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Thcro is no nmvs direct IVorn (en. Scott. But an arrival ÍYom Vera Cruz states that Besnrwdf) conipany, wbic-h set off on a scout when Major Lailv wanted men - it i.s feared wcre cul off 12 Dragoons of Wells' company also suppored to have been killed ar laken at National Bridge. Wells, vvho went to reiiil'urce Laily, and bad :i light at the bridgp, had rcturned to Vera (Jruz with his men. Vera Ciuz,Aug. 14, 1847. It is with mortilication and regfettbot I have to iiform you tliat Ge.i. Paredes passed thro' our City this morning, about 7 o'clock in disguise, and befoio it was ascertaincd that such was the fact, he was far out of our reach onhis way to he city of Mexico. He arrived this morning on the royal mail steamer Teviot, uilder au nssurning name, and entirely uuknown to the captain of the vessfü. As soon as the vossel carne to anchor he imtnediately carne to the mo!c in a pilot bont, and proceedeiJ through the 'neart of the to the residence of a Me.cai whom he made himself known, and obiained 1 ruit) him a round jacket, a sombrero, tind horses for hiin-elfand servant, and "pam osed the ranch" without ceremony. Otie hundred dollars was immediately oflered for his arróst ns soon as inforination reached Col. Wilson that he was or hnd been in the city, and every effort was made to arrest him, but the "bird liul flown" and given us a specimen of assurance and cunning that would do credit to the father of Yankee tricks. The Mexican merchant wlio assisted him to escape is Pepe Zamora, and during tbc ?oarch for Paredes liis house wns surrnuiided. The offirers entered and was assured by Sir Zamora that Paredes wns not in bis house. "lias he been hore," was the question asked ; "Yes," replied Zamora, very cooll}'. "What did he want V' osked the America!). - ■ "He introduced bimself to me as Gen. Paredes, and asked me to befrienri him, and I told him that I would. He then asked me to lel him have a jacket, bat and horses, which I let him have immedintely, ond he bas been gone from here two hours. You are welcome to search, but I can as&ure you you will not find him here, and what I teil you is so. Tbere are his coat and haf, which you can take along if you like."


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