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'í'he Barnburner section of the Ñew York Democracy are to liold a mass meeting at Herkimer on the 2Gih inst., to declare in nn emphatic mnnner, their principies ; among the rest, their adhérance lo the Wümot Proviso. Gen, Taylor's last politica! letter tliat we have seen, is addressed to Dr. Brown of Charleston, South Carolina, and the following is the clösing sentence ; ' I have nevar cxcrciscd the privilege cifvoting ; bul had I been called upon at thn last Presidential election to do so,I should most certain!}1 bave cast my vote for Mr. Clay." A Bereaved Widow. - Mrs. Hoffmari of Bahimore, lost her hunsband while he wasserving his country n Texas íess than two years ogo, in the capacity of Lieut. Col. to the 6th infantry. In the winter of 1844 she lost a son, Lieut. A. T. HolFman, of the 2d infantry, (vho died of a dise'níe contracted fthÜe serving in Florida'. At the battle of Churubusco her youfigest and favofrite child was killed, whÜe serving in the Ist United States Artillery, in fhe capacity of Lieuienant. ín the same engagement she has another son wounded, Capt. Hoffmah, of the 6th infahtry, whö is reprêsënted as possessing superior attainments as an oflïcer and i gentleman. - Buffalo Express. Harvest wirhÖut PreviouS Sowííig. - In the Schnellpost we find nh account of a method of compelling the wheat plant to become perënnialj like grass, and to perfect its grains innüally without annual sowing of seed, IVhich hitó been successfully practiced at Con!(dnc5 in Germany. It was discoverëd by the steward of an estáte riamed Heril. Mis method, after ploughing and mariiiring the land, and sowing il with Summer or Winter Wheat, is to mow it in the spring before the ear rriakes its nppearancio. This process is repeated several i times in the senson, and the product is used as hay. 't he plant is thpii aílowed lo grdw nnd be ent in thé o'rdinary manner. Tlië nèxt year it ripens earüer and bears rfiore abundantiy than wheat trèated in the Usual mannër. It is manu f ed in the autumn üke grass in thé meadow, and in the spring cleared from weeds. In this manner, frorn one field four successive harvests have been gathered. The Central Railroad Company have, with their usual alacrity and generosity, presented the widow of the late engineer who was killed a few weeks since, on the road, five hundred dollars. Sucl a spirit on the part of the officersof any company is a dpbd wor'.hy of record. - Subscrintions are in circulation thrdughoutthë line of road iri her behalf, nnd we understand aboüt $300 more is ajready subscribed.- Free Press. Arhong the nu'merous ingenioüs inventions of the present day, is a noiseless wheel for carringes, patenled by Mr. Andrew Smith, of Eugland, galvanized iron and wire rope manufacturer. The siIerit properiies of this vtheel are not obtainèd at llié expense ofnppearancès, riof by any additions which detract from the elegant appearancè of the vebiclè. The tire is comoosed of nümeroiis Iayers of galvanized plato Jron lapped togelher, and then regalvanized in the mass, and which, whén rdnning" over the sto'rie3 makès rio moré noise than if running on a surfáce of lead. The navo or box ó: the wheel is lined with an elastic sub stancè, which makes a perfect stuffing box, and thus prevenís any noise from iho axle ; and on the whole must be an im portant ad.Jition to the comfort of omni bus and stage passeDgers. So says the Scientific America. The Ásiatic cholera' is áaid' lo be trnvel'ling hithcrvvafd agnin. It has full swing in the tcfwñs and disíricts odjoining ttie sea of Azof, áncf is fapidly ad. váncing fdwsrds Poland. The au;horties of WaYaav frave rilready bien engaged in building hoSpilaís. tíov. Shunít's present majority frí PD'nnsylvnnïa, is 14,11'! Tho boftom lino cannot yet be give'n, ns the Pennsylvania vokinleers in Mexico are alloweáby he'r ísíws ío and the result hvs hot yet airive'd frorrt Chuí-übiJsco.Tö-tAKE (AxOf of LlsÈs.- Toko a piecé of mould candió, comrrícfn candle will do néarly as welf, melt it, and dí thè Spotted part of th'o Iinen into the mèlted tnllow. It mny then be washed and lie' spots will disnppear, without injuring tlié linen. Á nèï mode of dispersing mobs has befen diícovertíd out west; which is snid to supèrccdè thè necè'ssiiy of rrtilitnry forcé. IÍ is; to pn9S round a contribution box. QJ Greely, of the ïf. t". Tribune, saysof the rësult of the oleciiön in Michigan- " Of Caurse, the state is gone, as usual. So much for the policy of having the tfrhig Stale organ ediled by a volunteer nf tie Meticati tt'tff."


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