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Method In Perfection

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An exchange paper gives the following account of llie business arrangcments in i Rdiladelphia dry goods store. The amount of sales made at this store is about $300,000 annnallyj each department in the store is alphnbetically j desighated. The shelves and rows of! goods in each department are numbered I and upon llie tag attached to the göods is I marked the letter of the department, tlie mimber of the shclf and rovv on that shell" to which such piece of goods belongs. Thecashier receivcs a certain sum extra per week, and he is respinsible for all worthless nioney rcceived. Bookl are kept in which the sales of each clerk are entered for the di.y, and the salary of tl e clerk cast ns a per centdge ench day, week and year, and at the foot of the page the aggregato of the sales appr-ar, and the percentage that it has cost to effect these sales is easily calcnlated for each day, rnonth or year. The counters are designated by an iraaginnry color, as the blue, green, brown, &c, cminter. - The yard sticks and counter brush belonging to it are painied to corrwpond with the imaginary color of the counter, ►o, by a very simple arrangement, each of these necess.iries is kept where it belongs, and should any be missing the laulty c!erks are easily kiiown. All wrapping paper coming into the store is iinmediatoly taken to a counter in the basement, where a lad attends witli a pair of sheare, whose duty t is to cut the ppper into pieces to correspond with the size of the pareéis sold at the different departments to which he aees that it is transferred. Al! pieces too small for this even down io thesmallest scrap, are by him put into a sack, and wlial is usu illy thrown away byour merchants yields to this systematic man some $20 a year. In one part of the establishment is n tooi closet, with a work-bencb attached; the closet occupies but linie space, yet in it we noticed almost every useful tooi, and Ithis is an-anged with a handsaw to firm the centre and the smaller tools rndiating fiom it in sun form; behind each article is pninted with black pnint the shape of the tooi belonging in tliat place. It is consoquently impossible that anythingshouïd be out of place except thro' design, and if any tooi is missing Iho wall will show the shndow witliout the substance. Such is the salutary influence oxerted by order thnt those who enter his emplay habitually careless nnd reekless nre reformed er.tirely, and system, whicli before was irksome, has become to them a second nature. The proprietor's dmk stunds at the farther end of the store, raised on a platform facing the front fiom which he can see all the operalions in each section of the retail department. From this desk run tubes connecting with j each department of the store, from the garret to the cellar, so that if a person in any department, either port er, retail or clerk wishes 10 communicate with the employer he can do so without Icaving his station. Pages are kept in each depnrtmcnt to take the bill of parcets, together with the money paid, and return tlie bill reeeipteó, and the change if any to the customer. So that the salestnan is never obliged to leave the counter; he is at all times ready either to introduce a new article or see that no goods ara taken from his counter. His peculiar method of castir.g the i percentoge of a clerk's salary on his sales enabli'S liim at all times, (coupling it with the clerk's general conduct and the style of gooJs he is engnge'l in sellíag,) to form a just estímate of the tive value of the services of each, in j poftion to his Palary. By the alphabetic i arrangement of department!, numbering of shelves, nnd form of tools, any clerk, no matter if he has not been in the store more than an hour, canarmnge everyir ticle in its proper place, and al any time, f inqured of respecting, or referred to by any clerk, the proprietor is able to speak understandingly of the cnpabilities and business qualitles of any of his employees. He has brought up someofthe j best merchants at present engngcd in the tradc, who do honor to the ptferfessron as well as their tutor.


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