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ÑEW jSATBER STORE. ■■■MWii FWiiri i ja i - '-'%- " -;ÉKTiTjg33.gfaiEjgfc=EíÍEii[ "if siSjg55Lgssw . " f " I' _ijs LA DIJE & ELDRED, (Saccessors to Eldred &, Co.) NO. 8 4 W O O I) W A R D AVENü Ë, ÏÏJDivcctly Opposiíe the Episcopal Chnrch9 AH !2 happy to iuÑirm tlie Inm cusminert of Eldred & Co. and lYe ftnbllc gi-nenil!, ihat ihey hsve uuwun band, m.d a.e cunttanily manufacuiring, a superior artille ut' ïeatfeer5 Alld are sata rivftI8 a Findings. AMOXG THEIR ASSORT.MENT MAY BE FOUND Spanísh and Slaughíer Solé LEATI1ER. De".-, Goat nnd Lamb Binding, Ilemlock and Oak Uper do. Morocco oí all kinds, Harnessand Biidle do. Sime Thread, Tacks, Siarnblcs, Skii-iing and Russet Bridle do. SlioeKnives, Pincers, Hararaers, Belt, Band and Welt do. Boot Curd nnd Webbing, [ I o o and String do. Awls ;ind Br siles, African nnd Slanghter KIP SKINS, Lasts, Boot 'J'es and Crimps, Oak and Hpmioek CALI1' do. Lasting and Senl Skins, Frnch Calf Skins, I Bank, Shore and Slraits Oil, &c. &c. White, Iviisset and Colored Linings, All of wliicli they offer on very reasonable terins. MERCHANTS&MANÜFACTCJRERS Will find it lo thcir advanlage to ca!) and eximine our stock befjie purclinsing elsewhere. CASH PAID POR HI3ISS ASJD S1SINS. DKTROIT, 147. 337-ly NEW ARRIVAL ! nns. BurriNGTON, WOL'i.I) respecimtiy mlorm lur .!ii cusiom ers and the public at lorge, ihai ehc ba roturnsd to Ann Arbor. at tho oíd stand, a linie i the dcput, betweefl Upper ond ' :.:, . i.oie bhe has just icccived front New Yofk, a l-irffe assortment of Milünery and Fancy Dry Goods, Cnnsisting in part of China Pcarl Slraw Btmnets, Tuican, Vclrcl,, nnd evcry otlirr f;is!: tti ot Bonnet that the New Yorn matltet could afiür'. We li v ■ on hanci a Inrae sssortment of uil kinu'e of MILLÍNKRY GOODS. VVe will opply ihosa Millmerswiih Goods w i 10 wieh t h'uy, ujil w; will sell tis i .is ihfv cr. buv ui luw!). :u ttAV6 iSilks. : wei s, ';:pes, Col}ive, Süks 'i o e for Mourning Konnets, Borders, : s. Glive8, Miite, L.ce Caps. Muslinde L oiber anieles tu nunier - 10 memion Wc w.inil s;iy tr the !:íi!ícp. ri'arricd ur single, 10 iuarn the art nf CUTÏIXG LADIES' DRE88E8 BY RULE, weare ready to Innrn in lium three id six luur& to cut to a hair's dreadih, or ni pay. Tlieorein .mi iiisuuctions 2ivm liir THREE UOI.L VhS I. G. BÜFFIUGTON. Ann Arbor, Oei. IJ. 1847, 33Stl STRAYED, " A "OUT the lüih of Aognst, a PS$fci Yf --''eep red cow inclín'"1 [rt ln. ' „ 1_ un au over, but most su un ib ■ TjLB m- ead . Any person givtng any iiiLVi liJ'A"' as to the w'ieto Mioutsol ihe nbove cow shal] le amply remunefated hy i!m s ihs Tile' . 235 -;iw W. LAMBERT. WILLIAM A. RAYM0ND, OF THE QLD MANHATTAN STORE, CORNER OP JEFF'N AVE. AND BATES ST. DETROIT, HS jast received a large and complete aeBorlineQl ot DRY GOODS Broadcloths, Sheeting, Cassirneres, Drillmgs, Satinets, Tickings, Full Clolhs, Bnggings, Twced's Glollis, Plannels, Kentucky Jeans, Linseys, Ainl other articlea in the line of He.ivy Goods, too numerüus to mention. Piair, & Fincy d'Laineá. Prints. Cashmeres. GmuharriS, I'iain & Fanry Alpacas, Lyoneso Cloths, Oregoii Piaids, Orleans Cloihs, Indeed h:s assortment of Dress Goois comprises all t!ie vanety which business demunds. SHAWLS. Of every varieiy. Irom eplendid Brochas and Cashmercs (O henvy, comiurtable hlnnkei Shawls. LIVE GEESE FEATIIERS, By tlie pound or hundred weight. Paper Hiiiigings, Of all qualities and prices. PAPER W1ND0W CÜRTAINS, Of the newest patierns, at wholesale or retall. With n siock as well calculated for ihe country as the city irade. it is confi Ifintly expficted that the repuiaiioa of 'he "Old Minhatun" lor good Gci"d8 al cheap rntesill b6 Inlly sus ainpd. As to tiiat i'uvn. and sixpknnv tk. that we hve old go maoji yoar, it ia har . y necessarv Id s.iy a word ; but ii thisslujuld me; the cye of nny one w!io has nit irie(J it, hr ehouM by all moma in;iko the exiP!-iment. and see Irow greai a savinsr may be nude by patror. tlie Wanhallan Storo. Djtroit, Sept. 25, 1847. 