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The Fishing VVome.v. - A correspondent of the Portland Argus, writing froin Mount Desart, Me-, furnishes the following: The two 'fishing ivomen,' somewhat celebratcd on this coast, reside on the Island. One of them carne very near being carried to the bottom by n halibut a short time since. Asistheir cii3tom,one got ín the bow and the other the stern, witli the little skiiFnearly fiiled wiih fish. The womnn in the boiv of the boat, hooked a very lnrge hnlibut, nnd caüed her associate to'heip, but she did not leave her boat for fear of sinking her laden boat. The fish was allowed to run to the bottom Iwo or three times to g6t worried, nnd then drawn alongside ío be killed and drawn in. It seems he did notíike to be rnastered by a loné vomsrn( and resisted. In the afTrny a large cod hook, atlached to the line, was di'awn into hr hr.nd - and then carne the danger. The unsubdued monster, being in his nMive element?, now set out for the bot lom ngain : bul the herome, not wishing to accompany him, clung to the bon - She was drawn nearly overboard, but before loting her liold of ihe bont the line providentiaily pftrted and she thus became d:seng;iged. To this foet alone she oives the pieservatioü of Ier lite, The fish was probably from six to nine fest in length. The 'fisliing wonnen' followed théir business closely, and nre very successful. lt 3 supposed thal they have mado -$200 annually on an average, 15 years past ; and notlung will induce thern to charige their employment ; they are n moilu'r and daughier, the mother being over 60 ofagc. The ArglM saysthat the hook referred to in the above, was drawn through the tliick part of the hand, and was cut out aiid the hffn'd is now doing welt. The no LícenSeLaw.- ■TlieSuprerre Court of Perrnsylvania, now in session at Pittsburg, have decidé'd the "No Iicense Law" of that State to be uoconstitutional. The opinión has' not yet been published. Long Húmanity. - Ñathan Larrrprmn. of Coxackie, New York, who is now Í6 years of age, and seven feet one inch in bidsfsir tb become a man of higher sltmding in the world thai) any man now living, having grown nine inches during the past year, and oh íhe usual rules of growth, will probably rèach nt least one foot more. Ho weighs 102 pounds. Pretty Good. - Án oíd lady living on one of the Telegraph lines leading from this city, rAsei ved soine workmen digging a lióle near her doof. She enquired wlial it va=; for I ''To put a post in for the Telegraph," was the anser. Wild with fury and afiVight, she incontinenti}' seized her bonnet, and run to her next neighbor with the news. "What do you tliink !"sho exc!a!me'J,in breaililess haste' "they'.-e a-settin up that cüssed parigraph right ngain my door, and now I rcckon a' body c'nn't spank a chiltS, or scold a Imnd, or chnt wilt] a ncigiibor, but tliaf plnguy thing'll bo a-blabbia t all oVer crention ! t won't stan4 il ! Irll move right nwny, where there ain't none of them onnate'ral fn.vins !" - Louisville Examiner.. Nof at Home.- "Is Mr. Bluster within ?" "No he is out of towiy," said ihe scrvant. "When can I sce him t' "I don't knov ; haVe y'ou airy special business ,rWitrr Mr. Bluster ?" "Yes theré is a smal! bill Wirli wlvich l wish to setlle," "Well," sa4d the servan, 'I don't' know wheilier he wiÜ return tïiis weekor Bot." '■But I wish lo pay the bil!, as I am to leive town imfnediately." you wish to pay some mony ? he is up stairs l'm thinking : I will cali hlni. - Please to walk into the drawing room : tako a chair; your hat, if you please; Ui. Bluster will bo down in a rmment. Van Ánihcn'sSÍcrew Machine. - This invention has been put in successful operation at Trention, N. J. The Daily News remnrks :- -We have been looking at a very curious and successful machine, recently invented by ono of oUr cilizeris, Cor making screws. There are a variely of machines for fhis pui-pose already, bul th's is docidedly the most perfect of nny in use. It does the tfork belter,nd more rapid!