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íñ-ew: IiEATHER BTOUE. LA DIÍE & ELDRED, (Sticcessors to Eïdred &, Co.) N O. 8 4 WOOÜWARD AVENUE, Directly Opposiie the Episcopal Church ARE happy " inform the Inte custoniers of EMrcd & Co. nnd tjie pr''Kc ncrul', ihat ihcy luvc uuw on liaud, aüd are cjiislanüy mauuractuiing, a tupuïiur amele uí Eieather, AnJ aro SrSa :viD! a Findings. AMONO THEIR A88ORTMENT SIAY BE FOUND Spanwh an.) Slaughter Sule LEATHER, Deer, Goat nnd Lamb Binding, Hemloch and Oak Uiper do. Morocco of all kinds, Harnessand P.i-idlc do. Shoe Tlnead, Tncks, Sparables, Skirting and Russet Ei-idle do. Shoe Knives, Pincer?, Hammers, Relt, Band and Welt do. Boot Cord and VVelibing, Horse and String do. Awls and Biistlcs, AlVicnn and Slaughter KIP SKINS, Lasts, Boot Tres and Crimps, üak and Hemlock CALF do. Lasting and Seal Skins, French Caif Skin?, Bank, Shore and Straits Oil, &c. &c. White, Russet and Colored Linings, All of whieh they offer on very reasonable terms. MERCHANTS &MANÜFACTCJRERS ■Vill fiid it lo Iheir advanlage to caW ond eximine our stock befjre purchasing elsewhere. CASH FAI9 FOR IIIDES AND SKINS. DETROIT. 1S4T. 3:37-!y NEW ARRIVAL ! OTÉIS. BUFFIÏïCÏTOEi, WOULD respectluliy mlorm br ü!d cuslom eis and [he public at Inrce, ihat the has reinrned to Ann Arbor. at tbe oid stand, a iittle above the depot, between Upper and Lower TowB, wheie the hus just reecived froni New York, a hrge assorlineni of Millinery and Fancy Dry Go o ds, Consisling in part of China Pearl Straw Bannets, Tuscan, Velvet, Salín, and every other fashum of Bonnet that the New Yoni market could afforci. We have on hand n large aasortment of all of MILLÍNERY GOODS. We will supply ihose Millinerswith Goods who wifh to buy. and we will sell as cheapas ihey ca'i buy in lown. We have Silks, Satina. Ribbons, Piumes, Flowers, Capes, Collar?, Silks mode for Moorning Bonnets, Borders, Heail-Uresses. Shocs. Glove, Mitta, Lace Caps, Muülin de Lames, and other anieles too numermis to mention We uould say to the ladie. ïiiarried or single, if ihey wish 10 learn the art of CUTTING LADIES' DRESSES BY RULE, weareready to lo.irn in from three to eix houre lo cut to a hair's dfeadth, or no pay. Theotein and instructions givrn for TH REK DOLLAliS MRS. C. BUFFLNGTO.V. Ann Arbor, Oct. l, 1847, 338tt STBAYED, gefíKgKtíS A BOUT the lflth of August, a flB XjLdecp red cow inclined lo briuUkwHRV die alt over, but most so on tli ttfTm mfflmm lad. Any person giving any iii.oiiii.ii, uu as to tbe whcre abouts (.1 the above cjw shnll be amply remunern'ed by the snbscriber. 335-3w W. LAMBEftT. WILLIAM A. RAYMOND, OF THE OLD MANHATTAN STQBE, CORNER OF JEFf'n AVE. AND BATKS ST. DETROIT, HAS just reeeived a largo and complete aseorlment of' DRY GOODS Broadcloths, Sheetings, Cassimeres, Drillings, Satinets, Tickings, Ftiil Cloths, Raggings, Tweed's Cliilis, Flannels, Kentucky Jeans, Linsey8, And other anieles in the line of Heavy Goods, too nuinerous lo mention. Plain & Fancy d'Laines. Prints, Cashmeres. Ginghams, Plein & Fancy Alpacas, Lyonese Cloths, Orejón piaids, Orleans Cloihs, Indeed lis assoriment of Dress Gooris comptises all t!ie varieiy wliich businrss demands. SHAWLS. Of every varieiy. from 6plendid Brnchfis and Cashmeres to heavy, comforttible bl;mkot Shawls. LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, By the pound or hundred weight. Paper Hang-in, Of all qunliiies and prices. PAPER W1ND0W CURTAINS, Of the newest patterna, at wholésaie or retall. With n stock as well Cülnulatcd lor the country kb tlie city trade. it is ooflfidcniljr expected that the reputaiion of 'he ■t)ld Minliattnn" for good Good8St cheap rntes will be fully sus'ained. As -to that four as sixpesny tka. th:it we have sold so many years, it is hartly necessarv to ay a word ; but if' tlrs should meet the eye of any one who has nol tried il, he shoulil by all meanx make tbe exporiment, and see how great a savin may be inad by the MonJialtan Store. T)ciroh. Sent. 20. 