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UUR ADVERTISEBS Uiiiier lliis head, we puMish, Iree of iliJri tu.; name, reaidence, and bitjiiiess. ol those who advertiae in the S-t u. nr l-inr.itrï. Wu. li. 1'BRKT. lluok Sime. Aun Albor. MiïNARiW. líruígiíi, Ann Arbor. T. A. llivn.isu. MaeliiiHM, Anu Aibur. W. iv. 'l'.ül 'T. Ann Arbor. S. VV. Fostkr &.Co. M niutiu-tiii-cT. Soio Vi. Mijrchanl Tailor, Aun Albur. '. l'njiLTi... (iulil rna, Detroit. V. V. UjüterJíCu-, Jcwi-Iltf, Dexter. T. II. Amutkunq. LIats, Src, Üctroit. S V Ko.i..;. T i esliins Mnchinea ocio. ■ ',11-r.K k & SutB'UHi MerdiwM. Jackaon. T, II. Akh trokg. IlaSuiro. Detroit. C. ('i.avík. !nv Ollice, Ann Ai dor. ;. (,. BUROF.R. Delllisl, Aun Albur. C. V,,.:-.. Jeweler, Ann Arlv.r. f. J. It. Crank, fnmirance Oflico.Ann trtror W. F. Sfin,iii., Mm Vani. Ann Arhor Coük & Ruhinsos, llarness Makers, Anii Aibor. ' VV. A. Ratmonu, Murchnnt, Detroit. M., Mürcliam, (Min Arbur. H. W. Wkllks, llarflwitre. Ann Arlior. S ' I). IkuiNKr. Denttst, Ann Albor. Steve-ns V Zcoi, DpiiiiUterers, Detroit. Wm. S. Bko.v, Attornevai Law. Ann Arbor. J V. Tiii.min. (" binet Wap, IVtioit. IUlloc;; t Uaimjmj, Cloiliuig Store, De troit. T. il. EUtok' Ovc-wonils. Deiroit. TRAYED, --r-Tr7t? HOri' lü li 'il Angist,a j- x_ilrc;i red cow inclined I brinQPIjtf de all over, but limit ?■ "M tb' in 'inü.Muii .% to ih'e wliere nbojits'ol ihe .nluive ";it;rn""lylt S' WILLÏAM A. KAYiUOND, Oi' THE OLD MANHATTAN STORE, CORNER OF JEFF'N AVE. AND BATKS ST. DETROIT, HS j'ist recoivcd a large and complete assuitniem af DRY GOODS Broadclotlis, Sheetings, Casimrros, DrilWngs, Satinets, Tickmgs, FullClilli?, . Bnggings, Twcod's Cl'Hhs, Flannels, Kentiicfcy Jeans, Linseys, And other ameles in llie line of Ueivy Goods, too numerous tu inention. Platn& Knncy d'Lnines. I Print-1. CMtimere, Gingbarr.s, & F.m-y Alpacas, l.vonese Clotlis, Orugon piaiJs, Oxleans Cloilis, Indeed lis nssortment "f Dresa Goods coinprises all tic vancty which buerhwes demanda. SSAWLS. Ol everv vorieiy, non eplend.d Bruclins and CosBmrta rd hétivy, cötiilorlabfe lilmkot Shiwta. LIVE GE ES E FEATHERS, By the pound or hulidred weight. Paper Hnngings, Of all qi linies and prirts. l'APER WIN DOW CURTA IN3, Of the neu est palternB, st Wholesale or retnll. With a s'ock ns wd c.lcuinted or the cnim ry as ihe city n is coüfilemly ex+cted iliat ihc repuraiion of Mio "( lid Minliaicn" lor good Guilde a' chetfS rte will be i'uHv fii?ained. As t ihat f jiti anj sixpknnv 11 a. t!ut wc have solii so many year. it is necejsary to s:y a word ; luit il tfca s'onld meel 'he eye o' any liiie ulio liaa ooi tiicJ it. he sriould by all méans ina'ie the experiment, and fee how greal a s.ivin_' may be made by patio!. izmg the Manhattan Store. Detroit. Sept. 32, 1847. 3T7-6m ËÊADY MADE CLOTHING AT THE subscribTs hnve now on hand the besloaaortment of Rendy .T3:i!c Clolhing', ever offered in ihis Stme. Thry have rjceived and ni;iniil.ieiiirel n lree addni'in to their Sio-k wiihin tin-' . isi six wtel s. and me fully prepared with and Inshtonable cooiis lor the fall irad. Tlinr assm tment comprises every dcBciiptton of ganiKMit from lire OVER COATS, CLOAKS,J)RESS 8UITS,$ to the more aubstaniial and económica! girmcnts tur tiie (armer and Uiboiing man. -ALSOA large assni tment of Furnishing Goods, SüCH AS Fine & Coarse Shirts, Urulrr-Garmcnls, Hosieri, Colars, Iiosom.s, Stocks, Suspenders, &c. &c. Hnvin greatly incriased their Qicilities for manurnctming. tliey are better prepared than heretol'ore f r rhe WHOLESALE TRA DE. Purchnsers at wh les;ile are invited to exnminc their Ijjiii k. Their gnrmnnts are f goud maler;als. well made, of elileable sizts nnd stylea, and wiTI bo offared at low rates. 'I hanklnl lor pnsi favor lüey sum-it a continunnce ol uuhlic patronage. HALLOCK & RA Y MOND. 3 1 tí- Tl Cor. Jull"n& Wocdward Avenues. npOOLS. - Carpenter's, Cooper's and J Joiner's 1'ools l"i s.ile by ;: t li. li &. W. R. NOYES Jr. "tíreí jfirem"" rrTIE subscriber continúes to act ns .1 Agent ftir the Hart'ord Fire inauianci Company, ot' Hariforri, Conneciirut. Thia Coinpany Iüis been in busine-s lor the lrst THJftTÏ S1X YEARS. and piomptly paid all losses during ihat time, amiint.iii.' to many Milliona ol Dllars. Application by mail, (post paid) or in the ai :he l'nsi Olnce, prompily attendedto. 3. B. C!tA.'K, Ajent. Ann Arbor, luly :;0. IH17. :W1-Iy 1 fifí ÓUNCRS QÜININE, for sale iU" low. l'liysici.ins cóii depend at uil times on rindin" a supply on liand ai :;.'! MAYNAKD8. WINES - And other Spirits warranted pure, a large ewpply ior rriedicine oniyat !24 MAYNARDS. OLD PORT W1NE- which we recommend pamculfirly to invalids lor us quality - ■:. good supply at 3-4 [■ MAY.YAnDS PAINTS, Oüs, VarnLsh, Spirits Turpentine, Iíimmc. (í.iso. Putty, Gaz:erb. Diarnonds, &e. A large ttock dir sale low ut 3-.M MAYiXARDS. DRUGS AND MEDICINES.