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Nrw York, Sept. 10, 3 P. M. Vera Cruz dates to August 27, have been receivcd at New OHeans. The Picayune has a letter from Orisba of the 25th August, which says thnt two brigades of Mexicans under Valencia, and one under Santa Anna, attacked the Amelicans at different times at San Anget, verv near the city of Mexico, but were completely defeated, and feil back in disorder into the city. A suspension uf hostilities was then asked for, 'o hear Mr. Trist's proposals. The next day Congress was called together. Our army was encamped around the city of Mexico, but hai not an entrance on the 21stMajor Lnlly arrived safely at Puebla, after sonríe skirmshes. Lieut. David Henderson and his party of Fair cliild's company of dragoons, were al! shot by guerillas. The guerillas nttacked Alvarado and killed a sergeant and 2 marines. The steamers Petrita and Scorpion were forthwith despatched to reinforce the place. No courier from Scott's army has been able to reach Vera Cruz. An cxtraordinary courier to the English minister is supposed to have asked military interfjrence once more. Brazos dates 24th, state that some ikirmishing had taken place betwesn Urrea's troops and our trains - 30 Amerioans killed, in all. It was supposed that Taylor wou!d move towards San Luis potosi on the lst iust. By order of Government, Gen. Taylor has ordered the Ohio and Indiana regimenis, commanded by Col. Lane ; 13th regiment Regular and Infantry: Col. Cusling's regiment of Mass., and Capt. Dea's baltery, to Brazos Island, then to re-im'oark immediately for Vera Cruz. Taylor lia left 5,5G3 men between Brazos and Buena Vista. Letters from Ceralvosay : Bagler anc his detachment, who were supposed to be cut o fF, are safe - were captured by Mexicana, anti retaken by Ainericans neai Cernlvo. . Several deaths from yel'ovv fever nt Brazos. Cap. J. B. Butler arrived nt Camargo on the 18th ordered to advance on Mier. The insurrection of Indians in Yucatán is confirmed. Ano'.her express arrived at Vera Cruz on the 2O'.h with letters containing the same news, in substance and tue follovving translation from the Diaro del Gobierno. "On the 20th August Scott's troops, who intended, it was supposed, marching n Penon, turned in and arrived near Kubova. As soon os the iiews was known in Mexico, Valencia's división went out lo nttack iho Americans nt San Angelos, and was coiiiplelely routed. Next came Siinta Anna wiih anothcr división, wliicli shareJ iliesnme late. Al'iei" some fighiing tho Mexioims retreatfd to tlie cnjilol in great d order, and sucli was the panic created that the Ministers of Foreign AfPaira immediately convoked tLe Congress to tnkc-! into consideration the term of Mr. Triste, and to ask for a suspension of nrms." Such are tlie meagre details received of tliete important events. LATER FROM SANTA FE. By Aubrey, of St. Loh's, wlio lel'l tiiR 22d of July, accompanied by Barnum of Baltimore, directly f rom Chihuahua, nnd McKenny's coinpany of voUinteers, and train of sixiy-five wagons. The tintes from Cbibuahua are o!' tlie 'd ofjuly, and the letters give details of ;he murders of Americana by Mexicans. Persons and proporty of Americans generallv respeeted al Chihuahua, but none except neutrals pennilted to leave the city, and they to pay six per cent on mean. No merchandise prmilted to come into New Mexico by Southern route. Elections come ofi' 2d Monday in August. The naurderera of Brown were on trial, atid seven of themconvicted. Col. VV'ileox's batillion, iis time having expired, was ordered to leave Taos on the 25lh. Citizens reoaained detcimined to fortify the place. An insurrection was a short time previonsly commpnced but nipped in thebud. The leader of it flsd precipitately to the rnountains. Gol. Price nnd men disgrace Americans. No discipline. Vice praclised by men and officers unrestrained by him. He covered himself much by declaring, that he would take down the American flag and evacúate the town if not reinforced before the lOth of August. This caused much sacrifice of goods in j preparation for leaving, ns all Americins and friendly Mexicans would certainly be murdcred on the departure of the army. BATTLE WÍTH THE MEXICANS! Government despatches have been reCcived. The following iiems have come through the Pitlsburgh Telegraph. On the 20lh the American forces, 17, 000 men, met the enemy nt Charbusco, 3 or4 miles from the capital. Mexicans 23,000 strong.behind an immense baltery of heavy aitillerv. Afier 2 hours bloody conflict, our gallant troops swept eery thing, mainly at ihe pointof the bayonet. American loss less than 1000. Mexican loss 5000, among whom were a number of distinguished men, generáis and civil ians. The armistice as agreed upon. - Five commissioners upon the Mexican side, at the head of whom is Herrera. They had two meetings - were to hold another Mondsy, Aug. 23d. Valencia escapcd with two companies to Tolucca, and pronounced against Santa Anna and peace. The express, 24 hours in advance of the mail, arrived here this evening bringing the N. O. Picayune of the 8th inst. The steamer Mary Kingsland arrived on the 7vh. Later dates from Vera Cruz. She brings accounts of two batlles - Contreras and Charbusco, so called from the works of the enemy. The proposition of armistice was made by Gen. Scott, supposed to have been at the instance of Brkish ambassador. The report heretofore given from the city of Mexico seems