3!7-.mi READY MADE CLOTHING AT 2Hïjoïcsfaïe ov fóetai!, THE subscribers have now on hanc ihe bestaseortment of Keady ITIndc Clotfiing, ever ofïered in ihis Siaie. They havo receivec ;ind iniinul.iciured a large addition to iheir Slock wiihin the past slx weeks, and are fully prepart-t wiih sensomiMe and (ashionnble goods for the fall uadö. Their asgortrnent compriscB every descripuon of garment from fire OVER COATS, C LO AKS, DRESS SUITS, $c. $c. 10 the more siibslaniial and economicul garmcnls t'jr tliü iuiiiicr and luboring inau. -ALSOA large nssorttnent of Furnishing Goods, SÜCH AS Fine & Coarse Shirts, Vnder-Garmenls, Husiery, Coïlars, lioeoms, Stocks, Suspenders, &c. &c. Hoving grentiy nureased their (aciüties for mnnufncturing, iliey are beller prepared than herefofère P r tüe WHOLESALE TRADE. í'urchns'irs al wii les;i]e are invi'.ed to examine t'inr Stock. Thcir g.irmnnts are uf good mnleriola, wvll made, of sulnnlilr sizas aml styles, and will be uAared ai low ratcs. Thanki'ui lor pael luvurs. they solicit a cnminunnre of' public patranage. HALLOCK & RA Y MOND, 3'. 3-tf Cor. Jcii'ii v Y?ooúwtá Avenues. TOOLS. - Carpenter's, Oooper's and Juiuei's Toalfi for sale by :-' 1 B. li & W. II. NOYES Jr. IRE ! FIRE ! ! THE subseriber continjes to act as Agent lor the Harilorrl Kire Insurance Company, of Hariforri, Conneciicut. Tliis Company lias been in bnéineaa for the Uet TUI UT V SiX YEARS, nd promptly peid all losaes duriu2 ihat time. amountini; lo many Millmns of Dcllars. Applications by mail, (post paiil) or to dw suhscriber at ;he Post Office, prnmpily attcndod to. F. J. B. CRANE, Agent. Ann Arbor, luly 30, 1847. 331-1 y NE W "TÏNSHÖP." TUK suliscriber has commencedlho manufacture of Tin, Shest Iron and Coppcr, [ri all iis varions branches, in connecuun with the ;'Anvil Store," and is preared to lurtrsli Country Merchnnls and Farmers with every Ihing in thnt line. JOB WORK AND REPAIRING Neatly and expediiiously rlone. IIÉNRY W. WELLES. Upper Töwn, ) Ann Arhur, Ist June, '47. 292.1y TO RENT. THE ROOM over the store of Bcckloy's & Thomas. Puesession given mmedia'.ely. May 2:2. 1847. Bkcki.kys ft TnOMAi. CaïTand Settle ! THIS is tonotify all persons ndebted to the Ime firma of H arrie, Purtiidge & Co., and H. IJ. Harria & Co., that their notes ire left n the hands pi James B. Gott, Ksq., Justice of the Peace. lor collection As these fi'nis ■iré di,solve.. it is absolutcly nccesaory that iheiroulsmnJing inattcrssbould besettled ns oon is practicable. H. ü. I1ARRIS. Ann Arbor, July 12th, 1847. 325. .'in PAINTS, Oils, Varnikh, Spirits Turpentine, Brushes, St, Pmiy. Glnziers, Dmtnonds, &c. A large stock for ale low nt :i-l MAYNARÜS. DRUGS AND MEDICINES.- The stock ib now cO'npieto, amoilg wliich rjiay be lourid every article wjnted hy families or physicians. Plenac to recojlecl triat evcry article sold hy us is warranted to be genuine. 3i4 MAYNARB3. k NEW COOKING STOVE, AMJ STÖVfcS Üï1 ALL K1.NDS! !!!!! rriHK Subscnbcr wuuld cu!l the atiention uf X. the public w WOOLSOff's .NF.'.V H 'T ir; CQOKrNG STOVEf wbicli thoy can cmifi Icinlv rcfífiiimenil :is Ijcíml' leciJedly superior lo nny conMfng ttove m uso. Paf sniliciiy in operaiion. icomniiy in luel.nnd lor uiiqurilk-rl I). km;; and twmmg qualitiee ii is unrivnled. TIib new mi imporianí improvemeni wrodnwd in ita cansí uciiun being 8nch osio nis'irc great odvantageo over alloiber kinds of coukihg aiove. Tboae dafirous ol getiin? a goo4-oooking siove lor 1,-iiiiily use. r a pi.b u: liiiujie, would do well bycnllini: Hnd fxrtinining the ahavu stove before purcliHiniZ elaewhp a b. & w.a. noyes, Jr;!; 7(i VVonilwnicl Av. mir Hare ware. rïl FI E pubsot hors hnve just tecñived a largfl ndX diniii to iheir stock of Fareign and Incslic Sliell' Hnrdwiiro. wlucli malies üicir oasorimoni very complete. B. B. &. W. R. NOYES .IrJuly 10ih, 1847. 324 NAILS.- 150 kegs Eastorn Nails for for süle by :!■.! B. B. &, W. R NOYES Jr. E. G. BURGER, Dentitf, FIRST ROOM OVER O. M. &S T. Wi ROOT? STORE, JRANE & JE WF.TT's BLOCK, '01-tf ANN ARBOR. GEESE FEATHEHS! PAPER HANGINGS! FlilST RATR yODNQ HTSON TEA AT ONLY FOUR AND SIXI'ENCE PER FOUND ! J5y the way nr one bnys tliis tea once hut buye naam. and becomes u CHS'ornei'. JS'onc bctter for ihepiicecnn be had In Djlroit. WILLOW WAGGONS, T R AV E L I IV G 15 A S K E T S, AND as well as lots ol o her gonés hesidee Dry Gopds may be had very uheap at the ' Uld MSHatTaN Stork,' Delroii. 