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Convention In The 6th Senaterial District

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At í mretii'g of ;he friends "f Liberty, la tlie Sixlh Senmorial DUtrict, ln-ld nritmnt t) noiice nt Grand Blnne, Oct. 12, Eider J. Gambvl was appointeJ Chairinan, and M. L. Leach Seeieiary of the mei ing. Ir. J. N. Grahnm, D. VV. C. Leach, Rev. O. PHrJter, and Dr. J. W. Kingwere fippointe) n cnmmittee to drnft resoluJions expressive of the sense of the Convent ion. Altar balloting for c;r,d elites for Senators to bo fuppnrted at the coming election, Dr. John C. GMIup and N;ilian Power were de'lred nominated fur the regular term, and Dr. J. B. Barnes to fill a vacnnoy. Rey. Jogppb. Gambo], Jospph Morrison, nnd R. W. Hftwlsy wereappoi:itd a corresponding rornmit'ee for the Sixth Senatorial District for llie ensiiing year. Tlie followifig resolutions, rsportd by tho commitlee, after being ós;ussed by sfvorfi! niembers of tho Cunverjtion,vvere nd'ipted : Resolved, That while vp areearncstHstrivina; to obtnin the nscendency in national níTurs, we are not acHnted by n dpsire 'o secure merel a party truimph. but are toi ing for tfcfl establishment of the gre-'i' principias ti." univers-il equality. promulgntcd n lbo daclsfJVtiot) óf ndependenco, et npparenily forgotten by thosc upnn wlinni the ndministTHlion of the Government S'lbsequeiltlv devolved. Resolved, e mot lieartüy npprove of tlie "Wilmo: Proviso," oppor-ing tlie introduction nf Slaverv into any terrilory here:ifter to be ncquired by the Uniieil Siatrs ; and believing tlie greai cr'sis at hand, shive lerntory or nol, a men, ns plijlambropis's, as cliiislians, we a'e ciilled ii[ion, by our love lor country, by fur sympatliy for tho oppreféed, by our diity lo God; to meet it bo'd.'y - unshrinklnghj j and with Gid's help, we ill not nn'y oppose its further exter.sion. bul we will coniinue uur unceaing effut- to rem ve the entire evil (rom our l;md. Resolved, That as Liberty party innn, "Wilmot Proviso," or nny otiier conservntive ineannres are not enongli for us, l'Ut that we are an aggressive party, aml design the overthrow (Jf the whole -hne power ; and that we will never ;-est till tl e monsier Slaverv shall sleep in death. Re-olve!, That ihn st!c of womcn and ótrtldren ar tho 601 ion nl cnpitnl, tor tlie b"neli: nf the U. S. Treasury, imght to xeite in the brenst of everv Americu) citlzen feelngs tnsl will not permit h;m ti rest until the systein whieh is ihe en Ufe of these enonniiies s enlirely u)roo;ed in our country. Resolved, (imniinouIy) Tint our delegite lo ihe BuShlo onvenlion be instructeii to u-o lii.s influence for the postponemeul of 'he Presidential nominmion until next sprii g. Resolved, Thai the proceedings of the Convention be forwardod to the Signal of Liberty for publicitiun.


Signal of Liberty
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