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Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County

Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image
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Ann Albor, Oct. 11, 1847. Thls being the day designed by law Tor tho meeting of Uie Board of Supervisors for the different ceunties of the Stnle the Supervisors of the different towns in the county of Washtenaw assembied at the Court House of Ann Arbor when upon calling the different towns by the Clerk, the following persons an.swered as Supervisors : Ann Arbor, Iliram Becker, Augusta, Christopher Howard, Bridgwater, Norman L. Couklin, .Dexler, Wil lam Jones, Freedom, Judali McL'uip. Lima, Williarn Warner, Lodi, Newton Sheldon, Lyndon, John K. Yocum, Manchester, Newjian Granger, Northfield, Nalhan Salyer, Pittsfield, Ezra W. Whitmore, Saline, Salmón L. Haight, Salem, Daniel Pomery, Sci.o, Nelson Moshier, Sitaron, Amasa Gillet, Superior, Daniel Crippen, Syhan, Joel B. Boynton, Webster, Sterns Kimlierly, Ypsilanti, John W. Van Cleve York, Lyman Carvor. On motion. the Board was organizec by nppointing llirain Becker, Esq., of Ann Arbor, Chairman, James M. Willcoxson, Esq. deputy County Clerk. On motion of Mr. E. VV. Whilmore, a commitlee of fivo members, be appoit.ted by the cbair, for equalizing the tax rolls. Mr. Jones moved thnt anauditingcommittep, consisling ol" five membei-s be appointed by the chair. A motion to amend, so as to appoinl twoAuditing cornmittees of three memberscach, was made by Mr. Wliitmore, and accepted by Mr. Jones, the mover of the original motion in wliich simpe it was jassed. In pursuance of the above reso'utions, lie Chair appointec the following mem)eis as said committee. Equaüzing W hitmore, Salyer, ííaigh, Moshier, Kimberly. st Coih. on Chims - Messrs. V;;n ClevG, Pomeroy, Gillet. 2?d Com. on claims - Messrs. Hovs-ard, Warner, Yocum. On motion of Mr. Van Cleve, of Ypsilanti, it was Resolved, That the Chair appoinf n committee of tlirec members, to settle with iheTreasurer of the county. Thfi chair appointed as follows: To settle wilh the Treasurer - Messrs. Conldin, Jones and Sbeldon. On motion of Pomeroy, it was Resolved, That a committee of three members be appolnïed by the chair on Roads andBridg?s. The chair appointed asfollows: On lloads and Bridgen. - Messrs. Granger, McLane, and Crippen. On motion of Mr. Whitmoré, the fullowing resol ution was adopted : Resolved, Thnt iho cliairman of this Board b authorized to procure some one to mnke fires; ring the bèll, and siveep the room, duiirig the sitting of the Bóárd of Supervisors. On motion of Mr. Salyer, liie board ndjourned until to-inorrow morning at 9 o'olock. Tuesday, Oct. 12. fionrd met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the President. All thè inombers present. The journal ofvesterday was reaci and approved. A communieation from tlio Auditor General of the State, was aid before the board by the Clerk, stating the indebtedness of ths county to the Stale to be f2,227 13, being a reduction from tlie ndebtedness of last year of $1,. 202 G7. The clerk also laid before theboa'd for theiraction, thefollowing order mnde by the circuit court ior this county on :he 2Dth of Nov. 1846. "In the matter of tlie rippenl of the commijssioners of highwnys of the town of Aun Arbor, from the board of Supervisors of Washteniw county. " In this matter it is ordered, that Ihe board of'Supervisoi-s of said county causf the suin of two ImnHred dollars to be raised and ievied upon the said county for the purpose of aifiïng Ihe commissioners of Highways of ;he town of Ann Arbor,. in defraying the expendes incurred by the said continissioners in repniring nnd rebuildingcertain bridges across Hurón river in said township, in thosummer of 1815. Mr. VVhilmore oíTered n proposition ihnt tlio board order each individual Supervisor so to altar his nssessment