, Nurthfield. Pnriicu'ar atteDtion will be paid to Hepairs. Caali will be paid for Old Castings. PersoHs desirous of purchaaing niachines are reujiested to cali íind examine iliese before purehasing elsewhere. T. A. HVVILAND. May 17, 1847. 3l7tf "lÈPISTLË No. 3 THE SÜBSCRIBER SENDETH CREET1NG. PERRY'S BÖÖK STOUE, Opened anew at No. 2 ïlawkins Block, 'next door lo Hill, White Jk, Co.'a Store Ann Arbor, Michigan. Let this be a sufliclent noiice to all persons U8ing Bnoks, Paper, Blank Bjoks, School Books, Slates, Quills, Steel Pens, Peocile ind statiüslrv, of any kind, that at Perry's Bookötore is the placo to buy. 1500 PIECES PAPER HANG1NG3, Biirdering. Fire Boards, and S.ind lfiper, wliicb will be sold cheap fur cash, Standard umi Miscellaneous bouks,suitable for District, Town ahip and Family LIBRAHIES. School Inspectora anti others inierested, are requested o cali and examine h ia ütsortment.- Also," Union Sabbatli Sciiool books, a large variety, and far auperiur lo the $10 Ubrery both in binding and matter. Asof liiblcs. Testaiueins, Prayer Kèoka and Hymn books. TOTJTHS'BOOZS, Moral, Heligtous, insiructive and amubin.such as may salely be pui into the hands of the voung. GOLD PKNS, wiih Gold and Silver cases, a superior artiele. The subscriber iias made arra.igements in New York which will enable hint at all times to obtain any ihin in his line direct from New York at short notiee, hy KXPRKSS. It will be seen that his facilities, or accomodating his cuitomers wiih arliclesnoton hand is beyond precedent, and he is ready and willing to do every thing reasonible la make h:s estublishment such an one as an enlighteneii and discerning ctïmmunity require, and he hopes t merit a share ol palronnge. Persona wiehing any artiele in h s line will do well to cali before piuchnsing elsewhere. U yon fbrgeí the place, enqnire lor PLRRY'S BOOK STORE, Am; Arbor. Upper Vülage. It is daairable that ittiiould be umlerstood tha. persons in the Country, sending cash orders, may depend upon receivinst books or etaiionery on as favoralile terms as though present to make ihe purchase. W. R. PERRY. June 2G, 1817. 33 tf. IS NO Robbert}! THE Subscrihers are tH1 in Market. nnd are prepared [o oikr (ie FaTülinT POI" tÍOH ul 'l'e coiiiinniiiiy GREAT BARGAINS, in FÜLLKli CLUTH8, l-'LANNELS, SATI NET8, BROAD CLOTHS, and in short neary ;il! km U of DfiY" GOODS # GROCERIES, Bï WAY OK E.XCHAKGE FOR W O O L ind most kinds of Country Produce. The WOOLEN FACTORY eituaied in this illage is now in their possussion, and is in suc cecsliU iperation, by means ot which tliey are ablo o ulier beuer inducemenis to WOOL GRGWZRS, than any other establishment in the county. NOT TO BE F0RG0TTEN Thoge who wish CAfH. Drv Goods or Giu. CKKiK.s for their Woo!, or produce of nny kind. slmuld be surc to cali on tlie Subscríbela belore purchasing vite wliere. WOOL CARDiNG &. CLOTII DRESSING ilone to order on tlie shortest possible noucc. Cali and se e ! 3l8:f BECKLEYS & THOMAS. Añil Arbor, Lower Tuwn, Muy 20, '47. piASHMARETT AND TWKtiDS. A _y beautiful article for Gentlemen's t-lurirnei ear, just received and Will be manuliictured in ihe I.neat siyle aiul best possible munner, at the " VVesiern Clothing Emporium." HALLOCK & RAYMOND. 