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Y A R M ERS! ATT23JÖ-TIOBTOA DOZ. l'.lnod'sCnidle Scyllies, áj 2J Wiidsworih'a ■ ' 3U BÍ 10 l' G,;is ■' 15 " Jenk's ' JO') Burnett's, I iger' A Ourtisa' Oradles. lOi) Limson's timsj, 10 ioz. Tower's II ice, I.)0U Ibs. Coil Chain frotu 3-1G to 5 S ín. 40 Log Chaina, Hay Knivo, liush Honks. Ilav. lïnliv. and Mantwe Farh, and all otliar Farmin? UiensiU, jual rweiMdand for sale at Detroit pnces ni tíie Anvil Store, Upper Town. HUNRY W. VVJEbLES. July Isr, 1847. 3J5 !JTONS "Swdes" i RON, J 10 ■ 'Joiniaia" do. :í ' 'Perú" i!'). Togother wtth a fi)ll and completo ns3ortmentnl Ir. mi, Steel, Can-inga Triminings, Blackmilh'i mul Waggou Maker's Tnol, just received at the Ativtl Store. Upper Town. 1JKNRY W. WELLES. July 1, '47. 385 CaHaiiíl Settle! TI11S is lo nolify a'l persons indfiblfd lo the late l'nn.soí Harris, l'irtndge Ji ('o. .mili. 1. II n is & Cu., tnnt tlieir no'ee orí; lefl in ihe htindsol James lí Gnu. F!sq., Justice o! 'i lie Penco. o i As thcse fi tns nro n'ow ili-soUel. it isabsoluièly neceiw:ry tluit t lie ir uut?';Midiii'' muiterü sliüulíl he m ': !■ d na loon M practicable. II. B. II !ÍKIS. Ann rlhir, July I2lh, lfi 17. 325 3m SUGARS. - Loaf, Lump( Crashed, Pow'd, St. ii'ix. o:id Pono Rica Öugar, all or siipenur quaütieá, extrbtnply l"w nt :- ' MAYNA RD6. UMINldTllATOUS SALE. Inj ;!,e „,:!.. lie of iIhí real es'üteol K. Everest decsnsad. No'ice is herebv givcn tli it in purauairee uf a licsttse to me pr.niteil hy the Judge of Proliate ofthe cotinty of' CUntao un i stiiic ol' Michigan, m üie fo matter, (slihjlexp at public vendiie nt t4jo Court House, in tlif illigol Aun Arhor, in the cviniy of Wushtenaw, n I state ftforesnid 00 the lOtii diyof September nsxt at onc n'c-i .ck in rh ífterrwon, nll anH (tngular, ihe Inivln ond lenementB tuated iu Brown and Fullera addilion to tlie. villnjie or Aun A:!ior aforesaid, described ns tollows f wíl: Camroenoing nt the nnrthiM-i corner " Block Ee, running ihence north Beventeen degrtjes. etist on the west line ol Pontioc street tw rodo; thence weeterly nt iii;hi Biiiri'S i1 h Pmtinc sireet sixieen rods ; ilinnce B;Mi!ntr!y to the north west corner of said block five rods : thence eüs'ctiy to the place of beginninj. Uated th3 23ili inynf Jnlr. A. U. 1SI7. MIN'NIS KENNT, !2S - r,w Adnnnistiator of eaid estáte. Hariï ware. THE Bubscribora liave iust receiveda Inrie nrldition !■! iheir al ick of Foreu;n nnd Dnietic Shsir Hardware, wbich malíes their 88Bar unen t very cumplí le. ' B. B. &V. R. NOYES ,'rJuly 10-h. 1847. Ö24 TOOL.S. - Carpentef'e, Cooper's -and Jjiner's Toots l"r snle hy sji b. i. & w r ?;oyi:s Jr. NAILS. - 150 kegs Eastern Nails for fur s.-ile by ■i B. 13. & W. R NOYES Jr. SHOVELS, Spades, Hoes, Cradles and Scyihes. and Suyihe Sins.for sale at SU MÁYNARP8. ("iROCERltíS. - We cali particular JT aiiention to our stock ot Grocenes.ivhicli is the largeajl aiii liest sclectetl over brouijht lo this villnirë. md will be sold at Wliolestile or Retiil very low lor pay. 32 MAYXARDS. TEAS.- Oíd Ilyson, Young Hyson, Imperial nnd iilaek Teas, all fine and fresi. at 3.4 MAYNA RDS. NEW COOKING STOVE, AND STOVES OF ALL KINDS! !!!!! THK Suhscrilier woulJ cali ihe attention of the public t') WOOI.SOs's M5W HOT ÍIR COOKING STOVK, wlitch they enn confidenlly recomm'-'nd ns bein decidedly superior 10 any cnoking tove in use. For simpliciiy in operalion, cconoiny in fuel.nnd for unequnlled biking and roftating qualilies it is nnrivaled. The new nnd important impruvetnent iniroduced in ils eonst uction being siich ns to ins'iro s'fnl nlv.tntagcs over all oihcr kit: Is of cO'iking stoven. Those deeiroua ot gettinir n cjood cooking Btove for family uae, or a piib'ici li iuse, would do well by cnriing añil fxnmining the above stove before purchasiog elawb?re. 13. B. & W.R NOYES, Jr384 71) WooHward Avenue Westen Glothiag EMPOBIUTO tJU'ttUccii ij) oitttiMnaiOj DSïnOIT, WOULD repetfully uive notiee that they have now rereived their entire stock of Si-'ring ;ind Siimmor oodsand are lully prrpnred to .-ii)i;jy their oh! cuatomers and the public with any a uuunt of new and Inslnonable Koaily iTInde Cloxhing, Conuisting ol overy variety ati'l degcription ol garmenu, too nurnerous lo meiition. All ol Wllich they are dispused to sell at IMWcsaU ov Hctatl, upon ilic mosi reaaonabls te ruis aiul pnres. Alo on band o silenlid neaortinent rl ROA D CLOTHS, CA 8S1ME RES, VES TlXaS, C ASM TA R E TTS, T WE E D 8, S UMM E R C LO T II S, PlllS AND PLAID LINEAS, 6lc. &c. &c, ore fully prepared tp make to order upon the slioncst notiee. and most fashionable inanner, at t'ieir well known llClothinr Emporium," DETROIT. corner of Jefieison and VVuodwurd avenues. Detröu, Mny ül, H47. N. B. Two or tliree first ratc Tail"rs mav find emplrytm-iit upon mntedia'6 nrmlicniion tn the sulien 'eis, cor. JuíTüsuii and Woudward Avenuat. # : HALi.OCK A nAYMONÜ. 