roll.before hnndíng it to the equalizir.g r.ommit lee, thatit shall embrace only Iands situ nted in liis own town. Mr Jones moved an nmendment to the proposition, tliai the assessment rolls icr.nin as tbey are unlcss lands had been twire assessprl. The original proposiiion of Mr VVhit more, not hnving been seconded, Mi Van Cleve moved tlie following, vvhich was adopted: íís-olved, Tha! Supervisors have power to corred their assrssment rulls. Mr Sal ver moved that Mr Gillet be excused from sorvir.g on lst committee on claims, by reason of his age and debilitv. Motion carrird nnd L Carver, of York, substituted, on molion, in place of Mr Gillet. Mr Van Clever from lst cornmitt'ee on claims, asked llie nstruction of the Board regarding the amount of daily allowance of the Sheriff for keeping prisoners confinedon criminal charges. Afler referring to the Jaw, on molion, the Board decided lo allow thirty-eight ceñís perday to the Sheriff for boarding crimináis. Mr Van Cleve, from commitíee ou claims, reported the bilí of Mr Slingerland for boarding prisoners from Livingston coun'y, amounling to Sil 64,and recommended ihe allowance ofsaid bilí by the Board. Alsottie bilí of Sheriff Spalding for the same amoünting to $28 64, whieh report was accepted, adopted and ihe bilí allowed by board The two bilis above mentioned, were endorsed by the clerk of tire Board and transmitted to tlie Livingston county Board of Supervisors for their actiort On motion, the Board adjourning until 2 o'cloi k P M . ÁFTERNOOtf Board mpt pursuant (o adjournment, and was cailed to order by the chairman Mr Whítmore, addressed an inqttlrv o (he Board wi'.h a view to settling a question for the guidance of tlie oqualing commiitee,upon the subject of the exemp on of personal property. No action vas taken on this subject h he Board Mr Crippin, of Superior, asked leave to correct ceriain erro s in his asses sment rol], different frorn those embrncec in the resolution passed tliis mornine, which on motion of Mr Salyer was gram ed by the Board On motion of Vír Howard, fr Jones was ndded to 2d committeë on claims On motion, the Board arljourned until to-morrow morning at 8i o'clock Oeí. í 3, 1847. Board met pursuant to adjournmeni, and was called to order by the chairman. Present all the Supervisors. The journal ofyesterday was read and approved. Pomeroy, from Ist com. on claims made a report, accompanied by the following claims, on which they recommenthe actionof the Board: 1. H. Becker, bill of goods furnished the Sheriff for the jail, passed by the committee and allowed by the board at $U 7C. 2. G. Shattuck, bill for services as Sheriff, passed by the committee and allowed by the Board at $74 50. 3. J. F. Roycë, bill for chnirs &c, for Court House, passed by cöm mittee and allowed by thè board at $19 2ö 4. J. C. ïlarrington, bill for painting and paints for cupola of court house, charged at $1 18. Commiltèe recommended and the Board passed the bill at $12. 5. T. Foster for publishing notices in Signal of Liberty, nllowed by the committee and passed by tlio board at $1 CO 6. E. H. Spaulding, bil] for boarding prisoners, and mateiials nnd repair ott ihe jail, &rc, allowed by the board at $409 54. 7. S Burley, bilt fbl drawing 3 loads of rails from H Tickner's farm in Piiisfield to the jail, clinrged $3 75, and allowed by the com. and passed by the board af $2 50 8 VVm R Perry bill for stalionsry fui-nished Cierk and othors for tho use of the county, allowed by the com and passed by the bonrd nt 31 04 9 N H Ne; bilí for services as deputy sherifT, allowed by the com and passed by the Board at $40 50 10 D H 'Pntterson, bilí for constable fres, allowed by the com and passed by I the Bonrd at$5G 11 E H S)aulding, bilí for serviros ns sheriff, chargednl $110 62,allowed by ',l)e Board at SI 09 62 The Botird pnssed the nccount as allo wed by the com at $109 02 19 .1 T) Andrus, bil! forservices as puty sheriff