318-if DüTUOlT. Cor. Jcff and VVoodward avenues. -X. , STeel CulTïvaTor TcctIi. THE subscriber is agent for the Patent Steel Cultivator Tceih. and has just received a frushsupply, which he will sell ut ihe manufactureras price. This arlicle is coming into general use wherever inirodoced, and has received ihe approbaiion of the first agricullurists in ihe United Oíales. Anvil Siore, Úpper Tuwn ilKNRY V. WELLKS. Am Arbor, 22i May, '4X. 202. Jy Cheap Jewelry Siöre 157 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and Retail. IlIIE subscriber has just relurned from New York wiih a large aseorimeni ot Gold ond Silver VVaieliesi, jewelry, lools, nmte nnla, toys, muucol Instruments nnd fancy uod. which he will sell nt wliolpsnlii or retail as !nv u nny establishment west of New York. Counlry Watch Makers and uthers wanting any of ihe above Gouda will find il ti their imi rest to cali,, na ihey will find ilie bctt assortine:it in tlie city, anii at the lowest prices. GOLD PENS. wiih silver holder snd pencil $2 00. Price ReHuced. Gold Pens.Watches and Jewelry REPA1RED .„ , „. H MARSH. 157, Jeflerson Avenue, Detroit, tiign of the Guld Pen. } 324 NEW GOODS. ZBYjEXPltESS FR OM KEW YORK. Spring1 Fnshions TUE sul'scriher lias just recaived n Iresh ashornnem oi prin and sunnner Gvd. and offert iliem lur sale chcap, BOpn as Broadchths of all description ; Satinéis and Cassimeres, and every tking in tliePANTALGON and VESTING line, and every article usually iound o a Merohaut TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENTHe s now prepared to mako and fit all kindi ol 'gemlemen's garmcnts. and would tender liis tha.iks to his old cuatomers and ilie pul lic generally, and solk'its iheir l'avois. 0?"" G ARMENT 8 cui to order al all times. WM. WAGNER, Dru'er anii TáILOR, lluron Stiect, Souihof the I'UIiLlC SQUARE. Ann Arbor, Apn) 28, 1847. 3'w CLOTH, CLOTH ! THE umJrrsigried would inl'onn the pulilic that they vvill contimiu to maiiufaiiluic Fnlled Clolh, C:issi[iiicre inJ Fl.nincl, al the ir Factory, two and a huif miles west IVom Ann Arbür, on Huron River neiir ilie Ruilioad. TSBMS. The price of mnkiag c'oth will be for Cassimere, 44 ets. per yard ; fur Fulled cloth, :!7 cis. ner yard ; lur whiie Plannel, '20 cis. per yard. - We will also excitante cloth for wool on reasonablo terms. Wool sent by rnilroad accompanied with instructions will he p.omptly allendcd to. We have done an exiensive business in inanufiicturi nT cloib for i:ti6toniere for several years, and bel leve we (_'ir as ;ood Fatisfnclinn as any Eslabh.-hment in tlie State. We therefore invitt our old custonurs to coutinue, and new ones lo come. Letters should be adüressed to S. W. Fosteb & Co., Scio. S. W. FOSTF.R & CO. Scio, April, ]8A7. 313-tf. New EstafolisSiraient. clocks, WATGHES, AND THE subscriber would respectfully announce o the citizens of Dexter and vicini'y thal he has opened a ehop in the above place, in the corner store, formerly Itnovvn as " Sheperd'a"; where he is prepared to do all kinds ol repair idg in the line of clocks. watehes, jeweliy &c ■n the sbortesi notice. Ilavinghad abouttwulviyears experience ia snme o! the best Kaatèrn shops, he flilters htniself lli!V be can give cnlirt sulifa:tion lo all ihose who may favor him wiih their wurk. He has and isconetaictly receivtna, clocks. watches. and jowelry ui all descripti jus, which he will sell as cheap as the chenpest. W. W. DEXTER. ALSO GROCERIES of all kinds: surh as. Teas, Sugars, Molasses. Raisins, Caffee, Pepper. Spice. Fisb. Citndies. Tobacco. Cigara &c. &c. And in fací kvkrtthing usually keptin sucli an estabüshmenl( Li )■ uok lUimiJ oonsiantly on hand and for sale cheap. V. W. DEXTER & Co. Dexter, Mareh tí. 1817 o2 tf Hat, Cap, - A N D - GENTLEMEN' S FURNISHING EMPORIÜM. T. H. ARMSTRONG, H AVINO taken the Stand No. 5-Í, Woodard Avenue. 