17 W. A.RAYMOND. -- LH=S o -9 S.S O ,m II, W i Lt n =- te jt al!1 ís" -l 5 Ifflaynards ARE IJV TOWNAGAUv! HA VING removed lo thf(É new store, nhere lliey are rceeivingaiiexuuisiveassortmeni of Drugs, Medicines, Painls, Oils and Groceries, With a smnll, well-selected assortment of DRY GOOD, All of whicli thev offer 10 tlieir old friends nnd new customets at unusual low prices. Anything sold at tlieir store is wnrrnmed to be ol ürsl yuulily. They intent! herc-afier to Keep al most every orticle wanred for faniily use. Ann Arbor. June,'J0. 1847. 323-tf CASH.MARETT AND TWKiODS. A befiutifiil ariiole for Gentlemen' ühmmer vear, just received and wil! be tnanulactured in the latèat siyle and best possible marnier, at the " Western Cloihing Emporium." IIALLOCK & RAYMOND. 313-tt' DETROIT. Cor. JefF. and Wnodward avenues. Sreel CulTivaTor TeeTh. THE eubscriber is ngent for tlic Patent Lteel Cultivator Teeth. and has just received a esh supply, which he will se] at the manufacturer's price. This . inicio ia coming into general use wherever inirodoced, and has received he approbation of the first agriculturists in the United States. Anvil S;ore. Upper Tciwn. flENRY W. WELLES. Anv Arbor, 22d May, '47. '.292.1 NOTICK. rriIIE FIRM heretofte existing un-- der the name of J. Gibson &Co. is th8 iay, liy, consent dissolved, and all perwns indebted to the late firm of J. Gibaon A Co. are requested to cali and eettle the same with J. Oibson, whn is duly authiirized to settle all cora pany debts. before the lst d.iy of November ne.M. or they will find their accounts left wiih a Justice for collection. The business hereafter will je cunducted by Gibson. JAMES GIBSON, E. BOTTSf'ORD. Ann Arbor, Sept. 4th, 1847. Xi:!-"m TI IK FARMERT" COOK STOVE! Something iKlcwy. npiIE subscriber would respectfully cal -- the atten'ion of thoae about purchasinc cook stove to an enlirely new pattern - a supply I iiieh hc is now receiving. They are AIR TIGHT, and have a Summfir Arrangement by which most ol the oulinary operations can be performed with the smallest amount of luei, and without the necessiiy of heating the room. The furniture if perfect and complete, cernprising nearly every kitchen utensil. Tbe patent was procured the pnst winter, and alieady it has become ihe musí popular slove in tbe Easiern Slates. A ful] assortment ol ihe Premium Cook, IJox. and Air Tight Stoves, kept on aale. Coppcr, Tin and Sheet Iron WOltK, in all its branches, dono lo order, and supplies of ware constan tly on hand, HENRY W. WELLS. Anvil Store. Upper Town. 24th July, '47. ' S 3?6 tViflírsT BRO XVTT Attorney fy Counselor at Late, ANN ARUOR, MICIJ. f'FFICE with E. Mondy, Es}. 2!)7-Iy THRESHItfG MACHINES, CLOVSE MACHINES AKD SEPAfíATOKS. TUF, euhserilipr woüld infórm tlio public iliai he coimnucs t nuuiiifneture liie. nlmve rnactiines t ihe od ia id ol Kruipp &. flnvilnnd, ai the Liówer ViHïtgeo' Aiin Arbor, ne;ir ihePapet Mili. The Mochinei ut o ui' approved modale, have been thorotighly t-:s:ec! in tliis viciniiy and woiked weïl. 'l'b' y mr made of' ilie lust innlenalsnnd liy experieuoei] orkincn. ThJ wil! be kepl consta nUy on haird, and iüo be made to or.ler ol the shonrst no iro. '1'licy will desoíd on vciy rcnaonsble lermi for ('nsli.or lor rióles known to le ühsoluit'ly Lood The nlmve Mbcliine can lip used by Ibnr. six or i'iulii horsas, and are nut liable to liu eusily braken or dntnngeH. Tin1) are wefl adapted for the uso ofeilhsr K.-irrncrs or Jnbhers. The SopiUMiois c:in be snacbed lo ony ge.irsd or etrapped machine of nny other kim). Tlie siihscnber vi)iil(] rr'er lo the lollowino; persons wbb have purchns 1 nnd usad liis M;icluiios : Midiid Tliotnpson, Öulem, Alexnnder Doane, " Jnnies ParHer, i( Alva l'nitt, ritisfi -ld, M. A. Crnvnth. " ('li nies Mexander. ' Wm. Poits. Milor.!. Hmkloy & Vinion, Thwford; Martjn Doiy. Vpsilanii, M. P. & '. D. Iladluy, Saline, Wm. Srnith. Cnnion. Isnac Uurhnna, Northiii-ld. Particular Bttantion will be paid to Kkfairs. Cnsli will lio pii'l (or Old Castmgs. Perso?:R riesirous of pucchfising innrliinos nro rcqneeted to cali nnd examine these before purehasin elsewlieie. T. A. IIWILAXD. Mny 17. 31 7tf EPIS'IXft No. 3. THE SUBScr.IIlER SENDETH GRBBT1NG. PERilY'S KOOK STOKE, Opened nnew al No. 2 llavvkins Rlnck, "next door IQ Hill. White & Co. 