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From The War

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Open and undisguised hostiüties have at last broken out between Sania Anna and Paredes. A manifestó has been issued by the lalter,in which the Ex-Presider.t is announced as an enemy of the Mexican pe-iple and the Mexican nationuY.ty. La'er dnies fhm the nrmy have al-o come lo hond by this nrrival. Maj. [turbide remnined n prisoner. Lt. Sear, benrcrof despatches frnm Scolt and Commissioner Trist, carne passengers in the " Day." lie was ncosied by a Mexican spy, employed in that service by Scott. Tivo engngemerils with the enemy occurrednear Puebla, in whiehthc American party had 18 kiüed.and the Mexicans r.ear 100. The Mexican furces wero commandeá by Gen. Torajon. General Scott has coromenced Ihe i ermanent occupation of the naliooal road petween Vera Cruz and Mexico. A girrison of 750 men has been e tablished atthe National Bridge; nnoiher of 1200 men, under command of Gen. Cushing at Jalapn, and a third, of 2000 men, under Lañe, ot Puebln.. Gen. Lañe is quartered in heartof the new ciy. Santa Anna was at Zepacan, as late ns ti. e 2Gth of Octobei'. A rumor that h had escaped souih, towards Gualamala, is therefore true. A sortof civil war has broke oaí among fbe guenillus. i! orrgifiated in a qnarrel between Pudra Jaranta and Gen. Canalizo, and rcaul'cd in a seve:e ba!:le ' lietween their respective commands. - P;idra Jaranta carao offvictoríous at last - 30f Hves los!. Capt. Wa!ker1s body remained unburiedTbr twodays; his denth cau?éd a sensatiot) ihroughout the whole arm_v. The Mexican Spy Compai y that bro't the dispaiches from den. Scott, number 100, and ai'o under command of Co!. Iïomaogirest. They left Puebla on the evening 6f tlie 14th ult. and were attaclieJ during that day by Terrijon-, with a large furce - and shortly afier by Col. Vames. Their loss in the two engngemenls was nbout 15 men, whilsl they killed upward-s of 10 of iho 150 atfactíng Pais. Gen. Scolt ís said to have ot least 450 of thoser Mexicar. Spies undcr Fris commund. The St. Louis pnpers, received fo-dny, inform us of the arrival in thnt citv of a genlleman, ho brings news from Santa Fe up to the 17th Sept. At a fandango on the 13th, some difficulty having arisen between a Mr. Bolt, and a private in Capt. Garner's corrrpany, thc latter drew a piftol and shot the former. h caused some excitement utnong tbe people, but tbe culprit was iminediattly placed under arrest, by the officers of the com pany, and as the matter will undergo a legal investigation, all parties appenred satisfied. At Saata Fe, on the ISttq the troops were all in excellent health. f he Illinois regiment stationed al this place, expected shortly to be reinforcetl by the arrival of some fresb troop. Col. Eastton' enforced rigid and tvas very popular with the troops. The inhabitants e.tpressed themselves much pleased with hisgovern-rnent, and seemed satisfied that tliey were used belter than they ever had been befo re. Accounts from Monterey of 29th Oct. , Mate thnt the guerrilla'chief,Mastinez,was n the vicinity of ihat post wiih about 70 men, elegantly möunted anti armed. He has sacked several ranchos near Coderazetta, where he is said to have obained a rich bobty. Accounts from Tampico' to the 4th, state that much sicknesj prevailed latere. The IHih'ols battalion slntioncd there had lost a vast number of men during the past tvvo months. Company K. had j buried 30 men and Captain - oiher 1 panios could not muster mote' than 12 or I 15 men each. The Louisiana regiment went lhere with 8öO or 900 men, and cannot now muster more than 200 men for p?.rade.


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