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OUR ADVGRTISEKS. Under lilis liead, we publish, free of charge the nnirie, residence, and bi'sinoss, of lliuse who advenise in tlie S"3al if Libkrtv. W.n. U. I'kuky, liook Slore, Ann Arbor. Mavnahhs. Uru-'gisis, Ann Arbor. T. A. Hwii.and. Machinist, Ann Arbur. W. Wii.kimson, Tail'ir. Ann Arbor. S. V. KubiKii Sc, Vo. Manufaelnrors. ScioWm. Waíínlii, Alerchaiu Tailur, Anti Arbor. C PniUKT ik. Gold Pens, Uelroil. V. W. DnXTBRifeCo-, Jcwclerr, Dextcr. I'. II. AhM.TKoMG, Huls, .tc, Detroit. S. V. FoiTBB. Tlresliing Machines. Scio. CoMSTOCK & BjCTH iur, Merchants. Jackuon. T. H. Aimtkonc. Hat Slore. Detroit. C. Ci.irk. Law Office, Ann Arbor. F.. G. Bdhobu, Deniist. Ann Arbor. C. 1i. !;■■. .leweler, Ann Arbor. F. J. B. Ckamc. Insurance Office.Ann Arbor VV. F. SpAui.ntNfi. Mnrble Yard, Ann Artior. Cook & Roiuiiso, Haroes Makeis, Ann rbot. VV. A. Ratmond. Mrrchant, Detroit. M. Wbeï, Merchant, Ann Arbor. II. W. VVi Lt.ics. Mrtrdwa-e. Ann Arbor. S. I). Burnbt. Ocniist. Ann Arbor. Stfviss & Zig7, Upli'dsterers. Detroit. Wh. á. Bkoivn, Atlornev at Anti Arbor. .1. VV. Tl L'n. C binet Waie, Detroit. Hallock &, P.AVM3XD, Cloiliing Store, De troit. T. H. Eaton' Dve-worla. Detr ut. STRAYED, ÏËfflsS'ÈtaQ -- 'et'l' l("' '-'"w inclined 10 lnnIRplXr de all over, bul most so n the 'ir tiffiiM' bi.'ntl. Anv peiaiin iving aiiy niuH iiiii'H-n is to the w iieie i.boutei ,l nbovtí cowshiillbe amply remuneratedby th"9' bscribr . S25-3w W. LAMBERT. WILLIAM A. RAYM0ND. Of' THK OLD MANHATTAN STCRE, CORNER OF JEFP'n AVE. AND BATKS ST. DETROIT, HS j st received a lorge and complete assjrtment ot' DRY GOODS Bioadclotlis, Sheetings, Cttssimerea, Drill ings, Satlnets, Tickings, Full Clolhs, Bnggings, Tweed's Clolhs, Flannels, Kentucky Jeans, Linseys, rnl oihcr ancles in ihu line of Heivy Goodi, oo numeroua to inention. P tin & Fnncy d'Lainee. Prints. Cüsl.nvn's. Ging!!ati8, P.uin Á Fan?y Alpacas. l.youeae Cloth, Cregon Plnids, Orlen Clöib, Indeed b s assortmcnl of Dress Goods conipi a;j r'1 t'.ie varitty wliich demande. SHAWLS. Of every varieiy, from Bplnd d Brucbtu and Cashineres to he;ivy, comfurtablfl blankat S! iwtfla LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, By tlte puund ox hmidred Wetght. Paper Ilniigings, v f i 11 quiilitics and prices. PAPER W1ND0VV CURTAIN3, 01' the newcst pallerns, at wholesile or rctall. Wi tli a soek as well cnlwitaied for the oiin ly a the city trade. it is lënily ezpeited iln.t he reputaiion of 'lie "llld Maaüatun" tor gui.d. Uuods ai Cheap rnies will be fally siisainfd. As to lllal FLÍÜR AND StXPKNNY TKA. tllat webave sold 8i tnany years, it is necessary t.) say a word ; bnt il ihia si a lid mret ibe eye f iny one wiio bis not iried il, he g'ioull by alt meada makt the expenment, and ti bw great a "ivin:; may oe made by patror.ifciii'g ihO üiianliattan Stoto. Detroit, gept. 8?. t847. 3l"-6n READYMADECLOTHING AT THE subscribers have now on hand ihe bwi Maorunent ut llv.idy ITIïuIc Clothiii, evet oflVrci! in ihis Stttte. 'J'ln-y bove r.-reivctí una niaiiufaciuitvj a lorye ntltluiuO io iht'ir S'ock wiihin tbe y six w el s. ai d ave fnlly preparad with saiïtillö nul lughionublrt fzuode for the all tradti, Their assorunem cotnrrises eveiy dtscripuoo of garment froru tit e OVER COATS, CLOAKS, DR E SS SUITS, $c. Sfc. ■o the more substnniial nnH economiüal yirtnenl or ibe farmer and boring mn. -ALSO large psoi tinen t ot Furnishing Goods. SUCH AS Fine &■ Coarse Shirts, JJndcr-Garmcnls, Husieri, CoïarSy fíosmns, Stocks, Suspmlers, &c. &c. Having greaily i nerf sed their fucilities for nanufiictuting. iliey ure beller piepared tliun leretoorc f r i hfl WHOLESALE TRADE. F'urchnsars al Brhi lea.ile are üiviied tu examina lieir ISiix k. Thcir gnrinnnts ara ' f good mate- nal, well nrtiHe, of patfuhlf wtteê anH mvIm, nnd will h fl' red ui f iw mips 'I hanktul (or pest ivtirj. lb#y soRi il ;i uoti(nufince ol pu'-hc mi- .ini;r, ' HALliÜCK & JtAVMOND, i:fl-if Cor. iiíff'nA Vftiodwawï A-enu. TUOIS. - Carpsnter's Cooper's ai d Jut oei '# '!%! tur unie hv ;-.'i ö, n. & vv k. XyjEth.


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