-y ; ana will turn out the screws almost as fast as you can count. The sorev is hended and formed be'ure it goes into thff mnchine. A shovel full or more is then fiirowo into a sort of hopper, and they come out atanother part of the m:ich:ne witli iho screvv cut and ready fo" use. There is nu transferring of the iron from one place to bul the thrend ! is perfecteó and the screvv complete when it faüs from the machine. The thread is cut wilh great neulniss, and the whole operation is exceedingly beautiful. The inventor of ttfis currfcnw macWne is Mr. Wni. Van Anden. Progress of CíviLíZáTío.v. - The peopleofihe third municipality, New Orleans, are about to have a bull-ñght. It is to be after the Spanish and Mexican fashion and the preparations are on a scale of great magnitude, equnl to any lliing in the famous Spanish exhibitrons of the kind. Prompt Arrest. - Chas Blaka decnmped f rom Bufialo with $700 worth of Silks, fur New York. He was arresled on his landing i thaí cïfy, newa having been forwarded by te!egraih. We live in the days when rogues are struck by lightning. A River Monster. - Contracts have been liiade for the building of a steamer, i to run on the Hudsonfour liundred feel lona. The c:ilcula'.ion is, ihat she wi II run to Albany ana back daily ; or in iwelve or thirteen hour?. The Hendrick Hudson is, we believe, the longest boat hitlierto built. Siie is 330 feet long. The way the World Goes. - We are informed of an inciJent which displays the wonderful speed of the Telegraph. A merchnnt of this city vvishing to draw opon a debtor in Cincinnati for $2000 senl a Tdegrauhic despalch. - Within forty minutes f rom thé time of W riting the order in bh counting room, a draft was rettfrned, and the njerchant had lus money in his pocket. Fourteeu hundred miles bosides the business details, in less than forty minutes! A message vvas recently received in New York, over the telegraphic wires frorti Monfrea!, 'deiivered, answered, and the receipt of the 1 swer acknowledged by the operator in Montreal, in ihe sliortspace of thiny miniiier.- N. Y. Tribune. We are infjnned by a gentleman just from Kalamazoo. that tiiough the work on the Centrnl Railwny is progressir.g as fast as money can carry it, the engineers do not expect that it will be upened to New BufFnlo, on lnke Michigan, before the spring of '49. But by that time, the heavy rail will be iaid on the whole line, and it will thon be as good a road as there is in llie United States, besides being a first ül.iss dividend paying stock. The distance (200 miles j eau bë run easily in seven hours. - Wisconsin. NiXoXrX Suspension BriroiSE.-The contract for the building of this magnificenT su'perstructure has beerrtakrn by a gentleman from Philadelphia al $180,000. It is to beab'ut50 feet in lengt!), and lo sustain o weight over and abovn iis own of 450' lor. A tiain of cars 100 feet in léngth with their usual load will weigh about 140 tons ; so ihat the brkige will sustain over 300 tons more than a loaded train. The work is tobe completed by lire 4th' of July, 184-9. There never has beeit a fatal duel in C'onneciictif. The only duel of which judicial notic'e has ever been taken, was fouglit between two servunts in the family of a gentleman of New Haven, in the early part of the last century. The weapons wei-e carving-knives, b;i'. rwithér Was badly hurt. Thfey were sehteníéd to be tieti hand to foot, ihi'own1 irtto a cellar, and kept on bread and waler for a week. The was rigorously enforced, and1 frorn thnt time forth, the spirit ofchivalry was rebuked ;n Yankee land. Central Railroad. - The Central Railroad Company are doing a large business on the road. The receipts for the inonth of October were $60,000 96. - Considering the running expenses, length of road, &c, we venture to say ihcrre is not in the United States, a road which pays as well to the stockholders. - Free Préss: A largo nurrAer of Telegraph posts have been set betweeiï Newark and New BrunsVick b'-longing' lo' the company nctingutidcr The New Jersey charter. - The posts are shorter by four 6'r (rva feet, than those' at present in use, and are set nearly ns rliick agairr. This compatiy will ustï House's printing machine at the twoextremitiés, inste'ad of that nvented by Professor Morëe. Over 40 miles of :he plank road between Rome and Oswego are completed, and the work ib progressing rapidly. - This wil) bethe largest plank road in the United States. The Bible amono the Shakeks.