3 doors north of Doty's Auctton Room, receinly occopied by J. G. Grane, as a Hat Store ; and added the stock of the latter lu his own, and also engaged in manulacturins 2very description of H ATS ?. CAPS, He is now prepared to offer to the Public sverv arlicle in his line. eitlnr of his own or sasiern manufacture, twenty tive per cviit es :han have been ollered in this niarket. In bis Itock wül be fonnd Fine Nutra. Satín Benver. Reaver, Otter. Br.ish arr' Spoi tin tr Iats, Fine Clulhl Siik. Plus!.. Oil Silk and Velvet Caps ; Uso, Rich Silk Cravais, Scarfs, fiandkercheifs : Kid, Thread, Silk. aiu! Buckskin Gloves ; Col ars, Bosoms, Walking Canes, Unibrellas, &c. T A 1 L O R I N G . The Subserilier has n!so sccured ihe services of a fiit rntc Practical Cutter, by whieh ho wil] be enubled lo fnrnish garmems of every slylennii rjescriptinn, and in ihe most approved nnd faahioiiiitile ninnner. {Ie 3 consmntiy receivmü ihe :atest fnshions, nnd. employing ihe best of workmen. lie is confident ihat he ill jive ihe bet of satisfaclion to all (hat may lavor him with their patronage in this branch of his business. 310-lf o 11 Hand Again ! THE Subscribcr would respectfully noiify ilie public, ihat he is lucuied once more in ihe vülage of Aun Albor, nnd is prepared to acconimodnle the cornmunity with a choice and well selected asBurtnient of NEW GOODS, oonsisiina of Dhy GoouS, Gbockrikb, IIardwakk, Boots and Shoks, Crcickhiy. &c. &c. which he will eell for Ui: AI) Y HAY as eheop as ihe saine fjuality oí Goods can be liad at any other êtoie in town. Persons who wiih to make purcliasesfor Cnsli. at Cash Trices, wiil do well to cali bcforepurchnsins else here. Jiy keepin the first quality of anieles, by selling at small profits, and by a fair and honorable course in business, he expecis to inerit a liberal s'iare of public patronaffa. Most kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE wHI be taken in pnyntent for Goods. O" Don't furget lite place, - on the East Sidc of Main sireet, a few doors sotuli of the Public Square, in the saine store with C. liliss, Jeweler. M. VVIIEELER. Anu Arbor, Nov. 24, 1846. a92-tf NOTICE TI1E co-parmer8h[) hereinfnre existing between Gakland & Lu Fkvke, is ihisdnj desolved by consent. Eiihcr partner is ■uthoriied to use the mime of the firm in seitling up the oiitstunding business. Al! persona indebted 10 snid firm are e.pected tp make irn. mediale puyment, as by so duing they will sav,cost. . C. J. GARLAND, B. D. LE PEVRE. Ann Arbor, May ], 1847. 