11 AVE BERN RECEIVED BY 22lm. Si. 3StaLmQittt9 Proprietor o' ihe MANHATTAN STORE, Cor. o! Jeflerson Aienue and Baten Si. Detroit. LET every body cali uncí look at the stock of Vr Goods which inay bt (ound at ihe Fa.11OU8 OLD MANHATTAN 81 ORE. The qnantity ia largor, the style prctlier, and the iriecií Loiccr titán tvr ! B3KNÍTS, BONNFTS! A very I.irge assortnient ol all kinds. Tns(vin. Straw, Pedal Rrairi, Open Work. Englifh Braid, Albenine, &c. .Ve. froin the conrsesl to tli e tinest. AId a grtat usortmont ol libbons, tiiltö. llowers. &c. LAWMS, BAHAGES, MUSLIN DELAINS, Balzorines! and all other sovts ofDress Goods. BE A UTIFUL DRESS SILKS, PARASOLS SHA7T LS, o f all kin tt s ! PT5 T VS3 Ffl CS 23ttIUnjs;0, PAiÏALOON STUFF, COTTON GOODS; COTTON YARN, AND - b-y t-h-e c-a-r-t 1-o-a-d-!-! If folks íron the country will only givp us n enll. and look round iüioiisí our nice goods. ii ie ill re of k. The goods will Bpéaft ihe" r own praisos, and n nine casen o.u ol' len secure :i traile. First rale Young Hyson Tea for four shilling! iind sizpetu'e per pounL G'Os)3 feailiers, Paper Hanins &c:7 W. A. IÍAYMO.VD. E. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIRST ROOM OVER. C. M. & T. W. ROOT's STORE, JRANE & JEWK.Tt's BLOCK, aei-tf ANN ARBOLl. OBESE FBATHERS! PAPER HANGINGSf FinST RATE tOUNG HYSON TEA AT O.N'LY FOÜil AND SIXPENCE PER POUNDI riv rhí1 wíiy no one buys this tea once but btiyr again. and becornos n cus'oinei'. Nune beiter íui :he prioe can be had in Detroit. WÍL LO W WAGGONS, T AV E L I N tí 1? A S K E T S, A N D 18 IBO (&.OISO? n well as lo;s uf other goods hisides Dry Goods ■nay be liad very cheap at ihe ' (Jlti Minkattan Store.' Detroit. 17 W. A.RAYMOND. i - 3 t g 5 - B O - - n s 2 - - I sor # ií S c" iz; og - O f lite 1 g 1 i l i (% 'CC 'S 09 OW Kegs Albanv and Troy Cut LijJ Nail ::dto GiJ. 20 Kejs WioUí;lit NailsGdto 12d. 5J Boxes " Believeiiiin " G;ass frotn 7XC to 10X1-1. r.O Kegs pure Lead in Oil. 500 Ibs. " ilrv. 300 Gallons Linseed Oil Ü0,()00 Teet l'ine Lurnbi r. seasoned, clear stuff. Togi 1 1 o r witb a ful! assortnient of Locks, Latches, limo. Screws. Windptv Blind Fasten ings. &c. Tor sale at witnin a fraclion of Detroii pnces. ;U ihe BIG ANVIL STORE, ÜPPER TOWN. HKNRT W. WELLS. Aun Arbor, Mnrcli 18, 1-I-17. SO 8 THE LIBERTY MIWSTREL. OF: HüNORED COPIES of the fifih eái tion of ihis highly popiílnr work are Por snli .11 t!ie Siïnal office at Cid cents sinslr. or 4.511 ;ier n'ozen. Terms C;:sh. Now is the time fot Liberty choirs to supply themselves. WW. S. BROWiV, Atlorney fy Counsel or at L aw, ANN ARBOR, MICII. OFFICE wiih E. MoBCT, Ksq.. lj TO RENT. TUF. ROOM over the store of Reiklcy's & Thomas. lJossession given iinrnedia'.ely. May 2Í. 1847. Bkckleys fc Thomas. BRASS QLOCKS. A larga lot of Kii hour nrid H day Braes Clucks lor sale, ai I 4 and $22 hy the 'case. 302-tf J. W. TILI.MAN IHlaynards ARE IJV TOWWÜGAIJV! HA VING removeil to thfir new store, wbere they are rcceiving anexicnsive assortineni o f Drugs, Medicines, Painis, Oils and Grociries, Witb a smnll. well-aelected nssortment of DRY CiOOOi, All of which thev offer to thcir oíd fiicnds and new ciistoiners ot unusunl low prices. Ariyibing 8old at tlioir store is wiirruntcil to be ol fírst qunlity. They ntend hercafier to Keep almost every article wanled for faniily ate. Aun Arbor, June 30. 17. 323-if THE CIRCUIT COIJRTfor ibiscnnntyis ndjourned to the S5lll doy of Aiiüust nxi. alone o'clock n ihe aflsrnoon, ;i t which time thc petil jnrots will be required to appenr. CASS1US BW1PT. Cletk. Ry .1. M, WiLi.coxON. Dcpnty. DaiedAnn Arler, June 21st, 1 H 17. 3'2 3w TWO Uorse Wnf ijon and a Doggy lor sale hy BECKLEYS & THOMAS. ALARGE clialdron knf.le for snle hy liECKLEYS &TI1OMAR. Aun Arbor, Lowcr Town. :lu THBESHiNG MACUÑIS, CLOYSR BEACHIN2BS AND SEPAKATOJÍS. Tt'E tuliteriber vrould inform the puSHc iliai he -.■oniinucstu ii.uiiuüauure theabve mac.iiii'sit ibe nlil of Knnpp & Havi'and, ál the Lunuc Villugeo' Aun Arbur, nesr the Paper Mili. 'I lie Machines ure uf approved model have been thoroiighly teitetl in thbj viciniiy and worked wll. Thcy-uc tntd ot the best - rials and by experienced workmen. i'iiey will !