- TIk stock is now complete, apiong whicli may be lourid every article WJntad hy lannlius or phyeici.-ins. Please io reeolleCt th:it every article Bold by U3 is warranted lo be (ennine. ■i MAY.VARDS. BRASS QLOCKB. A Jarge lot of :iuhournndrt dny Hraes Clock tor sale, at je 14 and .■ji'J by the cu(. 302-11 ' }. W. TILLMAN THE FARMER'S i C O O K STOV E ! Something NewriMIE subscribir would respectfully cal A iIik nnei'.' of lliose aboul pmcli 'nut coo!; atovev io on ennrely new mticni - i tu, pi} al . Ilion li is ÏOW recc-iving. Thcy are AIR TIÜHT, rind have n fnma-r Arrangement ly whicli iuoil ui ihe oulionry opernjioos can be uerformed whli the sm.-iile.-t amóunl ol Tuel, m! wiilifrót the necrssiiy ui beoting ilic room. Th iprrl'cci and complete, compriaing nenrly evcry kitchén uiensil. The palent was procurcd the pist winter, nii'.l ilreaiiy il bi'coine ihc inusi popular slove in the Enstern States. A lull Mtortrtteni o! ihe Premium Cook, Box. and Air Tight Sluves, kcpi on sa'e. Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron WOKK, ui all iis branches, done to order, and surplus of ware consumí ly on liand. HENBYW. WELLS. Anvil Store. Upper Town, 24ih July..'47. S 3 6 "thlölddye-wöod'warëhouseT" TU CLOTH1ERS. M WUFACTURERS, & ' MEHCHANTS. THE subscriber ia now receivingol ] hia Smre, LPÖ and 190 Jeffei son Avenue ' IK-lroii. ihe fjllowini! cnreluUy and wel! s-lecied I of DVk VVOODS, DYli STUFKS, and Wool.KS Manukactuhkii's Machikkkï : ■ 05 tons Fustie, Cuba, TuUaseo, Tampico, and Carilmgena, 10 tons L igvvood, Campeachy. St. ' ro, wiil Honduras. ' 6 tons i'ie;irauua, Bonair, Caro, Hache and Lima. 3 tons Camwoód, very choice. 181) bbls. Logwoods, cut and ground. 130 do Fusic " " 100 do Red Woods '; " 12,) do Camwood. " " 10 do Qtiriemion Bark. 15 do 'Aluin. 42 do C"pieras. i!) do Blue Viliiol. 78 do Madder. Ombro, and Dutch Crop. i do Creoni Tarmr. ü do Nuteall?. '2 cases Indigo, Bengal)-, Manilla, and : tima'a. 2 do IM-Dy: 20 do Kxiracl Logwood. 2 do Grai n Tin. 300 pounds Verdicis. 15 Carboys Oil Vitriol, Spirits Sea-Sal:s. and Ñiiric Acid. ALS O, i Opper Kettlesnnd Cloihier's Seraws, Tenler Huoks, Jack?, and Brughea, Presa Papers, Card Cleánera, U'e.ivers' öliears, NipperS and Bupdmg Irons. Conib Piafes, 1'ieLois aml iiins. VVire, VVorsied aud C'oUon Harness, Slee! and Cane Reeds, Brood Power. Hand Loom in! Fly Siiuuers, Sietand Copper Maila, ' cry. &C. Ptrson's Sliearinp; Maoliines, 4. 6. aml 9 bindes Allen's doublé and single Cardiug Machines. Machine Carda..' Leiccsier. 'i'he above goods have been recenily ■ od, direcily from the imporicrs and iiinniifhcliirers. vxc ■l'jsivki.t ruit CAia, and wil! be sold at New York Jobbers' prices. adilinu; iranaportiitiun j oitly ; and in consequenca of the decline on tnnny ol' the American minufactured ariielfs, , will in many cases be sold al fiUcu per cml ; tlmn J'ormer prices. The su!t-"r'.l.'er s experience in ih T.}-;z ooi] trade etïnbles bini to say io. bis customers thai he is prepared al all limes lo warrant his goods of superior qiialiiy. THEO. II. EATO Dyfl-Wood and Dye-slull' Warclmuse. 328. löand 19 Ucirerson avenue Deiroit. COUNTY ORDERS. TM E hiijhestprtcepaid in caehby O. F. Lew íe, Exchange Broker, opposite ihe Insurance Ibnk, Detroit, for orders on any ol ihu counties in the Staie of Michigan: also lor State ecurities of all kindaund uncurrem funds Cal umi src. Deo 1. 1845 841-lf HÑEW TIN SHOP. T11H subscriber has commenced the manufacture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper,! In all iis viirious branches, in EOJineclloB wnh ihe "Anvil Store," and is prepmed io furniah Country Mafrctarils and t' witli every ihing in thatline. JOB WORK AND REPAIRING Ncutly and expediiiously done. HE.NRY W. WET. LES. Upper Te n, Í Ann Arbor, lst June, '47. , STATE OF Washtenivv Countv, ss - Noticè ia lieteby given, :ha; ihe undersigned. on the :ilst day of AugaM. A. D. 1847, presented a peiiiion to the Judge ol Probate ol' snid county, praying Io be uppoinled ad ministraior on the estáte of Solomon BucU. late ot siid couniy, deceased - and that the considera. lion of s-rid petition was posipuned to ihe 14:h day of Ociober next. X onc o'clock P. M. ol aard day, at the Probaie Office of said cniiuy, to the end that all persons interestcd may ihen and liiere appear and show cause, if any they have, why tliprnyel of the saiii pelilioner ahould not be érinted. JO11N BUCK, Daied August 31. A. D. 1817. 33L-4vy . NOTICÈ, THE FIRM heretofore exlstlng under the name ol' J. Gibson & Co. is tliis ilav. by mumnl, consent tlisaolveil. ond nll persons indebted io the late firm of J. Gibson & Co. are requesied to cali and selile the sr,me wnli J. Gibson, who is duly auth"rized io senie all com panv debis. befo re the Ist day of November nrxt. or they will tind llieir aeenuuls lelt wiih a Jus. lice for collection. The business hereafler will beconducied by Gibson. .1 .MRS G!n.O, E. BOTTtíFüRD. Ann Arbor, Sept. 4 li, M47. :::!