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Movement In Kentucky

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Il is probably known to many of onr readers, that the question of emancipation, has been deeply agilating ihe noble heartsof a portion of thecitizens of Kentucky, for several years past. Involved with this is the quesiion for calling a convention to alter the State Couslitution, a change of this instrument being requisito lor the constitutional abolitior. of slavery. The Convention questioi lias at length been carried by a majority of 15,000 or 20,000 over that reuired by the constitution. The follovring paragraph which we take fiom The Exmniner, of Louisville, Kentucky, wül be read with inieest, as showing the charaoler of this novement, and the working of the elenents of humiin'ty and righleousness deep. d the hr-arts of the people- frorn which none can bil to forécast good for Keotucky and goor] for the mee of man. CONVENTION. The first step h!is beea taken ? Tl o Convention Question is carried in Kenucky; We say not that all whovoM for Convehtion nre in favor nf emanciparon ; but this we do say, that the great majority are. The firM word we heard, when (ve cotnmeneed the Examiner was, "vou will throw back the cause," and the mM thoughtless ndded, "we are glad you are out,- it will stop the Convention.'' We knew beller. We knew that thinking men we re not lo be influenced by thia considera t ion, nnd tlint re.-il, earnesthopers for freedom, wouftonly work the harder for it. ' e said so. The resuh- the vole of Louisville, esprcially - proves that we were right. The PKOP1.K want to get at this question of slavery. 'J'hey are eager to drive the evil from our soil, forever. Where are ihoir leaders ? Where the good and great to speak for them 1 Where the farseaing, ciad in proofmail, and readv to give and take blows in the glorious cause 1 Where the mkn willing to labor ani to waa ! Never was the harvest
riper, and so full of iironiisc. Never bel'ore had gleaners n any field a uu-er yield and a richer fuiure. Let theiii rtttp it - let ilio ona blut upoii Keiilucky be sweptnway - let her vico g.) up fur fieedorn, tlirough the'r instrumental ity, and not only wil) they be h'xed stnrs in the clear upper sky, on wlrclv all pos'erity bIkiII love lo gfize, hut they will so shake and iack the accnrsed evil elsevvliPre, tliat Virginia, North OaroEINA, RBd Tknnesseb wi:l echo bnck thcir shout for Liberty and be pree ! What a ni'itive! VVhat a result ! Up men of fientucky, and seizo the oporiunity of greatnass fn-ced upon yoo ! tip) and make glad our good old commonwealth ! Up, and wing forth nflnences, wliich shall plant the standru-d of free(lom in our sister Slate, South, Wrst, and East! Up, nnd let it be your g'ory, fnd the glory of Keüiuckv, tliat. of all tho planting States, We first heaved off tho incubus of ülavery, nnd prodaimcd universal KtfAKCIPATION TO .MAN ! THE RESULT. We sluill, at the earliesl pracl;cable opporiiinity, obtain a full return of ihe vote for oonvention. It will tbrow lig'it on the question, as to what the people of Kcntucky feel and think on the question o1" slavery. Tlds vale has been purelt the act of Ihe people. Not more thnn tnreB or four papers in the. Siate, advocated, openly, the Convention ! Not a dozen lending politicians made it the theme of tlieir discourse ! Yet the people have s;iid, 'Let us have n Convenion - ](.( us have a new Constitutiou." - VVhnt do they mean ? VVhat want they 1 What thouglit lliey when they said bis 1 Let public men ponder on these questions. The answer to them will come by and by. Oberlin Evangelist.


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