■ kepl constantly on hand, und nlso be pinde t- order m the shortest no'.ice Tluy will be s'o'.d ui ery reasonab+e ternu fr Cash, or lor notes known lo beulisolutt-ly goud The abuvu Mochines can be useji by jour, six or eight honea, an.l are nul liabla to be ensily broken or dainaped. Thcy ara wel! adapted fot the use ot eulier Firmen or Jobbers. The Sep arators can be attocbed to any geared orslrnpped machina of any other kind. The ■ibscriher would refer 10 the Ib'.lowing persons whb have purchanod and utari bis Machines : Michael Thompson, Salom, Aleinnder DoaiM, James I'nrker, Alva Pratt, Pitiifi ld, M. A. Crnvath, " Plmrlmi Alexander, " Win. Polts, Mil ord. Hinkley & Vinton, Thetford. Martin Döty, Ypailanii, M. P. & ft. D. Iladluy, Saline, Win. Smith, Gnttthn. Isaac üurhan, NortWWd. Porticu'ar atientinn will be paid to Repairs. Cush will be paid lor Old Castings. Persona desiroua of purchasing machines are reqneaied to cali and examine these beforu purchasing elsewhere. T. A. II WK.AND. Maf 17, 1847. 3l7tf THE SUBSCRIBER SE.NDETH GREET1N0. PERRY'S BÖÖK STORE, Oprned anew al No. 2 Hawkine Block, 'nexl door lo Hill, White & Co.'b Slure Aun Albor, Michigan. Let this be a sufrióle ni noiice to nll persons usirig Books, P.íppr, Blank Boriks, School lii'oks. Sl'iies, Quiüs. Steel Pens, Pencil i i 9TATI0NEKT, oí a ny kiiul, tliat at Perry's iíookstoie ís I be placa to bny. 1500 PIECES PAPER HANG1NG3, Bordering. Fire Boards, and Satid lJj)ppr. whicli iv! he solil cbéop fut coeh, Standard nnd Miseellnnoous bouk,8UÍiabie for District, Town tbip mul Fatoüj LIEUARIHO. School Inspectora nnd oihers inieresied. aré requested !0 cali and examine his aí-sortrnent. - Also, Union Sabbatb School books. a large variety. and l'sir superior to tbe $10 Libiary both in binding and niatier. Also, Bibles, Testamenis, Prayer bnoks nnd lívnn books. YOTIHSr BOOZS, Moral, Religious, msirttclive and ainU8iríg,such aö may salely be put mío the hands of' the voun. GOLD PK.S'Ö, wilh OsM and Silvei cases, a superior article. Tbe eubesriber barn:id.? arrangements in New York whieh will ennble him al all linies ld obtain any lliin' in is line direct from New Vork r;t short notice, by EXPRKSS. !t will be seen tlmt his Hi cilittes, or accpinodating hs enstomers vtühartieles not on hand ia bevond precedent, and hr is ready and willing to do every tbing rensonible to rnnke lus estiblis!me:it such an one as an cnlightened anii discernin eomrnunity re rjnire, and he hopes t) nierit a sliare ol patronage. Persons wiEhing any arttcla in lis line will ]n well to i-nl! before pmchasing elsewiiere. if you forgei the place, enqnire for PERIIY'S BOOK STORE, m; Arbor. Upper Villnge. It is desifftble tii;u tt shouhJ be untierstood t ha persons in the Country, eend ing cash orders, moy depend upon receiving books or stationery on ::s favorable tenns as though present to make :lie purchase. VV. R. PERRY. June 26. 1817. 323 tf'. IS NO Robber! TUF. Suliscribers are siül in Mmrfcet, nnd are preparad to otfui úie Farining Por1ÏO11 u! ['ie community GREAT BARGAINS, inFÜLLKD CLOTH8, FLANNETLS, SATI NETS, ültOAÜ CLOTHS, and in short neary all kindj of DRY GOODS Sf GROCERIES, BY WAY OF EXCHANGE KüR W O O L and most kinds of Country Produce. The WOOLEN FACTORY situated in tliie illage is now in t heir possussion, and is in t=uc cesshil o-peration, by menns of whicl: they are able " 'lii.r beller inducemenis to WOQL GROWIRS, than any oiher establishment in the connty. NOT TO BE FORGOTTEN 'Pbose who wish Cash. Diïy Goods or Giïoi ebies for their Wo!, or produce ol any kind. should be surc to cali on the tíubscnbeis beloie purchaiing elte vvhere. WOOL CARDING & CLOTH DRESSING done to order on theshortest possible nonce. Cali and sec! 3l8:f BECKLEYS & THOMAS. A nu Arbor, Lower Town, May 20, '47. CASHMARETT AND TWKiODS. - A bentililul artiele for Gentlemen's slimmer Aiear, just received and wjl be rnannliictured in ihe latest siyle and best posatblfi nianner, at the '■' Western Clothing Emporium." HALLOCK &. ItAYMOND. 313 il' DÍTKOIT. Cor. Jcff. and Woodward avenues. STecl Cul-rivaTor Tecrh. T'.IV. subecriber is agent for the Patent Steel Cultivator Teelh. and has just receivul a Ireabaupply, whieh he will scll at the manufacuircr's prics. '1 lus nrticle ia coming into i;ciieraj use wherever imroduced, and has received the apprpbajion ol' rlm iirsi agriculturiwe in the United Siates. Aiivil Sore, Upper Town. HEN II Y W. WELLES. Anv Arbor, 22d May, '47. ü$My Ctiestp Jcurelry Store 107 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and Retail. THE cufascriber has just relurned from New York wiili a large assortnient óf Gold and Silver Watdies, jewelry, toola, mate rinls, toys, musical instrumenis and fnncy goódi, which hu will sell at wliob'fialc or retii] as !ow as any estalilisbment west of New York. Counlry Watch Maken and others wnnling anv of the above Go ds wül find il to their int rest to cali., as they wil! iind ihe heit ussorime'H in the city, and at ilie Inwett prices. Gf)LD PENS. wilh silver holder and pencil $3 00. Price Relnced. Gold Pens. Watehes and Jewelry RF.PA1RED II. 15. MARSH. 