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Those fnniiünr with ihis beautiful poem bjGr;iy. will be pleteed wiih the fullowiiirr linea coniposei!. we ihink, by Professor Knuwlwn, to siipply wh.ii le consiiiered o di-IVct of religious sentiment in the oiiginal. Tlic upplmeni is not inferior lo (lie original. The alanzas are deíierned lo sucoeed theone commencinR - ' Far ffom the niaddening cruwd's igtioble exnh." iVo airy drenms ibeir simple fancies firid; No ihirtt for wed'li, i.or panting alter faine: Bal 'üiih divine subümer hopea insiirel, And urged lliein onword o a nobler aim. P.-om evety ftoiiage, with the day arose The hallowcd voice of epirit brenthing prayer: And nrtless anihems, at iis pcncfiu] , Like holy incensé, charnied tbc cvening air. Thoiigli ihey, each 'ome ofhuman lare unltnown. The brilliant paih of science liever trorf, Th;it a.icred volume claitned ilieir hearis alune. VVbicli taught the way to glry and 10 God. IFere ihsy from irulh's eterna! fcnnt.-iin drew The pure and gladdening waters day ly day; Lcarned. since our days are evil, fleet and few, To walk in wisdcmi's bright andpeaceful way ín yonder pile, o'er wliicli has stern y pnssed The heavy hand of ail-destvoyirji; timo, Thru' whuse low inouldering aisles now fgh the WAt, And round wlioee altara giass and ivy climb. They gladly tl.rengéd. tlreir grateiul hymns to Oíl na the calm nnd Imly Sobbath pIioi-; l'lie mingled tribuie of their prayért and praise ln'swuBt comniunlün rose before ihe throne. Here from tho?e íionored ips, whicli sacred lirc Fruui heaven's high cnancery hiuh tuuclied. lljey heiir Tru'lis whicli tlieir zeal inflame, tlisir iones iuepire, Give wings to (bitli, an-.i check i fBtiett'stearl Wnen lile floived liy, and llke an nngel. üenth Cune to release ilieig to tlie world un high, Pr;se rrjmbled snij un eucli eipiring brealh, And liuly t.iun.pii beamei l'roni ever eye. riicn 2,(10 liands ihnir ".lust o ilust" ennsign; NN'.'li (uiei learti ihir simple r:os are said; nd iicre liicy sleep, till a( ihe trump divine, Tilt t-arili aiul oce.-in rsnder up iheir dead.


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