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The Loss in the Late Battlek. - U vvül le seen that Capt. Smith, of ihe 2d [nfantry, wns twice. severoly wounded. - Michigan has suflered most sevccly in the great laitle of Scott. Lieiiis. Iloff man and Goodman are ntnong the killed, and Capt. McReynolds and Lieut. Van Buren wounded. Many of the privatcs in tho 2d and 5ih infantry, and 2d artillery, were recruited at this point, and they have been severely cul lo pieces. - The 15th nfantry, under Col. Morgan, (balonging to Gen. Pierce's brigade, and a part of it reeruited in Michigan,) lost one-third of its disposable force ; Col. Morgan was wounded in the leg, and badly. The limb will be saved, but it is feared it will be some lime befure he recovers en'.irely. Thfi Union contains a letter from Gen. Worth, which says that tiie capital is entirely at the mercy and in the power of the Amt'rican army. The eneniy's loss in killed and wounded and prisoners, he statps at 5,000, and our loss 1,000. - Del. Free Press. (Lr Burrilt writes from England of a la!e dale, - "Tho wheat Harvest is noarly Inlf secured, and promises to be abundant. The wenther has been very favorable for several weeks, and the fielda are full of reapers, many of vrliom, I am surprised to see, are vjomen. The po'atoe will not escape wholly lliisseason, but llie blight, it is expected will not be so destruclive as it was last year." "Golden Sands." - At the recent election in Leicester, England, the vóters of ono of the candidates were entertaincd with cofiee just before going to the polls, wlien some of them found at) indissoluble sediment at the botton) of their cupSjwhieh proved to be a golden sovereign,.and was probably as acceptable as sugar to the sovereign eleotois. At a recent meeting in Cork, Father Matihew declared that "not one single individunl teetotaller had become a victiin to eilher fainine or pestilence." A levt that re-iuires nu seinion. Silas Wiught's LastPolitical Let-I ter. - A Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun in speaking of a letter from Mr. Wright to an intimat friend in that :ity, prubably Mr. Gillet of the Treasury Department, says : "I had to-da the g od fortuue tü read a few passages from what was probuMy ihe last poiitical letter, wrillen by the great departed only a few days befure his death, to an intimato friend, touehing no loss a subject than the Presideney. - As fhat letter ia now a part of his history, il will not be deemed indiscreet in me to siate that in it he olainly and cmphatically declined being a candidate, but warned bis friends to beware how tliey sacrificed principies to expediency. Me preferred lis party to be lione.stly beaten, to ' pliing by stratagetn, or by other means tban an open and fair avowal of its creed." SurrosED Mi'rdek. - The body of a man by the name of Miehael O'Keefe was yesterday mornrng taken from the river near Wiek ware & Pittinan's warehouse. From the testimony taken before the coroner's jury he was represented as being a young man about 23 years of age, foimerly from Kalamazoo; sob3r industiious, and of good habits ; that be was last seen about 12 o'clock the night previous, at his buarding house, apparenlly as natural as usi:al. Dr. Smith held a post mortem e.xnmineation on Ihe body and foumi a scvere contuscion on the right temple extending to the ear, as if struck with a heavy club, the neck distorted, the lower part of the abdomen very much bruisccl, as ifseverly kicked, and other mnrks of violence about the body. The ;ury, after a long aml patiënt examination of a great number of witnesses, returned a vord'ct that "the deceased came to his death by blows inflicted by a blunt instrument or club." Noclue has y et been got at as to who the perpetrators of this horrible deed wcre, but our vigilant officers are making every exerlion to ferret them out. It is a most. revolting cae of culd-blooded murder, and demancís a thorough investigation. - Detroit Free press. ASSAULT WITH 1NTENT TO KlLL. Olí Salurday last we published a paragraph corr.m enting upon an affray between an officer of the Navy and a servant at the American Hotel. This forenoon about 11 o'clock, the officer roforred to, who is passeii Midshipman William W. Pollock, attached lo the U. S. steamer Michigan, called at the counting room of this paper, and said to Mr. Jee!t, who was at the de.-k, "I wish to see you." Mr. Jewelt stepped forward in to the body of the store, wl.en Pol ock jnquired if he was responsible for the article it) SaturJay's paper. Jewett replied thut he was. Upon which Pollock said, "very well, I hold you responsible," and imme.liately drew a pistol loaded with three Lalls tmd fired. Two of the ballslodged in a walliH which undoubtediy saved his üfe. Pollnck was tirrestml, examined before Justice Child and committed to jail, where he now is. -Buff Ado. Artificial Potatoe Rot. - Three men have been arrcsted, and are confined in Glasgow, who weie bribed to spriukle putato fields vvith sulphuric aci. - The object was to get up a panic in regard to the potato rot, ruid tliereby keep up the price cf breadslufls. A Deadly Weapox. - A newly inventen musket or rifle hos just been subrnited to the war department for tria!. 1 1 discharges some tliirty