-Hin Cali and ScttleT" THIS is tonotify all pei-sons indebled io thu laie linns of Hani?, P-irtridge & Co., and H. B. Harria & Co., that iheir notes are lafl in the hands ol James B. Gott. F.sq., Justice of ih Pence. for culleciion As these fi ms are now diisolvel. it is alhsolutely neceasory ihat llieir outsianding inattersshoiild liegctilcdnimooi practicable. M. B. I1ARUIS. Ann Arbor, July 12th, 1847. 325 3m SUGARS.- Loaf, Lump, Crushed How'd, St. Croix. and Porto Rico Sugar all of superku qualilies, exucmely low nt S84 iMAYNARDS. ADMlNlSTRA'i'ORS SALE. IM the matter of the sale of ihe real ostnte o [■'.dward R. Evcrtst deceased. ISo'ice is here by given that in pursuance of a license to me ij r;uiteti by the Judf;e of Probate of llie couniy o (Jhniüii and state ol iMicüíl' ui. tn ihe ioreyoins maller, I shall exposé io ta) al public venduo al the Court House, in ihe vlHnge ol Ann Arlior. in the county ot Wushtenaw. and state aioresaid on the I Gih day of September nsxt at onc o'c'ock in the nfiemoon, all and aingulnr, ihe lands and tenements siiualcii in Brown and FuIIerp addilion io ihe villrcge of Ann Arbor nitnesiid. described ns follows. io wil : Gftnvmcncing nt ihe Honh east corner ol lilocU live, running llience north snveniecn degrrees, east on the wt;st line of Ptin liac Street two rods ; llienco weslerly atrii,'hi anales vviili Pontiac stieet ai X teen roiis ; tnance soiuherly to iho norlh west corner ol said hloclt (ive rods : thence casierly to ihe place of beginIhiicd ibis 23lh day of Jnlv. A. D. IRI7. MI'NXIS Ki:..Y. 328 - Cv Adminiirauir of aaid esiale. The above sale ís adjourned till Friday ihe 24ih inst. at Ihe same place and lime f ilic day. M. KF.NNY, AdmV. Ann Arbor, Sept. tGih, 184?. :m GROCER1E3.- We cali particular mtention to our alock ol Grocenes.which is the largest nnJ best selecied pver brounhi 'o : lus illa ure, and will bc sold al Wholesale or Retiil ery low lor pay. 3.'4 MAYN'ARDS. I (IfP! SEL ' NEW COOKING STOVE, AND STOVES OK ALL KINDS! I.11H THE Subscribir would culi the atientiou of the public 1) WOOI.SON's NKW II iT MR COOKING STOVK, w-hirh they can difi lenily reeommend na bcinu Jecidedly superior 10 nny o.iking s-tove ín use. For siiuplicuy ífi óperoiiOíí, écoríoiny in fue'.and Cor uneqimlled Inking und roisiin; qitaLiúes i is iimivaled. The new and mipuriani iniprnvemenl imroduced iu its eonst. uctiun bi'infj siich as to ins'irc great advüinagis over all olhcr kinds of cooking stov'es. Those des irous ot gening a gHl cooklflg itov fpr íhniily use. or a pubüc huuse, would do wcl. hy calima and exainining the alove etove before purchasing t'lsewb-re. C. 15. &. W.a. NOYES, .Ir304 7(i Woodwnrd Av.'nue Hardware. TUR eubacribuis Iwve just roceivut! a larce nd dition lo their siock üf Foroifin and !)■' nieslic Shelf Hardware, whicli makes ihcir as3ortment very complete. )?. B. & W. R. NOYES .IrJuly, 1847. 384 NAILS. - 150 kegs Eastern Nails for fur sale by fcJ4 ' 15. B. & W. R NOYES Jr. SHOVELS, Spades, Hoos, Oradles and Scydies. flakes and S-vilie Smnes.lur soleat 8S4 MAYNARDS. rp E AS. -Oíd Hyson, Young Hyson, Imperial and lilack Tías, a.l tíne and frcsh. at 3M MAYNARDS. E. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. KOOt's STORE, JK.ANE & JEWETt's BLOCK, 61-tf ANN ARBOR. G-EESE FBATHE3S! PAPER HANGINGSt FIRST RATE YOUNG HYSON TEA AT ONI.Y FOUR AND SIXPEA'CE PEIt POüND! , , By thc wny no one buys this tea once Imt buyí jvain. and bccouies a cus'omer. SoiicTjetler I01 1:í "r::: caí be had in Dairuit. W1LL0W WAGGONS, T AVELING iJASKETS, AND afc well a ots oslf other gooda bcide Dry Gnodíoiay be Ind very cheap at the ' üld Mishattan SroK, Deuou. w. A .RAyM0ND. " f i - Z 11 o a . & i á f?K . 1 c" S5 a3 Í _ X O'S " 2 O iS2 2 O 9 u as l g !■=L 5 feJ"k(íK Kegs Albatiy and Troy Cut LiJ3 Nails :!dto ÍJd. 20 Kecrs Wrotmlit Nails Od to 1-2.1. 5) Boxes '; Bolicvcmin " Giasa fiorn 7 X [ lo 10 X 14. HO Kegspure Leadin Oil. 500 Ihs. " dry. 300 Gallons Linseed Oil. 0.000 feet Pine Lnmbcr. sensnnrd, elcar sliifT. Together wilh a ful! assortment ol' Lncks. Latchea. Buits. Screws, Windmv Blind Fasten ins. 4c. for salo al witnin a fraction of Dclioi [trices, at ihe BIG ANVIL STORE, UPPER TOWN. IlENRY W. WF.LLS. Ann Arbor, Mnrch ÍS. 17. Jü)8 THE LIBERTY MÍÑS T R E L OE IIUNDRKD COP1KS of ihe tífih ro tion of Jhis hignly popular wnrk are íor snle at the Sianal olllce at 50 cents singlf, or $ ),!)! ner dozen. Terms Cash. Now is (he time fo Liberiy choirs to supply ihemselves. WTI. S. BROWÏf, Al torne xj $ Counselor at L aw, ANN ARBOR, MICI1. OFFICE with E. McKtï. 