1817. JI7-6m READY MADE CLOTHING AT THE subscribei-s have now on hand lhe best assorwnc-nt ui Ready iV2ai Clothíug', ever offered n this Stntc. They have rjeeiverl and manuluuturcd a targe nddttioh lo iheir Stock wnljin the .ast six weeks, and are fully prepared with seasonnhle and fashionnble goods for tlie la 11 tradc. Their ossor tinent co in plises eveiy de- scripnon of garment from fir e OVER CO ATS, CLOAKS, DRESS SUITS, 8fc. &-c. to the more substaniia! and economical garmeiits for lhe farmer and laboring man. -ALSOA large nssortment of Furnishing doods, SL'CH AS Fine & Coarse Shirts, Vnder-Garmenls, Hosiery, Collars, lioaoms, Stoc'cs, Suspenders, &c. &c. Ilaving greatly increased their facilities for nianul'actunnj. they are better prepared tlian heretolbre f r the WHOLESALE TRADE. Purchasers at wlmlesale are invited to examine their Stock, Their garments are of good materials, well made, of suleable sizes and etyles, and will be oflered at low rates. 'J'hankful lor past favors, ihey solicit a continuance of public patronage. UALLOCK & RAYMOND, 318-if Cor. Jeff'n & Woodward Avenues. TOOLS. - Carpenter's, Cooper's and Juiner's Tools for sale by 884 Ii. 1!. & W. R. NOYES Jr. TIRE ! FIRE ! ! THE subscriber continjes to act as Agent for the Harilord Fire Insurancr Company, of Hartford, Connectinut. ThisCornpany has been in business for the last TIliRTY SIX YKARS, ond promptly paid all loases durinj ihat time. amuunting to many' Mülions of Dollars. Applications uy mail, (post paid) or to the subscriber ai :he l'ost Office, prompily atttnded to. f. J. B. CRANE, Agent. Ann Arbor, July 30, 1847. 331-1 y NEW : T IN""SHÖPT" TUK subscriber has commencedihe manufacture of Tin, SHeet Iron and Copper, [n all its various branches, in conneciioit with the "Anvil Store," and ís prenrcd to furnish Country Merchants and Farmers wílIi every thing in that line. JOB WORK AND REPAIR1NG rieatly and expediiiously done. HÉNRY W. WELLES. Upper Te n , Ann Arbor, IstJune, '47. l 292,ly TO RENT. THE ROOM over the store of Beckley's & Thomas. Poesession given immedia'.ely. May Ü, 1847. Hkcki.kys Sc Thomas. "Caifand Settle! THIS is tonotify all persons indebted to the late firma of Harria, Purtridge tt Co., and H. JJ. Harris & Co., that their notes are left in the handsot James IS. Goit, Esq., Justice of the Peace, for cullection. As these firma are now di-ssolveJ. it ia absolutely necessary that their out8!anding mattersshoidd be settlea as soon aa practicable. II. B. IIAIIRIS. Ann Arbor, July 12th, 1847. 325,3nj PAINTS, Oils, Varnish, Spirits Turpenüne, Brushes, Glas6, Putty, Glaziers, Diamonds, &c. A large stock for sale low nt 3-.M MAYNARDS. DRUGS AND MEDICINES.- The stock is now complete, uinong which may be found every article wanted by families or physicians. Picase to recollect that every article old by us is warranted to bc genuine. 321 MAYNARDS. NEW COOKING STOVE, AND STOYES O'S ALL KINDS!!!!!! rriHK woulJ íall the mención of I _1_ the public l'j WOOI.SOx's NKW HIT 1111 COOKINK STOVK, whicli iliey c;in oohfi lonily reeommend os being decideffly superior 10 èfny eookinjj ime in use : fV' simplicny in nperation, economy in fuel.nnd lor unc qu:i litï'l baking and roasttng qualitieB il is uiirivnleri. Tlie new und important imprnvcmem imrodiiued in Is const uctiun heilig snch ;ts to iusurc gtenl advaauigt's over all uthcr kindë of cooking stoves. l'b'isi: iIi'ïimus ol gen ing. n good cookin stovr für faniify use. or a public! house, would tio well by calima and Jtiminilig the above eiove befare purchaung elswhora. B. li. Sc W.R. NOYES, .Ir834 7(5 Woodward Avenue Hartïware. TM E sub.-cribors have jusl rnoeivoti a larjze addition tg iheir stock ot' Foreign aira Dinestio Shelf Hoidwore, whicli maltes iheir asiortment vcry complete. B. 1$. & W. R. NOYES .IrJuly 10ih, 1847. 324 NAILS.- 150 kegs Eastern Nails for for sale by 324 B. B. & W. R NOYES Jr. E. G. BURGER, Denlist, FIRST ROOM OVER O. II. & T. W. ROOT's STOKE, JBA.VE & JEWETT'S BLOCK, '261-tf ANN ARBOR. GBESE FEATHBBS! PAPER HANGINGS; FIRST RATE YOUNG HYSON TEA AT O.VLY FOUR AND SIXPENCE PER l'OUND ! By the way no one buys this tea once but buys ngain, and becoines a cus'omer. None better ior tlie price can be had in Detroit. WIL LO W W AG GONS, TravelingBaskets, and afa well as lote oí oiher gonds besides Dry Goods may be had very cheap ai the ' Ol Mimiattan Store,' Detroit. 