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Board Of Supervisors

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Tlris week e fin'sh the official jopr nal of ihe Board of Supervijtora of' t'.ii - couui y, nntj vvpuld ta!;e occasion la cal! atlenüon lo iome things respeeting the. j tribuna] of interest to the voters n il, e] State genera'ly. Every body knows that the BonrJ hear nnd determine n'l claims against 1 cuunty; aridany person dissntisfied wi;h their aüowance, however liberal, m.-iy appe;il to ihe Circuit Courl - from tlie ! judgtnont of twenty substantial business : men, to one laiver, whoe rank and! stntion naturally place him on a leve',! not vvith plain working men, but wit!i ■ he arislocratic clasíess. From our: knowledgn of human nature, we tnny llierefore, snfely nLsumo,ti):it I.o will bc guided, in detorniining nppeils, rothpr by former p.recedents and liy tl;e imporlunities oí greedy nppellants, who live in and ne.-ir the county seat, many of wl o'ii ;ire [lersonnl fiiends, acquaintances, find polUicol part izan?, ratber tlian by n just ailowance fur the real valué of the Malvices renden d, or anieles furni;iiedtü the county. This system of appeM, we believe la be regtilarly pracficed by a dique in oach County who live out of the public crib. Their pian is to gel all t.'iey can They bring in claims bigher [hafi they would deinand of individual.--, and give t'ce thal f tl.ey be not nllowed, ihey hall Bppeal, and the Supervisors knowng thntan nppeal will mostlikely cesult n the ailowance of a sum perhaps 5(7 arger, are therefore iiidueed to alkw nore han tliey ot!,erise wouid. Tlius ho efibfta or' tha Board to save and econom'ze for the Countv, are renderei', in p 5reat degree, ntigatory, Ly the operetiona f lilis "one man power" which is daced over thera. The power to appenl f rom the decisión if a large Board whaaro severally held rcsponsible by their conslituenls, to tha! of a soliiary lawyer, who, feo n his posiion, is muoh more likely to be intiuenced by personal friendship or poüücal e, than by any fear of needless drawüg uuon the public treasury, in our judgmen', should be taken The Board of Supervisors are generally substantial uid intelligent men, and conversrmt with he prices of labor and materiu's.and eomng as ihey do from of the County, ihey will rarely do injustice to nny one. Upon an ordinary claim, no aetter jui y than the Board of Supervisors could bc summoned togetlier. No person is obliged to stil artilles to the County, or to labor for it, and if they fe:tr the judgnient of the Board, they need not place themselves in a position to fer f rom t. Tho system of nppealing s usually succossful to the knnwing ones. By the stalement of the Board in to-days paper it will beseen that last year, the Circuit Couit allowed 011 appea!, the aggregate surn of iJ97'2,43, more than the Board of Supervisors allowed. Tliie may seem a a small sum ; but recollect thai the gaine isplayed in more than thirty Counties at ihe same time. the average of the addilionnl allowancc tlius made by tho Circuit Court lo be $500 a year in each county, wo have the sum of $15,OOOayearpnid by the State, nineteen twenliethe of which go to swell rales o compensntion nlrendy nm[)le. In ten years, the nniount thus paid in our new sta:e would be not less than $150.000. If uur meinoFy serves us, atteinpts have heretofore been made to get the legisla ture to take away tliis power of appeal but the influences in that body were so (!ccirlodly agninst ihe iti!errs'B of public economy and of ihe lnboring man, thnt tbey woro entirely unsuccessful. Tho old practice is continued by th llevised Smtulrs of last year.


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