8w NEW TIN SHOP. TUK eubscriber has commenced the manufacture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper, n all its vnrious branches, in connection with ie "Anvil Store," and is prepared 10 lurnish Country Merchanls and Farmers with every ling in that line. JOB WORK AND REPAIRING catly and expediiiously done. HÈNRY W. WELLES. Upper Te nrn, ) Ann Arbor, Ist June, M7. ) 292,Iy Jinii Jtrbor THE Subscriber having purchased Uie íntereais of J. M. Rockwell in llie Marble Business, would nform 'he inhabiiants ot lilis and adjoinin" couniies. ilia' he will continiie ihe busine s al ihe old stand, in llie Upper Tnwn. near ihe Presbylerian Cliurch. and manufacture to order : Monuments, Gratt Stones Paint Slonè, TablclSi %c. S'c. Those wishing lo obtain any article ï tl hisline of business will (ind liy ealling that he has an asaortment of VVhile aiid Variegated Si'irble from the Eastern Mnrble Quarries, which wili be wrouglit in Modern slyle, and sold at eastern prices, adrling transportaron oniy. Cali nnd get the prooi. VV. F. SPAULDING. Ann Arbnr. Jan. 30. 1847. 'ZT2 iy NEW GOÖDS! Cheap for Cash!! THE Suhsciibers beg leave to inform their old custoiiiers, and the public fcsnerally, that tliey are now reeeiving a largo and sulentlid nssortnient ol EngtUU, American and West India, GQÖDS, Crockery, SheJf Hardware, Painls, Oih, Dyeslvjfs, Drugs and Medicines. Also a general assomnent ot 1KOÍS', suitable for Ironing YVaggons and Buggies, NailRoils. Horse Siioes. and Morse Nnils, Sheet Iron, Tin Ware and Tin Piale - aleo a general assortment ot' BOOTS SHOKS, tluck and thin sale woik, nnd cuslom work to Hint purchasers. All of wiiich they will sell on (lie Iwwest possible termslor Cash or Baütf.r. Feeling conlident as we do, that we can niake it for the interestof all ihcise wishing to parchase any of the above nientioned Goods, we do most earnestly solii it al least an invesiigaiion of our Good3 aml prices before puJ-chasin elsewhere. JAMES GinSON & CO. J"o. 3. Exclutnge ISlock. Ann Arbor, Lower 'J'own, fciept. 14, 1846. 2Ka-if CLÖCKNDWATCHES ! ! fedl rrAÍIK Subsoribciha8 jusi K-;-riw m. J_ reeeiveíl, (and is conjf't "ÍjiJ8''"11' reeeiving) froin ffp JHWU New Vork au elegant ai v C 1 UÍPK wo" 6e'uclet' aseortmeni Jcwclry, CIocIís, Walchcs, Slc. iüc. wliicii ho iiiiends to sell as luw as ai auy otlieí establisbinent ihis síde ol BufTalo tor reiuly pnj onlij among whicli may be found ihtííollow ifi: a uood ansoriment a Gold Kinger llings. Guldlireasipins.Wrisilets Guard Chains and Keya. 8ilver Spoons, Germán Silver Tea and Tsble Hpoons (first qualiiy, ) Sil ver and Germán do Sugar Tonga, Silver Salt.Mufctard and Ctearn fpoont, üutter Knives, Gold and Silver l'encil Cases, Gt)ld Pens. Pencils, Silíer and Germán Silver Thimbles. Silver Spectacles, Germán and Steel do. Goalies, Clothes. Hair and Tooili Brushes, Lal her lirushes, Razors and Pocket Knives. Fine Shears and Scissors. Knives and Forks, BrittanniaTea Potsand Caslors. Plated, Brass. aml Blittanía Candlesiicks. Snuffers &, Trays, Shaving boxes and Sonps, Clifipman's Best Raor Stvop. Calfand Morocco Wallels. Silk and Cotton pursos: Violins and Rows, Violin and liass Viol Sn-ings, Flutes, Fifes. Clarioncts. Accordeon - Musió Booka for the eame, Motto Seáis. Steel Pena and Twe( zors, Pen cases. Snufíand Tobacco boxes. [vory Dressing Conibs, Side and Iinek and Pocket Comtm, Neodlecnses. Sieletioes, WaierPaints .mil Bvushes, Toy Wnieiies, a great variety of Dolls. in short ;he -reaiest variety of loys ever brought to tliis market, Fancy work boxes. children's tea sens. Coioffne Unir Oils. Smelliny íults. Cnurt Piaster. Tea líclls. Thernionieters. GerrosB Pipe, Wood Pencil. I5RAÍ5S AND VVOOD CLOCKS, &c. in faet almost every ihinc to piense the fancy. Ladies nnd Gentlemen, cali and examine for yoitrseivrs. Cionk?. Walchcs añil jewelry repairrd and warranted on short noiiee. Shop at his old stand, oppoeiip H. Berker's brick Store, in the Store occupicd by M. W'heeler. CALVIN BLISS. N. B.