17 W. A.RAYMOND. j= J. 5"g e: = 2 S3.S Z Iffiaynards ARE IiV TOWNAGAIJi! HAV'ING removerl to their new store, where they are receiving anexiensiveassortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Groceries, With a smal!, well-se!ected assortmcnt of BRIT OOI), All of which thev offer to their old friends and new customers at unusual low priees. Any. thing suld at their store is warranted to be o first quality. They intend hercafier to keep almost every article wanted for family use. Ann Arbor. June 30, 1847. 323-tf piASHMARETT AND TWEKDS. A V_y beautiful article for Gentlemen's shmmer ivear, just received and wjll be manufnetured in the latesl slyle and best possible manner, at the " Western Cloihing Emporium." HALLOCK & RAYMOND. 318-if DÍTRO1T. Cor. Jeff. and Woodward avenues. STcel CulTivaTor Teerh. nHE subscriber is agent for tlie Patent Steel -L Cultivator Teeth. and has just received a rrushsupply, which he will sell at the manufacturer's price. This ariicle is coming into general uso wherever inirodnced, and has received lie approbation of the first agriculturists in the United States. Anvil Store, Upper Tnwn. FIENRY W. WELLES. An Arbor, 22d May, '47. i9á.l NOTICE. THE FIRM heretofore existing uniler the name of J. Gibson &Co. is this day, by mutual, consent dissolved, and all persons indebted to the late firm of J. Gibeon & Co. are requesied to cali and settle the same with J. Gibsor., who is duly áuthorizedto setile all com pany debts, before the lst day ol'November next. or they will find their accounts lefl with a Justice for collection. The business hereafter will be conductetl by Gibson. JAMES GlfiSON, E. BOTTSFORD. Ann Arbor, Sept. 4ih, 1847. :i:i:i-3m THE FARMER'S COOK STOVE! Something NewrIIIE subscriber would respectfully cal -- the atten'.ion of those about pureíiasina cook etoves to an emirely new pattcrn - a supply ui whieh he is now receiving. They are AIR TIGHT, and have a Summc.r Arrangement, by which most oí the culinnry operations can be performed with the smallest amount of fuel, and without the necessity of' heating the room. The furnitnre is perfect and complete, comprising nearly every kitchen uiensil. The patent was procurcd the past winter, and already it has become the mosi popular stove in the Eastern States. A ful] assortment of the Premium Cook, Box. and AirTight Stoves, kepton sale. Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron WORK, in all its branches, done to order, and supplies of ware conBtnntly on hand. HENRY VV. WELLS. Anvil Store. Upper Town, S4tb July, '47. 326 Wl. BBOWIV, Attorney Counselor at Law, ANN ARBOR, MICH. ('FFICE wiih E. Mundt, Eso.. 297-ly THRESHING MACHINES, CLOVEH MACHINES AND SEPARATOKS. TUK eubseriber wouhl inform tlie public tliat In1 rniuiuiics to mnniilncture tiie above mnclniies at thn old sla id of Knnpp & Haviland, ai the Lowèr Viliageo' Aflñ Arbor, near t lic Paper Mili. The Machines ure of approvcd modelo havuhcrn tborpughly k-s'.eu in ibis viciniiy and worked wvIL Tht'ynro made ot tbc best iiairnals nnd by exper.enced workmen. They will l".o kept constnntly on hand, and also be made t" order ot the shortest no'.iee. Thcy will be so'.d on very reasonnble terms for Cash, or (or notes known to be absoltitely goooV TIve nbovu Mi'Chiries can lie used by fonï, six or fiyrlit horses, and are not liable to be e.isilv hroken or damaged. Thpy are well ailapted for ibe tise ofeiiluT renners or Jobbers. The Separntors can be attachod to my gearsil or strapped machine of any othnr kind. The subscriber would reter to the following persons whb have purchnscd and hs'mI bis Machines : Michnel Thompson, Salem, Alexandor Doane, " James Parker, " A Iva Pratt. Pilt.-fi-ld, M. A. Crnvath. " Chirles Alexander, " Wtn. Poits. MU.'brd, liinUley & Vinton, Thriford. Mnrtin Doty. Ypsilanti, M. P. & A. D. IJadlcy, Saline, Wrn. Sini th, Cantón. Isnac Ilurlinns, Norihfield. Particu'ar Qtlintion will be paid to Rkfairs. Cash will be pnid for Old Castings. PerwHM desirous of purchasing machines are reqi'estetl to cali and examine these before purehasing elsewhere. T. A. inviUND. May 17, 1S47. 317tf EPIS1 rLKKÖ787' TUK SÜBSCRIBER 8ENDETH GREET1NG. PERiiY'S BÖÖK STORE, Opcncil ancw at No. 2 flawluns filocli, nexi door lo Hill, White & Co. 