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Between thá sei-shore at Vera Cruz and the volcanoes, whose eternal snows hang over Meííláo, you have every cümate in the wnrlrl. In the va!W there u a erpetu;il spring. For six months n iho yeai ('t'ie winter months as ihey are calledj rain never falls ; during the o'her six monilis showers oecur ahnost daüy. It is never hot - never very cool - and ! you mny wearyour clnak or your summer dress the whnle year, aecording to the temper of jrow nervous system. One sido of ;he str-pe: 3 always too warm a! noon. CM nnd sleeting as it is here in January, ihe roses are already blooming freh'y n the girdens of Mexico. Nor is there perceptible charige of folinge on the (bread trees; the new Ieaves push off' he o!d ones with a "gentle forcé," and j the regencralion of the seisons is ellected ithoul il'fi process of fading, I i-ring and dying,v!iich makes with us tlie ' mei uieholy days of aulumn, "the saade.5t j of li'.e ycir." To look it the ex'ernal worlJ, you would sav tlicfo was do such th ing nsueath in Mexic). The rose and the kaf you ftdmiro to-day, are replaced to-morrow by fresh buJó and renewed vordure. - li. Mater. Wonders oi' Geoi.ooï. - More than nine thousand of different kinds of aniirials have been olianged in!o slone. The races or genera of more than half of thee nre now extinct, not being al present known in a living stute upon ilis carlh. From the remains of some anc-ient animáis, they must have been l.irger than ony living anirnuls on the eaith. The i Meguhe:iuin, (Great Pe-ist,) says land, from a skeleton nearly perfeci, now in the rauTOHrtJ at Madrid, was perfe.-rily colossal. With a bfiad nnd ne;-k Üke those of the slolh, hn legs and fefit exhibit the character of the Arnndillo an.i the Ant eiler. lis foro feet wero n yard in letigth and more than nvelve inches widf, terminaied by giganlio claws. I:s tliigh bono was neiriy tiuee times as Ihick as thntofaii e'ephant, and its lail, nearesi the body,t.ix t'eet iu circumfe'ence. lis tusk were ndmirably adapted for cutiing vegetable subsla.rice?, nnd its general slructure and strengt!) were intended to fil it for digzing in tlie ground for roots, on whicli it piincipallj fod. - Bucklands TrealUe. A gentleman jii3t from New Orleans brlngs information lluit there are 6d0sick soldiers in one hospital alone in that city. Mos', of i'netn are thuse who have ; ed from Mexico, where allhough they did not meet the enemy in mortal cembnt, : they cohtracted disease which w' bring them to tlieir graves througli long .-uffering, and, more painfully than if they had fallen by the hands of the Mexicans. - New Haven Paladtum. Wages of Labor, - It is curious to look at the difference in the rewards of labor. A seamstress in our large citie, earns two or three shillings for a day's hard labor ; au opera singer often gets from five hundred to a thousand dollars a nighi ; and Jenny Lind, for her last disengaged nights in England, demanded five thousand dollars - a suin which would require len years of the labor of a mechanic to earn at ten dollars a week. - There should be differences in the 1 umeuts of huirían exertion, but uot sucif differenoesas these. - Yankee. At Portsmouth, a saüor has been condemned to death for sttiking a inidshipmao, but, of course he will not be executd.


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