297-1 y TO RENT. TUK ROOM over ilie store of Beckley's & Thomas. Posscssioii [ven immedin'cly. May ', 1847. Bkcki.kys & Thomas. Blaynards ARE IJV TOWN jIGAITí! HAVING removed (o iheir new store, whcre ihoy are rccrciving un exiensive uHsortmen. ui' Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Groceries, With a srnnll. well-pelecteil nssortment of All of wliich tliev ofier lo their üld friends nnd new custoiners ot unusual luw prir.-ns. Anylililí!; Sfrtd at tlií.'ir Flore is wairamed to lie ol rtrsi (n;ilily. They inleiui heirafier to keep atinoöt every ariiclis watited ior fainily use. Aun Arlior, June :0. 1847. 323-tT 1ASHMARETT ANO TWKiíDS. A Ky le;iutiliil nitiele for Gentlemen's flinimci just r-ec;ved nnd w.ll i)n i.iimiil.iclureil n ihe Liles! .üylo rin.I fíese io.ssilIe luanner, ui liie ' Weslern Cloihin Emporium." I1ALLOCK &, KAYMONO. SIS ti' DETROIT. Cor. Jí'ff. and VVoodwnrd ;ivctuio8. Srct'l Ciílrivaior Tccrh. rTMIE sulfcriber is nyent for Patent Stee! J_ Cultivatiir Teeth. and lias jusl rcoeivi-d :i tn'sh Biipply. which he willgell iit the mnnufooturer's price. 'l'liia nrticle is eoiniujf into general use wherever niroditped, and hns received iNe approlmiion of tlie flrirt Agrienltnrist iti the United Siaie. Anvil S:ore, Upper 'l'own. IIENRV W. WELl.CS. Arbor;'-8'J May, '47. - i!, r THRESHING MACHINES, C1OVER EÏACHIKES AND SEPARATOKS. THE snbserihrr would inform the public that conuiiMcsio minulsetureflieabave mOliiae Jit the old of Knapp & Iiavilnml, ni il," Lbwer Village.o1 Aun Arbor, near the Paper Mili. The Mnchinea are of approved model?, haveheen thoroiiahly tes:ed iti iliis vicinily mul wnrked well. They ure mnde ot' ihe best iiinleriala and by expcricnced workmen. Thiy will bu krpt consianily on hand, and íleo be mude u order at the shortest no'ice. Thiy will be so!d on very reasonable tcrms for Cash, or íor notes known to heabsolutely goud. The thora Machines can he sed by fuur. BtX or f-igbt horses. and ore not liable to be eastly liroken or &magedi They are well adnpted lor llie use of euher Farmers or Jobbers. The Sep arators can be altnched to any gearsd or slrapped macliine ot any otbsr kind. The siibscriber would reler to thé fbllowins: persons wbo have [jurelinsi'd and used liis Machines : 6'ii-hnel Thompson, Snlem, Alexnnder Doane, .liinies I'.irkcr, " A Iva l'ratt, Pillsfi-ld, M. A. Cravnth. " ('h irles Alexander, " Win. Po itsi Milord. Ilinkley & Vinton, Tiirtford. Mnriin'Doty. Vpsilanu, M. P. & . D. Hadley, Saline. Wm. Sinilh. CiHl.lon. Is:iac liurlnns. Northtield. I'nnicni'nr ntieuinn will be paid to Hk.I'Aius. Cab will be piid fur Old Castings. Persons desiroua of purqhnsing mnehines nre reiimsted to cali and examine these before pnrehasing'elsewliere. T. A. II VVILAND. May 17, 1847. 3l7tf THE SUBSCIUBER SENDET1I GREETINO. pi:riiy's böök store, Oponed anew at No 2 ilawkina Block, 'nexi door to Hill, Wliite & Co.'s Store Ann Arbor, Michigan. Let this be a sullicient notice lo all persons ïs'ng B'inks, I'apcr, Biank Books, Bofaool li.ioks, Shues, Quills, Steel Pens, Pencils ind stat[inkkv, of any kind, that at Perry's liookstore is the plací to buy. 1500 PIECES PAPER IIANG1NG3, Rordering. Fire Board, and Smid Paper, vvhich vvül be sold clieap for cash, Standard and Miscellannous liooks,suitab!e for District, Town ship and Family School Inspectors and others interesled, are requcsted lo cali and examine bis asS'irtment. - Also, Union Sc:iool books. a laiíje variety, and far superior to lbo $10 Library both in binding and matter. Also, ïüblus, Testainenis, Prayer bonks and lïymn books. 7OTJTHSVBOOZS, Moral. ii.eligious, ins'ructivc and ainumii.such is may sa'ely be put into the hands of the voung. GOLD PENS, wiili Gold and Silver oases, a sunerior JJÍLL T!'.2 Cl.!,...:. .'... !■ inado arranenient8 in New York which will enble him at all limes lo obtain any iliinu ia bis line direct froni New York al short notice, by EXPRK.SS. It will be seen that liis fiieüities. or accomodating h's citstoiners wiili arlicles not on hand is beyond precedent, and he is ready and wilhng to do every thing reasun;,b'e to inake h:s establishment such an one as du enlightened and discerning community re ■ïuire. and he hnpes t merit a share o! patronaae. FeraoiH wifhing any article in h s lina will do well to cali before purchasing elsewhero. If you forget the place, enquire lor PLRRY'S BOOK STORE, nt; Arbor. Upper Village. It is desirable ihat it shouM be understooil that persons in the Country, sending cash orders, may depend upon reci'iving bouks or stationory n r.s favorable terina as tliough present to make '.he purchnse. VV. R. PERRY. JoOiSB. 1317. 33 if. Cheap Jewelry Store 157 Jeffcrson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and H.etail. THE subscriber has just returned from New York wiih a lorge assorimeiu of Gold and SiU'er Watchcs, jewelry, looi?, mate n.