's Store Ann Albor, Michigan. Let tbis be a sufiicient notice to all persons nsing Bioks, Paper, Blank Bookg, School 15ooks, Sktes, Quills. Steel Pens, Pencils nnrl stationkkv, of any kind, that at Perry's Bookstore istlie placa to buy. 1500 PIECES PAPER HANG1NG3, Borllering, Fiie Boards, and Sand l'aper. which wili be sold for cash, Standard and Miscellanooua tiooks,suitable for District, Toivn ship and Familv School Inspectora nnd others inieresied, are requested to cali and examine h is asortmenl. - Also, Union Sabbath School books. ü Iaree variety, nnd t'nr superior to the ifill) Library both in binding and matter. Also, Biblea, Teslamcms. l'rayer Imoks and Hytnn books. ?0UTHS' BOOKS, Moral, Reiigious, insiruclivc and ainuing,sticb as n, ay salely be put into the hands of ibe voung. ÜOLD PENS, wiih Gold and Silver cases, a superior article. The snbscriher lias made ar"angements in New York which will enable hm at all times to obtain any thing in bis line direct from New York at sbon notice, by ËXPftKSS. It will bc seen that his facilities, ot accomodating his ctistomers witharticles not on hand is bevond precedent, nnd he is ready and willing to do every thing rensunab!e to nnke hts establishment sitch an one as an enlightened and discerning cotnmunity require. and he hopes ti merit ashare of patronage. Ptrsons wisbino; any artidd in hs line will do well to cali before purchnsing elsewbere. If yu forgel the place, enqnire lor PLRUY'S BOOK STORE, Ann Arbor. Upper Village. It is desirable ibat it sbouIJ e undersiood that persons in the Country. lending cash orders, mny depend upon recjiving books or stationery on as favorable terini as tbough present to make the purchase. VV. R. PERRY. June 2G. 8-17. 823 tf. Cheai Jewelry Store 157 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and ELetail. m - THE subscribe!' has jast returned from New York with a large assortment ol Gold and Silver Watcbes, jewelry, tools, mate rials, toyy, mu&ical Instruments and fancy goodá, which he will sell at whoksale or rctai] as uw as any es:ahlishment west of New York. Country Watch Makers and others wanting any of the above Goods will find it to thcir interest to cali,, as they will find the bett assortment in the city, and at the lowest prices. GOLD PENS. with silver holder and pencil $2 00. Price Reduced. Gold and Jewelry REPATRED H. B. MARSH. 157, JefTerson Avenue, Detroit, ) tíign of the Gold Pen. ( 324 CCLARK,Attorney and Counsellor, and Justice oft he Peac OKce, Court House Ann rbof y Ultf FURNITÜRE & UPÍIOLSTER1NG WAREROOMS. STEVENS & ZUG, ÍN tbólower end of the White Block, direetly opposite the Michigan Exchank, have on land a large assortment of í'UIiNI'l'UfíE, of their own manuiacture, which they will sell very -ow for Cash. They also keep 6xperiencd tlpholsterers. and are prepared to do all kinds of Upholstering at the shortest notice. Fnrniture oi'nll kinds made to order of the jest material, and warrantcd. STEVENS & ZVG. Detroit, January, 1, 1847. 297-1 y FOR SALE CIIEAP for CASH, or every kind of cour. try Produce, Saddles, Brid7es,Harness, Trunks, Valises, Trunk, Carpct Bags, fyc. Also a soocl assortment of Whips & Lashks, which will be sold very low, and no mistnkc. at CÜOK & ROBINSON'S. Ann Arbor, August 12, 1846, 277-tf STEEL GOODS! 33utscSílIts an i Erlmmínp SPLENDID FANS, and any quantity of othcr goods of ihis sort at the OLD MANHATTAN STORE, 317 Detroit. dK Suf fJ..eS Wl KÁlikili'jPrl.WirihX. Jti 9 P Wi Vf Hp'iW ' Wajj# tF iiw Vfifi Ke8s Albany and Troy Cut jJJ Naili :dto 6:ki. . 20 Kegs Wrought Nails Gd to 12d. 50 Boxes " Bollevemin " Glass from 7X9 to 10 X Í4. T0 Kegs pure Leadin Oil. 500 Ibs. " !ry. 300 Gallons Linsced Oil. "20,000 Tect Pine Lumbcr, sensoned, clear stuff. Together with a f'ull assortment ol" Locks, Latches, Butts. Screws. Window Blind Kasten' ings, &.c. for salú at within a fraction of Detroit prices. at the BIG ANVIL STORE, UPPER TOWN. HENRY W. WELLS. Arm Arbor, March 18, 1847. 308 T II 11 ES HING nïachines, TlIE uñdergigñed woutd intorm ilie public (bat he manulactures Hurse Powers riiict l'hreshing Marhfnes ai Seio, ol u tu.ienor kun) invcnici] by himgelf. Thes) Powers unil Machines are pnrtleulnrii ■ dnpted Ui ilie of I'aimeis whu wisli lo ute ihem lor threshing iheir iwn gr, in. The power, thicshcr and lixtmes can ;ili bc ladul into u comrnon sizrd wagon box aod drjQwn wiih qiv pair of horses. 