's Store Ann Albor, Michigan. Let this bc a suílicient notice to all persons using liooks. P.-inrr. Blank Bonkp. School li.ioks, Slares. Quilla, Steel Pons. l'enciis iind statioxkkv. of nny kind, ttiat at Perry's ïlookstore is liie plnca to huy. 1500 PIECES PAPER HANG1NG3, Uonli:ring. Fire rioards. and Siind P,iper. which will be sold clieop f'jr cash, Standard in Miscellanoons louks,suit;ib!e for District, Town ship ;ii)d Faimlv School Inspectora nnJ others interesieü. are i '.o (■■ill and exnmine his npsorfment. - Also, Union Sabbath School books. h large variety. nnd t'nr superior to the $íiíi Libra ry (oth in binding ftnd matter. Also, BrMes, Tesiamenis, Prflyer booka nm Hyrnn booke. Moral, Religious. insiructive and auiusin.suoli as may BQiely be p'it inio iIip lia.'ids of the voung. GOLD l'K.V.-ï. wiih Gold nntl Siiver cases, a superior article. The Bubacriber Ims mnde arrangements in New York which will cnable hinri at all limes to obtain any Miing in bis line direct f rom New York al short nolice, Uy EXPRESS. It will be eeen thathisfacilities. or accomodatin h;s custoniers wiih nrlicles noj on hanH is bcyond precedent, and he is rcady and willing to do every thing renson;ib!e to rrnlie h:s estüblishment suc!i nn one as an enlighteiied nnd discerning coinrnuni'y re fjutre, nnd he hopps H merit a ehnre ofpfltron age, Pereons wishifis; any articlj in h s jíne will do well to cali beftire pnrehneing elsewhere. If yoa forgei the pfoce, enqnire for PERRY'S BOOK STORE, nr, Arbor. Upper Villaje. It s desirable that t should be undersiood tbat persons in the Country, sending cash orders, tnay depend upon receivinii txxiks or stalionery on ns Tavuialile terms as tliotigb present to make the p.urcb.ase. VV. R. PERRY. June 26. 1847. lii.i tf. CïïCiap Jewelry Store 157 Jejerson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and ffietail. THE subscriber bas just returned from New York wiih a large assortment ol' Golrl and Silver Walclies, jowelry, lools, mate rtnls, toyy, musical Instruments nnd fancy good. which he wil] sell nt wholrsale or retail as !ow as nny establishment west of New York. Country Watch Makers and others wantini; any of ilie above Goods will find it t iheir interest to cali,, as they wil! find ilio beet assortinent in the city, ;tnd ut the lnwest prices. GOLD PENS, witb silver holder and pencil $2 Bö. Price Reduced. Gold and Jewelry RFPAIRED 11. B. MARSH. 1 57, Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, ? tíigti of the Gold Pen. 324 C CLARK, Attorney and Counsellor, and Jus:ice aft he l'eaci'. On, re. Couit House Ann rbor y i()tf FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERJNG WAREROOMS. STEVEWS fc ZU, LN thlower end-of the Wnite Ulock. direclly opposite the Michigan Exchanok. hnve on hand a large ossortment of FVRN1TÚRE, of their own manuacture, which they will sell very low for Cnsh They also keep experienced Upholsterers, and are prepared to do all kinds of Upholstering at the shorlest notice. Farn'ture o!' all kinds made to order of ihe best material, and warranled. STEVENS & ZIJG. Deu-oit, Janunry, 1, 1847. 2i)7-ly FOR SALE CHEAP for CASH, or every kind ofcoui: try Produce. Badales,,Harness, Trunks, Valises, Trunlc Valises, Carpet Bags, fyc. Also a líooü assortmem of Whips &. LlêBMt, which will be sold very low, and no mistake. at COOK & ROUINSON'S. Ann Arbor, August 12, 184(i. 277-tf STEEL GOODS! SucseSdft and ÜT y I nt m f n fl s SPLENDID FANS, and any quantity of other goods of this Bort at the OLü MANHATTAN STORE, 317 DctwU. O ff Kegs Albany and Troy Cut iJJ S.ailt lidt.) 6 .ld. 20 Kegs Wrought NailsOdto 12d. 5'J Boxes " Bellevemin " Giass from 7X9 lo 10 X 14. 50 Kegs pure Leadin Oil. 500 Ibs. " dry. 300 Gallons Linseed Oi'l. 20,000 .'eet Pine Lumbi r, seasoned, clear stuff. Together with a ful! assortmem of Locka, Lntches, Bulla. Screws. Winiiow Blind Pasten ings, &c. for sale at wituin a fraction of Detroit prices, at the BIG ANVIL STORE, UPPER TOWN. IIENRY W. WELLS. Ann Arbor, M.irch 18, HJ7. OS T 11 UE SU ING MachinesTilK u.iilersigned would inturiq I he i uí lie tiiat he inanujncturej Uorse Powera a.m Pbreshina, Marliinei ut Scio, ol a ivperiof Kind invenid] uy iiimsell'. Thess Power and Mullirías aro particular)) idapted lo ihe use of Farmers wln wish to üe i lioni lor ttitejhing iheir uwn graift. TIn: power, thrèaherand Mturescan all be loaded imo a ootumon mizciI agón boj and drewn wiili m Kiir ni lioiscs. 