157. JefTersnn Avenue. Detroit, Clign ol the Gold Peo. S 3Í4 T II RE SHING Machines. JL that he jiiiiuiilaciiiics ilnrse Power b;kI Threshint: Marhinea ai Scio, oi u superior kind invenicd by himielf. Thesj Powers iind Machines ore particular]) ndapted lu (he üie ol Farmers who wish to usithem lor threehing ihcir üwb grein. The power, threslier nul lixtines can nll be loaded into u coinnion sized (varón 'boíl and drown v.ith one pair of horses. Tlit-y ale designcd to bc QBcd wiili lour boetes, and are abundtmtly atrong loi ihat number, nnd may be safely uied six 01 i?ight noises viili proper care. They work wuh lessstrenglh ol hort es aceording to thcamount ol business dune than ny uilier power, nnd will ihresh eenerally aboul HtfO bushels heat per lay wiih four horses. In one Dftante 158 bushels wbent were threshed in ilute hüurs with lour horses. This I'ower and Machine conlain all tho ndvaniages necessary to make them prolitoble to iho purch.iser. They are strong and durable. - Tlicy are easily moved froni one place to anothrr. The work of Ihe loisrs is eay on thtae :ioweis in con parMOn 10 oihus. and the piice is LOWER than any olher power and machine, have ever been old in the State, according to the real valué. The tertns of payment will be liberal for notes ihat ure known to be absolutely good. I have a number of Powers and Machines tiow ready for sile nnd persons wishtng to buy are invited to cali goon. SEPARATORS. I mn prcpnredto naakt t-'epnrn'ors for tbose who may want their. The ulility and advantajes nf tliis Power and Machine will appeur evident to all uu cwainining 'lie recommendations below. All persons are eauiiuncd ngatnaf making these Powers and Machines: ihe Dilde-signed inving adopted the necessary measnres lor secu ring leners patent for the sanie wiihih the time required by laiv. S. W. FOSTF.R. Scio, Washtenaw Co., Mich.. Jiinelö, Ï346 UF.COM 51 EN DATIONS. Diirittg the year 145. cach ot he undersigned parehned and used ehher iiidrvidunlly or jointly with others, ot:e of S. W. Foster's newly invented llore Powers and thicshlng machines, md believe they are bettcr adapled to the use of Farmers who want Powers nnd Machines for iheir own use than nny other power and llireshr wiihin our knowledgo. They are calculuted tú be used with íbur horses and are oí ampie stréngth for that number. They appear to be oonsiracted in such a manner as to render them vety durable wiih li'tle liability of getting out ol order. They are e isily moved from one place to another. They can be wurked wiib any numHcr ol htinda from four to ught, and will tkresb aboi' t 200 bushcls whéai per day. J. A. POLIIKMUa, Scio, Waslitsnaw co. O. BLOO1). " " T. R1C HA ROSO IÍ, " " SAMUEL FIKALY, " 3. P. POSTER, " " N. A. PHELPS, ' " ADAM SMITH, " " J M BOWEN, I,ima. V.'M. WALKER, Webster, " TIIOS WARREN, " " D. S.MALLEY, J,odi. " I threshed last fall and winter w.'ili one of S. W. Foster's horse powers. more than fifteen thousand bushels crain. The repairs bestowed Opon tfta power amoumed to only f cents, and it was in good order when ƒ had done tlueshing, 1 invariably used six horses. AARON yoüGLOE. Marión, June C, 1S41!. I purchased one of S. W. Foster's horp powers last fall and have uscd it for jubbinc ] iiave used many aifferent kinds of poweis and x lieve this is the best running power I have ewareá. D. S. BENJNET. Hamburg. June, 18 !C. We pnrehased one of S. W. Foster's florsf Powers laai tall. and have used tand think it i.ï first rate Power. JF.SSE HALL. DANIEL S. HALL, RLUBKIN S. HALL. Hamburg, June. 184C. 2G9 if CORIV, RYE & WIIEAT. WANTED by the subscribers, 10,000 bnshels ol Corn- 10,000 bushels of Rye, ind 10.00') bushels of Wheat. delivered at the áteam Mili, for wliich Cash will be pnid. INGALLS. LAMB, & FISIIFR. Ann Arbor, J:in. 4, 18 17. . 