-ils. toys, musical Instruments and l'nncy goodj, vvhich he will sell at wholeaale or retai] as !ow as any establishment wesi of New York. Country Watcli Makers and otliers wanting any of ihe above Go"d. will find it tn llieir interest to cali,. ns they will find ihe heit assortment in tlie cily, md at tlie lowett prices. GOLD PENS. with silver holder and pencil $2 00. l'riee lielnced. Go IJ Pena. and Jewelry RF.PATRED H B. MARSH. 157. Jcfferson Avetine, Detroit, ) csisn ai the Gold Pen. { 324 C CLARK, Attorney and Counsellor, and.lus:ice of i he Peao'. Otl.rc. Couil House Ann rho' ' M) BAOZSICITHS' TOOLS. " RMITAGK Mouse Hole" Anvils. . " WrightV do. Coüerel Keycd V'ices. VVest'sbest liellows, 30 to 30 inchfsfl. Sledge, liane! Ilammers, Filea and Raspa f cveiy kind, can be íound at the Iron Store, sign of the Big Anvil. HKNRT VV. WELLES. nn Jan 10. 1847. 298-1 y ROVVLAND'S best Mili Saws, 6, 6}, and 7 feet. Rowtand' bost X Cut Snwt, (, (H. and 7 feet. Knglish C. S. Pit Saws, f!J and 7 (eet. Superior American Mili Snw Files. 10 lo 10 inches. For sale at the sign of' the Big Anvil Upper Town. HF.NRY W. WFJ.LKS. Ann Arbor. Jan. 10, IH17 L'!l--ly FURN1TURK & UPHO LSTEKJNG WARE ROOMS. STEVENS &. ZIJG, ÍN thelower end of the White Ülock. direct! opposite the Michigan Exchanuk, have n liand a large ossortment of l'UHNITUHE, o their own manu.actuie, which tljey will sell vur '.ow for Cash They also koep experieneed Upholslerers, onc are prepared to do all kinds of Upholsleiing a the ahortest noticc. Fnrniture o!' all kinds made to order of th best material, and warrnnted. STEVENS & ZüQ. De'roit. January, 1, 1847. S97-ly FOR SALE CIIEAP for CASH, or every kind ofcou try Produce. Saddrs, DrirUcsJJarness, Trunks, Valt ses, Trunk Vali.its, Carpe, liags, fc. Also n gooü BMOrtmaill of Whiis &. Lasuf.8 whieli will be sold vcry low, and no mistlike at COOK liüJJINSüN'S. Ann Arbor. Auyust 12, l46, '77-tf TYïIl go o ds? J9 u r s e S il It s a h (f ïfinmilnj SPLENDID FANS, nnd any quantity of other goods of thts sort at the OLD MANHA'l'TAN STORE, 317 Dclrcit. T IL 11ES,H ING machines. ''IMilO uudcisigned would intorin the public JL tnat he mauulactuics Jlorse Powers and l'hresliina Machines .11 Hciu, ol u suuerior Kind iiivcnicd by bitnsetf. 'l'hesj l'iiii-Hs and Machines ore panicularly idapted to the ol Funuora vvlio wish to use them toj threshing ihcir uwn gr.iin. The power, llireslier nnd lixiuii s can all be loadcd uno n caminan gized wagon hui and drawn with one air of hoises. Tlieyaie designed lo be usvii uiili tour horses. and are abundiimly strong lui ihat number, nnd may bc sately u&ed wilh six 01 i-igbi norses ith proper care. Ttiey" Work with lessstrenjith ol horsefi according to ihc amount ot' business tinne ilinu ony olhcr power, and will ibresb gcnerall}' ahout 'J(;0 bushels v heat per Hny with iour luiiies. In 01, e iiiPlante. 15H !)nsbels wheat ere ilireslied in thrte hüura wilh Iour burees. Tbis I'ower and Machine contnin all the advantagea necessary to niake tliem proliiable to rjifl They nre strong nnd durable. - They are ensily moved fioin one plaee to anolhr-r. The work of ilie Uuises s easy on thfFt ■mwers in non pnrison to others. and ihe priee is I, OW Kil than ony olhcr power and machine, have over been sobl in the Slaie, aeconling to the real valuó. The terms of pnvment will be liletiil for notes 1 ha t ore knuvvn tu be absoluiely. U'ond. I have a niimber oT Powors and Machines now ready for snle and persons wishing to buy are invited to cali soon. SKl'AltATORS. I mn pre pared to make Separa'ois for thosc who may want them. The ulility nnd advsniageg nf ihis Power and .Machine will appear evident to all on exaniinin 'he recornmendations belo-. All persons are cniitiuned aainst maliing these Power8 and Machinev: the uhdcrsfgned havinj adopteii the nceesstuy mensuree for secu ring letters patent for the same wilhin the time required by law. fc. AV. FOSTER. Scio, Washtenaw Co., Mich.. Juin; lë, I34C R.KC0.MMKNDATI0X8. Dnring the year 1H45, eacb of ;he tinclersigncd Hirchascd and used eilher individually or joint!}.' wilh others. one of S. W. Foster's newly in vented Horse Powers nnd llireshing nachines. and helieve they are bettcr adapted to the use oí Farmers who want Powers and Machines for ilieirown use ihan any oiher power and ihresher wilhin our knowledi;o. Tlicy are calculated 10 be used wilh Iour horses and are of ampie strength for that mnnber. They Bppear to b( (roiisirueied in such a manner ns to rendcr them very durable wilh linie liabiliiy of getiing oul ol order. They are e isilv moved from one place to anolher. They can be worked with any number of bands frorn rbur to light, awd will ihresh abot't yO(l btishels wheat per day. J. A. POLHüMUS, Scio. Washtenaw co. G. BLOOD. " ' " T. RICHARDSO.V, " " SAMUEL HKALY, " ■ 3. P. FOSTER, " ' N. A. PflF.I.PS, ' ■ ADAM S.MITH, " '■ 3 M. BOWEN, Lima. WM. WALKER, Webster, " TIIOS WAKKKN, " " I). SMAIiLET, I,odi. " I threshed last fall and winter one of S. W. Foster's horse powers. more than fifteen thousand bushels grain. The repairs beatowed "pon tfts pnwer omonnterl to only fíL cents, and it was in aond order when I had done (hreshing. 