allowed by the com and pas■sed by the Board at $75 On motion of Mr Vnn Cleve t was Resolved, That a committee be appointfed by the thechnir to visit thejiil. On motion of Mr. Van Cleve it was resolved, that the Liberty party convention have the room 2 o'clock this afternoon. On motion of Ut McLatié, it was resolved, that three mernbers be added to the committee to visit thejail. Tho Chair appointed asollows : 1o visit jail- Messrs. Gillet, Jones, McLanp, Sheldon, Gi-angor and Becker. On motion the Board adj. until 1} o'clock P. M. AFTERNOO.V. The Board met pursuant to adjournment- callod (o order ly the cliairman. On moiion of Mr Pomeroy, the Board adj. uil to-morrow at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of aïlowing the Liberty pany convcntion tlie use f the Court House. Thursday, Oct. 14. Board met pursuant to adj. Present al) tho Supervisors. Journal of yesterday was read and aporoved. The cdaïr faid befbre the Board the lolowing communication : "Ann Arbor, Sept 25, 1847. "Solomon Mann proposes to finish for the counly of Washtenaw, from tweny to thirly cords of good diy wood, cut our feet long and split, to be piled up snugly at or near tlio Court House in Arbor, at the direction of the proppr courtty officer, and for the sum of one dollar and seventy-five cents per cord, lo be delivered at any time afier iwodays notice. Respectfully snhmittetl, SOLOMON MAN." A fter some remarks, Mr Van Cleve moved t!ie following resolmion.vrhieh was adopted : Resolved, Tlmt the chairman of this Board be authorized to contract with some p-rson lo furnish ivood íbr the Cour'. House and Jai], during the coming year, not to exceed SI 75 per cord. Mr Van Cleve, from Ui commitiee on claims, made n report on the following claims : 13. f Murray, bilí for sawing woor1, &c, for Coiirt House, allowed by the commiltee and pnssed by the Bonrd nt $9. 14. A Hawkihs, bill for desk forRrg. ister's office and cot bedsteacls fur jail, allowed by the Board nt 314 ÓO. 15. A S Bagg, bill for receipt book for county cleik's office, sllowed by the commiupa and pussed by the Board at SI 25. 10. G F Rood & Co, bül för books for county court S4(3, and chancerv court $17 25, allowed bv the com. and passeci by the Bosrd at $63 25. 17. G F Rood & Co, bill for books for registe r's o fflce, allowed bv he com. and ptssed by tlie board at JTZ. 18. j R Willcoxson, bill for making seal for ccunty court, by order of the court, allowed by the Board at L■ 5. 19. E Booth, bill for lettejing book for circuit court, allowed by ths com. and lassed by tiie Board at 50 cenls. 20. VV G Tuttle. bill for blncksmithing, allowed by the Board nt SI 50. 21. G F Rood &- Co, bill (br book Tof Probate office, allowed by vhe com. and Dassed by the Board at 821 77. 23. C W Lañe, bilí for attendanre for he purpose of drawing jurors, visiting ail, nnd defending persons befo re the ircuit couri, chargfd $14 63, allowed by the com. and passed by the Board at 8 23. 21. J E Platt, bilí for defending criminal on trial in the circuit court, having been assigned to tliat duty by the courf, charged $10, allowed by the corn. and nassed by the Board at 85. 23. J D Andrus, Lili ior services as onstnble in criminal cises, charged nt $32 05, allowed by the cora, at '27 55, hnving deducted a charg for expenses n addition to travelling fees. The account as allowed by the committee, was passed by the Bon'd. 2G. O Haw k ios, biü for professional services, in assisting Prosecuting Attorney, on the trial of C Chorr, indii-ted for murder before the district court, charged at S75, allowed by the comrnittee nt #55. Mr Van Cleve submitted to ths Poard the fullowing commiinication, which accompanied the above bilí : " To the Board of Supervisors of the Cnunty of Washtenaw : " These services were rendered in Nrvember, 1843. Owing to the decisious ol" the Board of Supervisors, reject'ng similar claims du ring 1839 and '41, the claim was not presented. Judge Miles hnving presented n claim to the Board, lor assisüng tho District AUornev in the of Snyer Ref-ves, and the snme havi:g been rejected by the Board nt the last term, an nppeal was taken to the circuit