- Cash paid for old Gold & Silver. Ann Arbor, July Ist, 184G. 27 1 - 1 y THE SUBSCRIBER hasreceived his winter stock, whicli he offers lor Canil. !H grently reduced p.'ices. 'I'he l'ulilic are Invitad to cnll, examine, and judge lor ihemielvet, Now on hand, umi dnüy adding. Soi''AS of every vaiiutyand pattern, :ind the laiesl (Vishion. pnces Ironi $() and upwarris. DIVANS, OTTOMANS, LOUNGES, UCJREAUS, of all kinds, f'roni $1 and up. Ceñiré. Card, Tea, Dress, I'ier, Dming, and Nest Tables. Waeli. Candle, and Toilet Slands. BedWeadf - Muliuguny, Mtpls, and Wilnut. (rom íji' and up. Piano Fortea ; Piano Covers ; Piano Stools. Oouble and single fllatieeses of hair, sliucl'. , palm leaf, or straw. Uouhle and single Cot Bedsieadg. do do Writing Desks. CI1AIRS. - The best assoitment ihat can bf found west of New York and the cheapest in this city. Windsor Cha:'rs, a good anido, at $2 50 the Mtt, Mahogany French Chnirs. h-iirseat. n first rate ariicle, and well linishetl for $'. 50, Cash only. Mahognny Rocking Chairs, hnir ent and back. wnrranlod good, ut the luw :rice of $12, (or the cash only. Flag nnd Cane Seat from Ca. and up. Bird Cages, plnin and pallery : 3ird Glnsses. Hucí. and Toy VVhoelbarrows, for children ; i'atent Shower and Hip B.iths ; lioston Baih Pnns. Camp Stools. Uinbrelln and Hal Stands. Fancj Bellowt, Foot Scrapers, Cane Seat Counter and lioat Stonlt. Curtnin material. Table covers, Piitent I'ost-Oflice Bnlancei', Picture Frame, Willow Waaona. dadles, Chaira, Clocks. and Ba6kels ; Britiannia Table Castora, very cheap. J. W. TILLMAiV, No. 87. Jetïi: onAvenue. Detroit. .Tamiary 1, 1847. 297-ly STEEL GO 0 DS! UutseSrifes sa i JE v f m m t n n 8PLENDID FANS, and any quantity of other goode of tina sort at the OLD MANHA'J'TAN STORE, 317 DttroU. THE Married Woinan's Private iTledical f 'oiiipauioii. Bij Dr. A. M. Mauriceau. PROFESSOR OP D1SEASES 01' WOMEN. [Tfkfri Edilion, ISmo. ,,. "ü. Price $1 UU.] tí."5,t)00 COIMES SOLD IN 3 1I0NTHS. Tlie great demand fonliis most iinportnnt work (of which iliouáíinJá are solí!) has cumpelred iht' issue of nnother edilion. Il is iniended cipeeially for ihe tnnrried, as it discloses mponont seereis ; whicli sliuilld be knuwn lo ihem particularly. - Ilere every female can discover the causes. symptoma, and iho most tíJicient remedies and mnsi certain 1:10de oí curein every complaiut to vvliich her sex is eul'jeet. Married feinulea will here learn ihe art whereby tliey would retairl thcir youtli, vigor, beauty, elaslicity of body; and buoyancy of spirits to an advanced age, insiend of being aftlicted, as hun d'eJs and thousanda are, in'O uil ose hands ibis book lias not yet fallen. It is an important quesiion to the married why it is thil we behold 60 m;iny married fernales sitkly, debiliioitd, and prostraied ? au aljo ihe causes; nnd whether they ure susceptible d:' rem edy. Tl.ey will here find tboaa important mat ters, connecte.l wiih diicoveries in medical and phyaiologica! scicnce, which meet iliis quir&tion. Thi8 wdrk is desiincd to bi in the hands of every wife and mother who lias a regard for her 'iwn health and welfare, ai well as tbac of heJ husband. 