1 invariably used fi.t horses. A A RON YOUNGLOVE. Marión, June f!, 1SIIJ. I purchased one of S. W. Foster's horst powers last fall and have used it for jnbl.ins. 1 have used mnny different kinds of powers" and believe ibis is ihe best running power I havi ever ecen. D. S. liEN.NET. Uiimburg. June, 18 IC. We purchased one of S. W. Foster's Hor.v Powers Iüsi fall, anti have used hand ihink it h :i first rate Power. JF.SSK HALL. DANIEL S. HALL, REUBKN S. HAM,. Hamburg. .Tune. 1846. i(j!)tf TEETHf TEETH! ! TEETHü! MASTICATION and Articulation, warranted by tlieir bcing pioperly ruS. B. BURNFTT, H continue thé practico of DENTIS-TRY in ' 1 iis various branches, viz : Sc almg. Fillirg, ' nd Inseitinson gnl'l pintea or pivutp, i'roin onc o nti entire snit. Oh) plnips or inisiits ' ed. ind made cqual 10 new. OFFICE over E. 13. Thompsnn & Co. 's Shoe [ore. Ladies who roquest it, can lie vtaited on ' t iheir dwelÜMSs. N. B. Charge nnusually lovv, ond all kinds rPRÖDÜCE mken. Ann Arhor, Dec. 5. l-::f. 293- tl COiWSTOCK & SBYITIOUK, Dealers in Fancy and Slapte Di6y GGods, Boots AND SFIOES, HARDWARE, Crockcry A' Groceries, at No. 3, Porter's Block, South side of the Public Square, 308 JACKSON. M1CH. Keturned TAIIiORING. TUK Subscribe!' s desiroiis of informin! liiold cusiomeis and the public Lenerally, tliai he luis Incaled bimeetf oii Canier's Corner, Xorih si e il the squere, where all kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the present fas h ion can be done in a respectable and prompt nianner. 1 S. CUTTING don on tlie s!iortest notice and warraDted to (it if' properly made up. W. Wlf.KINSON. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 317' Tïolfl Pcws, PRICE REDUCED. IT is ailmilted bv all who nso llum, tlini l'iqiiette's Gold l'ens uro equal il' not superior in nnj ever ofl'ered in this market, pricc 5.2,"0. for ea'.e wbulawle, and retailat tlie immuncto. ry. Corner ot Jellereon Avenue & Griswold St., Detroit. 314-lyr Also forsaleby C. BLISS, Ann Arhor. NEW '""GÖÖDST" BY EXPRESS FllOJl NEW YORK. Fashions. T[IK mtttcriber has just reeeiveil u frcsli nsfurrincHt ol Spring ;ind Summer Gouds and oili.Ts tMIQ ïti r yule chcnp, such as Broadchlhs of all description ; Satinéis and Cassimeres, and evcry Ihing in thePANTALOON nr.d VESTING line, and every unióle usually lound in a JMercIiimt TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMiiNT. He s nnw piopnrod tu make and fn nll kinds ol icntlernrn's jr-irinents, and wouhl tender liis thAka to his old cusiomers and ilit1 pul)]ic cenernlly. and suli'.'its llieir.fuvors. ÜJ0 (i ARMENT S cut lo order al all limes. ÏÏM. WAGNER, Drateü and Taii.ok, Huron Street, Sonlh ol the PUBI-IC SQUARK. Ann Arbor, April. 28, 1847. 3 w TUK JTIarricd Woinan's Firvatc JMctlical ('oiitpanion. By Dr. A. M. Muuriceau. PROFESSOR OF UISEASES OF WOMEN. ThhtI Kdüion, 1t"n. it. -."() l'rlrc $ I OU.] 35,000 COPIES SOLD IN 3 MO.NTHS. The great deinnnd forthis most important work (uf which tliousands are solil) has cotnpcllcd ihe issue of another edilion. Itis intended epeeial!y for the married, as it discloses important secreis ; whiitl should be known to thcm particuhrly.- Here evory fumale eau discover the causes syniptoins, and the most efficiënt remedies and mos! certain mode of cure, in every cotnplaiut to which her sex is subject. Mnrricd fcmules will here learn the art whereby they would retain their youtii, vigor, beauty, elaslicity ol' body, and buoyancy of spirits to an advanced Mge, ins:ead of being nfilicted, as bundreds and tliousands are, iiro whose hands ihis boolt kis nol yet fallen. It is an tnpdnant quesdori io the married whv it is thnt we hehold so many martied foinalefe sickly, debilitaled, and prostrated ? as also the causes; and wheiher they are susceptible of rem edy. They will here fincl those important matters, connecteil wiih difcoveries in medical and phvciological science, which meet ihis qu(-6tion. This work is destined to be in the hunda oí every wile and motlter who has a regard for her ■iwn beahh and welfare, as well as that of he hushand. T he revelnlinns contained in lts pajees llave already proved a bh esing to ihoueands. To those yet untnarned, hut contpmplaling maniage, or, peihups, hesitning asto the pro prielyof inenrrina the responsibilities attendant upon it. the iinportance of tieing possetsed o'' the reve'.alioiis eoiiinined in lliese pages. so iminiately involving tlieir future hnppiness, cannut bu app:eciatcd. It is ofcoursc impossible lo con vey inore fnlly, in a