- The Shakers, nol long sirrce, callod oír the Bible Agent at Cuncord, N. II., (Dr. i Chadbitrn,) for four dozen Surprisetl and delighied, ilie' ngprït inquirfr], r'How 3 fhis t l thought the Shakers inCnntPrbirry did not allow the Bible arncr.g tlieir itiemtoers." "Nay," sa!d the Shakers, "we do no-w. The Millirfeet Ihat joined us last fal! wnnt Schools, nnd Bibles to uso in them. How many can thee give us '" "Youare ab!e to pay,;' said the agent, "and we cannot give tliem all ; buf ifyoiï pay for three dozen, [ will throw in one dozen more." ''Itis well," said the Shakve. Ii seenfis Uiat about 50 Millerites, Inving run through thcir property, went last : fall to the Shakei-3. .Wlio can teil but even the Millcrites may be the occasion of good to somebody ? - Boston Trav. Anti War. - In our pooler moments i we do not think war is riglit ; but then , we are hired to do it. - Private Soldier. Our shnre in the expense of a Congress and Courtof Naüons fur preserving poaco wuuld not maintain one gun boa:. Wherever Christians go, they wliitsn he soil with human bones; and I will not have Christiaiu'ly n tny empire. - Lmperor of China. Pumpkin Vines bï the Rod. - Mr. J. Goodnough, of Juy, has raised sixty Pumpkins f rom one seed, this senson - ■ twenty-five ofthem are ripe. The lenglh of the vine and branches f rom this ssed, measure thirty-one rods and a half. We told Mr. GoodnoHgh. that ihis wou-ld be n very long story for the editor of a paper. I not poüiical, fo tel! ; it is ainrost egaal I to the story of the fellow that waschased by a cucumber vine, and after scalinga fence, fourid n erop of small cucumbers fn bis xicket ; but Mr. Ö. snys he can prove his story by his neighbors - so here I yon have it. - Maine Cultivator. A Fieid fok Surgeons.-- One offlie Surgeons of the Army, ï-iiing to a frïond afler the batiles of Contreror and Churubusco, says : 'I turned round to look at my amputating table ; linde, it was a perfect heap ofarms and !sgs; and looking at myself, I fjund I was ecvered with blood froin head to foot!' It issaid that Davis, (he C'airíoyant is about (u e'stablish a weekly paper iti New York ta be called the Univercffilum. - By his clafirvccyant power, ho can, of courte, cormnuüicsfö a knowlcdge cf events ït the (me of théir occurance in all i paris of the earth. This will make the Univercoelum quite popular. It will be aliead of ihe Telegraph, and it wil' have in addition, features which even the Telegiaph cari neve'r aspire to. 'the business of the Planeta is jirst as familiar to Mr. Davis, as the events here trampiring. and it will bebirt ashort time, until the indofatiguble nevvs boys, in addition to "ioday's great b:ttle in Mexico," will be erving the latfist news f rom Herschel, urn, the Sun, Moon and stars general Iv. This is a great country. - Soulhport Telcgraph. An associa'.ionlias recentiy been formed in England, the capital of which is L150, 000, in 6000 shnfes of L25 each.- "Thè object of thisassociation islhepurchase of hrge tracts of larrd in Wsslern Virginia, which land is to be soíd to emigrants in lots of 80 acres and low pfiaetk A deposit of ed per acre will he required for any purchase', but ihe purchaser will not be required to' rrïake hisselection of the qiiantiiy secured by deposit until1 liii arrival on the land. - The residue in instalmenls, within a period of fivc years from the date of the purchase." Mosaic Glass Floorino. - Mr. P. Ilovings, of Hartford, the Times ofthat city says, has madé a highly important discovery. It is' a composition cheaplv obtained,with which he makes glass pintes for flooi'ing- a substitute for mai'ble,being stronger and more beaulifu!, and full fifty p'br centcheiper. Hehas made a discovery in Ihe process of coining, by whicli the plates are mnde to partake of ever; veriety ofeobr which forms a pTirt of the glass, and can never be eradicated or lesscneó in freshness. The Quehec editors wi-Il hnve nothing to do wiih the telegraph, so exorbitant is its charges. Frl'its tfp Var. - The Tiiornton, whose fate it Was to sacrifree his life in the Afexican war,' is now in a county pobrliouse, in Deleware, in a state of pnrtial derangemönl,' the result of the unfortunate loss of her husband. Scène at ttiÉ Gallows. - Tho negro boy whb'murd'ered his masler near Flemingsbnrgy Kéntucky, was exêcuted at that place oft Monday week. Tiie's-iys there w'aS an immense crowd of people prseTit, which pressed forvtfarj to (lie gnl loivs 'amidst laughing, jcers and awful oaths.' Alter tlw execulion, drunkenness and fíghting became the