court. Tho circuit court allowed Judge Miles $75 for his services in a precisely similar cnse. The rule having been established by a decisión or the circuit courl, a similar claim having been auditcd ond paid, I consirier t no more thnn jiist hal 1 should be paid, bspecinlly in the case that I now prpsent, ns the defendnnt was convicted of raurder in the first degree. For the value of the servicp, and the manner of disc-harging the duty, I refer to Mr. Newton Sheldon, who wasone of the jury in the case, and who is now a member of yow Honorable Board. Should olher proof be necessary, I nm ready to furnish it. Respect fully, o". HAWK1NS. Ann Aibor, Oct. 13, 1847." The question wns decided by yeas 13, nays 6, as follows : Yeas - Messrs. Beeker, Caiver, Conklin, Granger, Howard, Jones, Moshier, McLane, Ppmeroy, Salyer, Sheldon, Van Cleve, Warner, 13. Nays - Messrs. Boynton, Ciippin. Gil let, Haighl, VVliilmore, Yocum, 6. Absent - Mr. Kimberly. 27. J M VVillcoxson, bill for disburte ments, allowed by the commitlee nnc passed by the board at $31 05. Mr Van Cleve also reported the claim of Moses Boylan for $8, for services as a juroron ihe coroner's inquest upon the body of Mortha Mulholland, nnd recom mended that it be rejected. He explain ed the reason that induced the commiltep to make this recommendation. They could find no provisión in the statute pro viding for a compensation for jurors in such cases. The claim was rejected by the board The commiltee reported and recom mended the rejection of a claim of H Clark of $5 for services as a physiciar in attending a coroner's inquest upon the body of Deforest Phelps. T'.;e board o Supervisors having already allowed seve ral bilis of other physicians for services upon the same view. The claim was rejected by the board. The committee also reponed the claim f A M Gould for $25 for a press, fur niahed for the county clerk's office, anc recommended its rejection, for the reason that a second press in the clerk's oflice is unnecessary. The claim was rejected by the board. Mr. Whitmore moved a re-considera tion of the vote by which E H Spalding's bill marked 11, in yesterday's proceedings, for his services as sheriff, was passed at a reduction of ten dollars from ihe original charge, which motion prevailed. Mr McLane moved a re-consideration of the vote of yesterday, by which the bil of J C Harrington, for painting thecupola of the court house was passed, which was reduced six dollars from the original chai ge, which prevailed. Mr. Whitmore moved that the bill of the sheriff pass as originally charged at $119 00, which prevailed. Mr McLane moved thnt the bill of J C Harrington be luid on the table for the purpose of procuring further iiubrmation, which was carried. On motion, the Clerk was authorized to issue a county order for the bill of ü. Havvkins, passed by the board. Mr Gillet, from the com. to examine the jail, made a verbal report, that a majority of the committee had examined the jail and found that building in good order - no repair necessary, and everything needful provided for the comfort and health of the inmates - not only from their own testimony, but from observation and inspection by the cummittee. On motion, the report vas accepted and the committee dL-charged. On motion, the board adjourned until 1 2 o'clock P. M. AFTERNOON. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the chairman. A majorily of the members being engaged upon the Equalizing and Auditing committees, no business was transacted by the board. On motion of Mr Conkün, the board adjourned until to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock.


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