2!)3-;f. FOR SALE CriEAP for CASH, or every kind of coui try Produce, Snddles, Brides,Harness, Trunks, Valises, Trunk Valises, Carpel Bags, Sfc. Also a üoou BSsortmenl of Whips & Lishes. which will be sold verv low, and no mistake. at (OOK & ROBIN'SOiVS. Ann Arbor, August 12, 184G. 2?7-tf CHEAP STOVES AT YPSlLANTl! OK COOKING &PARLOR STOVES ■ - justreceived, by the Subfciiber, (mostly from Albany) niaking a good assortment of the latest and best palterns. which will he sok' :it Low Prices! not to bc undersold ibis sideLak Erie! Also, Copper Furniture, CauUIron Ke:;les, flollow Ware of' all sizes, Stove Pipe, Shee! Jron, Zink, &c. TIN WARE! Manufnctured. and consiainly Kept on hand which will also b" sold very lovvP. S. - Purchnseia wül úo well to cali and examine for tiieirown satitfactión, J. M. BROWN. Ypsilanti. JiineOO, 1848. 271 FÜRNITÜRE (feljEHOLSTEIUNG WAREOOMS. STEVEIVS Sc ZUG, IN thelower end ol the Wnite Bloeit, direcil}1 oppnsite the Michigan Hximm;k. have on hand a large nssoriment of FURNITURE, "I their own manufacture, which they will scll very ow for Cash They also keep experieneed Upholsterers, and are prepared to do all kinds of Upiiolstering at the shortest notice. Ftirnitttre of all kinds made to order of the best material, and warranted. STEVENS & ZUG. Detroit. Janunry, 1, 1847. 297-ly C CLARK, Attorney and Counsellor, and Jus:ice oft he Pcace. Oil.ce. Couri House Ann rbor -J l(ltf BA aSMITHS7 TOOLS. " RMITAGE Mouse Hole" Anvils. J-. " Wright's" do. Cotterel Keyed Vices. Wesi's best Bellows, 30 to 3(5 inchess. Sledge, Hand Hommen, Files and Rasps of eve'y kind, can be found at the Iron Store, Mgn of the Big Anvil. HENRY W. WELLES. nn Aroor, Jan. 10, 1847. 298-1 y BRIGHT and Black Log Chains, 5-t6, 616, 7 Ili, & 8-K) wrapping do. Straight and twisted link Trnce do. Halter do. For sale very cheap at the sign of tho Big Anvil, Uppor Town. I1ENRY VV. WELLES. Ann Arbor. Jan. 10, 1847. 2!i8-ly ROWLAND'S best Mili Saws, 6, 6è, and 7 feei. Rowlnnd's best X Cut Saws, G,fiJ. and 7 feet. English C. S. Pil SflWs. fij and 7 leet. Superior American Mili Saw Files. 10 to IC in ches. For sale at ihe sign of the Big Anvil, Upper Town. flENRY W. WELLF.S. Ann Arbor, Jan. 10, 1847 Ï98-Iy TUK íTJarricd ÜVciiimi's Private Medical Compaiiioii. Bij Dr. A. M. Mnuriccav. PROFESSOR Of D1SEAPES OP W01IEN. [Tliird Editie, linio. 11. 950 J'rke $1 Ou.] 3Ö,OOO COriKS SOI.D IN 3 MONTHS. The great demand í i r this most important woi k (of wltich thousands are sulii) bas coinpilled the issue of anotlier edilion. Il is intended (;peeially for the mnrriei], as it disclose important seeiet6 ; wliicb should be kuown to tlicm particu! nly. - Uere evcry fernale cm discover the causes. symptorns, and the most efficiënt remedies and mosi eer tai n mode of cure, in every coniplaintto high her sex is subject. Married females will licre leTirn the art whereby they would retain their yotith, vigor, beauty, elasticity of body, and buoyancy of siitits to an advonced ac, naiead of being afflicted, as hun dreds and (houaanda are, in'o whuse hands this book has not yet fallen. Itis nn important qnestion to the mnrried why it is lhat we bchold so many married females sickly, dubilitated, and pio3ta:ed) as also the causes; and whether they iré susceptible ol remedy. They will here find tlinso important mattets, conrieeted wiih difcoveries in medical and phyifologiofll science, which meet this question. This work is destined to be in the hands of every wife and mother who has a regard for her own health and welfare, as well as itiat of hchu.shand. 1 ho rtvelations containcd in lts pakjes have already proved a bhssing to ihousand?. To those yet unmarned, bui contemplating maniage, or, perhnps, heaitatiog asto the pto prietyof incurring the responsibihties atiendan! upon it, the importance of beini; possessed of the revelatiois eontaincd in these pages. so intimately involving their fuiurehappiness, cannot be oppreciated. Jt is of courso impossible to eonvey rnorefnllv, in a public journal, the various subjeel3 trealed of, f.s they aio of a nature strictly intended for ihe married or those contcniplating mat rio te; net ther is it necessary, since it is efsry one's duty to liecome possessed of knowledge, whereby the fcbflerings to which a vvife, a mother, or a sister may be subject, can bc obviated. Copies will be sent by mail f ree qfposlage. Over ten thousmd copies have been sent b mn.l within thrte monlhs, vviih perfect safetv and certainty. In no case has a reniittanct failed to reach the publisher, or the book tliose tu whom it has been directed. On the reciiptof One Dollar, the "Married Woman'a Private Medical CompnDion" will b sem free of postale to any part of lbo United Sute. All letters must be addrrsseil (post paid to Dr. A. M. Mauriceau, Cox 54, ew Tork City. Publishmg Oifice 129 Liberty stieet N York. For sale by all ihe principal BoekieJleri in the I'nitcd States. Agenta in Detroit. C. MORSE &SQN; Ypsilanti, E. SAMSON ; Ann Arbor. W R. PERRY, Perry'a Bookatore. 