'J'hry are designes) lo be uscd wiih four horses. nnd are .ibiindanily slroi g ful hal aurnber, and mny le snfely uaed wah s,x i cight norses wiih proper care. Thry n-ork wiih less ftirtoiigth oí hursea Mieording 10 the amoMu ol business dono ihan any uiher power, and will ihresh generally abnut ki(H) bushels nhi.-ii per lay with four lio:;cs. In oi,e inslance 148 busheli wheat wcre threshed in tlirue hout witli four horses. This I'ower and Machine contain nll the advantftgBfl nccessary to make tliein proiilable to tbs nurchiscr. They are Btrong and durable. - They are easily moved froni one place to another. The work of ihe norsos is easy on ihesi powers in compnrison to oiliers. and ilie price f LOWKIl iban nny mlirr power nnd machine, have evur heen sold in ilie State, ocoording to the real valué. The terms of pnrment will be libera) lor notes ibat yre known to be absolutely jood. I havo ■ number of Powers nnd Machines now rendy lor snle and persons wishing to blij are inviled to cali soon. SKPARATORS. lam pre pared to mafte Separators for thosf who may want them. Thn titility and advantages of this Power and Machine will evident to all on examininp 'he recomniendations below. All persons are cautioned against making ihese Powers nnd Machines; the unde-signed liaving adopted the neecssary measures for eecu ring letters pa'.ent for the same within the time required hy law. B. W. FOSTER. Scio, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 18, 1 3 -1 í i RECO.MMENDATIÓNS. During the year IS45, each of he undersigned pu rebasad and used either individually or jointly with others, one of S. VV. Foster's newly in vented Horse Powera and thresblng machines, and believe they are better adnpied to the use of Farmers who want Powers and Machines for their own use than any other power and thresh9T within our knowledgo. Tliey are calculated (o be used with four horseo and are of ampie strenglh for that number. They nppear to b construeted in euch a mam. er as to render tbem vory durable with liitle üübiliiy of getting out of order. They are eisily moved from one place to another. They can be worked wilb any numberof hands from four to ticht, ai-,d will thresli aboi't 50!i buahelr wheüt por day. J. A. POIJIEMUS, Scio, VVasbtsnaw co. G. IH.OOD. " T. RfOHARDSON, " " SAMUEL HEALT, " " 3. P. FOSTER. " N. A. PilELPS, ' " ADAM SMITU, " " J M. HO WEN. Lima, WM. WALKER. Webster, " TÜOS WARREN, " " D. SMALLEY, Lodi. " I threshed last (all and winter with one of S W. Foster's horse powers. more than (if teen housnnd bushels grain. The repairs hestowed up')n ilie power nmounted to only 0 cents, and it was in eood order when I had done threshing. 1 invariably used si. horses. AARON YOUNGLOVE. Marión, June 0, 1SIG. I pnrehnsed one of S. W. Foster's bore nowers Instfall and have used it for j.bbinc. I ïave used many different kinds of puweis an I believe thia is ilie best running power I hav everseen. D. S. BENKET. Hamburg. June, 1810. We purehiised one of S. W. Foster's ífor.-e Powers Inst tnll, and have used il and tliink it is i first rate Power. JEPSE HALL. ttÁNÍEL S. kAht, REUBEN S. HALL. Fftimburg, Jime. 1 84(3. 2C!)-tf TE E TH.' TEE TH!.' TEETHH.' MASTICATION and Articulatión, warranted by their being properly replaced. S. D. BUEJuTTT, will continue the practice of DF.NT1STHY in ill its variou8 branches, vi?. : Sealing. FiBing, and Insertingon gold plates or pivots. from one to an entile sett. Old plates or inisfits remoded, and made equal to new. OFFICE over C. B. Thompson & Co.'s Shoe Store, Ladios who request it, can be waiiedon at their dwellings. N. B. Charges unusually low, and all kinds ofPRODUCE taken. Ann Arbor. Dec. 5, 18-16. 293- tf COMSTOCKTsÈïTlttOUK, Dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goocis, Boots AND SHOES, HARDWARE, Crockery Á Groceries, at No. 3, Porier's Block, South sicle of the Public Square, 308 JACKSON, MICH. Keturnecl TAII.ORIIVG. inrnrÉi.:iiii THE Subscriber is desirous of informing lii old customers and the public enerally, Iba ne has located himself on Carrier's Corner, North side of the 6quere, wherc nll kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the present fas h ion can be done in a respeclable and prompt man ner. P. S. CUTTING done on the sbortest no tice and warranted to tit if properly made up. W. WILK1NSON. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 317tf Goldlëiis, PRICE REDÜCED. IT is admitted bv all who use them, thnt Piquctte's Gold Pens are equal f not superior to any ever oflèred in this market, price $2,50. For sale wholesale, nnd at the manuiacto ry, Corner of Jefferson Avenuo & Griswold St., Detroit. ;tl4-1yr AIso for sale b' C. BLISS, Ann Arbor. " ""NË3WGÖÖDS7" BY EXPRESS FROM NEW YORK. Spring Fashions. TFIE subscriber has just received a fresh asfortnient of Spring nnd Slimmer Guods and offers them for sale cheapk such as Broadchths of all description ; Salinets and Cassimeres, and every thing ín thePANTALOON and VESTING line, and every article usually found in a Merchant TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. He is now prepared to make and fit all kinds of gentlemen's gnrments, and would tender his thaiiks to his old cuetomere and the public generally, and solicita their favors. 07 G ARMENT S cut to order al all times. WM. W AG NER, DriAPiR and Taii.or, Muron Street, South of he PUBLIC SQUARE. Ann Arbor, April 28, 1S-I7 3?w ■nu: Marricd Woman's Prívale Medical Companioii. ; By Dr. A. M. Mauriceau. PROFESSOR Of' D1SEASES OF WO.MK.N. [Tiinl EdUfpn, Smn. ip. :,() Prict $1 CiO.] 25,OOO COIMES SOI D IN 3 HONTHB. The greai demand f ir ihia most important work (of wliich tliousands are soht) has compeiled rite ' issue of anollicr ditioo. Ji is intended í.-apecially 1 fbr ilie rnarried, as it disclose impartan: eecrei6 ; , wliich should be known lo ihcm partieularly.- f líele every fernale ein discover the causes symp ' toms, anri tlie most eilicicnt remedies and mos' [ certain mode of cure, in every complaint to which 3 lier set is subject. Married femóle wil! here lenrn t!ie art where■ by they wotild re'nin their youth, vigor, beauty, elasticity of body, and buoyancy of spirits to an . advanerd a;e, ns:ead of being aillicted, as hun1 dreds and thousanda are, in'o whose hands this ? book has yet lallen. It is an importaril question to the married why . it is that e behold so many married fomales ' sickly, debilitated, and prostraied ? ns also ihe causes; and whelher they are susceptible of rem ' edy. They will hcre find tliihjmportant matters, connected wiih difcuveru-s ín medical and physiolugicnl aeicnee, wliich meet ihis questiun. ■ . This work is desiincd to be in the hands o! every wifc and rnother vh'has a regard for her ) wn hcahl anj wulfme, aa weH as that of he; husband. 1 he revelations enntnined in lts pages aave al1 reatty proved a Missing to ihoasands. To those yet unniarned, hut contemplatinp ' marriage, or, perhaps, hesitaiing asto the pro prieiy of incurring the respnnsibilities altendant upon it, the importanco of being possessed of the revc'.ations eomained in lliese pages. so intimately nvolving their future happiness, cannot be appre i ciated. It is of course impossible to oonvey more fnlly, ', in a public journal, the various subjects treated of, . as they are of a nature atrictly intended for the . married or those contemplating mamare; neither is it necessary, eincc it is ev;ry one's duty to become possessed of knowlcdge, whereby the sufiefing8 to which n wife, a mother, or a sister may be subject, can dp obviated. Copies will be sent by mail f ree of -postase. Over ten thousand copies have beun sein b mail within t'irto tnonihs, with perfect tafety and certdnty. In no case has n remittance failedto reach the publisher, or ihe book timso tu vvhurn it has been directed. Od the receipt of One Dullar. the ' Married Woman'a Private M.dical Co-npnnioii" will be sent free of postage to any part o! the l.'nii, d S'ates. All letters must be addressed (post patdj lo Dr. A. M. Mauriccan, Box ■.I4, New York City. íublishing OíTice 129 Liberty streel. . York. For sale by all ihe priiic-pnl Bookselleri in the United Siatcs. Agents in Detroit, C. MORSE fe SON ; Ypsitanti, E. SÁMSON ; Anri Arbor. W. R. I'ERRY. Ferry's Bookstiire. '7-Xn. CLOril, CLOTHÏ ! rpiHE