public Journal, ihe various subjects troated of. as they are of a naiine strictly intendtd for lh niarriecf or thoe contemnluting niatriae; nei ther is it necessary. sinfe it is ev?ry one's dut} to liecome possessed ol' knowledge, wliertby the 9ullering8 to wliich a wife, a mother, or a sistei may be subject, can b obviatrd. Copies will bc sent by mailfrcc of postale. Over ten thousind copies have beeh sent bj mail within thrtc monilis, wiih perfect safety and certainty. In no case has a reiiiittauct faüed to reach the publiaher, or the bouk those l whom t has been directed. On the receipl of One Dollar, the ':Marrie! Woinan'ü Privite Medical Coniponiuii" vill b sent free of pt-sta;e to any pan t tho Unifed Suncs. All leners must be addne.-ed (;iosi paid :o Dr. A. M. iM:iuncrau, I'ox i -J4, New Yoi I. Citv. PubiishiDg Office 12Ü Liberty street, N Yurk. For felle by nll ilie princ'pil fiookseliers m th United Statos. Ayfnts in IVimii. C. MÓllSE &, SON ; Ypsilinti. K. SAI.SO : Ann Ar hor. W R l'F.URY. l'erry's Üooksfre. 'Jr-3,1. C LOT ir, CLOTfll ! TÍÍV. iiii.icj tsii; : nod wou! cl iiiforrn lliP puMí (hal 'hev will continue t') mr-nufactiir Kul tod Cl-)i!i. CatiilHierc ;mi-I KImuh I. at thei Pactory, iwo juni n hnlf miles w qs trom Ani Albor, on Hurón ílivcr nenr i lic Riülroad TERMS : The prior of making eioili will be. for Cassi nee. 44 ets. per yan1 ; ror Fullii] cloib, oTJ cis er yard ; fnr whiic Kl.m nel. 'Ucis. per yard - We wil! n!s!) (chaniP cloih lor voil on rcnson ible terms. Wool sent by railroacl arcíimpaniei wiih instrnetions will bc p.ompily niieiided to. Wc have done hu ex'er.MVe l n i n t " in u ;irutetnring cloih for cufi'otncra foi fimt-iI ymr-, inil gelieve wc tiivc ;is CQO.d PalisliiQiion na nu; EsloWibhmenl in the 8mip. We invil. jur oljciislomers to continue, and new onrs u come. ijettcrs should be nddrcssed to S. W. Fotki &, Co., Si-io. S. W. FOSTF.R & CO. Scio, April. 1847. SI3-iR New Establishment. clocks, WÁTCHH?, AND Til F. subsct tbci' would respcctluUy nnnounc to the citizetis of Dcxtcr and vicinity tbol lio has opened n shop in the ahove p'ace, in tl. corner store, iormerly kno n as -; Sheperd'a" ; where he ia prepnred to do aix kinds of repairidg in the line of clockA, wfiiches. jewelry Ac . on the shortest notice. Having liüiJnboutlwelv years experience in some of the Atsí 1-aí tT i shops, he flatter himself iliat he cnn give tnliti satifavtion to all ihose who mny Favor liii iil. their woik. He has nnd isconp'iintly receivin. clocks, wattliei. and jpwrlry o'l uil dcscriptijns. which he ill sell aa cheap as the ctvtaput. W. VV. DEXTER. A L S 0 GROCERIES of all kinds: s U'h as. Teas, Sngnrs, Moiasses. R.oi?ini, CofTee. Peppers, Spice, Fish. Cancüe6. Tobacco, Cirars Ac. &c. And in tapt evf.bythinq usnnlly keptin suoh an estab!ishment(I.i!i OOR kicïPtid) oonsiantly on hand and lor sal cheap. V. W. DEA'TER Co. Dbïter, March 6, 18,7 312 tf Hat, Cap, GENTLEMEN' S FURNISHING EMPORIUM. T. H. ARMSTRONG, HAVINCÍ lakeo the Staud No 5. Wondard Avenue. 3 doors north of Dotv's Aucitou Room. recenily occupied by J. G. Cranii. is ■ Hal Siore ; and ndded the stock uf the lalter tu lus own. ind ulso engagcd in innnulncturinc every description ot BATS tf CAPS, lie is now prepnred to offer 10 the Puhlc everv a rl iele in bis line, eitlifr o( his own or enstern ni;iiuit;u'li!re. twenty five per ctnt leM i lian lüivo hoi'n t-dbrei] in ti'.is market. In hip itoi I will le fonnd Fine Nutra. Satín Reaver. Henver, Otter. I5i jsh nn'1 Sportins Hal?, Fine Cloth. Siik. Hiial., Oil Silk iind Velvet O.-ips ; nlso, Rich Silli Crnvai?, Scarfs. Mnndkercheifs : Kin1, Thread, Silk. aml Bnckskin Gloves ; C'ollars, Büsutns, VN'alking Canes. Uinbreüas, &c. T A 1 L O R I N G . The Rubscriher has also seotned the services of a lust inte Practical C.'utter, by which lio will be enabled tü funiish iarinents of every styleand ilescription, and in ih most npproved and Iliahionahle manner. [Ie i conscintly recelving the latcst lashions, and, eniployinji the hest ot' workmen, he is coníident thot lie will ;ive the bei of sntisfaction to all llint may favor hiin with thcir patronage in (his brancli of his busii.ess. :io-tf SOAP, SpermandTallowCANDLES ilwayson han I very chwn ai ;W4 MAVNAUDS .tu u Jlrbor r I Tu ii, öuübcnljcr liüvin purctuttu iiie interX ests oí J, M. Hockwcll ín ihe Marble Business, would inforni iba nhnliiíanls of lhia and ndjutnina couniies. ilini he will continue ïhë business ni ihe oíd sinnd, in ilie Upper Town, near Ihe Prcsbyleriun Cliurtli, and monuíaclure ir 01 (er : Moniimenís, Grove Slones Paint Slone, Tablets, Sc. $c. Those wishing lo obtain any anide in his lino of business will find by calling that he hns an - snrtment ofWhile and Varieijated Maible from ilie Kastern Marble Quarries, which wili be wroualii in Modern s i y I e . and snld ai eastern prices, adding transportaron only. Cnll and get iheproof. W. F. SPAUI.D1NG. Aun Albor. Jnn. ÍU). lft-17. Tgly CLOCKS AND WATCHESH JpSc3 riTIlE Suhecriberhaa jul K-'Sft, b,. J_ rccci vect, (and 18 conJf" M'jlV sl""l'y receiving) frum flrv S New York nu elegant td VC I ""Jlffl wc" 6e'c'cte asíorlmcnt Jewclry, Clocks, Wa ches, Í!C. &c. whu:h bo iniends to sell as liw as al any othei eslnblisbment lins side ol Buftalo for rearfy iíiij onlij aniDiig wl.ieli may be found thetollow in;: o e:od a.