27-3:n. TEE TH ! TE E TH i ! TEETHH! TVB-ASTICATION and Articulalion, Tl -d WarranIed by lheir bi;ing ptoperly re S. D. SUHNPTT, will continue the practice of DENTI8TRY in all is various branches, viz : Scaiing, Fillinandlpgertingon gold plates orpfvoto, from orTe tonnentiresen. Old plates or niisSia remodled. anrl made equal to new. OFFICENover C. B. Thompson & Co.'a Shoe Store, Ladies who rtquesi it. can be wailed on at their dwellines. ofPRODLCK taken. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5, J 8-16. 293- tl Peace Declared, AND A TREAT1T FORBÏED, WHEREBY S. FELCH can hold Free Trabe and CoMïiercé in BOOTS, SMWOES, LEJiTUer, timl Fimiings of all kinJs. wiih all persons. Nativos or Foreigners, on the following juat and equal ternis viz: (Jood Aiticlcs-Luw P rices- Rcudu tav - and ffo Ti ust. Thesubseriber having fully tested the Credii System to his great loss. both of cunfi.Ience and cash, and having sufTured much loss by fire nccessny compelshim to colleot his pay " brfore hanest,' as "afier harvkst and mí i mi " yery olten come up "msaiHO," leaving him sadl;t in the iool-hoU. He has come to the agm conclusión lhat certain sensible girls dtd on ■ late occasion, (toto-tal or n,, hush,n„l . rrudi pap or no Nlwcmnking ) All persons bat can conform to the abovc treaiy will do well to cali on S. Feleh Ann Ar bor, Lowil Town, No. 4 Huron Block. where they will not be taxed for others' work who never pay. N. Ti. All persons indebtcd in any way to the S'ibscnber, had betrer cali and pay if ihej are hnnest am! mean to keep so. 2A970in S. FEi,riJ. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Jan. ï, J847. COMSTOCK & SEYlTlOIjïr, Dealers in Fancy and Stapte Dry Geot$, Boots AND SHOES, HARDWARE, Crockei'y A' Groccrics, at No. 3, Porler's Block, South side of the Public Sqicare, 308 JACKSON, M1CH: Itcturned. TAIIiORINO. ■ W IMiliJlili THE Subscriber is desirous oí inforniing I i.old customers and the public (snerally, that he has located hiniself ou Carnef'a Córner, Nortli sideof the square, where all kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the present fas h ion can be done in a respectable and prompt manner. P. S. CUTTING done on the shortest no. tice and warranted to fit if properly made up W. WILklNSON. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. -l'lf Oolfl PCEIS, PRICE R E D U C E D . IT is odmitted bv all who nse them, that Piquctte'a (Inld Pens aio equnl if not superi-ir ■o any everoffered in this market, price$S,50. For sa'e wholesale. and retnil at the manutaotó ry, Corner oí Jeffereon & Griswoli St.. Detroit. 311. lyr Also for sale by C. BLISS, Ann Arbor. SOAP, Sperm and Tallow CANDLES alwayson hand very cheap at &i MAYNARDS a . ■ .f ni Jlrbor T,,. o..,, ,,„l.l uayiuj pticuuw i mierX csis oí J. M. Ruckwfll in ilio Marble Business, would mform the iohabiiants of thit and adjoininc couniics. tha' liewül continue the businc. 8 al the old stand, in liie Upper Town, nenr ihe Presbyterian Church, and manufacture 10 order : Monumcnts, (irire Stones Paini Slone, Tablcls, Sfc. Sfc. Those wishing t o obiain any article in liisüne of business will find Ey calling thai he has nn assortment ol Whiw nnd Variegated Mirble from the Eastern Mnrble Quanieg. which will be wrougbl in Modern siyle, and sold al enstern prices, atliting transportaren only. Cali nnd gel. ihe proof. W. F. SPAULDlNCi. Ann Arbnr. Jnn. 3D. 1847. 272 I y ' NEW GOODST : ChcapforCashü THE Suliscribers beg leave lo inform their , old custoiiiers, and the puidie gsnerally, thni ifiey are now receiving a large and splendid , amortment ol Bnglish, American and West , India. GOOD. Cröckery,. Shef Hardware, Paints, Oih, ■ Dyeslvffs, Drugs and. Medicines. Also a general assortrpent ol i RON, suitable for íroning WaggoB and Cuggies, NailRods. lloise Shoes. and Horse Naili, Sheet Iron, Tin Ware and Tin Piale - aleo a general assortment ol' itoors St SH0E8, lirck nnd lliin w.hU. m;d cusiom work to suitpnrcbsacre. All of which they wíH ell ou ihe luwest possible tenns lor Cash or Bu.t:i. Feeliñg eonfident as we do, that we can mnke it for ihe niercsiof all thosc wishine to pureha8e nny of ihc abeve mentioned GSoie, vo do mosi goriieatly solitit al Itnsí an nvasiigation ofour Goods and pnces beiore purchïwng tlsewhere. JAMES GIBSON & CO. 3. Excliangc ISlock. Ann Atbor, J,ower Town, tíept. 