or forty balls without detaching from ihe This is another yankee iuvention, a wonderful efficiënt weapon fur geliing i"id ofourenemies, more so tlian a hundred tnilitia wiíh a conimon shooting iron. Ei.opement. - The re wos a vain attempt :it elopement last evening. The parties looked very foolish when discov ered. The vorig lady had lowered her dry goods from the third story, and while she was leaving her roo'n and gelting down stairs, some rnalicious rascal mui ofl' with the bundie. Thpy Ihrashed the lover and locked the lady up. l'hilad. Bulletin. A Vii)K Swatii. - On Wednesday of last iveek, says the Amherst Express, ihere was mowing in the same field ii VVendell, four generations of a famiiy named Wilder, eonsisting of a greatgrandfather, grandfalher, father and son. The oldest was ninety-six and the youngest ten years of age. The Potato Rot. - Witlijn the past week fenrs have been entertained by tnany in this vicininit}', that Jhe potato crops will be injured by this disease, tu an extent as great, if not greater than last year. Hon. Ichabod Bnrtlett infurma us that about olie third of ihe potatoes dug on his farm, are either taken out in a decayed state, or rot sopn after lliey nre harvested. He also tells us that several farmers in his immediate vicinity (on the Nevvington roacl) complain that they nre similiirly afflioted. - Portsmoulh A. H. Gaz. It eppearg from !he census lately laken of the populalion of Paris, that the inhabitants of ihat city are composcd of 513,492 males, and 310,405 femules, teta], 1,053,807. VV'lIEAT FROM SeED TbRBE TlIOUSANII Years Old. - At Caitletown, on the Iands of J. Eastwood, Esq., within one mile of Dundalk, mny be now scen a s)lendid erop of uboul two acres of mumrirïy wheat, the, seed ofwhich was laken from the mummy brought from Egypt, in which it was computed to have lain above three thousand yrars, and presenied to llie Earl of Hiuidington, whon first lord of the admiralty. A few gi-ains of the secd we re given lo Mr. Enstwood, who has cultivated t during the last five years, and sangmentcd it to the present nbundant yield. The stalks are one foot higher than those of the ordinary wheat, and present a most luxuriant appearanee In these days of agricultural imirovemeiit and even enterprise, the supply of cereal food raight be m'jch p.creased by the culture of a g-ain proved to be suitcd ta the Irish soil. - Newry Examinar. Tuk Stetiiescote. - Mr. Shiilitoe of Hertford, England, ingeniuslv suggesls ihat ihe following curious extract, from No. 201 of the philosophical Trans;ictions, contains the gorm of Lensec's immortal discovery: "A ready way to find alenk in a ship, is to apply the narrow end of a speaking-trumpet to the ear, and the other to the side of the ship vhere the leaUage s supposed to be ; then the noise of the water issuing at the leak, will be distinctly liearJ, whereby it may be discovered." Mahogony Sntps. - The English ship builders are begiuning to use mahogony insteod of East India teik. Tlie present low price of the former is caused by the extensive use of oiher woods, such as black walnut, oak, &c, in the manufacture of cabinel ware. Mr. Stephen Alwood, who purposely ran a darning needls into his side, in Nnshau, died in a week afler it was etracted by Dr. Graves. The Gazelte ssys: "Upon a post mortem examinalion it was found that the rieedle had penetrated into the interior of his hcarl, and that a small sack was formed iherein of the same form and shape of the needie, in which was found deposited corrupt mail er," Sam Patch Outdoxe. - A young heifer a dav or two sinoe took the wind out of the sails of Sam Patch, in the way of jumping. She was feeding on the brink of a precipice, over 100 feet high, at the Lower Genesee Falls, and by a miss step was precipiiated into '.he water below which luckily was deep enou'gh to prevent her being dashed to pieces on the rocks underneath. She disnppeared bul sot.n rose to the stirlnce, and altempted to gain a fooling on "terra firma,'1 but could nol from the steepness of the bank. Some men procured a boat, and fastening it to her homs, lowed her some distance down the river to a place where she clambered up the bank ns if noihing li.nd happened. The animal did belter than Sam Patch, who went down but nevercame up again. - Rock. Dein. In truth thia canl nboat "Anglo-Saxon.s and üieir manifest destiny," is enough to make one sick. We are proud of our race for ts pre-eminence in mentcl energy and enterprise, ns well as for its supremacy in war, by land and by sea; but as to - its moraüty there are sonie tbings tbal mav be said with truih tliat nre not the most cieditable. Since the d.iys when lhc Anglesand Sa.xons treacherously subjugated the nncient Britons, whom tliey professed to be disinterestedly aiding in a'war against the Picts and Scots, down to the present attempts upon California ond New Mexico, the most "manifest desliny" of the race which his'ory reveals has been to seize up.on fat lands ■vtierever found in the hands of wenk hulders. Of this "desliny" we ibihk the lcsssaid ihü beiier. - Cin. Atlas. Tom Tiiujib's Fortune. - It is said llmt tiiislitile nwn's receipts while in Europe were 150,000 sterling, or $750,000.


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