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With a deep sense of the propriety of the Antislavery moveinent of the present dey, nnd the tooarduous task imposed on the noble sons of our fair (though guilty) land, in propagiting the same, and being convinced that the hearty co-operation of woman is needful, in sustaining nnd encournging our brethren in this 'ueaven opproved cause ; andfromaconviction that there is a duly for us to perforrn, in this great and noble pnterprise, we have resolved lo aid, as far as ourcireumstances and influence will permi', in promoling thh cause of humanily. We have put fonh our energies, and o-gnnizod an Antislavery Society in this town. In this, we have met opposition on every side, which caused some to falter in the course ; wliüe to others it has given an Ímpetus to overeóme the most vehement opposition, and we have firrnly resolved to s!em the rough cuirent of Popular opinión ; or fearlessof the frowns of the unfee'.ir.g proslavery multitude, who can look upon the gallingehnins of the poor slave unmoved, and say it is right to hold in bondage, iheir fellow men. In Julv, 1846, we met to discuss the question, as tothe bes,t ways nnd means of cnirying out our principies. After c'eliberaiing upon the same we concluded to associate ourselves togelher, under the name of " Ladies Antislavery Association." A constitutfon wa-f ihen aiopled by the meeting nnd officers were elected for the ensuing yeai-. Feeble hnve been our efforts ; hut they have been untiring, nnd crowned with siceess; and 'he cnuse s by no means retrograding. On the contrary t is rapií.ly gaining grouud ; and tliose who at first looked with u suspicious eye on our tnovemen's are now wi h us in smtiment and infíuence. Hithertowe have nol been known to exist, fartherthiin our immediate vicinity. Our sphere has been an hurable one, and vpe would prefertohnve our names remain in obscurity, were it not that duty impuls us to give publicity to our effjr s : and place our names upon the list to ba the buti of ridicule. We Iienr tiie plaintive voice of woman pieading her sisters or the North to reircss her wrongs : and we will no longer turn a deaf ear to lier cries but boldly siand in the defence of right : confident that with unanimity and coucentration of effort - Sluvery will be classed among the thiiigs tkat were. Pursuant to a previous notice, our Annual meeting was held August 13, 1347, for the purpose of electing offieers the coming year. The meeting was called to order, and Win. D. Mooie was chosen Chairmnn. Three short and appropriate adJrtssos weredelivered by Messrs. Sabin, Bngley, and Judd ; after which the following offieers WRie elected : For Pre. Mrs. Lolisa H. Sabix. For Vice Pres. Mrs. Sarah Smith. For Sec'y Miss Edna A. Moore. For Treaa. Mrs. Nancy Jackso.v. Commiltee. - Mrs. Edna Moore, Cli'n, Mrs. Hannnh Pope, Mrs. Eunice Judd, Miss Amanda M. Gibson, Mui Viletta C. Jud. Some slight iimendments were made lo the constitution rendering it ns follows: Constiiution of the Ladies Antislavery Associalion of the lown of Adams, County of Hilsdak, State of Michigan. Ariicle lst. We do hereby associate ourselves logether under the above name for the purpnss of disseminating Antislavery principies, Article 2d. The officers of our asfOoiation shall consist of a President, Vice President, Sec reta ry, Treasurer and an executive commitiee of five. Article 3d. It shall be the duty of the President to pres de at all our meetings when present. The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President. Article 4;h. It shall be ilie duty of the Seorelary to record all the proceedings of the Society and to read the same at every meeting and also (rom time to lime to cause notice lo be given of the same ihrough the Signal of Liberty inviting the co-nperation of all our sisters in thisdejiartment of christian philanthropy and do all other writing in bei:alfof thu associalion. Article Ölh. It shall be the duty of Treasurer lo keep all the funds of the association and to pay ihem out from time to time by a vol e of two ihirds of tho merabTs present at any meeting of the association and to give an account of the ale of Tiejsury at cvery meeting. Arttcle 6th, It shall be the duty of the Executive Commitiee lo prepare all business lo be brought hefore ihe Associition for its action, nnd to devise ways and means to promote the objects of the Association. Article 7th, Our Asicciation shsll n et
montlily at such places as they shall frona time to time determine. Article 8th. AH of our meetings sliall "be oponed and cl.e I by pruyei' in behalf of the enslave'i fnillions of our country and especially for the tnuthera ives and daughters wtao are gmaning nenlh tho laali of the mercilesS upprewor. Article 9:h. The oflicers of our anociation shall be ehnsen annually and sliall feUtifuUy discharge their respective duties until nevv shnll be elected. Article lOih. This ('onstitution may bc altered orannended by a vote of two thirds of the members present at nny regular meeting of the-association notice being given nt a previous meeting. Adams, Sept. lOih, 1847.


Signal of Liberty
Old News