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A Great Slide

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The Ruffilo Corrrepondent of the National En reierring to the discussen of the American Board of Foreign Miasiona recently held in ihat city, says - " Tlio Rev. Mr. Todd, a rolurneri Mis-i ikiiv, however, liefinrd his poi'ioÉi on thU poiut, and exhorted the Board to take the s'iine view of it. Hq siid tlio interest manifested by urny Cliristinns fur ihe sufferings of the 3,000,000 of slnve.s in our own Innd wn very wpil, f tlieir sufi'erings were as gréat as thpy yferé rejiresented; bal, sid he, we must look at the who!e world - look at the 150,000,000 of henthen wlio grom; undpr the horrid siiprrstilions f t e old world. We must eniarge our bénëvoience orM-wido, and, in our love for ihe whole world, slrive to forret the 3,000.000- no, said he, I wnuld rx.t say j 'orgel, but,in tlie comprehensivenrss of our worl'i-wide benevulence, toe must rise so high js to sile over Ihe 3,000,000 of slavfs! Thus he dffin d his nos'ti'ni. anl ni iele a mist pnlhetk: Sppea) for i'nnds to carry on enlargpd operations f r the en-uing year. The qu-stinn must have arisen in man y ininds, how thf Ilov. Missionriry could stop slidtng, when he hnd sented hirnelf on an avalanche wliicl) buried 3.000,000 at a süde! 1 f he oMilil rise so high as to sidc over 8,000,000rha miH have onlto incrense a trifle the sublimity uf h:s henevolpncp, t) slide over 300,000,000- yes to slide over the earih entirely, and exercise his great heart in reloi-mingnnd Chrstian7.ii.Ef tho jieople of the i'lanel S itmn ! - Oh ! how should Christinïis hing their lieads witb shame, when they see n bodv ol Christian, claiming ti be ihe liglit of the vi)i-]il,endeavoring to prevent dtsenssion and rebuke of the giant sin which swallows up all others in the land." CCT Tlie New Jersey Freeman hopcs the Buffiilo Convention will nomínate Gerrit Smith, because the union of antislnvery men can therebv be preserved, because he is fit for the office, becaue he has the " onb ide-," because all his 'non-essentials" point nntislavery-ward, Tnd because therebyjhe party would be upward progress. The Editor of the Freeman syrnpnthises strongly wfih the Lengue party, & will doubtless give it hi support. (U5" Tlie National Inielligencer contnins a letler froin Henry Cliy, in ansvver to ihe Native American Commiiteo of Penn-ylvani;,inquirir,g whettier, if t be lendered tohim next spring, he woutd accept a unnnimous nomination of the Native Americiin National Convention for the Presidency. Mr. Clay snys ho can perceive no public good likely to result from his acceplance, and he should feel constrained to decline. A letter to Gpn. Taylor on llie same subject was answered by a reoelition of his former declarations, that he would not be a party cnndidate. ÜCf" Gerrit Smith ofifrs lo doed to 03 white persons ofhi'scounty twenty ihousand acres of poor and unsalabla tanda. [Je asks only one dollar from onch person, to cover the expenses of the writillg.-;.


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