to be unfounded ; aid should peace not follow from the npgotiations now pending, another battle must ensue. A letter Trom Mr. Kendall, date! Lambaso Aug. 22J, says the Archbishop's palace of this place ia now occupied by Gen. Scolt and a portion of the aimy, after defeating the enemy in two of the hardest fcught baltles of the war. On the 13th instant, a reconnoitre made by Col. Duncan, having satisfied Gen. Scolt that a road for artiilery could be cut from Chalcoa to tlie San Caynistona, Gen. Worth's división moved in that direction on the 15th, followed by GensWhitman, Pillow and Twiggs. By this move, a new line of operations was taken on the souihern and western side of the city of Mexico, and the strong wor ks of Pinon and Maxicalango, on which Santa Anna had bestowed such immense 'abor, were completely turned. On the 16th of August, Gen. Worlh marclied as far as the hacienda of San Gercoy when a halt was ordered by General Scott, as Gen. Twiggs had met a large forcé of the enemy at Halcoa. Gen. Twggs promp'.ly ordered a few of the heaviest guns to be unlimbered, and afier a few discharges, the enemy were dispersed with a loss of-six killed. On the 17th, Gen. Worth resumed his march uver bad roads, but by öo'clock in the morning he tvas in sight of he capilal, without any opposition, except ihat rocks had been rolled into the road, and dilches had been dug, evidently showing that Gen. Scolt had stolen a march on Sania Anna. On reaching this point however, a scattering fire wasopened by a forcé stationed on an advantageous position which was shortly afier made, but again the enemies pickets were drjven in without loss. At 7 o'clock of the I81I1, Gen Scott arrived at San Augus-tine and at 10 o'clock General Worth was on the field marching foï lliftcity of Mexico by the main road. Mnj. Srnilh ;ind Trurabull, Copt. Muson and otlier etigineers and offieers,were supported by Capt. Blake's squadron of Dragoons to reconnoiter when a niasked battery was opened upon them, and ihe first ball fivmone 18 pounder killed Capt. Thornton of the 2ri dragoons, besidcs serionsly wouiiding a guide. Col. Garland's brigade was ordered to occupy a position in plain sight of the enemy's aiitude at San Amonio, whilst Col. Starke's brigade and Duncan's battalion took their station in the rear close by. A pariy was then sent out to reconnoitre to ascertuin the priiclicability of finding a road by which the village of San Angel cojld be reached, and the strnngl hold of Santa Anna tbui turned. This party had a skirmUh with the enemy, killing 5 or 6. and taking as many prisoners, wilhoutlosing a man. The rcsult of the reconnoitro was favorable, and it was ascertained tliat a road could be made. The Mexicana could be plainly seen in l'orce npnr Branheras, and at a counse' held that niglit, it was determined to attack them in the m'orning. While the reconnoisnnce was going on, Gen. Worth had eslablished himself at Ihe Bascada of üurera, in the window of wliich coumless numbers of the enemy could be seen at work on the batteries of San Antonio. - About noon, they O)oned Hacienda with round shot and shells. Nearly every shot took effect, but no damage except to the buildings ; late in the evening they were again opened, but were silenced during the night. Had the fire been kept up, the Haciendo might have been torn to pieces, and the entire commond compelled to retreat. At 8 o'clock on the morningof the 19th tl'.e batteries again opened on Gen. Worth's position, So hot was the fire that the troops were coinpelled to gain shelter behind the buildings, but did not give up their posilion. About 7 the divisions of Twiggs and Pillow were ordcred to march in the direction of Bronherau, 1 nd by 10 P. M. were in pluin sight of the enemy's batteries and within range of the heavy gum. The brignde of Col. P. S. SmHli was ordered to advance direclly towards the enemy's works, whüst that of Col. Riley moved towards a sm.ill village at the right, and thus cut o(T reinforcements which might be sent lo Valencia from the city. lncessant firing was opened on Col. Smith's command, and soon the rifles were engaged wilh the pickrts of the encmy, driving them on tlie twelve pound batleries of Capt. Maguires and the Mounlain Howitzers. The baiteries now commanded by Lt. Galenda of the ordinance department, was pressed forward on Ihe enemy, but were much e.xposed to a fire '"rom heavier guns and silenced. Lts. Johnson and Callerider were seriously wounded. At 3 o'clock Cadwallader was ordered out to su poort Col. Reiley, heavy reinforcements having been sent out from the city whilst Gen Pierce was sent to sustain Gen Smith. The firing from the enemy's battery was incessant. At about 4 o'clock Scott arrived, and seeing the immense strengt '3 of the Mexican?, at once ordered Shield's brigade to support Reiley and Cadwallader, nnd prevent, if possible, a junction of the forces coming out of the city. [We are compelled to omit the list of killed and wounded.] Battlo tasted during tvvo dnys with conspicuous valor 011 the American side, but with manifest cowardice on the Mcxican side. The young men from the Capital of whotn so much was e.xpected, (led at firsl fire. Largo numbers of cannon, and an innumerable quantity of small arms, with more ammunition than Scott has used since he has been ia the country, were taken. Thirteen Mexican Generáis killed or aken prisoners.


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