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Jenny Lind And The Mesmerist

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In the Manchester Courier we find the füllowing i-ingular statement, which we give without note or comment: "On the3d inst. Mad'ille Jenny Lind, ncoompanicl by Mr.and Mrs.S.Scliwabe, nnii a few of their friendí, aitcnded a soiree at Mr. Braid's for Uir pui-pose of witnessing so me of the extraordinary phenomena of hypnotism. There were two girls who work in a wareliouse, and wlio had just come in their worfcing attire. Having throwniliem into the sleep, Mr. Braid sul down to the piano, and the moment he bfgan pleying lolli somnnmbulisis approached a;.d joined him n singinga trio. Having awakcd one of the gir!s,Mr. Braid made amost startling nnnouncemeni regarding the one who wasslill in the sleep. He said, nlthough ignorant of the gramrnar of her own Iangunge when awke, when in the sleep slie could accompany any one in the room n singir.g songs n any language, giving bolh notes and words correctly-a feat which she was quite incompetent to perfonr. in the waking condil ion. Mr. B. requested any one in the room to put herto the test, when Mr. Scliwabe playeii and sang a Germán song, in which she accompanied him correctly, giving bolh notes and words simullaneously willi Mr. Schwabe. " Another gentleman then tried her with onein Sw,di.h words, in which the somnanbulUV rccompai.if d her in the most perfect both ns rrgnrded words and masía. Jenny now seerned resolved lo test her powers to thfe utmost by a continuad strain of the most difficult rouhuds nnd cadenzas, including some of her extruordiiiary soslenalo note, with all their infleciions Crompianissimo to forle crescendo, and again dimini.shing to ihread-like pi.-inmissiino, bui in all these funtastic Irick and displays of genius by the Swedish Nighiinga'e, even to the shake, she was so closely and accurately trscked by the somnambulis! ihat several in the room ocensionally could not have told, nierely by hearing, thattliere were two individuals singing - so ortantaneously did she catch tlie notes and so perfect ly did their voices b'.end nd oocord. "Next, Jenny having been tolJ by Mr. Braid ihat she miglit Le tested by someother language, commenced 'Casta Diva,' in which the fidelity of the somnainbulis-t's performance, both in words and musie, folly justif'" ' n that Mr. gcd reg:inl:i;g her powers. The git-1 has naturally a good voice.and has had a little musical instruction in some of the ' Music for the Million' classes, but is quite incompetent of doing any such feat in the waking condition, either as regards singing the notes or speaking the words with the accuracy she did in tbfi somnambulist state. She was also tested by Mad'ille Lind inmerely imitating langunge, when she gave most exact imitations; and Mr. Schwabe also tried her by some difficult combinations of sound, whieh hesaid lie knew no mie wa capable of imitating correctly at once, and that whelher spoken slowly or quckly. " When the girl was nroused she had bo recollection of anytliing wlilch had been done by her, or that she had affurded such a high gratificaron to all present. She said she mereiy feit somewhat out of breath, as if s.he had been running. Mr. Brnid attributes all this merely lo the extraordinary exallation of the sense of hearing, and the musoular í-ense Bt a certain singeofilie sleep, together vvith tlie abstrncted slnte of the mind, which eriables the putients to concéntrate their undividet? nttention to the subject in hand, together wilh entire cotifidencs inlheir own povvers. ':By this means, they can appreciate nice shndes ofdirTerence in sound, which would wholly escnpe their observntion in the ordinary condfiion, and the vocal organs are correspondingly more under control, owingto the exalted stele of the muscular sense, nnd ihe cuncentrated aitention nnd confidence in their own pawers with which he endeavors to inspiie them enables them to turn these exalted senses to the best adrantage. It is no gift of ihluition, as they do not understand the meaning ofihe words they ulier; but itis a wonderful example of the extrnordinnry powers of imitating sound at a certain stage of somnambulism. And wonderfu! em.ngh i t most assuredly is." The Galveston (Texas) Nqws, in urging the claims of Gen. Tnylor to the Presidency, ays : "Gen. Taylor is a southem man, a large plnnter, a slaveholder, is identiñed with the South in interes!, education, long eninblished hobils, sympathy, nnd fi.xed principien Does ihe South want a President t' sustnin iis interesfa regnrdless of party ? or are iliey In ustain party reeea of its interest l" Co!. Chathain of ilienew Regiment of Tenue-sre volunteers is only '23 years of nge. There is iio soldier or voïunleer in the Regiment whos ngccxceeds 30 yearp, en-i ihe average ftge ie 28.


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