undersinned woufd inform the pulilii -L that tliey will con'.inue to in.iinifacturi Ki.lled Cloih, Capiiuiere and Flannel. al iliciKactory, two and a half milis west from Alm Arbor, on iiuron River near the Railroad. TEHMS i The price of making c!oih will b for Cassitnere, 41 ets. per yan' ; i'or Fulled cloih, 37 es. ner yard ; for while Flannel. ÍOcis. per yard _ We will also exohnngp chith for wonl on reason ablo terms. Wuol sent by railroad accompaniei' wiih inrtructiona wll be p.omptly aítended to. Wc have done an extensiva oiifrínoss in innnuficturiug cloih for r.usiomers j'or i-tvtral years, and believe we givs as good soTislnctfon as' ani Kstabli.-hment in the State. We iherefire invit'i our oíd customers to coutinuc, and ncw ones te come. Letters should be addressed to S. V. Fostff & Co., Scio. S. W. FOSTER A CO. Srio, April. 1847. 3 13-1 f. New Establishment. clocks, WATCHES, AND THEsubscriberwould respeetfully announce 'o the citizens of Dexter and vicini'y that he has opened a shop in the above place, in ihe corner store, formerly known as ' SheperdV; where he is prepared to do ..i. kinds of repairidg in the line of clocks. v;itehes. jewelry &ct on the shortest notice. 1avinghad about twelve years experience in some of the best Kastern shops, he flatters liimself that he can give enfin hatifaction to all those who may favor him wiih their work. He bas and isconstantly receiving, olncks. watihes. and jewelry ot alt descriptijns. which he will sell as cheap as the chenpest. W. W. DEXTER. ALSO GROCERIES of all kinds: sueh ns, Teas, Sugnrs, Molnsses. Rai'úns, Coífec, Peppers, Spice. Fish, (,'aiKÍies, Tobacco, Cigars &c.. &c. And in fact usnally keptin such an estab!ishment( u ik excetted) conslantly on hand and for sale cheap. W. V. DEXTER & Co. Dextkr, Marcli 6, 18-17 812-lf IBíit, Cap, A N D GENTLEMEN' S FURNISHING EMPORIÜM. T. H. ARMSTRONG, HAVING taken the Stand No. 53, Woodard Avenue. 3 doors north of Doty's Aucnon Room, recently occupied by J. G. Crane, as a Hat Siore ; and added the stock of the latter to his own, nnd aUo engaged in manufacturing every description of Í.17'S CAPS, He is now prepared to offer to the Public everv article in his line, either of his own or eastern manufacture, twenty-five per cent less than have been oflered in this market. In his stock will be fonnd Fine Nutra, Satín Beaver, Beaver, Otter. Bi'iish nnl Sporting Hats, Fine Cloih. Slik. Plush, Oil Silk and Velvet Caps ; alao, Rich Sük Cravais, Searfs, Handkerclieifs ; Kid, Thread, Silk. umi Buckskin Gloves ; Collars, Bosome, Walking Canes, Umbrellas, &c. T A I L O R I NG. The Subscriber has also secured ihe services of a first rate Practical Cutter, by which he will be enabled tofurnish garments of every style and description, and in the most approved and faahionable mnnner. He is eonatantly receiving the latest fashione, and, employing the best of workmen, he is eonfident that he will give the best of satisfaclion to all that may favor him wiih their patronage in this branch of his business. 310-tf SOAP Sperm and Tallow CAADLES alwayson hand very cheap at MAYNARDS Jinn Jlrbor VnMvh "'i 1 THE Subscriber having purchuíeü me imerists of J. M. Roekwell iu ihe MarlileBusiness, would infoTBa the inhnbi'nnls of th9 and ndjoinine connties. tha! he will rontinne the Ijusino s ai ilic olí sinnd. in tlie Upper Town, near ihe Prcsbyterian Church, and manufacture 10 order : Monuments, Grive Slones Paint Síone-, Talléis, %c. Sfc. Those wishing lo obtain any article n hisline of business will lina by calring thai íie has an as- sortmeiit of Whire and Varregoted Marble from ihe Eastern Marble Quarrics. which will bo wrought in Modern siyle, and ?o!d ai eastern prices. adding transportaron only. Cali and gel ilieproof. W. F. SPAULDING. Ann Arbor. Jan. HO. 1847. 