14. I-IG. 882rlf CLOCK8 AND WA TC1IES ! ! Eíio5 rfilIF. Sulisenbeihns jusl fíj-" J_ rceeivcii. (and ís conjs% "ijj31'1"1'' leoeiving) iVom (fëS. ffiSrf New Yorkan elegant ard v I "aSSi Wü" sc'ecltlJ aseorimen! Jewelry, C'SocIís, IVaíchcs, áec. iN:c. hich lio intende [u sell lite ;is ai anj otherestablisluncn! thie side ol Buflalo for rr.uih. mu only ainnng which may be lound ihclollow i tig: a rood assortmeni oí Gold Fingor Rin;s. GoldBreasi pins.WrUtlel Guard Chains and Keys. Silver Spoons, Germán Silver Tea and TabJe Spoons (firsi qanliiy.) Silver and Germán i!" Tongs. Silver Snlt.Mustard and Crcam EpooriF-. Jiutter KB i vfl, Gold and Silver Pencil Cases Gold Pens. " ' Penci !s, Silver and Germán Silver Thnubles. Silver Speciacles. Gemían and Siecldo. Goggles, Clothes. Hair and Tooth firushes. Lather Brushee, Rezorsand Pocket Knives. Fine Shi'ars aml Seissora, Knivpsnnd fórks, linttnnnia Tea Pot and Caalors. 1 1 ited, Rrnss, an'l Britlania Canillen icks. bmiffcfi &, Trays. Shaviriar boxes nnd Sonps. Chapman's Best Ra.or Sirop. Calfand Morocco Wallels. Silk and Collón pulses. 'iolins and ?oï!, Violin and Bass Vio! Strings, Fluies, "ifes. Clarionctp. Acconlc oi.f- Mi'fir Bonks or thc saine. Mntto ÍSe;i!s. Steel Pens and IVeiz ra. Pen cases. Snuffand Tobacco boxea, vnry Dressing Comí i, Sid&andBnck and PockM Comba, NeMlls cases, 8teleUoes, V.'aterPaintf ind liiishcs. Toy Waiches. a trietn variety ol' 3olls. in shan trie greaiest variety of loy evri broucl'i to ihis uiarket, Faocy work boxea, chiltrena tensen. Coloene Hair Oils. Pmellint -íalts. Couri Plasier. Tea Bells. Thermometers. Oerman Pipes, Wood I'iiuil. BRASS AM WOOD CLOCKS, &c. in ftcl almosi ver; hing to piense ihc fam-y. Lndies and Genile nen, cali and examine for yourpelves. Ciocks. Wa.tcb.ea añil íewelry rspnired anr! warrnnled on short noiice. Shop at lus ol1 tand. opppgitp H. Becker's brick Store, in the Store occupied by M. Wbeeler, CALVIN BLISS. N. B. - Cash pairl for old Gold & Silver. Ann Arbor.July 1 st T 184G. 271-ly npHE SUBSCRIBER has received his X winter Btock, which licollers for Caih. at grently reduced p:ioes. 'J'he Public are invited to cali, examine, and udgefor iliemSfKes. Now on band, and dai!) adding. SCFAS of every variety and paiten), and lie laiesl lashion. pnces llom $30 and upward. DIVANS. 0TTOMAN8, LOUNGES, BUREAUS, ol all Uinds. from $1 and up. Centre. Card, Tea, Dreaa, Pier, Dming. and Nest 'Pables. Watli. Caiulle, and Toilet Stands. Bedaieads - Mubogany. Mople, and Wilnut, Irom y" and up. Piano Fortes ; Piano Covers ; Piano Stools. Doublé and single Mitre6Ses of hair, shuck, palm leal", or straw. Doublé and single Cot Bedstends. do do Wfiting Desks. CHAIRS. - The beet assortment that can bo !omd wcst of New York and the cheapest in ihis city Windsor Clisrs. a good articlp. at $2 50 the sett. Mahogony French Chaira, hiirsatt, n firsl rale anide, and well finished for $: 50. Cwfa onJy. Mshogany Rocking Chairs, hair sent and back, warrnnted good, at the low prica of $2, lor the cash only. Flag and Cañe Seat Irom Cs. and up. Bird Cagcs, plain aml gallery : Jürd Glasses. Hobby-Horses, nnd Toy WheelbarTów, forchildren; Patent Shower and II ip Baths ; Boston Baih Pans. Camp S;ools. Umbrella and Hal Siands, Fanc Be'.lows. Fool Scrapers, Cañe Seal Counter and Boat Stool, Curtain material Table covers, Patent Post-Office Bnl.inces. Picture Frames. Willow Wagons. Cindles. Chairs. Ciocks. and Baskeis ; Brittannia Table Castora, very ebeap. J. -W. T1LLMAN, No. H7. JeHV onAvpnne. Detroit. January 1. 1847. 297-1 y STEEL GOODS! ítt Síliis mi JE v t m m f n u s SPLENDID FANS, and any quantily of other goods of tliis soi t at ihe OLD MANHATTAN STORE, 317 Detroit. NEW GOODS. IS Y EXPRESS Fit OM KEW YORK. Spring' Fashionë. THE suhscribcr lins just received a fresh aspnrtincHt of Spring and Slimmer Goi di and ollers iheni lor sale chenp, such as Broadclolhs of all description ; Satinéis and Cassimeres, and every Ihing in thePANTALOON and VESTING line, and every urticle usually found in a Merchant TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. I Ie is now prepnred t? make and fit all kinds of gpttileinen's garments, ond would tender lus th.i.iks 10 lus old customers and the jublic generally, nnd solicita their favois. 05= G ARMENT S cut lo order at all limes. WM. WAGNER, Drapf. ANt) TaH.or, lluron Street, South of the PUBUC'SQUARE. Ann Arbor, Apr.l 28, 1847. 