'l'liey alo de8ÍLoed lo be usud wiih four horoe. and ïre obundantly stroigfui [bal nutnbrí-. and inay be .rilely npc(j Willi -ix 01 t'ighi nones viih proper care. They ork i'li tessslreni;ih ol hnrgès a'ccorrfíng to thc anioi.nt p( :i!isiií'.ss done ihan ftny ofheí pcñver, ai.rl will 'liresli eonerally abiiui HM) busliols htnt irr iay witli four horsés. ín of.o instnDce [60 íiusliels wln-at wurc threahsd in time liouit wiih lour horsea. Tina Power and Machina coniain all tlicndvanragea necessary to maKe ihem pcpdtabJe to ilio nuirliiM'r. They are Btrong itnd duiahlc. - '['hey are eagily moved from míe place to anulhcr. The work of' ihe ioisos is easy on ilnsc nowera in con purison lo oiljers, and the priee if IjOWKR than .-iiiy ollter power and machine, hnve evèt been i-old in i he Siair. nccordlng to ihe real valué. TJta terina of pnyment will Ik; rBeral lor notes i hut are known to bt absoluiely Hond. I have a nnmlier of Pnvvere and MjcMne 'iinv ready for sale nnd pcisons wishiny iu buy iré inviled to cali soon. SKI'ARATORS. I atn pre pared ro inuke Separators for those who majf want ihem. Tlif! uiility and advamngei of ihie Power and Machine will appear evident tü all on exaniininy 'he rocomnieridaúons beliw. All pe'rpona me caulionod sainst makiog these Powsra and Machints; the unde-íigned liaving adopted the necessary mensures lor secu ring leners patent for the same williio the time required by lavv. S. VV. FOSTER. Scio, Washtcnnw Co., Midi.. June 18, 1340 RKCOMMENDATIONS. During ilie yrar f845, ench óf (he undersigned )lirch;isc(l ;iml ijkpiI cilinr indiviilu.-div 01 joinliv with othera, oi;e ui S. VV. Foster's newly in vented Horse Powers and ihreshing machines. mikI liclicvi! they are beller adapied to the use ot Farmers who wam Powers und Macbinoa for 'heir owu use ttwn any other power nnd threaher within our Imuvvledtjo. 'j'licy me etleulated io le used vili four horseé and are of am])le Btrefigtli (or tiiat nuhiber. They sppear to bc consiructod in such a mam as to rei) der thi'in very durable witii linie liabjliiy of getting out ol oráar. They are eisily moved from one placo lo another. Tboy can he worked wiih any num!erol In. ils froni Tour tu .ahí, a.d wil! lliresli iboi'i 200 busfaels wfioni per day. J. A. POLHESfUSt, Scio, Waslitanaw co. O. ULOOI) " " T. RKJHARD8ÖN, " " SAMUEL IIKALY, " 3. P. FÖSÏER, " N. A. PfIKI.PS, ADAM SMITH, " J M BOWRN, Lima. WM. VV M.X'Kü. Webster. " THOS WARRr.N, D'. SMALLEY, Lodi. " I thresheii last rail and winler w.ih one of S W. Foter'a horse powers. mure ilian lilteen thousnml buslielo grai.q. Tbc repair tagtowed ipon the p'uvrr amounted io onlv 6J .-rit3. and t was in ood orilcr when I had done threshing. 1 invariably u&ed si. horses. AAROX YOITNGLOVK. Marión, June 6, 1846. I purclmsed one of S. W. Foeter's hors lOWers laat l.iil inri have used it Tor jobhing. 1 lave used niany difl'eiPnt kinds of powers ani elieve this is the best running power I hav ever-e". D. S. BÈNNET. Hamburg. June, 18 IC. We pnicb.-.s-d one of S. W. Fostor's fiorrc Powers l.isl tnll, and have usrd il nud hink it is i lirst tate Power. JF.S8R HALLí DANIE.L S. HALL, REUBEN S. HALL. irnmlmrc'. June. 184C. 2G9-if TEETH! TEETHÜ TEETHH! MASTICATION and Articulation, warranted hy iheir being properly re placed. S. D. BUEBirTT, wül continue tlie practice of DhNTSTRY n ill iis varimi8 branche, viz : Scoling. rilling, and Insertjiignn gold platM or pivote. Iroui one [o ati entile sett. Oíd pintes or misiits remodled. and made equn! 10 ncw. ■ OFFICE over C. B. Thompson & Co.'e Slio( Store, Ladies who rtquest it. can be waitcd on at their dwellings. N. B. Cliarpes unu?ually lovv, and all kinds ofPBODÜCE (aken. Ann Arbor. Dec. 5. 1816. 503- tl COiHSTOCK & SEYMLOU1C, Dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Geods, fSoofs AND SIIOÜS, HARDWARE, Crockeey & Groceries, at Na. 3, Porteras Block, South side of the Public Square, 308 JACK SON, M1CH. Keturned TAIIiORING. atNSOBMálM TUK Subseriber is desirou of infnrming lii old customers and ihe public {enerally, tba lie has located himself on Carner's Corner orüisideof the squere, wheie all kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the p r e s e n t f a s h i o n can be done in a ïespeciaule and prompt man ner. P. S. CdTTING donr on the shortest no tice and warranted to fit if properlv made np W. WlLKIfiSON. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. '17f Gold Pens, PRI. CE REDUCED. IT ia aclmitted bv all who use llit m. tlia Piquette's Gold Pens are equal ii not superioi toany ever ofïered n ibis maikci. pric$S,50 For sa'.e whulesale, and reinil at the manuMcto ry, Corner ot Jefferson Avenue &. Grlwol( St., Deiiuit. 814-1 y r Also for sale bv C. BLISS, Ann Arbor. NEW GOODS. BY EXPRESS FR OM KE1V YORK. Fashions. TFIE suliscriber has jnst received n frcsli asForttnent of Sprini oniil Slimmer Gouds and offers them for sale olieip, sucli as Broadchlhs of all descripion ; Salinets and Cassimeres, and every Ihing in tlioPANTALOON Rnd VESTING line, and every articlc usu.illy lound in a JVlerchant TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. Ile is miw prepared t? make and fu nll kind óf geritlemen'o jarments, and woulil iiïndnr li is ilui.ïks to his old cnstotners and ilic pulilic generally, nnd solicita their lavors. 07a G ARMENT S cut lo order al all times. WM. WAGNER, DnAPER and Taiiiití. i Inruil Streel. Soul hof the PUBLIC SQUARE. Ann Arbor. AprU 88, IS47 1 'w the ÏTlari'icd Womaii's Private JVlcdieal CoiEiiHiïaion. Bij Dr. A. M. Mauricruu. PROFESSOR OP D1SKASEH Of WOMEN. 'Tliinl r.dniot. l-'inn. ,, ÜÖO 7Yc ij l OU.] L5,000 C0PIKSS01.0 IN ' MO.NTIIS. The gum deiiinnd lor tlns most importaal vork (of wliicli lliDusnnds are scjlii) luis oompflled ihc iutpfi ofanuilier cjilion. Il i nii n ; ■■', . ■petifllly fot ihe iiKiniei). u r discJoret mpvnaol teemt : whi( h alunild be knovn 10 lliem partkaiiarly.- Uerc evi-ry Icrnale Cdii tliauover the cnust.svuip toma, qikI tbc most stflcient remedida and niosi ceriarn i::ode ol cure, in every coinpiaim v wbicli lier se.x is sul j el, Married femnles will here leorn ilic ari w(jere!iy thcy would rcain their youili, vigor, l:iuiy. clnsiiciiy ol' IkmIv. .-uk! buoyahcy oT epirit to on nrlviiiiccül ni;i, iiwciul of bcing offlicfeJ, ns hundiods and thouiHodi ure, iiro whuao hands tllrie )ouk has ii)t yet fallen. Itisan important qiiestmn lo the married why it is lint we behold bo roony married feinales sic-kly, debilitaled, and prötraierl1 ns also ihe causes; and wliether they ere susceptible oí rom edy. They wiil here find tlmsc inipnriiiiH matters, connectcd with dipcnveries in medica! and priyaioroficnl seience, which meet this quusiion. Tiiis woik is ilcsiincd to be in lbo liaurls Ol every wife and muther whohas a regnrd for her vvri iH'altli and wultare,. as well as ihat of he' husbnnil. I iie revelntions eontained in lis pnres have already proved w blissing to thuucamli. To those yet uninarrieil, bui onntemplating marringe, or. peilmps, licsit-ning neto the po prietyof nenrring tlie responsib.-Inies aitrndant upon t. tlie imporinnce ol lieinc posses-sed o1" the reve'.ations eonuimed n these intimatt Iv invulving thcir future happiness, cannot be appie ciated. II is of course impnssible to ronvey more fnllv. in n pubH! jmnnal, the various stibjecl treatcd ol. ;:s they nro of a nauire strictly htended fór (lts m;un'l or those contcmplating tnairiaie; nel ihcr is it nccessary. sinec il is ev?ry one's du'v lo lecoine ptissessed ol" knowiedge, whereby tli btidoringa to whicli a wife, a moiher. or a sisici mny l)e subjort, bp obviafed. Copies icill bc sent liy mallfrec nfposlage. Over ten ihousand copies h.ive been sent by m:iil within tirie tnomhe, wiih perfeel safetj irid ceit'inty. In no case lias a remittanci Tailed to reach t!ie publisher, or tiie book tliose to wiiom t h;is been direclei). On the recfipt of One Dollar, tjie ' Murrui Woninn'i Private Medical Compenbo" will l„ sent free of pogtagé to any pari of 1 do Unitei) P'ates. All leners must be oddressed (poe pnid 10 Dr. A. M. Maurrcesu. lio 1224, New V,rk Ciiy. Publiihing Office 129 Libeity slrcet, N York. f'jr sa!e by al! i!c principal Bookeller in tlie United States, Agents in Detroit. C MOIIPK &SON; Ypsilnnti, E. 8AMSON ; Ann Arbar. W R. PERRY. Perry's Eookstore. 