272 I y CLOCKS AND WATCHESf SpgM rTIIIE Subscribeihas juf Ssw k -L received,(and ia conJy "iCrfJ aiamly receiving) from ff$ iÍBy? Ni;w York a elegant ai ti I JWBB wo" 6e'ccu;t' aseonnient Jewelry, Clocks, Watches, -Vc. &,c.whicli lio iniendü to sell asítuasai aciy othei" establishment iliis side oí Bufialo for rcudy p'ty oultj among wKich may be Ojund tht íollow - ing: a ffood asíjrtiiient oí Gold Fingcr Rings. Goldlirens: pins.Wristlets Guard Chain? and Keys. Siiver Spoons. Germán Silver Tea and T.ible Spooi.s (first quality.) Silver ond Gorman do Sugar Tongp, Silver SnIt.Muptord ;md ('rpani spotinf-Hnlter Knivcs. Gold and Silver I'encil Cases, Gold I', i;-. ■ ' Pfiieils. Sil vt r n m d Gerfnirn Si]er Thin)hJe8( Silver Speetadea, (itiiiia1? and Siceldo. Góggleí, Ctothes, liur nnd Tootli Pruaher, Lntbei l'miíhos, RazorsBBíl Pooket Knivi'c. Fine .Shi.'íirs anl Sciasxra, Knivisancl Ferks, Brittannia Tea Pots and C.'tsfoi s. Ilaled, Tríit-fr nnd Brrttanio Cainllestuks. iiullcrs & Tiaya, Siiavini: h -xt s nnd Soni8. Chapmni.'s Bcsi ftdTOT Strop. C.-ilInnd Voron-n WalleiB, 8ilk índ Cotton purges, Viulin afcll Biiwa, Viüün and L5n6 Viol Siiíhítí-, Fluir, Fifes. Clarionets. Aícordeans - Music J_'ok fnr the irme. Benito Sen!s. Sirel P( ns ;nl Twezers. Pen riiscs. Pnuffnnd Tuhüccp hoxei, fvury Dressing ('mutis. Sn!i' nnd Kíck and Pi ck - Rt Comba, Neeille cnsrs. Sielrllo, W'Mei Paini ind R'nshes, Toy Watches, n eresil vni'ny of Dolls. in íhmt tiu' sreatest varit-ij l tojs ev r 'orpuchi tn l Sis ninikct. Fancy work loxrs. el i1■Irpn's tea sella, Coloene llsir OiU. Pn.tlling Sntts. Conri Plastef.Tea Bells. Ttiírmonetei. Rerrjym Pioee. Wciod Pcpcüí. BBASS .vf) Wf)(H) CLOCKS. &c. in fact v y ihing to picase the fnnpy. l.adirs and Otntle"■(II. c.i'l nnd examine lor yiiKisrivrs. Cioeke. VValches nn.i Jew'elry repafrrí énH ■vnrr:intcd on pliori noiife Slmp at li i n'd -Jtnnd. oipesi'p II . T!e brick Siore. in i he St.irt; occupied !iy M. Whoflor. CALVIN 1SI.1SS. NT. B. - Cnsh piid Tor oíd Gold A Süvrr. Ann Albor. July Ist, 1840. 'JTI-ly THE SÜBSCRIBER has received his winter stuck. wlncli hcolli-is kir L'aU. it greaUy red uceil p:i;es. íhe Public are invited to cali, cxmiine. añil jüdgcfiir tbemselreg. S.v vn bant), and dni!y idding. SCFAS "I everv v:u ieiy ;ind pattern, ind the laiest (ishion. pnces Irom SO "d upward. DIVANS, OTTOMANS, LOUNGKS, BUREAUS, of al] kinds, from $1 and up. Centro. Card, Tea, Dress, Pier, Dining, and Nest Tabli-s. Wash. Cniulle, and Toilet Stands. Bedsteads- Msliogany, Mapje, and Wihtut, (rom "3 n:id up. Fortes ; Piano Covers ; Piano Stool. l).m!)!e and single Muresaea oi hair, shueA, palm lenf. or straw. Doublé and single Cot Bedateada. do do Writins Desks. CI1AIUS.- The be?t assortment that can be fotind west of New York and tb cheapest in ihis city. WindsJr Cha;rs, a goodnrticle, at $2 50 the sett. Mahogrtny French (hnirs, hair sent. a first rate article, and well finished for $:! 50. Cash only. Mahogany Rocking Chairs. hair seat and back, warrnnted good, at the low price of $12, for the cash only. Flag nnd Cane Seat from Cs. and tip. Bird Cages, plain nnd gallery : 3ird Glasses, ITobby-Horses, and Toy Wheelbarrows, for children ; Patent Shower and Hip Bathe ; Boston Bath Pans, Camp Stools. Umbrella and Hat Stands. Fancj BcMows. Foot Scrnpers, Cane Seat Counter and Boat Stonls. Curtain material, Tablecover8, Patent Post-Office Balancee. Picture Frames, Willow Wanons. Cradles, Chairs, Cloeks, and Batkets ; Brittannia Table Castora, very cheap. J. W. TILLMAN, No. 87. onAvenue. Detroit, January 1, 1847. 297-ly TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. We hive the Wholesale agency of this justly celebrated medicine. Two groes just received. .124 MAY.NARDS. BRICK. - We have on hand 300,000 first quality Brick. and prepared io lurnish any quatnity wantcfl, very low for cash. 324 MAYNARDS; FARMERS! ATTENTIOir i%f DOZ. Blood'sCradle Scythes, máJ 20 " Wadsworlh's "" 30 " Blood's Grass " 15 " .lenk's " " 101 Burnett's, Rogers' &Curtiss' Cradlea, 100 Lamson's Grnss Scythes, 10 doz. Tower's Hoes, 1000 lbs. Coil Chain from 3-16 to 5 S a. 40 Log Chains, Hay Knives, Bush Hooks. Hay, Bnrley, nnd Manure Forks, and all otlier Kiirming Utensils, just rpceivpd nnd lor sale at Detroit pnces at the Anvil Store, Uuper Town. HENRY W. WELLES. July Ist, 1847. 325 5TONS "Swedes" IRON, 10 " "Juniata" do. 3 " "Peru" do. Togethcr with a full and complete assortnient of Iron, Stee!, Carriage Trimminga, Blncksmith's and Waggon Muker'a Tools, just receivcd at the Anvil Store, Upper Town. HENRY W. WELLES. July 1,-17. 323


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