1 he rcvelationa contained in its pages have already proved a bkssing to thousands. To those yet unniarned, but fcontemplaiing mnrnage, or, perhaps, hesituing nsto ihe pro prietyof incurring the reaponsibilnies aitcndani upon t, the importance of being possetsed of the reve'.atiöns eomained in ihese pages. so intimately involving their future happiness, cannot be appiecialed. It is of course impossible to conVéy morefnlly. in a public Journal, the various subjects ireated of. as they are of a nulure slriclly intended for ihe married or those co:iteinplaiing mairia,e; nei iher is it nccessary, eince it is ev;ry one'8 duiy to become po.ssessed of knowledge, whereby the sufl. to which a wife, a niotlier, or a sit-u-r may be eubjeci . can ! obviaied. Copies will be sent by mailree of postale. Over ten tliousind copies huve been srtil by mail wiihin thrte inonihs, wiih perfect safetv and certainty. In no case lias a remitlMice failed to reaeh the publisher, or ihe book those lu whom it hns been direcled. On the receipi of One Dollar, ihe "Marrifd Wonian'a PriTa;e Medical Cumpooioti" II b sent free of postage to any pain of ibeUniied S'aies. All letters must be addressnl (posipaidj 'o L)r. A. M. Muuriceau, Box i -24, New York Ciiy. Publislimg OilU-e 139 Libeny slreet, York, For saleby all the princ:pal fiooksellers in thtl'nited States. Agems in Deiroii. C. MOUSt; &SO.Y; Ypsilanti. K. ÖAMSON ; Ann Arbor. W_R PEftRy, I'erry-s Booksiore. TEETHÍ TEÉTh7!TËËTH!.'! M-ASTICATION and Articulaiion, . warranieJ by their beini; properly replaced. S. D. BÜHMFTT, will coniinue ihe practice of DEHTlSTBY'in uil its various branebe, viz : Scaling, rilling und Ineerlingon guld platea or pivou. froni une loanentiresíut. Oíd pl.nes or mUiits remodled. anrl, made equal lo néw. OFFICEover C. B. Thompson & Co.'s Slio Si.ire, Ladies who requesi it. can be woiled o !it their awellings. ,p1)oTr-er"n"sua"r and a" kind ol 1 uOiidC-h tnken. Ann Aríior. lec. f, Í8fi. 293- tf Peace Decía red AND A vy il a REP, Y S. FELCH can hold TT Fkk.k Tkaue CusaZRea ih BOOTS, SISO ES, LEilTMi er, tui tl Finditigs of all kin.'s. wiih oll persons. Nativea or Fur eianers, on the followin jusi and eqtinl lerrns viz: GoihI Ait,cUsLoic Prins- Html,, Pa - mul tfo Ti iist. Thesubscriber having fuKy tr$ie.l the Cred Systrm bis erreat loss, both of eo.;fi lence an cash, and suflejed much loss t,y i,e ne cussily compela him to Oollecl hts miy-h.J,, Imrrcst, ' as "jfick iiahvkst and nextkali ' very ofte come up "mismng," leaving bioi W lij m the Boel-helt. He has come to ihe tam conclusión ihat certain sensible girls did on late occasion, (tce total or n , husband, rcad pay or nn Shoemaking ) All persons that can conform to ihe nbov treaiy will do well u, cali on S. Felch. Ann Ar bor, Lower Town, Ho. 4 Huron Ülock. her they will nol be taxed for oihers' work who nover pay. N. B. All pwsonsinclebted in any wnv to the B'lbacriber, had beller cali nnd pay if they are hnnest anr1 mean to keep so. 2976"1 , S. FELCH. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Jon. i, 1847. COMSTOCK & SEYIttOUI Dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Boots AND SMOES, HARDWARE, Crockery A' Grocerics, at A'o. 3, Porteras Blnck, South side of the Public Square 308 JACKSON, M1CH. Kctunied TAÏX,ORI2?G. pHE Subscriber is desirous of informing hi X old cusioniers and ihe public fMtenüy. that nd bas locaied Uinifolf 01. Main Wildis t.roccry áiore, on thn cornerof Main and Huron streel, whero oll kinds of T A I L O R I N G in the present fas h ion cnn be done n a respecinble and prompt manlier. r P. S. CUTTING done on the shortcst notice and warranied to fit if properly made up . . , _ VV. WI(ilïI8ON. