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-Was comniittfid lo the jail of Washington co., D. C. on tlie 23u of July, 1847, as a runaway, n negro woman, who calis herself Ann E. Ilodges. She is nearly black, about 5 feet bi indies high, and about 22 years of age. - Had on wheo comrnilteil, a slnte-colored Merino dicss, and a brown calicó sunbonnel. She says she is free, and sorved her time out wilh ftlr. Benjaimin Daltry, oí Southampton, Vn., and ihat Messrs. Griiïin and Bishop, of the same place, know her to be fíee. She has twoscars on the lefi leg, near tho knee, from the bile of adog,oneon her left wrist, and one on the point of lier breast bone ocensioned by a buril. ': 'J'ho owin-ror o-.vners of the above describèd negro woman, are hereby reo ui red to come furwnrd. prove har, and take her avvay or she will be sold for her prison and other expenses, as the aw directs. ' Koirr. Ball, Jainr for A. Huntkk, MarshalL' "Aug. 22- wtf." This advertisemenl which we cut from ihe Union, exposes ono of t!ie grosest wrongs tolorated in a civilizad communily. It is not so imich the people of the District, for they have called on C'ongress to reinedy ihe evil. In 1828, eleven hundred of the white male citizens of. this place ihus statcd tl.eir gricvances to that body : " Even the laws which govern Ds sanction and direct, in oirioin cases, procedure ihat we lelirve is unparallelk'd in glaring injustice by anything at present knoivn among the Governnicnts of Christendom. A;i instancc of the operation of these laws, which occurred during the last summer, we will bri efly raíate : 11 A colored man who slnted that he was entitled to freedoin, was taken up ns a nmaway slave, and lodgeJ in the jail ol' Washington city. IJe was advertised, but, no ono nppenring to claim him, l.c was, according to law, put up at auction for the payment of hisjailfees, and sold as n slave for life. " Líe was purchased by a slave trader, who was not required to give security for his remaining in the District, and he was soon afier shipped at Alexandria for one of the Southern States. ' An attempt was made bysomo bonovolent individuals lo have the sale posponed untii his claim of freedom could be nvestigated, but iheir efifurts were unavailing ; and thus was a human being sold Blo perpetual bondage, ut the capital of one of the freest Governinonts on earth, without even a orelence of trial or allegation of crime." Need we add a word to this statement by the citizens of Washington of the nature of such an atrocity ? Thcy do not sanction il. Thoy do not wish to see freb people reduced to slavery. The courts of the slave States, to their honor be it spoken, have always regarded wilh favor the case of men claiining to be held illegally in bondage. The guilt of ihis pTBC'.ice of selling people for their jail fees - selling them ns slaves for liie - telling them without requiring security from Ihe buyer that he will not take them out of District - attachesto theCongress of the United Slates. The people liere hnve prayed tlat body to suppress


Signal of Liberty
Old News