-sortnitnt o Gold Finger Ring!, GoldBreasi pn.Wriiiltli Giiurd Chnins and Keys. Silver ,SHins. Germán Silver 'J'en und Tullir Spoon (first qiiality,) Sil ver and Germán do Snipir Tongs, Silver Salí. Musmrd a nd Ciemn poon, liiiiior KnivLs, GotdamJ Pilver }'enci I Casas, G ild l'ens. '■ IYmi !e. Silver a nd Gorinan Silvrr Tlnn blf-s, Silver íp ciiiclrs. GrrniVí .-,;cl Sicrl do. Gugglipg, Cintile, unir and Tooifa lirusbe, laiiici BrushBB, Kazms nnd I'u.-kei Knf. Kme Shfars and Soitams, Knivrsand Forks, Brittannin Tea Pol and Cafiois. I laied, Rrnm, :in'l BrMToiiía Caiid!cniclvS. Snuflcre Si. Tray, Shavinc Imxreand Soip. Gil ipmoii's lii si R.H7.or Strop. Calfand A!orocco VValleis. Sill; and ('otion [.urses. Vndií nd ü.iws. Violin and Unes Viol StiincF, Flutr, Pifes. C I u i i n f I s . AicordiuiF - Mimic ]'ofkn ur thc fntlie, Mnitn S"jen!s, Pi'cl IVn nrd Pweez r. Vvn cnrpR. Piinfi'Oml Tul-aero box, I vin y Ureísiiip; Coiubs, Side nnd B' ck and Pi rk I (', i nilií. Ncri'li c.-iíes. Si l( nocs, Wairtriidí ■nd li naife 'l'oy WtMenrs. n L'icat vaiicty of !)olls. in short :lif iricatesi v.-irii iv "f inv rr roilhl !O tliis inniUi'!. Ka ir r y nnik loxrs. c'üIren s fènsettp. Poln'jnc Hmíi Oil?. .Snfllinc ínltB. ('min Pln'PF. Ten líclls. Tbrrnioirurt. Termn Pinfí. Wood Puncil. KHAPP AJU vVOOl) CI.OCKS. A: in fací nlnúisl rvcrr hinü tn pli-ife ilicf.nrv. l.ailie-p nnd G' lille■ rn. cnll and RXnmine lor vonrRihes. Ciockf. U'aicl es an.' jcwelry repirr anH vnrrnnicd oh eliori nniirc Shop at hit M mnd. opprifiír II. líei kcr'f lirick Store, in tbo Store occupifd liy M. WlinU'irr.viN m.ips. . B. - Cneh pnid íor oíd Gold A. Silvr. Ann Albor, .l.ily I si. 1840. 271-lv riMlE SUBSCIIIBER has rcceived liis JL wiulcr sn.ek. wiiii-h lieétfeM lor Cuth. il uieutly icilued p.'ices. 'I'lie Public are inviic d h) i-.-ill. ox'iniinp, nd mine lor i!n iif !vts. Kow en hand, and daüy dd'ir.g. S. ;',S ei evrry vaiieiy nuil patiein, ud ihe hu --i Inshion. prwM Ir. mi ,:! lid pwftldr DIVANS. UTTOMAXíi. LOUNGKS, IlIJKEAUS, of all kinds, from $1 nnd up. fcenrro. Card, Tea, Uicss, l'ier, Üuung. nd cm Talihu. Wi.sli. l'nndle, nnd I'oilet Siamls. Betlsiead- 'MahögrinT', M.iplt, md Wihint, rum .■i'J nnd up. l'iañ.i l-'.ini's ; Piiinn Covers ; Tiano S'ooIb. Doublé a, id giñgle Mitreaaea o( liair, ihuk, jülm leaf. or sunw. Uoublc and single Col Bpds'em.'s. do do AVriling Desks. CflAIRS. - The best nssoitn.cnt tlmt ran b ound west of New York and ilic che,pel in mis eiiy. Windsjr CUa.'rs, a good ariiclo. at $í 50 the MnhogntlT Frenefi Chsira, lmir spnt, a firsi rile nriicle. aiid well finished fnr $'■) 50. Cnsh only. MaJiogany Rocking Chaira, hniríeal nd back, WaYrdQted good, at the low [.rice of $IÜ. lor tha ca.-li only. Flng nnd Cano Prat froni Cs. and up. Hml C;i;es. plnin and sallery : Bircl Glnf, ■ IIully Horses. nnd Toy Win elbarrows, for cliil- dren; Palent Shower and Hip Batlis ; Bonon Baih Pnns. Camp Siools. Umbrella and Hat Stands-, Fancj Be'.lowg. Foot Scrnper, Cano Sent Coumer and Boot Sionlp. Curiain maieriol, Table covers. Patent l'ost-Office Bnlancc. ture Frames. Willow Wnonns. Cradles. Chaira, Clocks. and Baskets Brittannia Table Castor, very cheap. J. W. TÏLLMAN, No. P7. JeÜV onAvrnue. Detroit, Jaminry 1, 1847. 2!)7-ly TOVVNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. We hive the Wnoleaule ageney of tlni j m s : I y celebrated Medicine. Two niss jml reecived. 384 MAYNARÜS. BRICK.- We Imve on hand 300,000 fi si qualiy Urick. and prepaied 'o lurnish any quamity wuntctf, very !ow í ti r Caíha :-.'4 MAYNAUDS. TÏRMER S ! ATTENTIOIÏ. L}( DOZ. Blood'sCradle Scythes, Lá3 üll Wadsworth's "" 30 " Blood's Glass " 13 " Jenk's ' " ]ü') Burnett's, Rogers' &Cunis' Crndloi, 101) (.iiimson's (irnss Scyihes, 10 duz. Tower's IIdcs, lOUO lbs. Coil Ciiain Irom 3-1G to 5 8 ín. 4(1 Ijo;; Chaina Hay Knives, liush Hooks. ll;iy. liüiley. and Manure ForUs. and a!l othor Farmiiif Utensils. jusi rpceivedand (ür H'tle nt Detroit prices nt ihe Anvil Store, Upper Town. HENRY W. VVELLF.S. July Ist. 1847. 325 5TO N S 'S wídesl7llROÑ III " 'Juiiinla" do. 3 " "Peru," do. Toeeilier with n full and complete nssortmont of Iron, Stre!, Carnuge Trimin-inga, Blocksniith'i and Waggon Maker's Toóla, just received at the Anvil Store, t'pper Town. HEiNIlY W. WELLES. July I, '17. 3S


Signal of Liberty
Old News