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 3171 Gold Pens, PRICE REDUCED. TT 'is admmed bv all wlio use llura, rfnrl X 1 iqnotte s (iold Pens are cqual il not superior tonny ever olfered in il, is miirket. piicc-3.2 50 For sale wholesnle. and .enil at the mnnuir.cto' ry. Corner 01 Jeflereon Avenue & Griswokl bt., Detroit. 34 , Also for snle by C. BLISS, Ann Arbor. SOAP, Spermand Tallow CANDLES Iwnysoii hand vcry cheap at 324 MAYNARDS THRESHING Machines. filr, undoisigntd would niturm ihe puulio jL that li'; manufactures Jlorse Powers and l'lircsliing Merlitnei ui Sciu, ol u superior kioil nvt'iiit ! ty himself. Thesj Powers OQd Machines ore particulnrly idapted n llie bas of l'.-.m i i .■■ uho w ibh M u thein lor thieslung (heir uw n grsin. '!!.■ power, ihrcsher and fixtuies can all be loaded into a counnon sized wagon box and draw with one puir of haM 1 bey aje duigned lo be utcii lyilh four horses. and ate jbiindantly stinng lor rliat number, ond may be sufely uetd wilh six or iMghi norses wiih pruier care. They Work wilh lees strength ol horses according to the oniotni of business done than any other pouer, ond wül thresh genernlly about '.'00 bushels heat per day wilh four honee. ]n one instante ]&8 bushels wheat were tl.iohcd n thite liouri with four horsc8. This Power and Machine contain all the advnntages necessmy to make tl, vin profiuble lo ihe purcluser. They are strong ond durable.- Thi;y nre eosiljr moved from one place to anolher. The work of the noises is easy on these poweis in con porison lo oihers, and tl:e price is LOYVKIl than any other power and machine, have ever been bold in ihe State, according to tho real valué. The lerms of prvment will be liberal lor notes ihai yre known to te abeolutcl good. I have n nümber of Powers and Machine now rendy for s:ile ond persons wisiiing lo by are inviled to cali so. ju. 9EPARATORS. I ani pre pared to make Separotors for liiose who may want thern. The uiility ond advamnges of this Power and Machine w ill appear evident lo all on exumining he recomniendntions below. All per?ons are Cauiinned ogninst niaking ihese Powers and fllachines: the iindfsigmd liaving adoplcd the necessary measures for secn ■ ring letters palent for ihe sanie wiihin the tima rtquired by law. K. W. FOSTER. Scio, Washicna Co., Blich.. Júnele, 1346 RECOMMENDATIO.N3. During the year 1S45, cach ot ;he undersintd ;iurch!ised and used eilher individunily or jointly with oihers, oi:e of S. W. Foster's ntwly iHvented Horse Powers nnd thieehing inchinfs, ind helieve they ore butler adapted lo the use of Farmers wlio wam Powers ond Al.-ichino ihf 'heir own Use than any other povi er ond ilirifh ■ er wiihin our knowleclgo. Thiy .me calculuttd (o be used wiih iour hotses and are oí ampie itiTiigih'lor nümber. They nppear to be ;onsMucied in sncli a manner as to rendar il em vory duriible wnh linie liabiliiy of gvitifig ont ol ,rder. Tlieynre e isily moved from one place 10 another. They can he rked with nny numher ofhiada from fuiir to light. ahd will ïhretlj 'ibjL't '(KI bushels whent pri ihiy. 3. A. I'OUIKMUS; Scio. Washicnaw co. G. BLOOD, T. RICKAr.DSON, " " SAMUEL [IKAJ.Y, " ' . p. rosT'rrt, " " N. A. PHF.LPS, '■ " ADIM S.MITII, " " J M BOWEN. l,irra. VVM. WALKER. Wetarter, " THOS W.MtRKS, " I). SMALLEY, l.o.