27-3:n. CLOTII, CLOTÍIl ! fTUIE un,if;rsianed would inform the pubüt -L tht tliey will cjnt:ie lo manufacturo Pulled Cloth, Camimiere and Flnmicl. ni thci; Pactory, two and n Kalf miles est Irom Ann Arbur, on Unron Rivcr near ihe Itaiifoud. Tsniyrs -. The prire of tmluns ciuili will he for ri!mere, 44 cis. per yard; l'.ir Fuilcd ilöth, :!7J cis ■ yard ; for white F-iannel, "2(1 cis. per yaid We will also e.vehange cloih lor wou) "n n nson alilr torms. Wooi sent by rii]ni:id arc.jnipnniei wilh ins!ruc:ions will be p.omplly aiicided t. We hüve d.ine an exiensive business in nnnufictnrina cloili for ous'omers for sevrral and believe we pive 03 good smisliiciion as an Establis-hment in the Stste. We ihereíire invit our old cusloiners 10 couiinuc, and new ones M conie. Letters should be addiessed !o S. W. Fostei & Co., Scio. S. W. FOSTT.R & CO. Srio, April. 1S47. 313-lf. New Establishment. CLOCKS, WÁTCHES, AND TH F. subscriber would respectl'ully announcr to ihe citizens of Dexter and viciniiy thai lie has opened a shop n the above placo, in tlu GOfaer More. fbrmwly knuwn as ' Shenerd's"; lu'io he is prrpared to do ai.i. KINDS of repair i'ig n the line of clooks. watches. jeweliy &c, n the shortest notiee. Hoving harl al'out twi-lve yenrs experienee in snnie ol ihe beat Koeierri s!k ps, he flatters himself that he can givp tnfiri satiaction to all ihose who mny favor him with their wolk. He has and isconetamly rceeivinp. clocks, watcbe. and jpvvclry ot all descnptiins. which he will scll as cheap as the cheapest. W. W. DEXTER. A L S O GROCERIES "f all kinds: S'K'h as, Tens. Sugars. Molassos. Riiins, Coffee, Poppers. Spice. Fish. Candies, T.iliacco, ("ignrs &t:. Ac. And in fafil KVKRTraiNG usnally kept ui sueh an estabüshmpnt(l,i'i v m ErCKPTïD) constantly on hand and f'or salí cbeap. W. W. DE.YTKR v Co. Dextkr. Marcli 6, 18J7 312 il Hat, Cap, A N D GENTLEMEN ' S FURNISHING EMPORIUM. T. H. ARMSTRONG, HAVIia taken the Stand Ba 5, Woodard Avenue. 3 duors nortli of Doly'a Auulion Itoom. reccntly occiipicd hy .1. (!. Crfins. as a Hat Siore ; and added the slock of the lalter I his own, and also engageti in nianuluciurinfi every description of BATS tf CAPS, lic is now prepaied to offer to the Pulilic even article in his line, eilher of lis own or eastern manufacture, twenty five por cent less than have been t.ffeied in tl'.is inarket. In his slock will be fonnd Fine Nutra. Satín Beaver, Beaver. Otter. Ri.ish an' Sportina Ilats. Fine Cloth. Slik. l'lush, Oil Silk and Velvet Caps ; also, Rich Silk Crava.s. Scarfs, flandkercheifs ; Kid. Thread. Silk. uui Buckskin Gloves ; Col lars, Büsoins. VValking Canes, Umbrcüas, Ac. T A 1 L O R I N G . The Subscribor bas also securod the services if a llrst ra:p Practical Cutter. by which h will be snaMod to furnish arments of ever; siylennd descripliim, and in ihe most approvod and Kialionatüe marnier, lip is const.intly receivmg the alest fnshions, and. cmplnyinir the best of workiicn. he is confident that be will give the bc?t of mtisfaction to all may favor hiin wjth their latronage in this branch of his business. :i!0-if CQAP Spiio,r THowCANDLES O alwayson hand vcry cheap it !-' MIY.VVRW fittn .flrbor Tilr öutjsci iter liaving p'ui'chubou int. niteresis of J. M. Rookwcll in the 61.-irl.lo Busineaa, would iniorni ïhe inbnbi'anis oí tliis nd ndj i i ) i n n counlle. iha. lic will continue the busine 8 01 the olil stand, in tiio Upper 'J'uwn. ihe Prcsbyieriíin Chnrch. and manufacture to order : Momtment, Grive Slones Paint Slone, Tableta, -c. Sfr. Th ose wishing ti ohtütn any nrtirTe in h is line i) f hu si ncts will tind hy ca! Il lig tlmt h e ha? aw aasortii.iiit of White nnd Voriegated M-irble hom tlu KnBtcm Mnrtile Qunrrine. whtch wiFi be wrougtn in Modern style, and sold at castern prii:es. sJiling Iratispol (ation only. f'.ill and gti iheproof, W. F. SPAULDINGS. Aun Arhor. Jnn. Hf). 1-17. 