orJerof the da-, and before the corpse was cold, trials for fightin'g were boing held in the Court house. The Telegraphic comitiunication between N. York and Montreal is now complete a distance of 1000 milos. Öhk Electton. - VVr have returns from nenrly nvei-y county in the State, and the' Cleveland Plain Dealer ssys tliat the result is thnt the Whigs have thfi Sena!e by tvvo majority, nnd the House by six or eight majority- tl:c samo os Tast year. TheC'ncinnaii FïêrnM,y :'- IfSlavery be, indeed nr divine Institulion, we are clearl-7 of opiltfon Ihjït nonn bu: t he Saints" sliould par.ioipule in i'.s blessing--, either as master or slave. ÏIogs in Omo. - By a eensui of tlie swinish muililude in Oiiio, pubüshcd in the Cincinnati Atlas, it appears that that species of popnlnt'on is ineïonsing 't the West, q'iiie as fa! as thnt of the bipeds. Tlie whole nurnber of liogs i O!iio is now but lillle sho:t of 2,000,000 Wii.l it be Dorsi: 1 - A celetbraled stenmbont builder ai New York hasjjsl concludod a contrast lo bCfild n 3teamboat fouf hundred fee.L long. líe guarantees that tbc boat wül aMain an nveragn tpeed of twenty five miles per hour. A Miivaclc! ! - Tvo wriiing Masters Trom the South, ncetftiy made oppearance in this vilage and solioited snbscriptions for a W riting School. Thry professed to be or dcaf and dumb men, and m'.ich synipnthy was feit for theifunfortunate situation, and a large School was obtained - tliey kpt School for a few nights in the ToVn Mali, anl gave apparent satisfaction. Atnong the Scholars were peveivil young ladies, kind souls ; oneof whom whispered sportively to another: "Foor unibrfumies, they are pretty, I should like to kiss ons of them." When one of the M ut f.9 who could retmin silent no longer, evclaimed, f:you mavf my deary,' if you please." - The next eveningthe mtite Masters were missing at Scliool, and we suppose are rpjoicing in the great cure eíTected, or regretting tbat they missed in fiiling fheir Shri VELLïb W'allkts, by f'nis new YANKEE TRICK. We unde-sland they carne tho same trick at Liwrence, Mass. - Exelnr News.It is said, by ot:e who knows. though we #111 not vouch for the fact, that a young man in New Haven, CoTin.v of great was accustorrïed. belore lus marri.ige, to'ride out with vs betrothf.d, bat with the' eapress stipttlation that in case he dit) not rmrry her, she should pay half the expense of the team.- Exctange Paper. Mrs. Runkle washung at Utica, Nov. 9th, foi ihe murder of husband. The Co-urt martini upon Co!. Fremont, it s sa;d, is likely to occupy several i weeks, ff mot moiilhi, before tis ' ted. New Use of the Dagurreotype Art. - The Art Union says that M. Brunnel, a c'on'tractor on the ha'lian and Auitrinn Rnilroad from Florence toPisloji, lia n daguerreotype picture sent hun cveryevening, which reprësents the state of thé works at thé poirft whèré it was taken.- TlVuste bas attbe en.I of every day, exact information of the programs of tbs vvoik at bolh ends of the line, ; i.d of the s:yle in which ths building bas been con'duciecí. RJethotjtst Ciicrcii. - This church, hns sufl'ered adiininution of the number of is members this year, of 12,741. - We nAice nniang many olherchurches, a pi'oportioriale dim?:iuüon; Whyis this Í Decorations in Leatiier. - A new disoovery lias recently been made ín England, by wliic.'i leaiher can be wroughti uto ihe mojt elegnnt upholstery and decorative anieles. Èat vé hardly think it equal to the iiivcnlion of a young mechaniü in this town,' who bas discovered and patfthtcd a procesa by which he can convert raw hide into a subslánce like horn, well adapieil for all the uses to vhicli horn is applied, and niany others beáiiies. Tbecost of ireparivg the liide is tnfling, and ihe article rnanufactured from it, which we have seen, cannot be dislinguished' from' reaf horn by the closest observe r. - Ex. Where -íhé Money goes.- A áíile of governrnent horses took pla'oe at' Matamoros,' of t'hé2Oth uit; S09 were bid off at S'10 a head! nearly a'l óf thesa cost al least $100 apiecé, besiiJe? the expense' of transportaron and forage. Rüssia and Austría. - The E-mperors of these cóuntries hnve forbid nH persons to erect mïgpelic telegraphs, unless by their special permission. No wonder. - The Telegraph is a mösf poívéifúl enemy of absolutis.n.


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