3?w W#LS3 W & & 2 CLOTII, CLOTUl l TUI', unnVrsigned would inform the pufjlic thnt tliev will continue to manufactura Khlled Cloih, Cassiiniere an.J Flanm), al their Fuctory, two and a half miles west Irom Ana Arbor, on Huron River near the Railroad. The price of making eioih will be for Cassinio e. 44 ets. per yard ; lor Fulled cloih, Ü7J ets. mr yard ; for white Flannel, '(I ets. per yard. - We wül olso exchange cloih for wool on reasonable terrns. VVool sent by railroad accompanied wiih instruciions will be p.omptly attended to. VVfl have i]one on exiensive business in manu- fieturing clolh for cus'omers for several years, and liclicve we give as good nlitfactioj) as any F.stablishment in the Stote. We therefure invite our old customers to coutinue, and new ones to come. Letters should be addressed to S. VV. Foster &, Co., Scio. S. W. FOSTF.R & CO. Scio, April, 1847. 313-tf. iTew Establishment. clocks, WATCHES, AND T!1F siibaciiber wmi'.il rc-fuectfully announce to the i iiz lis of Pexter and viciniiy that he hos opened a shop in ilie aljve place, in ilio corner store, formerly knuivñ as ■■ Sheperd's"; wlieie he is preparad lo do am. k b is ol repairidg in the line of elocks. walchcs. jeweliy &c, on tlie shortesi notice. Huving liad aboiit twdve yenrs experience in snme o! the best Kmtern -Idos, he 11 ilters hiniself that l)e can give e'iiirr. saüfachon to all ihose wlio may tüvor him witli the worfc. He has and is cnnp'nntly reeeiTinjf, clocks, watrhes. and j.-wclry ot uil desenpu jus, vbicn be wtll aetl u uheap ;ia ihe cheafiet. W. W. Dr.XTF.R. A L S O GR0CER1E8 .f all kimls: s i'h as. Tens, Sugars, Mollera, üiiiiií!. Colfee, Peppen. Spice. Fish. C-uidies, Tobacco, Cigars &c. olc. And in lai.-t kvkbt; il im. uamdly kepiin siich nn estabüshmntU- lr.ii: i:xti:i'TKi) constanlly on hand and tor sale cheap. VV, W. DEXTER & Ca. Dkxtkr, March 6, 18.7 318 if Hat, Cap, GENTLEMEN 'S FURNISHIN6 EMPOUHiM. T. IL AllMSTRONG, HVVISG mken the Siaud fío ó-, WoodarH Avenue. :! d.oi! norih nf Doty's Auctum Room, recuntiy ocenpied by J. G. Crane, as a 11 .i ore ; and added ihe suuk of the laiter to lus own, and also en igeil ui inanulacturiug every dvscrip(Un of HATS OAP9-, He is n.iw prepared io otrer to the PuMie ever arucle in his line. either ot bis own ir aiatern manufacture, twenty fiv per nm less thrin have been vllered in il'.is niarket. In his stock will be f.uind Fine Nnira. Salín Boaver. Beaver, Otier, Bush an- Sportiiia Hata, Fine Cloth. Siik. PlusK, Oil Silk and Velvet Cups : ilso. Rich Silk Cravats, Scar's. llandkercheifs ; Kid, Thraad, Silk. ani Bucksktn Gloves; Collais, Bosi'ins, Walking Canes. Umbreí'oj, &c. T A 1 L O R I N G . . TIip Stibocriber hns aho secure! the servir- .if a lirst raie Eraclioal ( iiucr. hv wiiuh hn will he enal'h'il to furnirfi garments of evciy siyleand ■lepcriiiion, and in ihe mosl apprnved and fnahionble nmnner. He is consuintly rt-ceiving the latest fashiona. and. employing the best of workmen, he is confidenl thnt he will ive the bet nf Mtisfaclion to all that may favor hi in with their )airona"e in ibis liranch of his busi' rss. 310-if on lïand Ag-ain ! THE Subscriber would respeclfully nolify the public, that he is located once more in the villnwe of Ann Arbor, and is prepared to accommodttte the conmmnity with a choice and well teteeted MBortmem of NEW GOODS, consislin? of Dr.v Goons, Grockhils, Hard- WARE, Boots aso Sboxs, CrocKXBT. &c. &c, which he will sell for HEADY PAT as cheap as the saine qualiiy of Goods on be bad at any other store in town. Per-ons lui wish to niake purchasesfor Cash, at Cash I'riees, will do wcll te cali bcfoiepurchasiiia clsewhere. I!y keeping the firít qnality of anieles, by selling al small profiis, and hy a fair and honoiablo course in business, he e.xpects to merit a liberal share of public patronage. Most kinds of COUNTRY TRODUCE will be tnken in pnytnent for Goods. O" Don't forgti tkt iIikc, - on the East Side nf Main strei't. a few doors sotuh of the Publc Square, in the same store with C. lïliss, Jeweler. M. WHEELER. Anu Arbor. Nov. 24, 1846. iK-if MOTICE THE co-parmership liereiofore existing between' & Le Fkvbk. is thisday desolved by nuuuil consent. Either partner is aulhorized to use the name ot the firtn in setr ilin:; ufi the outstandinr bonnes. All persons indebted lo snid firm ate e.vpecied to mnke immedíate paytnent, as by so dotng they will aav-. cost. C. .T. G AR LAND, B. D. LE FEVUE. Ann Arbor, May 1, 1847. 315-öw NEW TIN SHOP. T11H subscriber bas commenced the manufacture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper, In all its various branches, in connection with ihe "Anvil Store," and is prepared lo lurnish Country Mercl.ants and "Faru ers with every ihing in that line. JOB WORK AND REPAIRING Ncatly and expeditiouslv done. 1IÉNRY W. WELLES. Upper Town, ) Ann Abor, Jst June, '47. 292,ly


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Old News