27a y CLOCKS AND WATCHES.' JKfi rjil F) Snliscribcrliiis jui-t 'l"fc"V -v _L received, (and 8 conJHO-J stamly reeeiving) froui v JK&I ew York on elegant ai-ti I jfjfia vvu" 6e'ecle(' asEorinieiit Jcwelry, Eíocls, Wafclics, Sic. &c. ivhich hi inieiuis m gril as "ir is ai a y oüie establishment ilus side 01 Bulïiilo lor reailij pay oiilij among wt.ich may bc ouml tlittollüw iii: n goöd aiAurtmenl pi Gold Finger Kings. GulclUrons' pins.Wristlc! Gaard Choins and Keys. Silvt-i 8puons, Gerni3n Siiver Xea inil Tuble SpeoTB (firft qnnliiy.) Silv i ai .: Gi rman du Sugar Tongs, Siiver S ili.Wufinrriand Cienm iuuudf, Butter Kun is. Gold and Bil ver I'encil Cases, Gild l'ens. " ' l'encüs, Silvrr and Germán Pilver Tliimhles. Siiver Spectaclea, Getmi and Siecldo. Goggles, Qlothes, liair and Tontli Brushes, ijriiljci limsh's. Ií.izoi nnd Punker Knives. Fine SIiími nnA Soissore, Knivcp and Forksj Britinnnia Tea Puts and Csïlors, 1 laicd, Prara, fin I Brittanio ( landlcstli l.s. Sijuíltit ti. Trays, Shavinj boxes nnd Spope. niinpnian's Bfst Rhzoi Strop. Cnlland J'orocco Wallets. Si!k and Cotïon puïwb. Violtn and Bows, Vioün and B'ns-s iil Stiincf, Kluies, '"ifes. Clarionejfh Accordfonp- JWueic Loil-s !nr tl'' eine, Multo t-'crls. Sti-el Pena oi.d ïweizns. Pen eat-eg. Pnufi'and Tolacc bo.c-. Evftry l'r isaíns Comba. Sidc and Ii.'r-k nnd l'rckot (yombs. Nectjleoasca. Stel 'i't s. Wou i Pnints nnd I! uuhes, "'■v Waiches, .1 greal varicij of ;) dia. in shori ;lie srrcatest variily rif mys ever Uro'.ifilit ro tljis morket, Faricy worl; toxc f. cliüIüii's toaaotts. Coloene Haij Oils. Snellinír SnltSi Conn Piaster, Ten Polls. Tlrermometet. Oerrnnn Pipe. VVood Per.cil. ERAíS AM) VVOfi!) CLOOKR, $.0. in fnoi nlmost rvrry [hing to piense ilie fancy. Ladics and Gmtlenen, cnll and exanrino for yoiirpclvcp. Cioeks. r;iic'ips rm.l .ipweliv repsirfi and wnrrnted on tliort DOtioe. Phpp at liis old -i:in.!. nppufiir II. Pc Uit's brick Siore. in tlie Store occupietl by M. Wbcp'er OALVTN I3MPS. N. B. - Cncli nnid fnr old Gold .t Kilvcr. Ann Arbor. Jiily lst,184li. P?1-lv HPHE SUBSCRIBE!! has received his winter Btock. which heoflera lur Cash. it greatly reduced primes. The I'üMie rtre invited lo cali, examine, and .■ tbenrselves, INovv ou band, md dai!y iddiüg SCPAS "i evéry variery and paitern, md Uiu laieat tashion. pnces Irono $30 ond up.. .:.!.. DIVANS, OTTOMANS, LOUNGJiS, UUREAlS. ol all kinds, frpm 1 and up. Cen'rt'. i';u.l, Taa, l)r.-5, l'icr. Diiung. and Ni'si Tablea. N':i!i. Ciindle, nnd roiletSlamlí. Bedsieads- Mitiogany, Maple, and VVilnut, Iroiu $2 and up. Piano Pones ; Pinno Covera ; Piano Stools. Doublé and finóle Mitreese ol liair. sliuck, palm leaf, or uraw, Doulilo atnl single Col Bi!stea(-'s. do do Wriling Desks. CHAIRS. - Tlie best.ifsoitmeni ili;it can be found west oí New Yok and t lic cheapesl in ■ nis city. injsor Chairs. a good nnicle, ai $2 50 the sett. Mahogany Frppoh Chaira, fruir sea t, a firsl rafe anide, and well finihed lr $:! 5Í). C;ish only. Mahogany Rocking Chaira, bairresi and back, warrnnted goed, ai the luw price of $12, for the ruA onlv. Flbg an.í Cañe Pent from Ce. and t'p. Hird Q.tsi's. plain ;ind gallery : 3ird Glauses. ílobliy H orees, and Toy V licclliarrows, for children.f Patenl Bho,wei and Ilip Baths ; Boston I?:ith Pan. Camp S;ools. Uinbrella and Hat Stands. Fanc) IJcMows. Fooi Scrapers. Cañe S .■■!' ( !oonter and Boel Atoóle. Cunnin material, Tabcovpr, Pten( I'nst-Oftice Baljncep. l'icture FrattiOP. illow W'auons. Cradli-s, (haire, Clocks. and Caí-kets ; ISrittannia Table Castore, veiy cheap. J. W. TILLMAN, No, 87, JetY:' onAvenue. Delroit. .Isnuary 1, 1847. 2!I7-Iy TOWNSENDS SARSAPARILLA. We hive i he Vln)lesate ngeney of this insily celebríKed medicine. Two yross iust rebeivod. 324 MAY.N'ARDS. BRICK. - We have on hand 300,000 fii qnnliiy Bride, and prepared to turnisli any quantity waowd, very low for casb. 3'4 MAYNARDS. FARMERS! ATTENTION L%f DOZ. Blood'sCradieScyihes, 90 " Blood's Ginss " 16 " .If-nk's ' " 10l Burneti's, Kogers' & Curliss' Cradles, 100 Lüinson'e (niss Scythet, 10 doz. 'l'ower's Hoes, 1000 Ibs. Coi! Chain from 3-1G lo 5 8 in. 40 Log Chains. Ilay Koivea, Buth Ilooks, Hay, Unrley, and Manurc Furks. md all otlinr Fafmiag Uiensils. just ipeeivcd and or süle at Detroit prieel at the Anvil Store. Uu)eiTown. HKNRY W. VVEL1.I S. July Ist. 1617. 25 ir TONS"Swfide?rÏRÖN, J 10 " 'Juni:iiii" do. ! ' "Hem" rfoi Pogtther wit h a tull and complMc :issorimrnt of ron, Steel, Cnrringe Tiinimingí, ilacksmiih'. ihd Waggon Maker's Trtols, just icceivcd nt tlie nvil Slöre, Upper 'J'own. HKNKY V. WJBLLiS. JuIyl.Tlr. 3-5


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