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President Wayland 'preaching Politics'

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A rorrespoiiHoiit nf t'e N. Y. Evnnge■ li-t, writing fY"in Síirnt"gi Srings un-j Her dale oftlie 5tli idt. g íes ihe fl]uw-i ngske"chofn discours d'üvcrpd ntthnt píate by Rev. Dr. Wajlood ofBrown Univprsity : " Dr. Wnyland prenclied last Snbhaih in 1 he CliurchjfVomihe text, Render unió Csesar ihe ihit gs that re Caesir's, anti unto God the tlvngs thnt me God's.' it wns nn acfiiviroble discoure, intendeó and npplied in reference io Uip jireseiil circuin lnnces o foxfr cuuniry cngagei n war. It w.ns cha'-nclerized by great fieedom and fnarlessness in ihe c.pression of opinión, witfc a bnld and di!■ ct npplicnliun of ihe principlps ofïfce gospel to politie. Everv senipiice was lie;ied to witli the prof un les' interest, nnd a. deepvs-ilu'ary and silnin mureg ion, e trust, wn produced. W 'p could have wishe.i that everv miiiisier ol'C'iriM, as well as evpry polilician in our country, could liave listend u so p'ain, Chrisiiau i ana manly nn exposiiion ofduty in the present crisis. Dr. VV. remarked sev-prely on the fear, so wide!y prfvnlpnt,nf giving nllerancp lo uur Chrisii;]!) and moral spiiUdipiiIs oh pililicil subjects. He j.;id that this rn ■- nil oowttrdicQf Christiaon, in regard ti polhics, Itke a rtrotum of poisonous gas in the atmospliK'e, in wliich everyt iníiuly semiin -nt gispel and .íieJ. [le s-id ih it nothing was neerled hut llif open, energ-iic expression of liriatinn jiHgment atid opinión, and n une of action c)iiist -n: wiih it, and a'l [lartiesin ihe coun'ryvould suluni', would be compelkd to siidiii l, to tlie Clii-isiiau pa."ty He spoke of fie in;';irm;is uggle y o I' party polhki, in oasi-s where great moral quesiions wpie at slrrke; :ind pointed out ihe by whúrli the níTair.s of onr eouiitry Ttiight be takf n fiom tl.e power of suca j-'gglTV, ;mf managed n-jurúing to justxe, coiiscience and tlie wül of Hede't upon the prooer objpcta nnd liniitaiions of governiucnt, nnd entered in'o ihe qnestion oí' th cases when niíd íow a Chrislinn s bound todisobev and rfsist the edict of governnen', lit ngui-ihur'g Deiwren the thingstlinl nreCoc sir's and the things rhat nre god's. The o ject of government is simply ihe prutection of the rigbts of the citizpiw, and the promotion f their welfare, lïiid leyiiud ; lus it has no right lo intrudi. The moment it cmvimrmds n rourU "f wrong] H'iing, e'ther ngain-i individuéis or intimi--, ritizens ot s'ranger, rfisobedienre lecimie-a Christina duty. He is bom.d to uf all poésibie effirt, soci;il mui oinstimiiurii'il. nsaiiist the wrint. l!e lje."me ■= --cessiii y lo the wrong, aml ppivounlly giiilty, Lf he dnt-á not u-e all the. tneins, nnd njiplv all ilie iuflue'icp wbich God lias itu in lii_power, ng:iinst' the evil. H canno; innocenily be si'ent. Aboieal, the f!c nf a party, or of party poliiic, ought to have no weight with Kim. The enactnients of governincnt, ifunjnst, f m'unllv wrong, are nu'l and void, ami ought to be res;s:eH. W'hat is wrong in it.-ell', cannol become right by boing the act of a nation. The wholo h'tory of the world is mnde up of a cainlogne of enornious crimes and wrongs committed by nations.


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