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Michigan Called Upon For A Regiment Of Volunteers

Michigan Called Upon For A Regiment Of Volunteers image
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A requisiiion uon the Governor of iliis Siüie, f. ir ons volumeer rogiuienl pf infantrv, to serve during the war, unless sooner di.scha'geii, was received by mail yrsterdav noon. We were favored willi ihe reading of the lettT frutn llieSecietnry nf U'nr to Adjuiani General Sc'.iewarz. Gen. SchewaTi left immediaielv on its receiptj for the residenoa of i tl.e G'ivernor, at Adrián, who vi] ni once t ko tiie necessnry measure-t to fu'ther ll'fi wish oí' the goiermnent. 'l'lie regiment is to cnsst üf the fllowiig Stnff oíTicers: - 1 C"l'itel, 1 Lt. (,'olonel, 1 M;ijor, anJ 1 Adjutant, frorn il e Lieutcnnnts of the coiiiponi''8, bu! nol additioo. Nin cominissioned staff - 1 Sergeint Mjor, 1 Quarer Mter Sergeant, and 2 principal ninsicians, ten companies of 80 privatM ench, 1 Capt'iin, 1 lst Lieullenanl, 2 21 L'eutrnanis, 4 Sergeants, 4 corporal and 2 musicians. The volunlefirs are reqiiirpd tn furnish t he! own clothing, fir which $3 50 per month s nllowed, or S'21 lo be paiii on enlislmenl, if síx nounths elfrthing i faraUheá. The olhsr prnviskins wiil !)e maV pubiic lv tiïe proper authorities.


Signal of Liberty
Old News