ü. I tbreshed last fall -.'nd winter w.'ih one of S. VV. Foter's hoise powers. more than (ïltern ;lin,,sar,d bushels grsin 'Ihe repairs bestowpd upon tl,e p'.wer arnounied to only (í tentF. and 11 was ín gnod order when J had done threshing. 1 invuruibly uted íí.t: liorses. AAROfí VOU.NGLOVK. Marión, June C, 1840. I purrhnseil one of S. W. Fo?ter's hor )owers Idèi fnil nnd have used it for j',bl,inc. I have used mnny diffeieni kinds of poweis and iielieve ihis is ihe bist runninz power 1 have everfeen. L). S. BElfKÉT. llüiübuig. June, ]&'X, We pureln.sfd one of S. W. Foiter't fïorse Powers Ibbi lal!, and bave nsid il and think it ia i first i ate Power. Jr.BBF. HALL. DANIEL S. II AU.. REUBEN S. II A II,. Hamburg. June. 18JG. if CORK, RYi: & IV HEAT. WANTED by the subecribere, 10.000 fciishels in l o n- Ifl.lli (Ibi.vhi'lrul ti'P, md O.COl bushels oí Whri. ilt-liverrd at ihe iteani Milt. fiir which Cash will be pnid INGAI.LS. LAMB, & FJSHÈR. Ann Albor, Jan. 4, 18-17. 2'JS-:(. FOR SALE CUEW tok CAS!!, or very kiml ofconr. try I'iodtjce. SodtUea, BrtUes,Harness, Tritvls, Valises, Trunk Val? tes, Carpet Bags, c Al-o n uood nssortmeni of tv Lhhii, liich Wil] lie sold vciy low, and no nuvt; ke ut COOK ROUJNSOJM'S. Ann Arbor. August 12. H4C ï77-if C2ÏEAP STOVES AT YPSlLANTl! 125 COOKING PARI.OR STOVFS, " jusl received. by ihe SubfCliler, (n-ot'y from Albnny) making a good orsortment of tho latest ,-mil best patierns. whieh wül le told il Luw Piiccs! not lo bc unjcrsold this sidc Lnka Erie! Also, Copper Furniiurp, Cnuldron Ke:t], Hollow Ware ol' all zes, Siovc Pipe, Sleet Iron, Zink. Ac. TIN WARE.' Manufacturcd. and conelontly kept on bond which will ,ilso bt soid very lo. 8. - Porcbaseto -::. Jo wel] lo catl and examine for theirown salisfnctinn. J. M. BROWN. Ypsilanti, June 20.. I8!(. S?J( FÜRNITÜRE & UPHOLSTER1NG WARE JOOMS. STEVENS & Zl'G, ÍN thelowerend of the White Dlotk. dirpctly opposite the Kxchakgk. hnve on 'and n large ossoriment of FlfSNITVRÉ, of heirown mnna'acture, which they will sell ver ow for Cash They also keep 6.iperiencd Uphnlstcrcrs. ond are prepared lo do a(I kindsol" Upholsiering at ne sliortest nol ice. Fnrnituie of all kinds made to order of iba 'est material, and warranted. STEVENS & ZV(i. Deirou, Janunry, 1, 1847. L97-1 y fi CLARK.Attorney and Counsellor, Vy. and Jus:ice of: he Pesco. OH.ce. Court Joure Ann Hkk 9 illtf " 1 RMITAÖE BlauM Hole" Anvils. X. ' Wfight'" 0 otterel Keyed Vices. West'sbest liellows. 30 to 3(i inchess. Sledges, Hand Hammers. Files and Rnpps of very kind, enn be found at the Iron Store, ign f the Big Anvil. IIF.NRY W. WELLES, nn r.)nr. Jan. 10, l)-'47. 898-1 ORIGHT and Black Log Chains, U B.I6, 616. 7IÜ, & 8.](i do. Straight and ttvisted link Troce do Halier . Por snlc verycheap at ihe sign of the Big Anvil, Uppor 1 own. 1IKXUY W. VVEI.LFS. Ann Arbor, Jan. 10. 1847. 2fl8-ly RO VVLAND best MiJl Saws, öTëT nnd 7 l'eet. iowlan.l-s l,,.8, X ru, Saw,, (, M, and 7 feet. bnglith C. t. Pu Svs. Ui nml 7 (eet. Superior American Mili Sw File. 10 to l in Sper T;:rle at ihe of the ■ A-,f ht.xry w. wtLLta Ann Arbor, }aa. 10. 117 29I?.;


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