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A Dough-face

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-The York publican publishe ihí following i-p.solulions which, someihing more tlian a qunrter .f aceniury go, Mr. Burhannn shi furth as bis politica] fnith. It is of ueh utuff ihal American Statesincn are mrn'e : At a !;irge and re-' portable mcnting of ihe citizens o' Unncasier, lielil on ilit 231 Nm amber, 1819, in lite Cu"t Houije in Ihat city, ihe f liowing resuluilons. reHirtPil bv n conirni'H'H cuMsing of Jabíes Hopkirw, Vi!i:am Jenkin-, nd JAMES HUCI1ANAN ere uinnin ous, ]y itdoptfd: Resulverf, 'Pliat t! Rppppsentitryes in Cnigí-cis iVinn ihis Díáli'icl b, nnd thev ai-e li'T.'hy m il panio.-tl r queslPd t" u-e ilicir utiii'S' pi(]p;ivors. as nieuil.ers of !he Nrtiiunal Lèffislature, to prevenl ttie ix -sionce iif Si(very ia my of lite Terrilories or Stales which may he erecled bij ( 'ongress. Re-olved, Tlmt in t!:e opinión oftliis meeliiig, tlifi mpmbeis cfCongreKS who, nt tlie liiBt 'ssimi htgtjitíed the cause of Jiishcc, Humanihj, and lyatrioltstn, in opio.siiig lie inlrodoctinn fífSfavery inUi the Sluie ken endenvoring to bc formeel out ofl'h' Missouri Territory, are. rntiIed to the warmest thai.lcs ferern fri$vl f Humani'y. t"?3 A National Eeforcn Cunventiofl nicis shorllv in Worcetter, Ma-is., tu wliU'h v i ] I bu pr po eJ, Lis considerai .11 and d;-pisa], "Tlie fiecessily and importa ce of the inonediale aboliiion fin forni) of t he Rpprespntatie svs'.em f lfgisl;itKn of our govurnmeiit, nwd t'c i benpfiís and prnclicabilüy of es'ablishing a puro Uemocracy in its sttt-f, by tlie peai-eful ndoption of a coin-titution, by thc pfopm, l nal mkl!I sreure lo them the onportunily an:l the mems of enaciing, by direel voir, n!l i he laws by wliicli thev bha'l b ; govñrnd ! !


Signal of Liberty
Old News